[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - .ear classloading

2008-07-30 Thread samkhanski

Is it possible to specify in which order JBoss loads classes? The application 
on which I am working is deployed as an exploded .ear. There is an APP-INF 
folder under which resides both 'classes' and 'lib' folders. I'd like JBoss to 
load classes from the 'classes' folder before the 'lib' folder. The reason why 
is that I have configured my Eclipse output folder to write to the 'classes' 
folder - obviously I'd like those files/changes to be picked up first. I have 
confirmed that at present JBoss is looking in the 'lib' folder and NOT scanning 
the 'classes' folder - I guess my first problem is getting JBoss to scan the 
'classes' folder!

Perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree and I shouldn't even consider writing 
directly to the 'classes' folder from Eclipse?


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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - EAR classloading

2007-02-17 Thread attodorov
Hi All,

Our company is evaluating JBoss as an application server choice for
our current applications to be deployed on. I have two questions
regarding the structure of the EAR in JBOSS with respect to class

According to the J2EE 1.4 specification, one can put utility jars in
the EAR, which are visible to all wars and EJB modules that make up
the enterprise application. I am trying to do that with JBoss, but get
ClassNotFoundExceptions. If i put all jars in the WAR that needs them,
all classes are loaded properly.

My second question is regarding class loader isolation in the EAR
scope. Suppose I have some enterpise application and several webapps
in it. At some point they both require the same libraries (jars), but
one of the webapps wants to use a specific version of some jar only
for itself. If I have some X.jar as a utility jar visible to two WARs,
and WAR 1 has another version of X.jar in its own lib directory, which
classes will be loaded first when the respective class in the webapp 1
requests them - the ones in its own lib directory, or the shared ones?

My JBOSS version is:

Version: 4.0.5GA(build: CVSTag=Branch_4_0 date=200610162340)
Version Name: Zion
Built on: October 16 2006 

Thank you very much for the feedback.

Best Regards,

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