[JBoss-user] unsubscribe me

2003-07-25 Thread Christopher Blunck
I tried to unsubscribe 2 days ago by posting to the jboss-user-admin list
but have gotten nothing.  How do I get off this list?


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Re: [JBoss-user] JMS Queue Deployed at runtime

2003-03-24 Thread Christopher Blunck
On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 09:41:48PM -0600, Stephen Davidson wrote:
> Christopher Blunck wrote:
> If you are using MDBs, the Q's are configured and started automatically 
> when the MDBs are deployed.

That was my initial thought.  But keep in mind that a MDB binds to a queue
via JNDI, implying the queue may be on a remote machine.  That kind of blew
my conclusion out of the water that queues were definitely hot deployable.

We'll probably do some prototyping, I just wanted to field the question.

After we do our prototyping (we're a gubmint contractor so it'll take awhile)
I'll post again for the benefit of others.


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[JBoss-user] JMS Queue Deployed at runtime

2003-03-24 Thread Christopher Blunck
Hi all-

We're considering rolling out a fairly large application to JBoss.  The only
question in my head is:  can JBoss create a new JMS queue at runtime?  

In other words, if I want to bring up a new JMS queue, do I need to restart
the server for the queue to come online?


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Re: [JBoss-user] Logging question

2003-03-20 Thread Christopher Blunck
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 10:54:36PM -0500, David Corbin wrote:
> If I have multiple .WARs (often with common classes), is there anyway to 
> either
> 1) detect which .WAR is logging and control logging based on that via 
> log4j settings
> or
> 2) or include information about the .WAR in each log line.

You could do something like this:

Package both WARs in an EAR.  Included in the EAR is a jar component that
wraps Log4J.  It defines methods like:
  static void logMessage(String message, Class reporter, LogLevel severity);

Each WAR contains a local Logger that extends the Logger implemented at the
EAR level.  It defines methods like:
  static void logMessage(String message, LogLevel severity);

When the Logger subclasses call the superclass, they pass their own class
as the reporter.  This allows you to filter.

Ya it's dirty, but it'll work.


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Re: [JBoss-user] Why PHP why not JSP?

2003-01-10 Thread Christopher Blunck
On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 11:16:38PM -0500, sherlock costello wrote:
> >Does anybody (other than me) find it ironic that the leading open source
> >application server project uses PHP on it's home page instead of JSP?  
> Absolutely.  I think it's insane.

Not to fuel the flames thus far (it seems like there is a spectrum of 
respondants, some of which favor the move, some of which criticize it, and
some of which are indifferent) but . . . :)

TheServerSide.com folks have written their own application to manage stories,
responses, threads, etc.  It's pretty cool, and I'm impressed to see reporters
actually explore the domain in which they report.  I read articles in magazines,
but I have no idea if the author even downloaded, compiled, wrote some client
code, and truly evaluated a potential product.  Or if they simply browsed the
online API and read some class docs.  To that end, I have a lot of respect for
TheServerSide.com folks for (as somebody else pointed out) eating their own
dog food and truly being in the trenches when it comes to emerging technology.

Example:  They wanted to review clustering.  What did they do?  They clustered
*their* production website using Oracle's app server and WebLogic.  After 
clustering, they wrote their review.  Their review has a hell of a lot of
credibility when on the left hand side of the browser window it reads
"Running on bea WebLogic" and after a refresh it says "Running on Oracle's
WebSphere."  I mean come on . . . you can't get much better than that.  

Likewise, I think JBoss should be in similar water and ... eating their own
dog food.  Yes I am familiar with the open source J2EE architecture (wrt Jetty
or Tomcat being a servlet engine, and JBoss is an application server that
can use Jetty or Tomcat, yadda yadda yadda).  But it seems to me that ... if
you really stand behind your movement you'd be using the tools in your domain
to solve your problems.  Or, if (as I am hearing) the current tools are not
appropriate, make a new tool.  Or change the existing tools to be more 
appropriate - that's the whole beauty of open source!  

Somewhat related to another poster's comment about MS Marketing, I'm just
waiting for a smartass coworker to read a post somewhere (/. perhaps) that
says that JBoss.org "doesn't trust their product enough to run their own
development site" and then come shouting to me about how the project I've
evangelized over the past year (over WebLogic and Oracle) isn't up to snuff.
Please don't let those jabronis do that.  Please...


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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Why PHP why not JSP?

2003-01-09 Thread Christopher Blunck
Does anybody (other than me) find it ironic that the leading open source
application server project uses PHP on it's home page instead of JSP?  That's
kind of like theserverside.com switching everything over to ASP or Cold Fusion.

Maybe I missed something awhile back (like why you guys switched over).


On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 07:53:42PM -0800, Sundaram Ramasamy wrote:
> Today I visited jboss.org web site, it looks different (with php . I don't know much 
>about php. 
> Is there any advantage in PHP compare to JSP?
> Thanks
> -SR

  8:40pm  up 80 days, 11:56,  1 user,  load average: 0.51, 0.64, 1.11

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Re: [JBoss-user] why EJBs?

2002-10-16 Thread Christopher Blunck

On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 08:50:20PM +0200, Peter Fagerlund wrote:
> onsdagen den 16 oktober 2002 kl 18.49 skrev Vincent Stoessel:
> >I am finding that modeling my business logic in custom beans seems to 
> >be
> >working fine for me in tomcat 4.1.x enviroment. But I know that my 
> >management would really like for me to add EJBs to the mix. I was 
> >looking at using jboss. Can some pro-Jboss/EJB person tell why in the 
> >world I need to be using EJB instead of using my own model classes? It 
> >is a relatively small app but an important one for the company.
> EJB's is scalable and degrades gracefully ... EJB's with *all* the 
> API's that specifies J2EE will help in being more productive while 
> delegating responsibilities in teams, it also gives You a choice to mix 
> and migrate between J2EE vendors and providers.
> /peter_f

EJBs also allow you to exploit the software "other people" have written -
namely the JBoss folks.  :)

With EJB, the container manages transactions, concurrency, and 
distributability so you don't have to.  If those three capabilities are 
important to you (because you have a webapp for example (in which case
concurrency is an issue), or if you want a quick and easy persistence solution
(as opposed to writing SQL), EJB may be the right thing for you.  If you are
a fairly straight-forward app with some minor persistence where the 
transactions are easily managed, then the overhead of EJB (not performance
overhead, but code overhead (JNDI, Remote & Home interfaces, bean impl.,
finder definitions)) may outweigh any perceived benefits.

Above all else tho, the caching capability of most containers is what has 
drawn me to EJBs.  If you have a User that has lots of different attributes
and those attributes have subattributes (imagine a hierarchy of addresses,
telephone numbers, credit card information, etc), being able to pull all that
information into memory ONCE when the user logs in and then NEVER pull it
again is *very* zesty.  Sure you could do this via your own code and writing
a caching class, but then you have to deal with memory leaks (due to quasi-
dangling references).  It's much easier to let the container manage the 
caching by activating and passivating the bean when necessary.

The comment you made (management would really like for me to add EJBs to the
mix) is puzzling and cause for concern.  Ask them a couple of questions before
  1.)  What does E.J.B. stand for?
  2.)  What are the technological benefits of using EJBs?

If they get past #1 and provide a somewhat on topic answer to #2, proceed with
caution.  If they provide an answer to #1 and spew some marketing BS about 
being "J2EE compliant" because you use EJBs, whip together a mastubatorial 
stateless session bean named SessionManager (that always sounds important), 
don't link anything to it, and announce your software to the world as J2EE
compliant (cause the business folk ain't gonna know the difference).

Best of luck,

  3:15pm  up 6 days,  3:58,  3 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.35, 0.41

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Re: [JBoss-user] Re: TopLink for CMP

2001-12-13 Thread Christopher Blunck

On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 06:41, Jiri Luzny wrote:
> Christopher,
> if you can miss Entity Beans, Toplink works perfectly with "any" J2ee
> server. We use Toplink+JBoss using the following model:
> SessionBeans->PureJavaObjects mapped by Toplink->DB. We have written a
> MBean that encapsulates integration/configuration of Toplink within a
> J2EE server.
> Jiri.

Yup.  However, our app does have high availability and distributed
requirements.  Entity beans fit those requirements pretty nicely.  While
many of our entity beans (we have a Guest entity bean - and we persist
NOTHING about a Guest!) can disappear, my guess is that some will remain
and thus we'll need a container.  *shrug*


JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Re: TopLink for CMP

2001-12-12 Thread Christopher Blunck


Ya, it probably would suit my needs.  Some of the other O/R mapping
tools (by Thought for example) would probably also fit my needs.  And
believe me, I'd *love* to try some other mapping tools! :-)

The problem is that we have a deep investment in TopLink and I'm pretty
busy with other implementations right now. ;-)  If I were to say to my
boss "Can I have 2 weeks to convert us from TopLink to OR Tool X" he
wouldn't give it to me.  

... But ...

If I can easily migrate from WLS to JBoss.  Then I can make it a
slippery slide after that. "You know, you just saved $10k a year in
ditching WLS.  Why not save some more by ditching TopLink?  We're
already on a platform we know will support this other OR tool".

So ... step #1 is getting to use TopLink under JBoss.  Step #2 is
getting to try out other mapping tools under JBoss.  Step #3 is I take
over the project. :-)

Thanks for the link!


On Wed, 2001-12-12 at 14:51, Sacha Labourey wrote:
> Christopher,
> Have you tried the CMP 2.0 engine from MVCSoft? Don't you think it would fit
> your needs?
> http://www.flashline.com/components/view.jsp?prodid=4214&affiliateid=260343
> Cheers,
>   Sacha
> > -Message d'origine-
> > The motivation for asking my question is simple: I would rather not have
> > our company pay $10k for a WLS license when there's a perfectly capable
> > (and free) app server out there that has a large following and a lot of
> > momentum.  The one stumbling block is that we rely heavily on TopLink.
> > Getting my PM to ditch it in favor of JAWS or some other O/R mapping
> > tool would be a difficult argument.  (Of course, he recently complained
> > about WebGain's licensing scheme and how it's now gonna be as expensive
> > for us to buy TopLink as it was to buy WLS!).
> >
> > So, having JBoss support TopLink (or TopLink support JBoss - whatever
> > you want to call it) would lower the barrier to entry for us and would
> > really be beneficial.
> >
> > I'll get us migrated to JBoss  eventually ;-)
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

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Re: [JBoss-user] Re: TopLink for CMP

2001-12-12 Thread Christopher Blunck

On Mon, 2001-12-10 at 12:01, Jon Ferguson wrote:
> For a definitive answer talk to WebGain.  
I'll do so.  They have a 4.0 release coming out shortly and maybe
that'll plug into jboss.

> Also, I'd be very interested in what mapping features you're using
We use the multi-table mapping feature of TopLink.  The mapping that
comes with WL doesn't support those so that's a serious value add.  I'm
not sure if JAWS supports that (haven't checked yet).

> and what you're experiences with the WL version are.
Bad and terrible! :-)  TopLink can be such a pain in the butt to work
with.  Especially under CMP.

The motivation for asking my question is simple: I would rather not have
our company pay $10k for a WLS license when there's a perfectly capable
(and free) app server out there that has a large following and a lot of
momentum.  The one stumbling block is that we rely heavily on TopLink. 
Getting my PM to ditch it in favor of JAWS or some other O/R mapping
tool would be a difficult argument.  (Of course, he recently complained
about WebGain's licensing scheme and how it's now gonna be as expensive
for us to buy TopLink as it was to buy WLS!).

So, having JBoss support TopLink (or TopLink support JBoss - whatever
you want to call it) would lower the barrier to entry for us and would
really be beneficial. 

I'll get us migrated to JBoss  eventually ;-)

Thanks for the response, and I'll email WebGain,

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] TopLink for CMP

2001-12-07 Thread Christopher Blunck


I'm a java developer using WLS5.1 + TopLink 2.5.1.  We're migrating to
WLS6.1 + TopLink 3.6.  I'm trying to convince the higher ups to go to
JBoss2.4.3.  However, our app depends heavily upon TopLink for CMP.

I've done some searching on if TopLink CMP is supported by JBoss but
can't find any definitive answers.  

Has anyone tried this and gotten it to work?


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