[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-06 Thread svadu
Do your tests use JBoss microcontainer in all cases?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-06 Thread svadu
There is also somewhat older article from JBoss about Seam performance, might 
be interesting as reference information: 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-06 Thread gonzalad
Never in fact.

Why ?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-06 Thread svadu
I wouldn't be surprised if you don't get very high performance using 
microcontainer because you're not using full JEE capabilities of application 
server. But since you didn't use MC I can't comment on your numbers (I am not a 
performance tuning expert).

Was the JSF (without Seam) application a 'full' equivalent of a Seam 

I don't have hard numbers but in my case I had performance improved (didn't 
need to measure to see improvement) a lot mostly due to moving lot's of stuff 
from request (session scope was not acceptable) scope (JSF application) to 
conversation scope which reduced amount of database trips a lot.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-06 Thread gonzalad
"svadu" wrote : I wouldn't be surprised if you don't get very high performance 
using microcontainer because you're not using full JEE capabilities of 
application server.
I really don't see how MC would explain performance gain between plain jsf and 
seam. But I've never used MC. Could you explain MC benefits for my use case ?

"svadu" wrote : Was the JSF (without Seam) application a 'full' equivalent of a 
Seam application?
Yes, I've just removed Seam from the spring sample which is included in Seam 
2.0.0 GA distribution.

"svadu" wrote : I don't have hard numbers but in my case I had performance 
improved (didn't need to measure to see improvement) a lot mostly due to moving 
lot's of stuff from request (session scope was not acceptable) scope (JSF 
application) to conversation scope which reduced amount of database trips a lot.
I fully agree that it would increase my performance if I was using session 
replication in db. But since I'm not using session replication and I don't have 
session size problems, i don't see the benefits.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-06 Thread svadu
"gonzalad" wrote : "svadu" wrote : I wouldn't be surprised if you don't get 
very high performance using microcontainer because you're not using full JEE 
capabilities of application server.
  | I really don't see how MC would explain performance gain between plain jsf 
and seam. But I've never used MC. Could you explain MC benefits for my use case 

I didn't mean that MC would give you performance benefits :)

I think if you prepare more details (as you mentioned in the original post) 
it's likely Seam team will be interested in your case...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-06 Thread gonzalad
I'll send more info on Monday then.
Have a good week end and thanks for your help !

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-06 Thread gonzalad
"svadu" wrote : There is also somewhat older article from JBoss about Seam 
performance, might be interesting as reference information: 

Thanks for this review, I've already looked at it, but read it once more (in 
case of..).

But doesn't help ;((
page 24 short think time : in fact all vusers involved in all tests had no 
think time.
logging : no log in any my tests (only at startup).
client vs server state : server state always used (session size was 180 ko ouch 
! for all tests).
no ejb : so no call by value problem
vusers where between 5 and 15.
no load balancing
no session replication
and no .css or .js or image requested from my vusers !

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-10 Thread gonzalad
So Monday

Hello !

Here is some more information about the load tests we executed.

If you want more information please tell me. Also, if you have an idea on how 
we can achieve betters results, I'm interested (of course !).
Otherwise I think you can find some interesting comparative and instructive (ar 
least for me !) performance results.
Please note, I'm really far from being a bench expert or a system expert - I'm 
only a humble little developper so once more please - if anyone sees some
interesting optimization to apply just tell me !

Also, those tests were made on a simple application and are not representative 
for application in production environment
(we didnt' have time to code one for each framework :)).

>From our test: 
. Seam consumes 3 times (really average) more cpu than the same app with plain 
. JSF consumes 3 times (really average) more than plain old Struts like app.

I would have really expected at the beginning a performance ratio of 2 times 
more for Seam app that Struts like but it's like 10 !
arrrggh !
I - Test Environment

1. Injector platform used :
Pentium IV 3 GHz, 2 Go RAM.
Windows XP Professional SP1 with JMeter 2.3.

2. App Server
IBM JRE 5.0 SR6 64bits 
(Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 
pap64devifx-20071025 (SR6b)).
sxqwas02 : 6 Processors 2.1 GHz Power PC5
40894464 Ko
No clustering and no session replication.
JVM Parameters
Initial Heap Size = 256 Mo
Max Heap Size = 512 Mo
Web Container Threads = 
Session Timeout = 4 minutes
JDBC Pool = {connectionTimeout=60s, maxConnections=10, minConnections=5, 
reapTime=60, unusedTimeout=120, aged=0}
Threadpool : minSize = 5,maxSize = 20

3. Web Server
CPU : 1 proc 2812.972 MHz 
Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8220 SE
RAM : 1025372 Ko
IHS Parameters
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
StartServers 5
MaxClients 150
MinSpareThreads 5
MaxSpareThreads 10
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestsPerChild 1

II - Test scenario

1. Scenario
User uses jpa sample application bundled with Seam.
All vusers execute the following scenario in loop :
1. go to page /jpa/home.seam
2. loggin
3. user press the 'Find Hotel' button 
(no search criteria and max results=10).
4. user selects first record in the list
5. user books this hotel
6. user enters booking information
7. user confirms his reservation
8. user cancels his reservation.

2. mesurement points
All version of the application were tested with 15tx/s, 30tx/s, 60tx/s, 
120tx/s, 240tx/s.

3. Ramp up period/think time, vuser count, etc...
No think time.
No Ramp up period (we used a constant throughput timer in JMeter to limit the 
number of request to 15, 30, ...tx/s) depending on the scenario.

4. Applications tested
a. jpa sample modified to remove a4j and RichFaces components & libraries.
uses SUN RI 1.2 (bundled with Seam), facelets, Seam 2.0.0.GA
same as jpa from Seam except rich*.jar removed, el-impl.jar added (if 
it wasn't already there).
b. jpa sample modified to remove Seam, include Spring for business Layer.
uses SUN RI 1.2, facelets, Spring (bundled with Seam 2.0.0.GA)
c. jpa sample modified to remove Seam and facelets, include Spring for business 
uses SUN RI 1.2, JSP, Spring (bundled with Seam 2.0.0.GA)
d. jpa sample modified to remove Seam and facelets, include Spring for business 
uses IBM JSF (1.1), JSP, Spring (bundled with Seam 2.0.0.GA)
e. another demo application which runs with a Struts like framework.

5. Notes
Please, note that when we removed Seam, we put hotel list in request scope, not 
in session scope.
Note also log level was at WARN (so no logs after startup during test 

III Results

Result data was retrieved from :
a. JMeter Summary Report (tx/s, page size).
b. topas (cpu usage).
c. Wily Introscope (hea size, session size)

1. Test with 15tx/s
Scenario tx/s   CPU used(%) el time moy (ms)page 
size (ko)  session size (ko)   bytes used in heap (Mo)
  | jpa-no-a4j.ear 15  10   87  
 5,8  181,4 
  | jpa-standard-jsf-facelets.ear   
  |   15   449  
 6,2  81,1   NA
  | jpa-standard-jsf.ear
  |   15   4 47 
 6,2  2,0220
  | jpa-standard-jsf-sun-1.2.ear
  |   15  4,5  

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
These are surprising results for me as well.  I will review them and compare 
with our own servers.

I will be adding more tests and comparisons in regards to performance to the 
Seam project as time goes on.  I appreciate your work on this.

JBoss Seam QE.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-10 Thread gonzalad
Thank you very much for your concern Jay, I'm looking forward for any news you 
might have on this subject - whatever it would be (configuration change, code 
change or just different results than me).

I'll also be very interested about your performance results between plain jsf 
and seam if you make such tests.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-11 Thread lowecg2004
The debug mode for Seam would have a significant impact on your stats.  Have 
you set the debug mode for Seam to false?

In components.xml, try adding:

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-11 Thread gonzalad
Hi lowecg2004,

Thanks for the tip.

Just modified the jpa-no-a4j.ear application adding :
anonymous wrote :  

But same results than before (looking at Seam code, debug="false" is the 
default value).
So, for a constant throughput of 60tx/s, I have the following results :
cpu used=40%
for a 5 minute long load-test.

Thanks you once more anyway !

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2007-12-12 Thread svadu
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : These are surprising results for me as well.  I 
will review them and compare with our own servers.
  | I will be adding more tests and comparisons in regards to performance to 
the Seam project as time goes on.  I appreciate your work on this.

Hi Jay,

It would be nice if after sorting this out an official article about Seam 
performance was posted. The old article listed at the beginning of this thread 
is... somewhat old. 
And there is much need in more fresh and official info on Seam performance for 
it to be taken more seriously by enterprises.

Thanks again, I am really glad Red Hat/JBoss team has picked this issue that 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2008-01-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You have any news on this performance issue? We are currently using Seam 1.2 
and have enough performance issues as it is, so an upgrade to Seam 2.0 is out 
of the question until we can be sure that the performance is significantly 
better than in version 1.2.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2008-01-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unfortunately no - I have been working on interoperability with OC4J, Weblogic, 
and websphere.

We will be reviewing priorities and planned tests in the next several weeks.  I 
will carry on your concern.  Rest assured that performance baselines and 
benchmarks are among the top of the priorities.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2008-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think it would be good to get the information below into jira issue.

If you could check the jira search below to see if there is another issue that 
is similar before creating a new one that would be great.  

If there is not another issue that is similar please add a new one.


Thanks alot,

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam performance vs plain JSF

2008-01-18 Thread svadu
Would it make sense to create a jira issue for this?

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