On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 11:16:38PM -0500, sherlock costello wrote:
> >Does anybody (other than me) find it ironic that the leading open source
> >application server project uses PHP on it's home page instead of JSP?  
> Absolutely.  I think it's insane.

Not to fuel the flames thus far (it seems like there is a spectrum of 
respondants, some of which favor the move, some of which criticize it, and
some of which are indifferent) but . . .     :)

TheServerSide.com folks have written their own application to manage stories,
responses, threads, etc.  It's pretty cool, and I'm impressed to see reporters
actually explore the domain in which they report.  I read articles in magazines,
but I have no idea if the author even downloaded, compiled, wrote some client
code, and truly evaluated a potential product.  Or if they simply browsed the
online API and read some class docs.  To that end, I have a lot of respect for
TheServerSide.com folks for (as somebody else pointed out) eating their own
dog food and truly being in the trenches when it comes to emerging technology.

Example:  They wanted to review clustering.  What did they do?  They clustered
*their* production website using Oracle's app server and WebLogic.  After 
clustering, they wrote their review.  Their review has a hell of a lot of
credibility when on the left hand side of the browser window it reads
"Running on bea WebLogic" and after a refresh it says "Running on Oracle's
WebSphere."  I mean come on . . . you can't get much better than that.  

Likewise, I think JBoss should be in similar water and ... eating their own
dog food.  Yes I am familiar with the open source J2EE architecture (wrt Jetty
or Tomcat being a servlet engine, and JBoss is an application server that
can use Jetty or Tomcat, yadda yadda yadda).  But it seems to me that ... if
you really stand behind your movement you'd be using the tools in your domain
to solve your problems.  Or, if (as I am hearing) the current tools are not
appropriate, make a new tool.  Or change the existing tools to be more 
appropriate - that's the whole beauty of open source!  

Somewhat related to another poster's comment about MS Marketing, I'm just
waiting for a smartass coworker to read a post somewhere (/. perhaps) that
says that JBoss.org "doesn't trust their product enough to run their own
development site" and then come shouting to me about how the project I've
evangelized over the past year (over WebLogic and Oracle) isn't up to snuff.
Please don't let those jabronis do that.  Please...


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