[JBoss-user] [News & Announcements] - Re: 4.0.0RC1 Release Available

2004-08-21 Thread janilsal
Minor correction.  Don't *give up* on plans to use JBoss4.

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[JBoss-user] [News & Announcements] - Re: 4.0.0RC1 Release Available

2004-08-21 Thread janilsal
Come on.  Dont talk of giving plans to use JBoss4. 

JBoss4 will be officially released on Sep 1, give or take a few days.  We already have 
release candidates released.

JBoss Inc

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Can Javassit capture JDK lib method call like JLabel.set

2004-08-21 Thread chiba
You can use CtClass.instrument(ExprEditor) for inserting
some expression before a method call to

Is this what you need?

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[JBoss-user] [News & Announcements] - What is real release date of Jboss 4

2004-08-21 Thread gyumee
I am confused.
I've been looking around www.jboss.org and imaged JBoss 4 is stable release and 
already announced. All information in the JBoss AS section was for JBoss 4.2, but when 
I read JBoss 4 development roadmap I found planed released date of the version that 
implement all documented feature is 1/11/2006.
How could you cover the all web site with not released version? I planned use JBossAOP 
feature for my new project. I thought JBossAOP that using POJO rather than EJB is very 
nice idea. I have to give up the plan, now.

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[JBoss-user] Http tunneling port requirements

2004-08-21 Thread jboss

I have successfully configured JNDI and EJB tunneling over HTTPS 
with the org.jboss.invocation.http.server.HttpProxyFactory and 
org.jboss.invocation.http.server.HttpInvoker classes in the 
jboss-service.xml file.  All seems to be working well so far and 
my test cases are still functioning well after the config mods.

However, I am still puzzeled by one issue.  I am moving to HTTPS 
tunneling to limit the number of ports required in order to 
enable access through a firewall.  I had hoped and assumed that 
I would be able to get down to a single port (the one configured 
for the HTTPS Invokers).  However, my testing shows that I still 
need two - the HTTPS invoker port plus the standard /tcp 
RMIObject port.  

Is the /tcp really required in addition to the HTTPS port?  
If not, how might I go about finding out what is requiring it as 
I have the appropriate invoker-bindings in all of the jboss.xml 
deployment descriptors in order to use the HTTPS invokers 
exclusively.  How can one remove the need for /tcp 

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Http tunneling port requirements

2004-08-21 Thread skidvd

I have successfully configured JNDI and EJB tunneling over HTTPS with the 
org.jboss.invocation.http.server.HttpProxyFactory and 
org.jboss.invocation.http.server.HttpInvoker classes in the jboss-service.xml file.  
All seems to be working well so far and my test cases are still functioning well after 
the config mods.

However, I am still puzzeled by one issue.  I am moving to HTTPS tunneling to limit 
the number of ports required in order to enable access through a firewall.  I had 
hoped and assumed that I would be able to get down to a single port (the one 
configured for the HTTPS Invokers).  However, my testing shows that I still need two - 
the HTTPS invoker port plus the standard /tcp RMIObject port.  

Is the /tcp really required in addition to the HTTPS port?  If not, how might I go 
about finding out what is requiring it as I have the appropriate invoker-bindings in 
all of the jboss.xml deployment descriptors in order to use the HTTPS invokers 
exclusively.  How can one remove the need for /tcp completely?

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Classloader question

2004-08-21 Thread balteo
Reply to my own question: yes, classes placed in that directory are not visible to the 
client applications.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Can Javassit capture JDK lib method call like JLabel.set

2004-08-21 Thread sjtuzl
Thank you for the response. My intention is not modify Swing lib, but to capture the 
call of J**.setText() in user code. For example;

public MyClass test {

 public static void main (String[] args){

JLable jLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
//Need to add a methd before it
//Need to add a method after it

I need to apply above insert (before and after) operation for all Jxx.SetText() call, 
where Jxx is JLabel, JText, etc..

Is it possible for Javassit? Thanks

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Problems to keep login data

2004-08-21 Thread ltcmelo
Well, i got the problem.

JBoss/Tomcat security propagation doesn't work if you use customized logon servlets.

More information at
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg07533.html

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: JBoss JAAS x Tomcat's

2004-08-21 Thread ltcmelo
Not really!

dev2gosoft, if you use DatabaseServerLoginModule, i guess somewhere in your 
application the user needs to log in, am i correct.

I also have strong feeling that in your login page you use an 
action="j_security_check". Allright, if so, that's why the propagation of JBoss/Tomcat 

However, there are situation that we want to point our login page to another specific 
action, for instante, a action="MyLogonAction".This is very common if you're working 
with Struts (your action could be something like action="/MyLogonAction.do").
Inside this MyLogonAction class, wich is basically an ordinary servlet you would 
create your LoginContext and log the user in. 
That's right there where the problem begins. If you log from inside this Servlet, 
you're logged allright in JBoss, but Tomcat doesn't know anything about that.

Get more information right here.
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg07533.html

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: setting up nukes in Jboss/Eclipse IDE

2004-08-21 Thread theute
You shouldn't use the classpath of the wiki page, and don't have to rename the jar 
files, if Eclipse complained it's because 
Nukes/thirdparty/apache/commons/lib/commons-fileupload.jar is declared in the 

If you follow my steps, without anything else (not using .classpath) it should work.

Nevertheless it seems that you solved problems so if you want to start from that 
1) just build the project by running build.sh in Nukes/build the EJB classes will 
compile and you won't have the "cannot be resolved error messages" .
2) i don't know why you would have standard import errors

I would advise to start from scratch (plus you can use the Nukes-1.1.0-RC3-src package 
that we put online yesterday night available on the project page.
But that time, forget the wiki page and the .classpath just follow my instructions 
(and build the whole stuff), i tried it while explaining it here, so it must work for 
you too.

PS: i meant that i have only 1 classpath, because i have only 1 project for nukes-1.1, 
some could have 1 project for core, 1 for bb, 1 for news ... (and 1 classpath per 

Good luck

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Customize MBean pages possible?

2004-08-21 Thread piratepete
Can someone tell me how or point me to some source where mbean pages using the 
htmladapter can be customized. I want a list of mbeans on the left of a frameset and 
my own custom mbean pages.


Piratepete aka David L. Whitehurst

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - invalidate read-only through read-write

2004-08-21 Thread pedrosalazar

I created a read-only entity bean which I pretend to invalidate with a read-write 
entity bean. I find the RW instance, change same attribute, but the RO doesn't stay 

- RW extends Standard CMP 2.x EntityBean with cache invalidation (but I have tried 
also the Clustered CMP 2.x configuration)
- RO extends Standard CMP 2.x EntityBean with cache invalidation
- both have the same invalidation group name, with invalidation true in RO and false 
in RW.

I'm using jboss 3.2.5. (you can see details of my configuration in older post 

Can anyone assist me on this?

Pedro Salazar

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: ClassLoader issue

2004-08-21 Thread balteo
Hello viv,
Have you found the solution? I have the same problem and would like to sort it.

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: setting up nukes in Jboss/Eclipse IDE

2004-08-21 Thread dontrango
hi theute,

i've followed your steps but ran into problems not described in your reply.

these were the steps i ran:
- make sure eclipse not running, prepare the classpath

cp common-classpath.html $JBOSS_NUKES/common/.classpath 
cp nukes-classpath.html $JBOSS_NUKES/nukes/.classpath 
cp template-classpath.html $JBOSS_NUKES/template/.classpath 
cp .classpath $JBOSS_NUKES/.classpath

based on the wiki, the last .classpath is required - is this in violation to your 'one 
project one classpath' description?

anonymous wrote : 
  | --> Create a new Java project (any project name, Create in workspace (or not it 
shouldn't matter, create separate source and output folders) . you can click on finish 
at the first screen 
  | --> right click on the project and choose import 
  | --> pick file system 
  | --> go inside the directory nukes (where there is build, common, bb, ... 
  | -->select it (the main directory) and choose "Create selected folders only" 
  | Now you should have in the resource view: 
  | Projectname 
  | > bb 
  | > build 
  | > common 
  | > ... 
  | > tools 
  | > .classpath 
  | > .project 
  | And in Java view: 
  | > src 
  | > JRE System Library 
  | > bb 
  | ... 
  | > tools 
  | Now you want to declare bb/src/main, common/src/main, distrib/src/main... as 
sources directories. 
  | What you can do is go in the properties of the project then choose the Java Build 
Path, and "Source" tab and click to add your folders one by one. If you do that it 
will update your .classpath like this: 

- i imported the dir devel/nukes-1.0.0-src/ like your outline
  the diretories bb/src/main, ...  were created automatically, sightly different from 
what you had.

- windows->preferences->java->build path, i added JBOSS_3_2_3 to point to my jboss 
server /opt/appservers/jboss-3.2.3_nukes-1.0.0/ - looks like this classpath is 
required by the classpath files given in the wiki

got this error message: 

Project Nukes is missing required library: 
Nukes/thirdparty/apache/commons/lib/commons-fileupload.jar (Nukes is my project name)

solved by:
  mv thirdparty/apache-commons/lib/commons-fileupload-1.0-beta-1.jar 
got error messages:
Project nukes is missing required source folder: bb/output/gen/classes, ... 

i went to Nukes properties->Source, those folders have (will be generated) remarks
upon clicking OK, eclipse indicated it was building the workspace

This is where the problem begins, i got lots of error messages regarding ejb 

The import org.jboss.nukes.addons.modules.adminmessages.ejb.AdminMessagesEJBLocal 
cannot be resolvedAdminMessagesModule.java
Nukes/adminmessages/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/adminmessages   line 21

The import org.jboss.nukes.addons.modules.adminmessages.ejb.AdminMessagesEJBLocalHome 
cannot be resolvedAdminMessagesModule.java
Nukes/adminmessages/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/adminmessages   line 

adminMessagesHome cannot be resolvedAdminMessagesModule.java
Nukes/adminmessages/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/adminmessages   line 

homesRW.post cannot be resolved or is not a field   BBModule.java   
Nukes/bb/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/bb line 415

homesRW.forum cannot be resolved or is not a field  BBModule.java   
Nukes/bb/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/bb line 431

ForumEJBLocal cannot be resolved or is not a type   BBModule.java   
Nukes/bb/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/bb line 433

CategoryEJBLocal cannot be resolved or is not a typeBBModule.java   
Nukes/bb/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/bb line 1150   

ForumEJBLocal cannot be resolved or is not a type   BBModule.java   
Nukes/bb/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/bb line 1154   

i guess i've written all possible types of errors without being too verbose

looks like i have 2 problems:
- the ejb interfaces 
- standard import statements

1. for the ejb interfaces, i went to the source codes but they don't have xdoclet so 
how do you generate them? do i got the right import? should i import 
'nukes-1.1.0-mysql-RC2/' or some other sources?

2. for standard import statements. like 'import java.util.Collections' , i'm not sure 
why. JRE System Library (1.4.2_04) is there.

Have you met these problems before? thanks for you replies.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Problem with login-config.xml

2004-08-21 Thread ssaracut
did you ever get that error resolved? I have the exact same problem... I am using just 
the standard login-config.xml . Didn't make any changes and when I look in the log i'm 
getting hte same null pointer exception.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Metaobject NullPointerException caused by final methods

2004-08-21 Thread chiba
Thank you!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - SECURITY_CREDENTIALS not taken into account

2004-08-21 Thread albert_steed
I noticed that the values for SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and SECURITY_CREDENTIALS specified by 
my app are not taken into account. Here is a snippet from my app:

  | p.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,"sa");
This allows me to connect to the ejb even if the value for SECURITY_CREDENTIALS is 
Can anyone tell me why?
Thanks in advance,

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - problems with jboss 3.2.5 and jbuilder

2004-08-21 Thread soulgod

i'm trying to write a simple jsp in jbuilder and as server jboss 3.2.5 ; when i try to 
complie this page , i always get the error NoClassDefFound error 
javax/servlet/el/VariableResolver, and now the strange thing, when i change the server 
to Tomcat 4.1 everything compiles and it runs perfectly, is this a bug in jboss or in 
jbuilderx (have already the patch 3 for jbuilderx)


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: running two clusters on the same network

2004-08-21 Thread bela
No, there's no system property for mcast_addr. The problem is that a JBoss node can be 
member of multiple clusters, then you wouldn't be able to use a single system prop.


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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: scheduler at midnight

2004-08-21 Thread dannyb23
Its fine! my mistake :O

setting the scheduled period to : 8640 and its perfect.

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