Re: [Re: [Re: [JBoss-user] How can i view the deployed Beans JNDI name]]

2001-05-26 Thread Dinesh


Its working fine now..


Rama Rao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am attaching the jar file.
You can try copying it to bin.
rama rao
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Re: [JBoss-user] How can i view the deployed Beans JNDI name]


Thanx for responding.

 But i don't see any jar file named jndiView.jar in the bin directory. I
 see only BeanCacheMonitorJMS  BeanCacheMonitorJMX.jar  run.jar. I am
 jboss server 2.2.1.

 Is there any way to see the jndi tree.

 looking forward for ur reply..


 Rama Rao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can go to jboss_home/bin directory and type java -jar jndiView.jar.
 That will display all the beans bound to your JNDI tree.
 rama rao
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 2:06 PM
 Subject: [JBoss-user] How can i view the deployed Beans JNDI name

  hi all,
 How can i view the JNDI names of the deployed EntityBeans in
 when i run the client, i am getting an Exception ...
  javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: com.client.EmployeeHome not bound .
  But, no exception in the jboss server.
  Is there any way to chech whether my EJB is deployed correctly.
  Any idea.
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   Attachment: jndiView.jar 
   MIME Type: application/octet-stream 

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[JBoss-user] Benchmark results JBoss/BEA Async Performance

2001-05-26 Thread Jubin Zawar

 Hi people,

 here are results for the messaging benchmarks, for BEA and JBoss.
 First, a little description of the scenario.

 We decided for this simple scenario to benchmark :

 PostingClient posts to Topic1.
 MDB1 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic1, gets the message, puts
 its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic2.
 MDB2 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the message, puts
 its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic3.
 MDB3 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the message, puts
 its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic4.
 MDB4 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the message, puts
 its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic1.
 and when the message is posted to topic1, MDB1 regets the message.
 There is another listener on topic1 -- MonitoringClient.
 MonitoringClient gets the messages arriving there, and reports the times
 message took between the 4 MDBs.

 Summary : the messages sent into the EJB Server remain in there, and make
 loops from MDB1 to MDB4 and back again, endlessly.

 Hardware : Pentium II, 400 Mhz, 256 Megs of RAM.
 OS : Windows NT4
 VM : Sun 1.3

 Benchmark Testing Series :

 Weblogic Benchmarks:
 VM : 64MB heapsize.
 Configurations :
 1) max-beans-in-free-pool : 50initial-beans-in-free-pool : 6 (in
 entries in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, for each of the 4 message beans)
 2) max-beans-in-free-pool : 500initial-beans-in-free-pool : 62
 3) max-beans-in-free-pool : 2000  initial-beans-in-free-pool : 250

 for each configuration we tested (with 1 KB messagesize):
 50 msgs, 500 msgs, 5000msgs, and infinite (until server crash - maximum
 waiting for crash 30 minutess)

 On JBoss :
 VM: 64MB heapsize.
 (in jboss.xml)
 1) container-invoker : maximumsize 50,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
 maximumsize 50 minimumsize 6
 2) container-invoker : maximumsize 500,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
 maximumsize 500 minimumsize 62
 3) the maximum jboss could handle even with 128mb ram for the heapsize of
 the VM was :
 container-invoker : maximumsize 500,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
 maximumsize 500 minimumsize 100

 for each configuration we tested (with 1 KB messagesize):
50 msgs, 500 msgs, 5000msgs, and infinite (until server crash - maximum
 waiting for crash 30 minutes)

 Results for Weblogic :
 this server is very fast and stable. With 5000 Messages, we had a crash at
 configuration 1, at 1800 Messages sent.
 With configuration 2, it crashed at 3300, and with configuration 3 we had
 crash as early as with 500 messages - but that was due to the low heapsize
 of the VM.
 When we raised the heapsize to 128Megs, the server ran good with 1
 Sending times : we mesaured the times needed for a message to be sent
 between to consecutive MDBs - for weblogic it was all around 0,1 secs.
 At 1 messages, average sending time was 1,4 seconds.
 For 5000 messages, even with config 3, we had 0,8 seconds.
 All other results were very acceptable, average times of 0.01 to 0.2.

 If you need any more details, contact me.
 JBoss :

 config 3,2 : 3 seconds average with 50 messages.

 Well, to be very honest : perhaps I m doing something fundamentally wrong,
 and I dont know exactly what strategy JBoss is pursuing in its kind of
 message delivery, but JBoss crashed at every config with 500 messages.

 Average sending times at 50 messages were 3 seconds, regardless of the
 configuration used, the parameters showed little or no effect.

 I know that these parameters should tune throughput, I know, and I know
 with 4 topics and 4 MDBs, we are not simulating a true asynchrnously
 designed application, meaning : with asynchronous components only.

 But regardless of the throughput, no one wants to wait 12 seconds for a
 Even with 30 messages in the system, the average was 2 seconds, meaning 8
 seconds in total to wait for a response : and this with only 4
 At 10 messages, we got average times of 0,7 seconds - meaning a response
 time of 3 seconds in total, which could be acceptable.

 It is also strange that weblogic showed significant CPU usage when
 increasing the JMS load, while JBoss stayed very happy with around 10%,
 caring about any optimization in speed, it seems.

 Have we forgotten any parameters to SPEED up sending times, message
 delivery, or MDB invocation for JBoss ?

 I am really wondering.

 For precise details, contact me.

 Best regards, Jubin Zawar

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] strange error

2001-05-26 Thread Mikhail Akopov

  Once I got following message and now it chases me:
  [Container factory] org.jboss.ejb.DeploymentException: expected only one
  enterprise-beans tag
 It's probably just not a very specific error message. One of your
 descriptors is probably misformed somehow, possibly in a way that
 confuses the parser and causes it to not see the enterprise-beans tag.
 Check this and post both descriptors if you still don't see what's wrong.
You are right, I found already the reason too - there were two
enterprise-beans in jboss.jcml

The strange picture appeared because error was signalled only when one of
beans mentioned in that tags, was deployed. That forced me to seek error in
beans and their descriptors, not in jBoss configuration.

Thank you,

Vale! - Mikhail Akopov

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Re: [jetty-discuss] Digest Number 265

2001-05-26 Thread Julian Gosnell


 For the latest information about Jetty, please see http://jetty.mortbay.

 There is 1 message in this issue.

 Topics in this digest:

   1. JBoss/Jetty Integration
From: beau tateyama [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Message: 1
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 19:09:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: beau tateyama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: JBoss/Jetty Integration


 I'm thinking about using jetty/jboss combination for a
 project i'm working on, but have a question about how
 much integration has been done with jboss and jetty.

 Both the JBoss and Jetty websites claim that both
 products run in the same VM.  This allows servlets to
 access EJBs without going to the network layer,
 however I read this statement the 3rd party page and
 am confused:

 Jetty's xml file will not be optimized!
 Contexts setup with the jetty.xml file will be given
 their own classloaders which are not shared with
 JBoss, thus networks overhead will still incurred for
 EJB calls.,
 how-to package and deploy section.

 Could someone explain this to me?


Yes - this does look a little confusing.

I'll try to explain it simply.

As I understand it (and I'm no expert!): In order for a Servlet to talk
direct, intravm to an EJB, both Servlet and EJB must be loaded with the same
ClassLoader. This is achieved in JBoss by the J2EEDeployer. This takes an
EAR file, splits it and passes the EJB jar to the EJB container with a
ClassLoader and then the WAR to Jetty with the same ClassLoader. Deployment
through the J2EEDeployer is either hot-deploy - you drop you EAR into the
deploy directory, or via JMX - you send a request containing the URL of the
EAR direct to the J2EEDeployer.

Using Jetty's xml config file is neither of these, and has no way to
coordinate ClassLoaders with target EJBs, since they are not loaded from the
same place.

In conclusion:

Jetty supports optimised calls to EJBs (although there may be a bug in this
as we speak!), but you must deploy through the J2EEDeployer to make use of

I hope that is clear - I should probably put it i the doc.




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Re: [JBoss-user] async logging

2001-05-26 Thread Gabor Dolla


I was thinking of this when I raised this issue;

Guy's soution to the timestamp problem is sufficient.

Is there any docs on the setup of JMSAppender ?


JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] :-) Tomcat sends CPU 100% ?!

2001-05-26 Thread Lewis Henderson

That is exactly what my problem is...

I assumed that the context root was the war name??? so in my war if a jsp
references /some.jsp, it would use the root of the this not

If I only use relative paths it works...however, this is NOT always

Is there a config option I'm missing?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Crossley
Sent: 26 May 2001 04:30
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] :- Tomcat sends CPU 100% ?!

I've seen tomcat do that when there is no ROOT directory beneath webapps
and a nonexistent URI is requested.

Lewis Henderson wrote:


 I'm using JBoss 2.2.1 and Tomcat 3.2.1 and the processor goes to 100%/99%
 and stays there !?

 Any ideas where to look?


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Re: [JBoss-user] How can i view the deployed Beans JNDI name

2001-05-26 Thread wjlz

How to do it from a remote application client
instead of inside the server?

Thanks in advance.

jndiView.jar is obsolete. Use the jndiView MBean
instead - point a 
browser at port 8082 on your server, go to the page
for the JNDIView 
MBean and invoke 'list'.

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Re: [JBoss-user] strange error - problem solved

2001-05-26 Thread Mikhail Akopov

Thanks to everybody for help and attention.

Just for others, stepping on the same rake :-)
It is clear now.
The reason was _not_ in deployment descripttors but in

This file may have those tags too. And I mistakely put a block of text with
that section into this file.
 But XML parser ignores this error up to moment the bean mentioned in this
section is deployed.
And there was no file name in that message.

Conclusion: if you have an error in descriptors but descriptors are OK -
look at conf files.

 I got a few of those errors as well when I was attempting to deploy.

 Check your deployment descriptors closely.  I typically made the following
 errors multiple times before figuring out what was going on:

 1. Having a different copy of the deployment descriptors in my classpath.
 2. Having the case differ between matching XML tags.

 You could always post your XML files if nothing seems obvious.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mikhail Akopov
 Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 5:28 PM
 Subject: [JBoss-user] strange error

 Once I got following message and now it chases me:
 [Container factory] org.jboss.ejb.DeploymentException: expected only one
 enterprise-beans tag

 Sure - there is exactly one enterprise-beans tag. Did anybody met such
 error? Any help would be highly appreciated - I loose a lot of time on it

 Java version: 1.3.0_02,Sun Microsystems Inc.
 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.3.0_02,Sun Microsystems Inc.
 System: Windows 2000 5.0,x86
 JBoss 2.2.1 Started in 0m:21s
 embedded TOMCAT Version 3.2.1

 Vale! - Mikhail Akopov

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[JBoss-user] :-( WEB-INF/classes not added to classpath?

2001-05-26 Thread Lewis Henderson

I am deploying an EAR to JBoss/Tomcat (Embedded) everything seems ok except
the classes in the WEB-INF/classes directory are not added to the common

Does anyone know of a problem/workaround for this?


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] CMP database updates

2001-05-26 Thread Chris DeGreef

I am quite new to CMP.  I am wondering why the database is being updated so
often.  Even when I am only (implicitly) retrieving rows.

The most obvious case is when I issue a call to the home instance like
findByName.  Everything appears to be working correctly unless I set the
database debug flag on and look at the system.log.  I see that the table was
not only queried but actually updated.

This was only a concern of efficiency until I added triggers to my database.
Especially a trigger on before update that causes a field (called VERSION)
in the table to be updated.  I wouldn't want this trigger fired when I
simple query the row.

I would expect this type of action if I were updating the fields in the CMP
object.  However, I am not.  All I do is send getters to it in order to
populate my session bean.  Do I need to set some options or something?

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] :-( WEB-INF/classes not added to classpath?

2001-05-26 Thread danch

Just to be perfectly clear, you have an .ear containing a .war 
containing /WEB-INF/classes?

I believe that WEB-INF/classes only gets in the classpath for the war 
that it's in, not in the application's classloader.


Lewis Henderson wrote:

 I am deploying an EAR to JBoss/Tomcat (Embedded) everything seems ok except
 the classes in the WEB-INF/classes directory are not added to the common
 Does anyone know of a problem/workaround for this?
 JBoss-user mailing list

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Re: [JBoss-user] CMP database updates

2001-05-26 Thread danch

The behavior you're seeing is 'normal' but fixable. Consider that the 
container can't actually tell if any of the bean's state has changed or 
not. Therefore, it errs on the side of caution and always persists the 
bean state. Actually, in BMP you'll notice that ejbStore always gets 
called as well.

The solution to your problem is to implement a method 'boolean 
isModified()' that returns true if and only if the bean's state has been 
modified in the current transaction. You also want to create a jaws.xml 
file for your bean and turn the 'tuned-updates' flag on (if your 
patterns of modification are consistent - if not, this might just 
interfere with the database's caching of query plans). You probably also 
want 'has-pk-constraint' on when you initially deploy your bean, if 
you're allowing JAWS to create the table for you.

See the documentation online at for more details.


Chris DeGreef wrote:

 I am quite new to CMP.  I am wondering why the database is being updated so
 often.  Even when I am only (implicitly) retrieving rows.
 The most obvious case is when I issue a call to the home instance like
 findByName.  Everything appears to be working correctly unless I set the
 database debug flag on and look at the system.log.  I see that the table was
 not only queried but actually updated.
 This was only a concern of efficiency until I added triggers to my database.
 Especially a trigger on before update that causes a field (called VERSION)
 in the table to be updated.  I wouldn't want this trigger fired when I
 simple query the row.
 I would expect this type of action if I were updating the fields in the CMP
 object.  However, I am not.  All I do is send getters to it in order to
 populate my session bean.  Do I need to set some options or something?
 JBoss-user mailing list

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[JBoss-user] (no subject)

2001-05-26 Thread i_am_philips


I am learning EJB, would like to use the local database ( Hypersonic ? ) of JBOSS.  I 
dont know how to proceed?  Just want to know how to activate the database. How to 
create Datasource. what are the entries have to make in configuration files.  how to 
create tables?.  How to refer the database pool

i would really appreciate if you provide me explaination or examples.

thanks in advance
New Bie

Runbox Mail Manager -
Gratis epost-tjeneste

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Readonly Methods ?

2001-05-26 Thread Chris DeGreef

How do I make the getter methods in my CMP bean be readonly?  Apparently
ejbStore is called when I call a get.. method.  A sample log4j output with
log.debug statements in every method in my CMP bean.

1043 [Thread-28] DEBUG SchoolDataBean uhtuve8ku1 - ejbActivate
1047 [Thread-28] DEBUG SchoolDataBean uhtuve8ku1 - ejbLoad()
1055 [Thread-28] DEBUG SchoolDataBean uhtuve8ku1 - getName()
1063 [Thread-28] DEBUG SchoolDataBean uhtuve8ku1 - ejbStore()

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] .properties location?

2001-05-26 Thread Mikhail Akopov

Sorry, one more stupid question:
I am going to make localization. Where should be
situated? Documentation says put it into classpath directory. Tomcat's
example contains *.properties in WEB-INF/classes, and source file (where
ResourceBundle.getBundle() is called) is at the same directory.

Well, I tried different directories: WEB-INF, WEB-INF/classes,  directory of
source file etc. - nothing helped
Each time I got
[EmbeddedTomcat] === java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle
for base name PagerServlet, locale ru_RU

Vale! - Mikhail Akopov

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] :-) Tomcat sends CPU 100% ?!

2001-05-26 Thread David Ward

Just throwin' this in: standalone Tomcat 3.x does this thing where it
will always add a context root according to the war name; but if a
Context is added in it's config/server.xml, it will add that too. 
They're trying to be helpful but in the end it's just confusing (sort of
like when driving, giving up the right of way to be nice just ends up
confusing everyone else on the road and makes the situation unsafe).  
According the the J2EE spec, a context name is assigned to a web
application in the EAR's application.xml file, and has NOTHING to do
with the name of the war file.  Take a look at the DTD.


Lewis Henderson wrote:
 That is exactly what my problem is...
 I assumed that the context root was the war name??? so in my war if a jsp
 references /some.jsp, it would use the root of the this not
 If I only use relative paths it works...however, this is NOT always
 Is there a config option I'm missing?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Crossley
 Sent: 26 May 2001 04:30
 Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] :- Tomcat sends CPU 100% ?!
 I've seen tomcat do that when there is no ROOT directory beneath webapps
 and a nonexistent URI is requested.
 Lewis Henderson wrote:
  I'm using JBoss 2.2.1 and Tomcat 3.2.1 and the processor goes to 100%/99%
  and stays there !?
  Any ideas where to look?
  JBoss-user mailing list
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[JBoss-user] ClassNotFoundException from Client Application

2001-05-26 Thread Brian Farrar

I have a method on a Session Bean with takes as an 
argument an Entity Bean (its remote interface.) I have constructed two 
test programs. One test program is another Session Bean and one is a 
client application invoked via the command line (JBoss version 2.2 under 

The functionality intheTest Session 
Bean and theCommand Line Clientis identical (cut and paste 
basically.) Thetest consists of locating the Home for both the 
Entity and Session Beans, creating an instance of each type andinvoking 
methods on each newly created bean. One of the methods on the Session Bean 
I am testing takes as an argument the Entity Bean's remote object. This 
method, along with other methods which take simple types, work fine in the Test 
Session Bean. In the Command Line Client test the method which take the 
Entity Bean's remote object fails with the following traceback...

at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jrmp.server.JRMPContainerInvoker_Stub.invoke(Unknown 
Source) at 
at $Proxy5.relate(Unknown Source) 
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native 
Method) at 

The test I am conducting is not without 
precedent. For instance the foundation for this test is not much different 
than the QuoteLineItem Bean in Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans (Ed Roman.) In 
additionI have successfully execute these tests under WebLogic and Sun's 
J2EE Reference Server. I therefore can only conclude that I have 
improperly configured my JBoss Server but have yet to find to 

Brian Farrar

Re: [JBoss-user] async logging

2001-05-26 Thread Guy Rouillier

Take a look at the javadoc.  That is all I could find (though I didn't look
very hard) - you might want to check the log4j site.  From my reading of the
javadoc, you only have two options (though I would hope the pattern option
would apply as well.)  And of course you can read the source (in which case
you should write up some documentation for the rest of us gr.)

- Original Message -
From: Gabor Dolla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] async logging


 I was thinking of this when I raised this issue;

 Guy's soution to the timestamp problem is sufficient.

 Is there any docs on the setup of JMSAppender ?


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