[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-06-19 Thread kukeltje
both are 'valid',  but you can also look at jBPM 3.2.3. Preliminary support for 
webservices is there. But you have the overhead of webservices without the 
advantage of transactions like with ejb

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-06-19 Thread lblaauw

I am also sorta debating on what route to take on this scenario. So we have 
deployed jBPM as the ear file including the console and the EJBs since we need 
the timerservices to be ejb timers this seemed a reasonable approach.

I have been reading a lot in the documentation and also the sources and tests 
but still I cannot figour out how to go about and create a server based 
webservice to expose jBPM services like getting taskLists, proces Tasks etc etc.

Basically I can see two options right now and I would love some feedback on 
both of these:

Option 1 would be to just approach the CommandService EJB from my webservice, 
as far as i can see it that would use ONE configuration set ie jbpm conf xml, 
hibernate xml etc etc. This however does mean we get extra overhead in using 

Option 2, would be to use seperate configuration files all together, 
effectively meaning we bypass the whole configuration allready deployed on the 
JBoss server and user another one on the client. Basically as i can see this 
means we just share the jBPM database then ?? 

Or are there better other options that I just missed so far ?


"kukeltje" wrote : the JMX bean as it was is not used anymore since it made 
jBPM somewhat JBoss AS dependant. You can easily circumvent this, but the docs 
also would not be generic. Besides that, you could not package actionhandler 
classes is your own war/ear then, but only server generic or in the 
processarchive. These were the reasons to abandon the MBean

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-23 Thread kukeltje
the JMX bean as it was is not used anymore since it made jBPM somewhat JBoss AS 
dependant. You can easily circumvent this, but the docs also would not be 
generic. Besides that, you could not package actionhandler classes is your own 
war/ear then, but only server generic or in the processarchive. These were the 
reasons to abandon the MBean

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-21 Thread joestevens
   Thanks a lot for your thoughts.  Hopefully I can pick your brain a little 
further here.

"kukeltje" wrote : "joestevens" wrote :   Is the preferred way of interacting 
here through the CommandService bean using Commands?  I'm sort of leaning that 
way from poking around, but I'm not sure.Not the preferred way, but an option, 
especially if you want to connect remotely

Here's what I'm trying to get my head around.  A while back when I was first 
using jbpm, the main way to deploy was using the jmx service.  Then any local 
apps that wanted to use jbpm would just grab the configuration object out of 
jndi and be happily on their way.  I'm trying to understand if that's still 
considered a good way to do things.  I see the MBean for jbpm in the source 
tree.  I don't see any mention of it in the docs or any examples.

So, what method would typically be used by a few local apps that need to share 
a configuration of jbpm?  Is the jmx service a reasonable solution?  Any 
thoughts you can give on accepted practice would be great.

Thanks again.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-21 Thread kukeltje
"joestevens" wrote : The first gap is that all the examples of kicking off 
instances and interacting with jbpm are stand-alone type apps.  There aren't 
any examples where you deploy the jbpm ear and interact with jbpm through the 
deployed service.

Basically, it is the same, no difference

"joestevens" wrote :   Is the preferred way of interacting here through the 
CommandService bean using Commands?  I'm sort of leaning that way from poking 
around, but I'm not sure.Not the preferred way, but an option, especially if 
you want to connect remotely"joestevens" wrote : 
  | The second gap is that there aren't any examples showing how to package up 
a simple process and deploy with ant. 
  | There is an additional ant task in the wiki (or at least here) which does 
not deploy it via the database but via the deploy servlet (better 
imo)."joestevens" wrote : 
  | The examples I've seen do deployment in java code.
  | There are many examples in the testcases in the source... "joestevens" 
wrote :  
  | I've used jbpm pretty extensively in the past, but am just coming back to 
it after about 18 months away.  Since I still have the lingering questions from 
above, I'm sure that someone coming in completely cold will have questions as 
well.  Anyone have any information or links relating to the two issues 
above?Yes, I do  "joestevens" wrote :  Thanks.
You are welcome

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-21 Thread kukeltje
first thing to check as mentioned in other posts is that the SAME database is 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-20 Thread Fornachari

I am having the same difficulty that mikool.
I want to do a client application to make an instance of a process.
I did this, using this hands on 
http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/_Files/Main/jbpm3.2.2-handsontutorial.pdf, but when 
I do a new instance of my process, I can't see the open tasks of my process 
through the jBPM Admnistrator WebConsole. Is it possible to start a process 
through a Java Application and complete the tasks using the jBPM WebConsole?
I am using the jBPM version 3.2.2 and my application code are below:

  | import org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token;
  | public class ClientApp 
  | {
  | public static void main(String[] args) 
  | {
  | try
  | {
  | ProcessDefinition definition = 
  | ProcessInstance instance = new 
  | instance.getRootToken().getNode().getName();
  | instance.getContextInstance().setVariable("infoDoc", 
  | Token token = instance.getRootToken();  
  | token.signal();
  | String infoDoc = 
  | System.out.println("*** 
Document Information: " + dadosDoc);
  | instance.hasEnded();
  | }
  | catch (Exception ex)
  | {
  | System.out.println("-->ERROR: "+ex.getMessage());
  | }
  | }
  | }

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-20 Thread joestevens
Just wanted to comment on this a bit.  While I think the user guide that ships 
with jbpm is very useful, there are certainly some gaps.

The first gap is that all the examples of kicking off instances and interacting 
with jbpm are stand-alone type apps.  There aren't any examples where you 
deploy the jbpm ear and interact with jbpm through the deployed service.  Is 
the preferred way of interacting here through the CommandService bean using 
Commands?  I'm sort of leaning that way from poking around, but I'm not sure.

The second gap is that there aren't any examples showing how to package up a 
simple process and deploy with ant.  The examples I've seen do deployment in 
java code.

I've used jbpm pretty extensively in the past, but am just coming back to it 
after about 18 months away.  Since I still have the lingering questions from 
above, I'm sure that someone coming in completely cold will have questions as 
well.  Anyone have any information or links relating to the two issues above?  

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-19 Thread mikool
Ok, many thanks. I will take a closer look on these books and the wiki. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-19 Thread kukeltje

Strange, a blog entry by Tom himself says this about the book you mention: 

anonymous wrote : The book targets architects, analysts and developers that 
want to get started with jBPM. Matt succeeded in bringing great value for all 
three target groups. It starts with a fresh look at the value of BPM and 
practical guidelines on how to start a BPM project. Installation of every 
required piece of software is explained in detail. Even less technical people 
will have no problems to get the software up and running with these very simple 
step by step instructions.

The other books are about using jBPM in combination with seam (or in fact the 
other way around)

And (as usual) I did mention the many, many testcases in the source for a 
reason: they give you good insight in how to use the api. 

Oh... and there is a new document in the wiki as well. It's in fact on the 
*second* link on the wiki page in the contributed documentation section 

If that is not enough for you to even get started, I'm sorry. The best thing to 
do then is either have someone else do it, or choose another product.

When you get going and run into problems, we are of course always willing to 
help out with specific questions.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-18 Thread joy_wind
Mike,jbpm depend heavily on Hibernate.Many error can be raised from it.So if 
you dont know hibernate,I think you should go for it to equip yourself some 
concept of o-r mapping. Many errors will raised by missing the dependency 
libs,so make sure that you have them all in your classpath.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-18 Thread mikool

The only book I found is this:
But this book is only for business analysts and not for developers.
The best tutorial I found on the wiki is the jbpm-getting-started:
This is a very good tutorial, but it only explains you how to use the 
jbpm-console and how to build processes with jpdl. That's it.

Would be great great if you can posts some more sites except the documention 
and the wiki.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-17 Thread kukeltje
There is the documentation, there is a book (more than one) there is the wiki 
(with a very good new tutorial), there are *many* testcases 

Maybe (without wanting to offend you) it is not right for your level of 
knowledge of certain technologies or the amount of time you want to put into 
finding things out. For many users it is the right level (not that it can't be 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-17 Thread mikool
Thanks. I already tried this tutorials but maybe it is out of date because I 
just get errors. I mean there is no guide, no book, that explains how to 
configure jbpm, how to create a little project from scratch (with own java 
code). I also don't know how to configure the DB behind jbpm. There is some 
source code but unfortunately this is not enough because I can type it in my 
eclipse and then? 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Tutorial or guide to create instances of processes in ja

2008-05-16 Thread joy_wind
Mike,I'm new to jbpm too.But i think you can find sample code of creating 
process instance in the userguide(3.2.2) section 3.1 "Hello World example".It's 
a junit test code,but of course you can put them in your main method or your 

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