Re: [JBoss-user] clustering question

2002-04-30 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

I know this is OT, but the thread reminded me of this...
Has anyone looked at using something like "JSR-107: JCACHE - Java 
Temporary Caching API" to help in keeping cached entity beans in a 
cluster synchronized instead of relying solely on the database?

David Jencks wrote:

>I don't see a response yet from the I will jump in.
>Don't use commit option A with clustering, and do use whatever your
>database supplies for select for update.  The clustering implemention
>relies on database locking to synchronize the different copies of entities.
>I actually don't know of any other way to get consistency, but would be
>interested in finding out if there are other ways.
>david jencks

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Re: [JBoss-user] GMS address

2002-04-24 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Remove cluster-service.xml from your deploy directory or enable 
multicasting on your box.

Mike Dougherty wrote:

>I am trying to run RC1 on a Win2K box that doesn't seem to like (it just
>hangs) some of the addresses it chooses. The console output just stops
>at this point:
>>GMS: address is dev08:1890
>What is it? Can I control the address (range?) which it binds to? If so,
>JBoss-user mailing list

Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: parent/child cmp2 relationship - please help!

2002-04-03 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Dain Sundstrom wrote:

> Uh, no.  This sounds like a hack.  You should be able to have a 
> one-to-many self-relationship. For example in a person bean you should 
> be able to have, literally, a parent-child relationship with the 
> following abstract accessors.
>public abstract Person getParent();
>public abstract void setParent(Parent parent);
>public abstract Set getChildren();
>public abstract void setChildren(Set children);
> If this doesn't work, it is a bug.  I have a test case for this, but 
> it could be broken. 

(Please let me know if I'm speaking out my ass (again...))
I seem to recall someone mentioning that hypersql allows two columns in 
a table to have the same name.  This is not normally allowed in SQL 
databases, right?
If your test case only tests against hypersql, then it will probably 
give a false positive result.
I filed bug 530437 
because I ran into a similar problem using postgresql which complains 
about the relationship table that has two columns with the same name.
Now in my case it is a many-to-many self-relationship, but a one-to-many 
self-relationship also needs to have a separate relationship table, right?


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] CMP in EJB2.0 with Postgres

2002-04-02 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

This is probably not the best way to do this, though, since hypersql's 
setup is different from a standard JDBC driver.  (The database runs in 
the same VM as JBoss)
A better solution is get the 3.0 postgresql-service.xml from the public 
documentation on the database setup: and modify it for your 
setup.  (Change the server address, username, password, etc.)
You can just dump the postgresql.jar file into the deploy directory to 
make it accessible.

McAuley, Tim wrote:

>Which version of JBoss are you using?
>My advise is firstly to make sure you're using a copy of the service file
>applicable to the version of JBoss you're using. 
>- Make a copy of hsqldb-default-service.xml and rename it to
>- Modify the relevent sections for use with Postgres i.e.
>   - jdbc driver, datasource name (if not default)
>   - database to access, and username password
>   (possibly the location of the postgres jar file needs to be added
>If you let me know what version of JBoss you have, I might be able to send
>you a copy of my postgres service file. I have been using alpha, beta and
>beta2 (26/03)
>>I havent been successful in get PostgreSQL to be used
>>for CMP in my entity EJB running on JBoss 3.0.0.
>>Can anyone show some light in the areas I am may have
>>overlooked or if possible a step by step listing of
>>what I is required to get PostgreSQL being used for
>>Thank you all in advance.
>>Allan Kamau.
>JBoss-user mailing list

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Re: [JBoss-user] Sleeping JBoss

2002-03-26 Thread Andrew Scherpbier
>>>>>>I notice if there is no request from a
>>client for
>>>>>>awhile (maybe hours, maybe minutes??) JBOOS
>>>>>>serving (stays idle or sleeping !!)
>>>>>>For example i open a browser and request a
>>>>>>page, the browser tells me the connection is
>>>>>>waiting for reply (forever!)
>>>>>>i then clicked the JBoss console (black DOS
>>>>>>hit the ctrl-C then JBoss wakes up and serve
>>>>>>Test.jsp page
>>>>>>Please help.
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Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss and standalone Tomcat 4.0.2

2002-03-26 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

The problem is that standalone tomcat doesn't know how to contact the 
JBoss JNDI registry.  To do this, you can either put a 
file in your path (I am not sure where, when using tomcat) or you can 
manually put the values from a file into a Properties 
object and pass it to the constructor for the InitialContext class.

Māris Orbidāns wrote:

>Is it possible to access JBoss from standalone Tomcat 4.0.2 ?
>My WEB app cannot find EJBs in JNDI anymore. 
>However it works from JBuilder ( it contains Tomcat 4.0.1 ).
>Name DataAccess is not bound in this context javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name 
>DataAccess is not bound
>in this Context
>I have put in /lib of my WEB app.
>JBoss-user mailing list

Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] duplicate columns created

2002-03-25 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

I have found and reported a similar problem with an EJB that needs to 
have a many-to-many relationship with itself.
Look at bug#532262:
You should probably add your problem to this bug report...  (I hadn't 
realized the duplicate column name situation would occur in other 
situations as well.)
I've spent about 10 minutes looking for (and at) the code that is doing 
the column name creation, but it will take me more time (than I 
currently have) to come up with a real fix/patch.
I'm willing to spend more time on this if someone more familiar with the 
code will point me in the right direction as to how to fix this without 
breaking all kinds of other things.



David Ward wrote:

> Hi, all -
> I'm having a problem where JBossCMP (in 3.0.0beta2 from CVS) is 
> creating duplicate columns in a single table, and strangely enough, 
> Hypersonic is allowing it.  My problem pertains to defining my own 
> column names in a bidirectional one-2-many relationship:
> Reason I'm sending this to the list is because I don't know if people 
> will be so busy at JBossOne that they might not notice my forum post, 
> and I'm bangin' my head against the wall on this one.  I did buy the 
> JBossCMP docs from Flashline, if that will help persuade JBoss 
> developers to help me... unforunately the docs are out of date in this 
> area...
> This was the original post (including a gif showing the dup column in 
> SQLDeveloper):
> Thanks,
> David
> ___________
> JBoss-user mailing list

Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Re: [JBoss-dev] How can JBoss get EJB-classes from other location

2001-11-07 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

This question probably doesn't belong on the jboss-development list...
However, here's what I've come to do:

Depending on what I am working on most, I tend to use one of two 
development modes:
1)  Work on EJBs with sporadic JSP/Struts work.
In this case I find it most convenient to tell my ant build.xml to 
construct an .ear file containing both the EJB jar and war files and 
move it to the JBoss deploy directory.

2)  Work on JSP/Struts with sporadic EJB work.
For this mode, I run Tomcat separately and simply use its management 
interface to reload to get any new Struts code recognized.  (JSPs are 
compiled automagically already...)  Talking with the JBoss hosted EJBs 
in this mode simply requires setting the JNDI properties.

Since #2 above requires more memory since you're running 2 JVMs, it 
might not be ideal for all development, but there is nothing to stop you 
from running the two on separate machines.  (In my case this is closer 
what the end product will have to do anyway...)
I will also use #2 when I hand over the HTML/JSP GUI to my GUI people. 
 (They have no business manually compiling anything anyway!  :-))

If you need more details on any of this, let me know.
I am also open to suggestions from others on how to improve the full 
application development environment and process.

storck wrote:

>is it possible that JBoss "loads" the classes from my ejbs from another
>directory than /deploy? So I would have the xml-files in the /deploy and the
>source-code in another directory?
>Jboss-development mailing list

Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

JBoss-user mailing list