Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-28 Thread Michael Bilow

On 2001-06-27 at 15:24 +0200, Philipp Meier wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 04:14:43PM -0400, Michael Bilow wrote:
  Fourth, the probability of a collision between your next randomly chosen
  number and any prior randomly chosen number is going to follow a Poisson
  distribution, which may not be obvious at first.  This means that the
  likelihood of collison is by no means neglible for databases of practical
  size even when using fairly big arbitrary numbers.  Exactly what does
  constitute negligible is a judgment call, not a technical decision.  
  Although a 128-bit hash seems unlikely to be a problem, it is certainly
  conceivable that a 64-bit hash could be.  Optimal behavior also depends
  upon the hash being properly seeded, as discussed.
  In general, I think that these kinds of subtleties make using a random
  hash approach for primary key generation more trouble than it is worth.  
  If you absolutely need to eliminate a singleton constraint and you can
  afford to check for collisions, it may be worth the effort.
 You can reduce the probability for random id collision by including a
 time stamp. Given millisecond sampling the probability for a id clash
 is reduced to 2^128 in one millisecond -- which indeed is less than
 2^128 in the lifetime of the id space. The increased collision probability
 in a cluster environment can be reduced by inserting a unique node id
 into the id -- the ip-address e.g. or the MAC of the network interface.
 Using a time stamp (ignoring the 2038 problem ;-)) can reduce the probability
 of id collisiong of 128 random ids to a level which is IMHO sufficient for
 most production environments.
 Any would be comment appreciated.

I am not sure I understand you at all.  If you mean to suggest that the
primary key could be constructed by concatenating a 64-bit timestamp with
a 128-bit hash, I suppose that is actually true.  However, this would have
the side effect of making primary keys 196 bits long.  Another possibility
to keep the key at 128 bits would be to use some arbitrary part of the
hash output, choosing 64 bits of the hash to concatenate with the 64-bit
timestamp.  This, however, would likely INCREASE the probability of
collision significantly while introducing platform dependence.

As I pointed out in a separate message, Java has millisecond _resolution_
but this is not the same thing as millisecond _accuracy_ against real
world time.  For example, on the IBM S/390 mainframe, time of day is only
accurate to a full second, so you see time with millisecond resolution
stepping 0.000, 1.000, 2.000, and so on.  Even on Windows, danch said that
he sees time moving in 10ms steps, so using a millisecond timestamp is
just going to throw away about three bits of keyspace.

Java also has no way to represent time in a convenient 64-bit format.  
The closest you can get is with java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis(), as
far as I know,which has an accessor that returns a long.  However, you
lose one bit on the high side because a time stamp will never be negative,
and you lose some bits on the low side if your platform does not report
time with 1ms accuracy.  As a practical matter, several of the bits on the
high side will change so slowly that they will be fixed over the lifetime
of the database, so they are also effectively removed from the keyspace
and thrown away.

If, on the other hand, you mean to concatenate the timestamp with the seed
for the hash, this makes no mathematical difference in the probability of
collision.  The main design goal of a hash, especially a cryptographic
hash, it to provide fairly wide distribution of outputs with minimally
different inputs, so there will be essentially no correlation between the
seeds or initializers and the hash output.

-- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list


2001-06-28 Thread Michael Bilow

It is extremely common for firewalls to restrict access to certain well
known services using well known ports.  For example, many ISPs no longer
allow direct connection to port 25 (SMTP) on a remote machine, and many
corporate firewalls take the approach of prohibiting anything which is not
specifically allowed.  This is usually done to prevent people inside the
firewall from accessing certain unapproved services such as IRC or
streaming multimedia, and even telnet.

Other corporate security policies will prevent any access to the outside
network except through an HTTP proxy server, and these proxy servers will
be restricted as to what they may access.  The proxy server may strip
user-agent headers, cookies, and sometimes even Javascript from viewed
pages.  This is usually done to prevent outside observers, including web
site operators, from gleaning confidential company information based upon
traffic analysis.

By moving jboss-user to a web forum, you are certain to cut off access for
a large number of people, either because of security policies or increased

-- Mike

On 2001-06-27 at 12:09 -0400, marc fleury wrote:

 how can your firewall filter out a port on my machine...
 will your firewall only allow outgoing traffic that goes to port 80 on a
 distant machine?
 if that is the case then we will probably merge the sites
 |-Original Message-
 |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris
 |Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 11:25 AM
 |Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] ONLINE FORUM AVAILABLE
 |--- marc fleury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | the jivesoftware folks have put their new software on our site, so
 | go check
 | it out.
 | this is a beta site and use jboss-user on it.
 |Great although, I don't suppose there is a chance of getting it
 |on port 80 - some of us are stuck behind corporate firewalls that
 |only allow that port through...
 |Need somewhere to Live in London -

JBoss-user mailing list


2001-06-28 Thread Michael Bilow

It's totally non-functional for me.  I tried to create an account, entered
all of the fields and hit the button, and then was simply returned to the
start page.  I was expecting some sort of indication as to whether I was
logged in and, if so, as whom?

When I tried to login using the information I created, Jive errored out
and presented this:

Not Found (404)
Original request: /jive/null
Not found request: /jive/null 

This does not seem ready for prime time.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-27 at 16:08 -0400, marc fleury wrote:

 yep we will put it on 80 when we go final, 
 |-Original Message-
 |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
 |Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 3:20 PM
 |Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] ONLINE FORUM AVAILABLE
 |Hi Marc
 |--On Wednesday, June 27, 2001 12:09 PM -0400 marc fleury 
 | will your firewall only allow outgoing traffic that goes to port 80 on a
 | distant machine?
 |This will be a common problem. Most companies run firewalls and most of 
 |those only allow outgoing traffic on a few ports. I have had to 
 |battle with 
 |IS departments to get them to open ports for POP and IMAP.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Stability problems on Linux

2001-06-28 Thread Michael Bilow

This is not a weak implementation.  It is simply an implementation
choice.  On Intel hardware, you are effectively limited to about 4000
threads, which is the default in Windows.  If you need to do so, you can
increase the number of task slots available in Linux by editing
include/linux/tasks.h in the kernel source and recompiling.

The important constants are NR_TASKS, which defaults to 512, and
MAX_TASKS_PER_USER, which defaults to NR_TASKS/2.  Assuming you are
running jBoss under a dedicated system user account, you can set NR_TASKS
to something like 4000 and NR_TASKS_PER_USER to something like 3800, and
then you will get substantially the same behavior on Linux as you would on
Windows.  Note, however, that this does not _guarantee_ stability of the
system on either Linux or Windows, but simply raises the bar before jBoss
wedges itself and has to be killed externally by the operating system.

Linux is designed with these low defaults on the assumption that any
process that is creating hundreds of threads is going crazy and should be
halted, so this ordinarily improves system stability.  In the case of
jBoss/Tomcat, it is normal behavior to see hundreds of threads created,
and the assumption embodied in the Linux kernel defaults is inapplicable.

One option you do not have with Windows that you do have with Linux is to
set the installed JVM to use green threads instead of native threads.  
This will use an internal scheduler in the JVM to switch between threads,
and they will not consume system task slots.  Green threads are somewhat
less efficient than native threads in most cases, but you may get better
stability by using them under very heavy load.  One disadvantage to green
threads is that, on SMP hardware, all threads within a JVM will be
confined to a single processor, while with native threads different
threads in the same JVM can run simultaneously.

You would be well advised to upgrade to JDK/JRE 1.3.1, which has some
improvements.  You may also want to see that Java is started with the
-Xincgc switch, which spreads out the garbage collection penalty and
prevents major bottlenecks from developing that can cause avalanche.

Finally, you may also find that behavior differs between Linux using the
2.2 kernel as opposed to the 2.4 kernel, so you might want to try each if
your distribution supports this.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-28 at 11:32 +0200, Frank Fröse wrote:

 We have severe problems bringing stability to our Apache/Tomcat/JBoss based
 application on Linux OS. Every thing seems to run stable while traffic is
 low. But when traffic increases the VM forkes hundered of OS processes what
 causes thousands (40,000) of open files. At the end all OS resources are
 consumed and the application dies.
 I read about Linux's weak thread implementation which uses an OS process for
 each thread. Could this be the source of our problems? Is there a way to
 control this resources greed of our application?
 Our configuration:
 Linux 2.2.18
 JDK 1.3.0 (Sun HotSpot)
 JBoss 2.2.2
 Tomcat 3.2.2
 Apache 1.3.19
 Would you probably recommend to better switch to Windows or Solaris OS? If
 so, which is the preferred OS for a JBoss application?
 - Frank

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Init scripts for SuSE

2001-06-28 Thread Michael Bilow

You might want to take a look at a message I posted earlier which touches
on this issue in a Debian context and contains an example script:

In our experience, usually jBoss will respond to SIGTERM (15) and shut
down gracefully, but sometimes it will be wedged and unresponsive.  In
such cases, we need to make sure that we have the ability to shut it down,
and we need to send SIGKILL (9).

The approach I chose was to send SIGTERM and start a time-of-day limit, by
default 300 seconds (5 minutes) after the SIGTERM was sent.  If that limit
was reached and jBoss was still running, it would be sent SIGKILL.  Under
normal circumstances, jBoss takes about 15-20 seconds after SIGTERM to
exit completely and shut down gracefully.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-28 at 20:17 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 07:24:42PM +0200, Tristan Donaldson wrote:
  Looking through the scripts I noticed you are shutting the server down
  with a kill  -9. I don't think  this is wise as  this terminates the
  process immediately without allowing it to close itself.
  Changing the  kill -9 to straight  kill fixes the problem  and the
  server seems to shutdown properly.
 Fixed, thank you very much.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] installing the JDBC driver

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

The PostgreSQL driver is not a legitimate part of the EAR.  In theory, an
EAR should be deployable on any EJB platform regardless of the back-end
database.  One of the main goals of EJB is to hide stuff like that from
your application.  I am not sure why the error would be no such file,
but I cannot see how this could work even if the file were to be found.

The JAR file in question is loaded during mbean initialization as jBoss
starts up.  By the time deployment happens, it is too late.

Furthermore, there would be substantial practical problems with putting
such a driver into the EAR which would make it undesirable to do.  For
example, your EAR would only work with a specific version of PostgreSQL;
if the back-end database were upgraded to a new version, everything would
break.  So this is a really not a good idea.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-25 at 20:06 -0500, G.L. Grobe wrote:

 I'm trying to get rid of the following error when I startup with
 [J2EE Deployer Default] couldnt add ./jdbc7.0-1.2.jar to common classpath:
 /u/public/JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/jdbc7.0-1.2.jar (No such
 file or directory)
* * *
 Chapter 3 (JDBC) of the docs say I must copy the driver file
 (jdbc7.0-1.2.jar) to the lib/ext directory in the JBoss distribution.
 Because I'm trying to get my J2EE app in a format to where it will
 distribute w/ one EAR file that I can give to my customers and will work
 accross several servers, I'd like to not have to pull the driver out and
 place it into the ~/lib/ext dir.
 Anyway this will work w/o doing that?

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Having problems with HotSpot server on RedHat 7.1?

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

We are running on Debian 2.3 (Woody) using a 2.2.19 kernel and Sun JDK
1.3.1 on a dual processor system.  We certainly do not see your problems.

First of all, the JVM should be hard-limited to consume a maximum of 64MB
unless you use the quasi-documented '-Xmxsize' switch when invoking
Java.  In the case of jBoss, this means editing the '' file.  If you
are not using this switch and memory is getting sucked up, you may have a
problem independent of the JVM.

If you are using the '-Xmxsize' switch and you are allowing the JVM to
have a very large amount of memory, more than a few hundred megabytes,
then it will usually be a good idea to force garbage collection to even
out over time with the likewise quasi-documented '-Xincgc' switch.  This
would also involve editing the '' file.

You seem to be testing uniprocessor mode on a separate machine, which
would be worthless if you are seeing some sort of problem with the kernel
or network stack.  For debugging purposes, you can force Linux to run in
uniprocessor mode with a multiprocessor kernel on an multiprocessor
machine by specifying the keyword 'nosmp' at the boot prompt.  If you are
using Lilo to boot, you can create an alternate boot block in the file
'/etc/lilo.conf' with the additional line 'append=nosmp' like this:


Alternatively, if you will not need this regularly, just stop the boot
with the 'Alt' key and enter Linux nosmp at the 'boot:' prompt.

It is also worth distinguishing between consumption of memory as opposed
to consumption of mere address space.  For example, here is jBoss running
on one of our SMP machines with the configuration described above, with
the JVM authorized to consume up to 480MB:

# ps u -C java | head -2
jboss19954  0.0 23.5 794452 60796 ?  SJun21   0:36
-server -Xms8m -Xmx480m -Xincgc
-classpath :/lib/tools.jar:run.jar:../lib/crimson.jar org.jboss.Main

The other main task here is PostgreSQL, using only a few megabytes:

test1:/home/mikebw# ps u -C postmaster | head -2
postgres 17804  0.0  0.6  8116 1632 ?SJun21   0:00
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster -D /var/lib/postgres/data

Although the JVM has allocated nearly 800MB of address space (VSZ or
virtual size), it is only really using 61MB (RSS or resident size).  
This is evident from looking at the system memory picture, showing that we
have never started swapping on our machine which has 256MB RAM and a 1GB
swap file, and actually have half the RAM being used for low priority
tasks such as filesystem buffers:

# free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:257640 221968  35672  56324 119220  24896
-/+ buffers/cache:  77852 179788
Swap:  1048560  01048560

In other words, a report that jBoss is using lots of memory opens the door
to more questions about your situation than answers.  I hope this gives
you some clue what to look for.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-25 at 22:37 -0400, Bill Burke wrote:

 Anybody having problems with SUN JDK 1.3 HotSpot server on RedHat 7.1(2.4
 kernel) Dual processor?  We're getting reproducable memory problems when
 invoking some code(mem usage jumps from 100M to 1.3Gig!) But can't reproduce
 the problem with -client or -classic.  Nor can we reproduce on RedHat 6.2
 server, client, or classic with a single processor machine.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] downloadable manual...where?

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

Most Linux distributions offer a large choice of tools which can do this.  
Here is a selection from Debian:

Both 'w3mir' and 'omt' are in Perl and therefore may work on Windows.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 09:50 +0200, Roman Kunert wrote:

 under linux I am using the program pavuk (comes with my SuSE7.1) to
 fetch the updated docs automatically, it stores the whole
 documentation tree on your drive and remaps all links so you can use
 it locally.

 but you are right, a zipped documentation snapshot would make sense...
For those of us who don't have a full time internet connection, it would
be really great if, from time to time, somebody made a .zip of the manual
and put it in the downloads section.  Right now I have to download and
save each page individually, and the links all point to jboss, not

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] mysql driver

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

While you are perfectly correct about this, I think it is advantageous to
remove any of the databases which you are not using.  That is, if you are
talking only to MySQL, then you probably would be better off excising all
of the Enhydra stuff from the jboss.jcml file.  Hypersonic especially
eats memory at a prodigious rate.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 08:02 -0500, Mike Thompson wrote:

 Ok, think I figured it out.  The docs led me to believe that I could have
 more than one
 mbean code=org.jboss.jdbc.JdbcProvider
 in my jboss.jcml.  I found that if I bundle all my drivers into one i.e
 mbean code=org.jboss.jdbc.JdbcProvider
 that all works ok.

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

Keep a couple of points in mind.  First of all, since you are using MD5 as
what amounts to a random number generator rather than for a cryptographic
purpose, you may be undertaking more processing than would be required to
do this in a more straightforward manner.  This is because crypto hashes
are designed to be infeasible to replicate without lots of iterative
processing in order to make it hard to attack them by brute force; they
are therefore computationally intensive.  Most decent psuedo-random number
generators can produce equivalent results in terms of distribution with
orders of magnitude less processing, although with more predictability.

Second, in terms of randomness, any arbitrary selection from a random set
of bits is just as random.  That is, a simple method for getting a random
64-bit number given a random 128-bit number is to use only the most- or
least-significant half, or XOR'ing both halves together.

Third, crypto hashes may be slightly less random than you think when used
to digest short messages.  In general, the distribution of crypto hashes
is only expected to be sufficiently random for large enough messsages,
although no one currently knows how to estimate a lower bound.  I doubt
this has any practical significance for you, but you ought to try to hash
a reasonably large amount of data, say 1024 bytes, relative to the size of
the hash itself when using a 128-bit hash such as MD5.  Above all, avoid
using initializers which are actually shorter than the hash, such as a
32-bit time stamp.  Note that the information content of data may be far
smaller than it seems; for example, the Unix 'date' command outputs 29
bytes of ASCII (Tue Jun 26 16:10:53 EDT 2001) which we know has only 4
bytes (32 bits) of information content, so date | md5sum is a very bad
idea to do.  You can get around this by using the output of each hash in
the input to the next hash, but then you may as well use a simple sequence
generator class.

Fourth, the probability of a collision between your next randomly chosen
number and any prior randomly chosen number is going to follow a Poisson
distribution, which may not be obvious at first.  This means that the
likelihood of collison is by no means neglible for databases of practical
size even when using fairly big arbitrary numbers.  Exactly what does
constitute negligible is a judgment call, not a technical decision.  
Although a 128-bit hash seems unlikely to be a problem, it is certainly
conceivable that a 64-bit hash could be.  Optimal behavior also depends
upon the hash being properly seeded, as discussed.

In general, I think that these kinds of subtleties make using a random
hash approach for primary key generation more trouble than it is worth.  
If you absolutely need to eliminate a singleton constraint and you can
afford to check for collisions, it may be worth the effort.

See for details. :-)

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 15:28 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well... I use similar technique for generating unique IDs, but I utilize the
 MD5 hash function. It is believed that it provides enough uniqueness. The
 only problem is that you cannot use the long as primary key field (in my
 case I use String). But you may convert 128-bit digest into 2x64-bit longs.
 It has similar pros and cons, however the max value is now 2^128 which is
 quite large number :).
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2001 14:54
  To: jboss
  Subject: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers
  As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
  Is it feasible to use a random number generator to generate primary
  keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily increasing keys
  and my number of records will presumably be much smaller than the size
  of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for prim-key). So
  if I do something along the following when making a new record;
  boolean created = false;
 Long key = generateRandomLong();
 created = ejb.create(key, contents);
  while (!created);
  (here, ejb.create() takes the primary key of the new record as its
  first param and returns true if success, false if not success)
  My theory is that most of the time, the creation will succeed on the
  first attempt, based on the assumption that number of records is
  insignificant compared to the value space of Long. 
  I don't need to do manual synchronisation with a central
  key-generating bean.
  I don't need to do DB-specific calls to get it to generate for me.
  Unpredictable time use for creation.
  Unusable if number of records becomes significant compared to value
  space of Long.
  I am assuming also that the creation of a random Long is a fast
  Bent D


RE: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

Note that Java represents time with millisecond _resolution_ which is not
at all the same thing as millisecond _accuracy_ in the real world.

Relying upon this sort of thing has the effect of introducing a platform
dependency which could make the whole design fall over.  For example, on
the IBM System/390 mainframe, real world accuracy is limited to one full
second, so millisecond resolution just sees the seconds incrementing
0.000, 1.000, 2.000, and so on.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 15:57 -0400, Jim Kimball wrote:

 If you are looking for a simple unique ID generator that is also (somewhat)
 evenly distributed, use a reverse timestamp. Use
 System.getCurrentTimeMillis(), turn it into a string, then reverse it.
 If you have performance problems with such a simple algorithm, you might
 want to write your own routine to do the reversing of a long without using
 the generic String methods.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] mysql driver

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

I really hope not, since we took everything but PostgreSQL support out of
the jboss.jcml file and made that the DefaultDS.  It may be that there
is a requirement that DefaultDS exist, but I don't know.  We are not
using JMS for anything special, but so far things seem to work.  Probably
one of the people on this list who knows what he is talking about could
answer your question better than I can.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 13:25 -0500, Mike Thompson wrote:

 Yikes! (Note: feel free to laugh if this is a stupid question).  Doesn't the
 JBoss JMS service use one of these DBs to persist messages?
 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Bilow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: List: jBoss users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 1:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] mysql driver
  While you are perfectly correct about this, I think it is advantageous to
  remove any of the databases which you are not using.  That is, if you are
  talking only to MySQL, then you probably would be better off excising all
  of the Enhydra stuff from the jboss.jcml file.  Hypersonic especially
  eats memory at a prodigious rate.
  -- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: random keys

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

On 2001-06-27 at 00:24 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 05:32:43PM -0400, Michael Bilow wrote:
  On 2001-06-26 at 21:45 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Why would this matter? Do databases assume that records with primary
   keys near one another will often be used together?
  Yes, this is why they are called primary keys.  Traditionally, database
  engines would try to entry-sequence records by primary key, and there
  remains an expectation that access by primary key will always be the
  fastest and most efficient mechanism for accessing a table.
 It seems strange to me that locality would be important in this
 case. The assumption that record number 5 and record number 6 are
 inherently linked more than record 5 and record 8793 are would
 certainly hold for some databases, but that it should be true in the
 general case (or even just often enough that it matters)?
 I can only see the usefulness for binary search, but there you would
 presumably build index tables anyway so actual location of data
 doesn't matter.

The main reason why primary key access is expected to be more efficient is
because experience has shown that databases tend to made up of two flavors
of table: tables which are read frequently and written infrequently, which
are usually searched on the same key, and tables which are inserted to
frequently and read not too much more often than they are written.

An example is something like an order entry system where orders are
created in an orders table for customers in a customers table to sell
items that are in an items table.  The items table will be written very
rarely, only when new items are introduced, but will be read frequently.  
Although there might be occasional need to search the items table on some
key other than the primary key, such as a description field, the vast
majority of accesses from the point of view of the database engine will be
to resolve references from other tables and these will all be done by
primary key.  For example, whenever an order is viewed, the orders table
references to items by primary key will have to be resolved through the
items table.  Because of this, optimizing for primary key will usually
result in an order of magnitude performance improvement.  The customers
table may be modified more frequently than the items table, but if there
are regular customers then the customers table will still be modified much
less frequently than the orders table.

The orders table, in turn, is mostly being modified by insertion
operations.  There might be occasions to modify an order record, say to
notate than an order has been shipped or that part of an order is
backordered, but the basic common operation regarding an order table will
be to either insert a new order or to locate all orders associated with
some other entity, such as a customer.  Looking up all orders for a
customer will require resolving through a secondary index on the orders
table, but those references will themselves resolve back to primary keys
in the orders table.  So the end result is that all database accesses are
eventually going to become a search by primary key, and optimizing for
that is invariably a huge win.

-- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Suggested way of calling Session Beans from JSP

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

-- Mike

On 2001-06-27 at 09:18 +1000, Devraj Mukherjee wrote:

 Tell me more ... can I find some documentation about Velocity somewhere ??
 At 23:01 26/06/01 +0200, you wrote:
 Why not using Velocity... ? I have been trying it with Jboss. You just have
 to write simple servlet that select beans and give references to your pages.
 With a good session bean design it's very simple.
 I allows to create nice pages without embedding too much code in it and
 editable with a simple html editor

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] E-mail vs. web vs news support

2001-06-25 Thread Michael Bilow

I think a web-based system would be a disaster.  It is far easier to take
a simple thing such as mail and layer over it more complicated things such
as newsgroup or web interfaces, while is it effectively impossible to do
the reverse.  There are some extremely large projects which use mail as
their lingua franca, some involving hundreds of developers, including
Linux itself and the Debian Project.  If discussions become so active that
they cannot be followed by mail, the only solution is a human editor along
the lines of what has happened with Linux Kernel Traffic or Debian Weekly
News.  To see examples of how this is done, see:

The Debian Weekly News can be fairly eccentric at times; a recent issue
led with the Debian Bug Tracking System celebrating its 100,000th bug:

The point is that mail has proven itself as the preferred way for many
developers and users to coordinate.  I would support splitting a busy list
into smaller lists, but moving to some scheme such as web forums would be
a major aggravation for me.  Using straightforward mail software (Pine and
Procmail), I can quickly blow through several dozen mailing lists, all
using the same interface from my perspective.  With web forums, I have to
run around to each one individually and adapt to its particular interface,
which is comparatively slow and frustrating -- not least because I use the
Lynx browser; if a web page requires client-side Javascript, I'm done.

Also, I can read my mail off-line just by synchronizing the mail client on
my laptop via IMAP, while reading a web forum off-line is impossible.  
Many people around the world are still paying for their connection time by
the minute, and forcing them to use a web forum is unfair.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-25 at 13:43 -0500, danch (Dan Christopherson) wrote:

 That's a very good idea. Note that this list will be moving over to a 
 Jive based web forum thing 'soon'. Will that help? I think there could 
 be a lot of advantages to also having a sight with concise summaries of 
 conversations on the list/forum. Maybe something more along the lines of 
 Linux Weekly News? Maybe with a bit more of a faq involved? Please, 
 though, no FAQ-O-Matic - I've never seen one that answered the question 
 I needed to ask.
 A site like this would need dedicated maintainers, wouldn't it? Or are 
 you thinking of something different?

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Apache+Tomcat+JBoss

2001-06-24 Thread Michael Bilow

The jBoss documentation is simply wrong and grossly outdated in any
meaningful way.  See my extensive post on a related issue a few days ago:

Linux, as of the 2.2 kernel and 1.3 Sun JVM, certainly does have real
native thread support, and this is the default installation.  See:

Basically, the choice between native threads and green threads is
an issue of whether the threads are to be scheduled by the system kernel
scheduler or by the JVM internal scheduler.  If the system scheduler is
used, the switching takes place in kernel mode and more efficient use of
resources can be made; in particular, an SMP machine can have multiple JVM
threads running simultaneously on different processors.  If the JVM
internal scheduler is used, the switching takes place in user mode which
is going to be somewhat slower, and all of the threads within the JVM will
be limited to a single processor on an SMP machine.

There is a trade-off here: for nearly all practical Java applications,
running with native threads is going to result in better performance, even
for a uniprocessor machine.  The exception is a Java application which
needs to create a huge number of threads, maybe into the several hundreds,
in which case green threads might be a realistic option.  Note that any
application which has hundreds of threads is going to thrash the scheduler
regardless of whether that scheduler is inside the JVM or the kernel, and
serious consideration should be given to rearchitecture.

There is some sort of nasty myth that Linux threads are somehow less
thready than Windows threads because they show up in the process table.  
This is an implementation choice that has negligible effect on performance
(after a thread has been initially created) because threads share task
descriptors which, on most hardware (including Intel), have physical
meaning in the CPU.  In other words, the Linux kernel switches between
threads as quickly and with essentially the same amount of overhead as a
thread switch on Windows, although Linux does take some penalty in initial
thread creation.  This is again a trade-off, because the Linux thread
model allows a single-tier scheduling algorithm while Windows requires a
double-tier scheduling algorithm.  What green threads on Linux do is
closer to the Windows scheduling model, although on Windows the thread
scheduler runs in kernel mode and is therefore faster than the user-mode
JVM internal scheduler on Linux that is only used with green threads.

The reason Linux will impose limitations on jBoss capacity that are not
present in Windows is because the Linux kernel is designed with the
assumption that any process spawning hundreds of threads has lost its mind
and should be stopped for the good of the system.  If one chooses to do
so, one can -- as I explain in my earlier post referenced above --
recompile the Linux kernel to raise the task count limit up into the
stratosphere; a little more than 4000 tasks can be allowed systemwide on
Intel hardware.  (This has a physical hardware basis: there are 8192
descriptor slots on Intel hardware, and each Linux task needs two, so the
dead maximum capacity on Intel hardware is 4096.  In turn, no single user
is allowed more than half the systemwide supply of task slots, so when
jBoss hits 2048 the kernel will deny it the ability to start new threads.  
Note that this is a factor of 8 greater than the kernel default.)  With
the kernel recompiled to allow more tasks, Linux will have essentially the
same capacity in terms of thread count as Windows, with the difference
that Linux will continue running if a non-root application requests every
available thread while Windows in that situation will crash.

In summary:

1. Linux has native thread support as of the 2.2 kernel and 1.3 Sun JVM,

2. SMP, if available, is fully utilized with native thread support,

3. There are reasons why one might choose not to use native thread support
on Linux and use green threads instead,

4. The capacity of Linux in terms of thread count can be boosted to a
level equivalent to that of Windows by changing a number in the kernel
source and recompiling, and

5. It is undesirable to have very large numbers of threads because then
the system will spend an increasingly larger portion of time in thread
switching and scheduling overhead at the expense of useful work.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-24 at 14:08 +0800, Fei Wang wrote:

 I have found the following at
 Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real
 threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200
 concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on
 the same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty
 in front of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a

Re: [JBoss-user] Apache+Tomcat+JBoss

2001-06-24 Thread Michael Bilow

See my immediately prior post on the subject of native thread support in
Linux.  The short answer is that it is present -- and the referenced jBoss
documentation already wrong -- as of kernel 2.2 and Sun JVM 1.3.

The Linux 2.4 kernel makes substantial internal changes to the scheduler,
especially with regard to SMP, but this is transparent to applications
such as jBoss.  (The exception to transparency is that threading errors,
such as failure to synchronize properly, may be exposed by a 2.4 kernel if
the same code was working by coincidence on a 2.2 kernel.)

From the perspective of a Java application, the 2.4 kernel should be
regarded as architecturally equivalent to a 2.2 kernel, although there
would likely be significant performance benefits, especially with SMP.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-24 at 11:25 +0100, Julian Gosnell wrote:

 Further context to this quote suggests that Linux 2.2 is being
 Firstly, can anyone confirm this from a reliable source - it's the
 first I've heard of it.
 Secondly, is this still the case with a 2.4 kernel, in which I thought
 similar issues had been very successfully addressed ?
 Thirdly, It would be useful to have dates on documentation, so that it
 is possible to tell when they become stale - if 2.4 does address this
 (I have no idea), or a better Linux JVM has since been released, then
 it would be helpful to know when this statement was made.
 Fei Wang wrote:
  I have found the following at
  Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real
  threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200
  concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on
  the same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty
  in front of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a
  So if it is ture, I think that Apache should be a reasonable front
  part, especially for production use.
  Fei Wang

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] load

2001-06-24 Thread Michael Bilow

1. We ran jBoss/Tomcat on Linux using a creaking old 166MHz Pentium with
64MB RAM and 256MB swap space.  This configuration thrashed noticeably
because of memory limitations, but we tested with our load simulator and
the system never fell over.  Enormous amounts of memory are consumed by
the Hypersonic SQL engine which comes in the box with jBoss, and it is not
appropriate for production use.  When we switched to PostgreSQL running on
the same machine and totally deconfigured Hypersonic in jboss.jcml, the
memory requirements dropped and performance was actually quite tolerable.  
Note that I am not recommending you run such a system in production, but I
thought knowing this would help you gauge just how far you can push things
toward minimum.

2. In our experience, the bottleneck on Linux is not connection count but
thread count.  As I have discussed in two immediately prior posts here,
jBoss under heavy load will exhaust the systemwide supply of task slots
and essentially wedge.  This can be worked around by modifying the kernel
source and recompiling the kernel with a higher number of task slots.  In
theory, changing to the green threads configuration would remove the
thread count limitation at the expense of performance.

3. In turn, the limiting factor on thread count is demand resulting from
the internal architecture of jBoss.  I really do not know enough to
discuss this issue, but I understand it is a development concern.

In general, jBoss on Linux benefits from throwing as much RAM and CPU
resources at it as can be reasonably afforded.  This is doubly a concern
when you run the database back-end on the same machine as the jBoss
application server.  Our current test configuration is a dual 300MHz
Pentium III system with 256MB RAM, and I would probably not put quite that
low-powered a machine into production use.  On the other hand, with our
present test configuration, the swap file is so far untouched with under
90MB actually utilized:

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:257640 235616  22024  65512 116680  36996
-/+ buffers/cache:  81940 175700
Swap:  1048560  01048560

My advice is to buy as much CPU power as you can at the outset because
this is expensive to upgrade later, and install whatever memory you think
you can get away with while keeping as many RAM slots unused as possible.  
Since memory is very cheap now, adding more will just be a matter of
filling up those slots.  Even 1GB or 2GB RAM is entirely affordable now.  
Fast disks will also help the back-end database a lot.

If you are going to use more than two CPUs or exceed 2GB RAM, you are
strongly advised to run the 2.4 Linux kernel.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-24 at 09:45 -0700, Richard Bottoms wrote:

 Since the question has been raised about the maximum user load of JBoss I'm
 in need of some concrete numbers as far as is currently known. 
 1. What is the minimum configuration recommended
 2. What's the maximum concurrent connections allowed under Linux.
 3. Is this affected by processor speed, memory or chip type?
 I have a commercial app I want to develop, but I, and I would guess others
 need these answers if we are to proceed.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Exceptions starting and stopping JBoss-2.2.2_Jetty-3.1.RC5

2001-06-23 Thread Michael Bilow

The obvious solution would be to make sure that the directly is non-empty
in the distribution archive.  :-)

-- Mike

On 2001-06-23 at 08:36 -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:

 It may not be your build. It could be the tool the user is using
 to unarchive. If either drops empty directories this problem
 shows up.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Julian Gosnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 7:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Exceptions starting and stopping JBoss-2.2.2_Jetty-3.1.RC5
  Thanks Guys,
  I'll look into why my build sequence is stripping out this directory.
  I'll make sure it doesn't happen in the next release.
  Getting there, Slowly :-)

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Deploying problem

2001-06-23 Thread Michael Bilow

Are you on a live network with an Internet connection?  My guess is that
you are trying to start the XML parser -- without which nothing is going
to work -- and it is trying to get the DTD from the host specified.  If
you are really, really stuck, it is possible to modify DOCTYPE so that it
references a locally cached static copy of the DTD, but most people do not
have to do that.

For example, in the EAR file you are trying to deploy, you will often have
something like a META-INF/application.xml file (or any XML file, for that
matter) which begins like this:

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application 1.2//EN;

Once you start down that road, you need to be able to get the DTD file.  
If your machine is not on a live network, you need to supply a local copy
of the DTD file and modify the DOCTYPE attribute to point to it.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-23 at 19:05 +0200, Marek Sedliak wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am new in JBoss and please I would like to ask you for help.
 I am using JBoss-Tomcat installation and when deploying my .ear file
 (containing EJB jar file and Servlets war file) I am getting the following
 [Auto deploy]
 [Auto deploy]   at
 [Auto deploy]   at
 [Auto deploy]   at
 [Auto deploy]   at
[lots of stuff removed]

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] jboss/db/jbossmq disappearing....

2001-06-23 Thread Michael Bilow

The Info-ZIP compression/decompression tools have radically different
default behaviors than the old PK-derived tools.  For example, on DOS,
PKUNZIP flattens all files into the current directory by default and
strips all subdirectory information unless the -d switch is given.  
With the Info-ZIP tools, like tar you get subdirectories by default
unless you explicitly junk them with the -j switch.  WiZ, a freeware
clone of WinZip from the Info-ZIP project, obviously uses the Info-ZIP
engine on Windows in DLL form, so it has the default Info-ZIP behavior.  
Some people are probably using jar to unzip distribution ZIP files!

Considering how little control you will ever have over how people choose
to extract your distribution archive, I think your only safe option is to
put something like a README.txt file into the directory to ensure that
it is not empty.  As far as I know, this will guarantee on all tools that
the directory is created (if the tool is subdirectory-aware at all).

There is no way for you to deal with ownership and permissions issues
except as part of a larger policy which provides a framework for this.  
For example, on our systems all parts of the distribution are owned by
root in group jboss, and those parts to which the running jBoss system
needs read-only access have mode 750 for directories or 640 for files,
while those parts for which the running jBoss system needs read-write
access have mode 770 for directories or 660 for files.  This guarantees
that jBoss does not have sufficient privilege to modify its own code or
configuration on disk, one of the most commonly exploited security
vulnerabilities on Unix.  The jBoss process itself runs as the jboss
system user, who (like users mail or ftp) has no login privilege.

Such a framework for ownership and permission would be a huge help on
Unix, since that would effectively standardize the installation format and
centralize maintenance of it.  Right now, we have to manually configure
the ownership and permission of every single directory and file which is
unpacked from the distribution on Unix.  There is also at present no
expectations that any two different Unix installations have comparable
configurations, which makes bugs more likely and diagnosis more difficult.

Part of the problem, of course, is that ZIP files have no standard way of
carrying ownership and permission information.  The tar file format
does, since it is POSIX-standardized, but people do not seem to like using
tar format on DOS/Windows.  Info-ZIP defines a private extension on
operating systems which have ownership and permission capabilities, so
that this information can be carried by the ZIP file if Info-ZIP tools are
used for both archiving and dearchiving.  Oddly, the default behavior on
Unix is for zip to put ownership and permission information into the
archive and then for unzip to throw it away upon dearchiving!  (Use the
-X switch to override the default behavior on Unix.  That is, zip -X
will NOT record ownership and permission information, and unzip -X will
NOT throw it away.)

Although there is no standard extension format for ZIP, there is a
standard format (originally definied by PKZIP) for declaring extensions.  
As a result, any ZIP tool should be able to tell that there is some sort
of extension present, but it may not be able to distinguish whether the
extension is Unix ownership and permission information, an OS/2 extended
attribute block, or a MacOS resource fork.  Info-ZIP supports all of these
types of extensions, but they are only meaningful if Info-ZIP tools are
used for both archiving and dearchiving, even across platforms.  The Unix
zipinfo tool (really unzip -Z ...) can display these.

Note that Sun uses the Info-ZIP tools (or at least their file formats) to
distribute the Linux JDK.  This is necessary because there is no other way
to encapsulate critical information needed by Linux, such as symbolic
links in the filesystem.  Distribution file j2sdk-1_3_1-linux-i386
examined with zipinfo shows Info-ZIP extensions decoded.  Here is the
main java binary in the archive:

-rwxrwxr-x  2.2 unx27058 bx defN  6-May-01 06:15

Here is a symbolic link (the contents of which when uncompressed are the
link's target):

lrwxrwxrwx  2.2 unx   13 bx stor  6-May-01 06:41

The coding 2.2 unx means that the archive was created (by Sun) using
Info-ZIP v2.2 on Unix.  If the ZIP distributions for jBoss are built on
Linux using the Info-ZIP tools, this would make life a great deal easier
for Unix installations and remain perfectly compatible with Windows.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-23 at 19:24 +0100, Julian Gosnell wrote:

 All the .tgz files I have checked in to binaries have this directory intact :
 drwxrwxr-x jules/jules   0 2001-06-10 23:29:02

Re: [JBoss-user] problems with server with 2 network cards

2001-06-22 Thread Michael Bilow

You might try the brute force approach of reversing the interfaces, such
that the external IP is on eth0 and the internal IP is on eth1.  Many
processes which are not multiple interface-aware will simply pick up the
address of the first interface they find.  Note that this does not involve
reversing the physical cards or wires, just the interface labels.

Is your DNS valid and consistent, both forward and reverse?

As a general rule, when a machine is addressable by more than one IP
address, we like to configure DNS for an identical perspective both inside
and outside the firewall.  The way we usually do this is by suffixing the
letter i and e to the respective hostname component.  That is, for a
machine whose hostname is aaa001, we would define in the zone file a
name aaa001-i which maps to the internal address only and a name
aaa001-e which maps to the external address only.  We regard this is
enormously preferable to having desynchronized DNS zones, which is how
most people handle the situation.  (This is especially important if there
are cryptograpic protocols in use, as with SSH, which will try to validate
the hostname, but that is beyond the scope of your problem with jBoss.)

Does the application work from outside if you put the internal interface
down before starting your services?  Then the external interface would be
forced to be the first enumerated interface.

You may need to specify the RMI server address manually when starting Java
on the server if the system guesses wrong, editing

java -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= ...

This is something of an RMI FAQ, and would be applicable to any situation
where multiple interfaces or even virtual interfaces with different IP
addresses are involved:

Clearly, no route to host is a correct error message for an address like, which is a fake net guaranteed to be publicly unrouteable
by RFC1918/BCP0005.  The problem is why the client is attempting to
connect to this IP address in the first place, and that seems almost
certain to be related to one or another of the directory services.  If you
can look at the client's network table and see what port on the
unreachable address is being attempted, you should be able to see whether
this is related to web access (port 80 or 8080), in which case DNS is
likely at fault, or related to Java internals such as RMI (port 1099) or
JNDI (port ), in which case you have a property set wrong.  At this
point, it is hard to tell from your description what sort of connection is
actually failing without more detailed information.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-22 at 11:21 +0200, Patrick Buchinger wrote:

 hi everybody!
 i have a server with 2 network cards in it, one is connecting to the 
 internal network (let's say ip= and one is connecting to 
 the internet (let's say ip=
 the os of the server is linux (kernel 2.2.16). the server also is the 
 gateway from the internal network to the world (using NAT).
 now the problem is, when i try to connetct to jboss from outside the 
 internal network (to ip, i always get a 
 NoRouteToHostException to host!!??!!!
 is this a jboss problem or a server configuration problem? has someone 
 ever made such a configuration successfully run with jboss?

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Jboss and RMI problem on Solaris

2001-06-22 Thread Michael Bilow


Explicitly tell the RMI server where it lives when starting Java:

java -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= ...

If the RMI server is running on a different machine, then trying to find
it on localhost [] is not going to work.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-21 at 22:12 +0530, Bhavin Patel wrote:

 hi friends,
 we r running jboss2.2 on solaris and tomcat on linux. the scenario is as
 under. our naming service is on port 8080 on solaris and  rmi is at 1099
 on linux.
   we are calling a remote method on RMIObject(running on tomcat on
 linux)  from Session Bean(on JBoss on Solaris). we are able to lookup
 the RMI object from session bean, but when we try to call any method on
 that object , the jboss shows following error.
   [SessionBeanA] from session Bean  java.rmi.ConnectException:
   n refused to host:; nested exception is: Connection refused 
   [SessionBeanA] java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to
 host:; nested exception is: Connection refused 

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: Re: MVCSoft Persistence Manager and JBoss

2001-06-22 Thread Michael Bilow

Keep in mind that DefaultDS can be mapped to any back-end you like.  
For example, we map it to PostgreSQL in the jboss.jcml file and use this
with MVCSoft, and we do not even configure Hypersonic or InstantDB:

code=org.jboss.jdbc.JdbcProvider name=DefaultDomain:service=JdbcProvider
 attribute name=Driversorg.postgresql.Driver/attribute

attribute name=PoolNameDefaultDS/attribute
attribute name=URLjdbc:postgresql://
attribute name=JDBCUserusername/attribute
attribute name=Passwordpassword/attribute

name=:service=PersistenceSPI /

Jim Archer, who answered your question originally and whose post you
quoted below, is obviously far more knowledgeable about MVCSoft than I am,
but the above excerpts from my working jboss.jcml file should give you a
clear idea of how easy it is to point MVCSoft at any arbitrary back-end.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-22 at 10:21 -0600, Da-Ming Duan wrote:

 Thanks Jim. It realy helps. I think there should be someway to specify
 different datasources with MVC PM, otherwise it is useless for any
 enterprise application that has its own database.
 Message: 9
  Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:22:46 -0400
  From: Jim Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Da-Ming Duan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [JBoss-user] Re: MVCSoft Persistence Manager and JBoss
  Let me take a shot at these...
  --On Thursday, June 21, 2001 4:43 PM -0600 Da-Ming Duan
   How and where to specify a datasource in a EJB2.0 jar with MVCSoft
   Persistence Manager? Can I incude jaws.xml in an EJB2.0 jar to specify a
   datasource with jawsdatasourceMyOracleDBPool/datasource/jwas?
  The code generated by the MVC PM uses DefaultDS. I'm noit sure if this can
  be easily changed, as I have never tried. You won;t need Jaws with the MVC
  PM, as it generates BMP code for you.
   2. There are 4 elements for MVCSoft Code Generator: EJB2.0 input jar,
   EJB1.1 output jar, a temperory directory and the file with the DDL
   output for the tables. What is this file and what are these tables?
   Where to put this file when archiving the beans?
  The DDL file is actually just a bunch of SQL create statements you can
  use to create your tables in your database. You don't put this file
  anywhere. Since your now using BMP, jBoss won;t create the tables for you,
  so you'll have to use this file to do that yourself.
  Using a mapping.xml file, you can control the names and schemas of each
  table you'll need.
   3. Can jboss.xml still be put in the directory META-INF for an EJB2.0
  Yes, and depending upon what your doing you may still need it.
   4. Are mapping.xml and default_mapping.xml used to replace JBoss'
   jaws.xml and standardjaws.xml? If yeas, the mapping.xml--jaws.mxl is OK
  No, not at all. These files tell the code generator what table an field
  names and field types and sizes to use for the database tables. Nothing
   By the way, is there any user email list for MVCSoft Persistence
  Yes, they have a mail list on Yahoo Groups called ejb20-persistence. Its a
  very low volume and helpfull list.
  Good luck!

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] here's a simple start/stop script

2001-06-22 Thread Michael Bilow
 successfully for some time.  I have delimited the beginning and end of
the script with a row of , but these are for clarity in this message
only and are not part of the script.

#  By Michael Bilow, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-05-09
#  This Debian init script is in the public domain
#  Loosely based upon prior contributed work by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#  which was published into the public domain on SourceForge:
#  Install this script into /etc/init.d and create links to
#  start and stop with position control values 95 and 15,
#  respectively.  Use the 'update-rc.d' utility to do this:
#update-rc.d jboss_local defaults 95 15
#  We are assuming also that a system user jboss has been
#  created with group jboss, and that the jBoss tree has been
#  installed in such a way that the jboss user has necessary
#  access to run it.  We choose to have most of the jBoss tree
#  owned by root with owner group jboss, and then to grant
#  either read-only or read-write privilege to the jboss group
#  as needed.  The details of this installation are beyond the
#  scope of this comment.  The jboss user should NOT have any
#  privilege to log in.
#  If jBoss/Tomcat absolutely must attach a listener directly
#  to port 80 or some other privileged port, use the ipchains
#  facility rather than running as root.  For example, configure
#  jBoss/Tomcat to listen on port 10080 and then issue:
#ipchains -A input --destination-port 80 -p tcp -j REDIRECT 10080
#  Since 'start-stop-daemon' will make / the pwd for the
#  backgrounded process when the '--background' switch is used,
#  we need to have a wrapper script '' which
#  contains simply:
#  This wrapper script needs its ownership and permissions such
#  that the jboss user can read and execute it, and it must be
#  placed into the directory where '' resides.


export DAEMONPATH=/var/local/jboss/tomcat/jboss/bin/

JVM=java# Name of the running JVM in /proc/pid/stat

DESC=jBoss with Tomcat application server

LIMIT=300   # Seconds we try sending SIGTERM before sending SIGKILL

test -x $DAEMON || exit 0

set -e

case $1 in
echo -n Starting $DESC: 
start-stop-daemon --quiet --start --background \
--chuid jboss --exec $DAEMON
echo $PKGNAME.
echo -n Stopping $DESC: 

# 'date +%s' gives seconds since Unix epoch
STOPSTAMP=`date +%s`

if start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --signal 0 \
--user jboss --name $JVM

start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --oknodo \
--user jboss --name $JVM

# jBoss could take considerable time to shut down
while start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --signal 0 \
--user jboss --name $JVM 2/dev/null
if [ `date +%s` -le $STOPLIMIT ]

sleep 1
echo -n .
start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --signal 9 \
--user jboss --name $JVM --oknodo

echo $PKGNAME.
echo $PKGNAME was not running.
echo -n Restarting $DESC: 
$0 stop
sleep 3
$0 start
echo Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload} 2
exit 1

exit 0

Note that there are certain aspects of this script which remain in doubt.  
For example, it is not clear whether restart works in all cases because
jBoss might not cleanly release and unbind the sockets it was using for
its listeners, requiring that the sockets go through a TIME_WAIT stage
before they can be reacquired and bound to the new server instance.  In
this case, the sleep 3 in the restart code may need to be lengthened.

Also, since jBoss is not (yet) an official Debian package, the use of 95
and 15 to control the start and stop order relative to other packages

Re: [JBoss-user] Memory Leak problem

2001-06-22 Thread Michael Bilow

Please see my rather detailed reply to David Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in a post I sent a few minutes ago.  I include the entire startup script
as part of that message, explaining the use of the standard Debian utility
start-stop-daemon which is at issue here.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-21 at 14:57 -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:

 How are you starting the server process? The only way I can see doing this
 is redirecting the stderr descriptor to a file as parting of the startup process
 and then sending the vm a SIGQUIT signal.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Michael Bilow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 1:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Memory Leak problem
  In our installation (Linux), jBoss runs as a server process, which means
  it has no console.  In fact, it runs under the privilege of the jboss
  system user, who cannot even log in.  All ownership and permission
  information is tied to this system user, so running under any other user
  would be prohibitively difficult.  It is ordinary to set up something like
  jBoss this way, since otherwise it would be tied to the user console and
  die when the user logged out, which is obviously undesirable in real
  production.  It is possible to rig up a test environment where a console
  is set up by a shell running as the jboss user and then jBoss is started
  through the nohup utility or some similar method to redirect stdout and
  stderr to disk files, but this is a pretty awkward configuration and I
  think it would require modifying the file.  Is there any other
  way to get dump information to go to a file instead of to the usually
  non-existent stderr?  This would be very helpful on Unix.
  -- Mike
  On 2001-06-21 at 08:41 -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:
   Obtain a thread dump of the vm in this situation to see where the threads
   are via a Ctrl-\ or SIGQUIT. This gets dumped to stderr so you need
   to redirect this or have a huge console buffer or logging.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] More Out of Memory Errors!

2001-06-21 Thread Michael Bilow

Maybe I can throw a little light on this.  I don't know too much about
what goes on inside jBoss or the JVM, but I can tell you what I see
happening on a Linux system.

When something is wrong with the deployable EAR, and I am not really sure
exactly what, jBoss can get into a state where it just starts creating
threads until the operating system puts a stop to it.  In Linux, each
thread gets a process identifier ('pid') and threads are 'lightweight
processes' which run on the operating system scheduler.  The threads share
memory and descriptors so the overhead is much less than for heavyweight
processes, which is the whole purpose of threads.

However, the system limitations applicable to heavyweight processes apply
equally to lightweight processes, in particular that a single non-root
user may never exceed half of the available system pids.  By default when
building a Linux 2.2 kernel, the system has a global limit of 512 pids.  
This is configurable in the linux source (include/linux/tasks.h):

#define NR_TASKS512 /* On x86 Max about 4000 */

It is possible on most platforms which run Linux to increase this number
in the source code and rebuild the kernel.  (It is problematic on SPARC,
but that it beyond the scope of the discussion here.)  Nevertheless, it is
important to realize that (a) there is always some finite limit which
usually has a grounding in actual hardware, (b) scheduling lots of threads
requires time and effort on the part of the kernel which is by definition
done at the expense of useful work, and (c) Linux typically runs on large
servers using only the defaults such that increasing the task count is so 
rare that it requires a source edit rather than a configuration option.

As long as jBoss is not run by the root user, which is obviously extremely
dangerous and undesirable for other reasons anyway, the maximum number of
pids it can own concurrently is going to be limited to 255 on a default
kernel.  Once this thread limit is reached, jBoss will essentially wedge
to the point where it no longer even responds to SIGTERM to shut down
gracefully, but requires SIGKILL to stop it.  I think that jBoss sees this
situation as an out of memory condition as reflected by the JVM, but I
am not sure about this.  Of course, if jBoss is run by the root user for
some reason, the entire machine will be wedged at this point and the only
remedy would be something as drastic as the reset switch or the watchdog.

These observations apply to JBoss-2.2.1/Tomcat-3.2.1 running on Debian
(Woody) using Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.3.1-b24, mixed mode).  
The Linux kernel is 2.2.19 SMP.  The file has been modified to
include the switches -Xms8m -Xmx480m so as to allow the JVM to allocate
much more than the default 64MB, but in fact it usually only allocates
between 45MB and 65MB before wedging.  The machine has 256MB physical RAM
and 1GB of swap, and in practice never swaps.  Here is a snapshot with
jBoss running under moderate load:

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:257640 191672  65968  73588  77708  22528
-/+ buffers/cache:  91436 166204
Swap:  1048560  01048560

The main thread of the JVM at this point shows:

jboss19954  0.6 25.3 923052 65184 ?  S05:01   0:36

Notice that the operating system virtual machine size of 923MB is a little
large, but this is just address space and is fairly far divorced from
actual memory.  The real resident size of the JVM is only 65MB, and the
whole machine has only about 200MB allocated and none of the 1GB swap
space in use at all.  I am not sure why the JVM has such a large amount of
address space allocated, even if not actual memory, when it has been told
that it can use only about half of that.  Remember that the data above
comes from a snapshot of a normally running jBoss installation.  However,
maybe out of memory means exactly what it says.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-21 at 05:43 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:

 Were are battling this even as I type...
 It seem that if jBoss hits the operating systems pid (thread) limit for a 
 process, it throws out of memory exceptions. We just ran some load test 
 scripts and when we get too many threads, pop goes the weasil.
 I'm looking at two possibilities... Catch the out of memory exceptions in 
 my code and then sleep for a bit and try again (not a great olution) or 
 throw more hardware / operating system at it.
 Maybe both.
 Does anyone know what jBoss should do when the thread limit is hit?
 --On Thursday, June 21, 2001 10:11 AM +0100 Nicolai P Guba 
  The problem is much more drastic than I initially thought.  I just
  asked a question about closing PreparedStatements.  Obviously, I had a

Re: [JBoss-user] Memory Leak problem

2001-06-21 Thread Michael Bilow

In our installation (Linux), jBoss runs as a server process, which means
it has no console.  In fact, it runs under the privilege of the jboss
system user, who cannot even log in.  All ownership and permission
information is tied to this system user, so running under any other user
would be prohibitively difficult.  It is ordinary to set up something like
jBoss this way, since otherwise it would be tied to the user console and
die when the user logged out, which is obviously undesirable in real
production.  It is possible to rig up a test environment where a console
is set up by a shell running as the jboss user and then jBoss is started
through the nohup utility or some similar method to redirect stdout and
stderr to disk files, but this is a pretty awkward configuration and I
think it would require modifying the file.  Is there any other
way to get dump information to go to a file instead of to the usually
non-existent stderr?  This would be very helpful on Unix.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-21 at 08:41 -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:

 Obtain a thread dump of the vm in this situation to see where the threads
 are via a Ctrl-\ or SIGQUIT. This gets dumped to stderr so you need
 to redirect this or have a huge console buffer or logging.

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] jBoss mention in IBM developerWorks article

2001-06-21 Thread Michael Bilow

jBoss received positive mention in an article in IBM developerWorks:

Obviously, since IBM sells WebSphere, the article is focused on that.

-- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Documentation issues (was: Unable to resolve JNDIname)

2001-05-15 Thread Michael Bilow

On 2001-05-15 at 12:12 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is it a bug? Shouldn't jBoss report that it could not
  find jboss.xml during deployment?
 No, if no jboss.xml found, it uses the standardjboss.xml in the
 configuration dir. Same applies to the jaws.xml (it uses standardjaws.xml
 instead). Only ejb-jar.xml is required.

This sort of thing, although not this particular one, bit me before
between jboss.xml and jboss-auto.xml.  It might be a good idea to put the
start-up sequence and the complete list of files and their alternatives
into a single place in the documentation under a heading like Starting
Sequence.  Many of these issues are documented, but are scattered all
over the documentation.

I think it might be prudent for jBoss at least to make a log entry,
something like jboss.xml not found; using standardjboss.xml default
instead.  This would make it a lot easier to figure out what is going on.

While on the subject of documentation, it would be really handy to have a
keyword index of the on-line HTML manual.  A utility such as ht://Dig -- -- could be used to generate this off-the-shelf.  
For example, if someone wants to know how to configure jBoss for Postgres,
they need to look under Minerva.  Having a keyword index would allow
them to look under Postgres and produce fruitful results.

-- Mike

P.S. Personal note to Manu Srivastava, who started this thread (his words
are those marked with ): Are you the same person as Manoj Srivastava?  
If so, hello!

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] jboss startup problems postgresql driver

2001-05-15 Thread Michael Bilow

I have a few suggestions.  First, if you are not using Hypersonic at all,
which appears to be the case, then you should remove the reference to
org.hsql.jdbcDriver as a JdbcProvider.  We had long hangs at the same
point you did, depending upon how much memory and CPU power we were
throwing at the installation.  On a throw-away 166 MHz machine with 64 MB
RAM running Debian Linux, we saw a hang of 45 minutes before jBoss woke
up and continued initializing!  Admittedly, we were specifically trying to
test how far down the hardware curve we could push this.

Second, I have heard that there is some sort of bug in connecting with
Postgres where a password must be specified.  I have not personally tried
using Postgres with a blank password, so I do not know if this is true.

-- Mike

On 2001-05-15 at 13:46 +0200, Haug Bürger wrote:

 my jboss doesn't start propperly, it hangs at
 [myWMS] Starting
 [myWMS] XA Connection pool myWMS bound to java:/myWMS
 I removed the jboss-auto config file and moved the drivers jar-file to
 lib/ext. I can access the database with isqlview which uses the same
 driver. I trimmed the jbos.jcml to the necessary stuff that i guess it's
 What is wrong with my configuration?
* * *
!-- JDBC --
   !-- Drivers that could be used by jBoss --
   mbean code=org.jboss.jdbc.JdbcProvider
   mbean code=org.jboss.jdbc.XADataSourceLoader
 attribute name=PoolNamemyWMS/attribute
 attribute name=Properties/attribute
 attribute name=URLjdbc:PostgreSQL://mona/myWMS/attribute
 attribute name=GCMinIdleTime120/attribute
 attribute name=JDBCUserbuerger/attribute
 attribute name=MaxSize10/attribute
 attribute name=Password /
 attribute name=GCEnabledfalse/attribute
 attribute name=InvalidateOnErrorfalse/attribute
 attribute name=TimestampUsedfalse/attribute
 attribute name=Blockingtrue/attribute
 attribute name=GCInterval12/attribute
 attribute name=IdleTimeout180/attribute
 attribute name=IdleTimeoutEnabledfalse/attribute
 attribute name=LoggingEnabledfalse/attribute
 attribute name=MaxIdleTimeoutPercent1.0/attribute
 attribute name=MinSize0/attribute

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Distribution formats: tar vs. zip

2001-05-14 Thread Michael Bilow

Just to add a comment here, even bare tar would be really nice instead of
just zip.  Unlike zip, tar preserves Unix ownership and permissions.  At
present, these have to be set by trial and error, since as far as I know
the necessary information is not even documented.  It is possible to set
everything in jBoss to -rwxrwxrwx or something similarly foolish, but
from a security perspective on Unix this is suicidal.

-- Mike

On 2001-05-14 at 09:51 +0530, Vinay Ram P S wrote:

 The format of jboss installation is .zip
 Isn't there any .rpm format for linux?

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] jBoss architecture question

2001-05-14 Thread Michael Bilow

Here is something interesting which I just discovered was added into the
man/man1/java.1 file which comes with the April 23 Release Candidate 2 of
JDK 1.3.1 for Linux:


Reduce usage of operating-system sig-
nals by Java virtual machine (JVM).

Sun's JVM catches signals to implement
shutdown hooks for abnormal JVM termi-
nation. The JVM uses  SIGHUP,  SIGINT,
and SIGTERM to initiate the running of
shutdown hooks. The JVM  uses  SIGQUIT
to perform thread dumps.

Applications  that  embed the JVM fre-
quently need to trap signals like SIG-
INT  or  SIGTERM,  and  in  such cases
there is the possibility of  interfer-
ence  between the applications' signal
handlers and  the  JVM  shutdown-hooks

To  avoid  such interference, the -Xrs
option can be used to turn off the JVM
shutdown-hooks  feature.  When -Xrs is
used, the  signal  masks  for  SIGINT,
changed by the JVM,  and  signal  han-
dlers   for   these  signals  are  not

As I read this, it seems to imply that the Sun JVM (at least as of 1.3.1)
does install some sort of default handler for signals such as TERM, and
that this new switch allows suppressing the installation of these default
handlers so that the signal is passed through to the application in the
raw, as it were.

Whatever the implications of this, it does seem that jBoss will have to
take this new switch into account, even if only to document that it may be
incompatible.  I do not yet know if the existence of this new switch means
that the default behavior changed from JDK 1.3.0 to 1.3.1.

Any comments or observations would be welcomed.

-- Mike

On 2001-05-13 at 15:51 -0400, Samuel Bucholtz wrote:

 Yes, you are quite right. However, we are, as you say stuck with whatever
 implementation is made
 by the JVM. Other than wrapping some native C code to handle signals and
 then communicate them to 
 the java threads using some means, like sockets, there is nothing that can
 be done. 
 It seems simple enough to test this on whatever implementation you happen to
 be on. Write a small 
 program that spawns some threads,  kill -TERM pid one of the threads and see
 what happens. Most
 likely you will have to do this for every VM and OS you routinely use.
 I know that we here have scripts that kill iPlanet threads automatically to
 keep the app server from dying,
 I do not know if these scripts are sending TERMs or KILLs though. This of
 course might work on a 
 website where the only thing that is lost when the thread is killed is the
 request, it would not if there
 are interdependencies between threads.
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Bilow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 13:36
 Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] jBoss architecture question
 No, no... I agree that, in the abstract, it makes sense to send the TERM
 signal only to the initial or master thread.  Furthermore, I entirely
 agree with you that it might be appropriate for a thread to ignore TERM if
 the necessary shut down processing is handled by the master thread.
 There is no way, at least on Linux, to distinguish processes and threads
 from userland.  A thread has a process ID (pid) and runs on the system
 scheduler just like any other process.  The distinction between a process
 and a thread in Linux is made in terms of kernel memory mapping during
 task switching, since the defining characteristic of a thread is that it
 shares the complete memory descriptor table of all other fellow threads.
 The end result is that threads show up on the process list because they
 have pids and they are therefore subject to being sent signals.  This is
 absolutely unavoidable in a Linux environment.  Therefore, there must be
 some facility in each thread to handle signals when they are sent.  If the
 proper behavior is for threads to ignore TERM signals, then they must
 install handlers to do so.  If the threads should ignore signals and they
 do not, then the application is, in fact, unstable.
 If the JVM can be depended up to sort this out and call the signal handler
 in the master thread even when the signal is actually sent by the system
 to the child thread, then that is a solution.  However, I do not know
 enough about the internals of any JVM to be sure that this is the case,
 and I doubt that such behavior is guaranteed to occur on every JVM even if
 it does occur on some JVMs.  The Sun and IBM JVMs might do exactly
 opposite things in this regard, although I have no idea what they do.
 This discussion arose because, in the quoted post to the list, danch said
 that it was a bad thing to send TERM to child threads and that TERM should
 should only be sent to the master thread.  So the issue for me is what
 happens if TERM is sent to all of the threads instead of just the master
 thread?  Are the TERM signals

RE: [JBoss-user] jBoss architecture question

2001-05-13 Thread Michael Bilow

No, no... I agree that, in the abstract, it makes sense to send the TERM
signal only to the initial or master thread.  Furthermore, I entirely
agree with you that it might be appropriate for a thread to ignore TERM if
the necessary shut down processing is handled by the master thread.

There is no way, at least on Linux, to distinguish processes and threads
from userland.  A thread has a process ID (pid) and runs on the system
scheduler just like any other process.  The distinction between a process
and a thread in Linux is made in terms of kernel memory mapping during
task switching, since the defining characteristic of a thread is that it
shares the complete memory descriptor table of all other fellow threads.

The end result is that threads show up on the process list because they
have pids and they are therefore subject to being sent signals.  This is
absolutely unavoidable in a Linux environment.  Therefore, there must be
some facility in each thread to handle signals when they are sent.  If the
proper behavior is for threads to ignore TERM signals, then they must
install handlers to do so.  If the threads should ignore signals and they
do not, then the application is, in fact, unstable.

If the JVM can be depended up to sort this out and call the signal handler
in the master thread even when the signal is actually sent by the system
to the child thread, then that is a solution.  However, I do not know
enough about the internals of any JVM to be sure that this is the case,
and I doubt that such behavior is guaranteed to occur on every JVM even if
it does occur on some JVMs.  The Sun and IBM JVMs might do exactly
opposite things in this regard, although I have no idea what they do.

This discussion arose because, in the quoted post to the list, danch said
that it was a bad thing to send TERM to child threads and that TERM should
should only be sent to the master thread.  So the issue for me is what
happens if TERM is sent to all of the threads instead of just the master
thread?  Are the TERM signals sent to the child threads ignored, which
would be fine?  Are the TERM signals sent to the child threads reflected
by the JVM to the master thread, which would also be fine?  Or do the TERM
signals sent to the child threads pass through unhandled and kill those
threads abruptly, which presumably would NOT be fine?

-- Mike

On 2001-05-13 at 02:35 -0400, Samuel Bucholtz wrote:

 This is not 100% true. On Unix any process should expect to receive and
 handle a TERM signal.
 Threads on the other hand do not need to and should not be expected to
 handle a TERM. Remember, threads only act and look
 like processes when using native threads as opposed to pure java threads.
 The threads, logically, must act the same and 
 be as similar as possible whether Native or Pure. Since pure threads run
 within the JVM process and will never see or 
 handle a signal, there is no reason to expect the native threads to do so
 Rather, in the case of some kind of impending shutdown, etc. the signal
 should reach the master process which spawned
 (and therefore controls) the threads. It is that processes responsibility to
 gracefully stop the threads, flush buffers,
 sync files, etc.
 A thread does not control its resources, scheduling, etc. It may or may not
 even be able to communicate with it's 
 scheduler/parent. There is no way to expect it to be able to receive a TERM
 and know how to handle it in a graceful manner.
 As long as the parent can control/stop threads, and do the proper thing when
 it received a signal, there is no reason to consider the application
 unstable, just because the threads ignore signals. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Bilow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 2:10
 To: List: jBoss users
 Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] jBoss architecture question
 On 2001-05-11 at 22:09 -0500, danch wrote:
  Jim Archer wrote:
 * * *
   All the threads also raise a shutdown question. We have written an 
   init.d script to gracefully start and stop jBoss as a server task, in 
   the same manner as other Debian processes. If the script issues a kill 
   to each thread, will this produce a gracefull shutdown, or will it 
   terminate each thread ungracefully?
  The kill should be sent to the parent of all the threads. If you look at 
  ps -axf output you'll see that spawns one process, which is then 
  the parent for all the threads. A change in to save the pid of 
  the java process into a file in var would be the best way to accomplish 
 I have a concern about this.  On Unix, any process/thread should expect to
 receive a TERM signal and is obligated to handle it appropriately.  If the
 process/thread elects not to install a handler to catch the TERM signal,
 then the default is for the system to kill the process abruptly, which is
 usually inappropriate for anything except the most trivial programs.
 It is not possible on Unix

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: JBoss-user -- confirmation of subscription --request 343542

2001-05-13 Thread Michael Bilow

The client is not finding the RMI Registry Server because it assumes it is
running on the same machine (  You should be able to fix this
by invoking the client with an explicit declaration of the hostname or IP
address of the machine on which the RMI Registry Server is actually
running, like this (all on one line):

java -cp all the jar files
 in the client directory InterestClient

where is the IP address of the machine which hosts the
RMI Registry Server in dotted-quad notation.

Where the RMI Registry Server is actually running, by default it will
install a TCP listener on port 1099.  You should be able to see it:

$ netstat -tan | grep 1099
tcp0  0*   LISTEN

This is actually a configurable system property; see:

-- Mike

On 2001-05-13 at 06:51 -, Kobi Schecider wrote:

   I am new to JBoss and have been trying to get the interestclient example 
 running (the client and the EBJ running on different machines) without 
* * *
 java -cp all the jar files in the client directory InterestClient
 Got context
 javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is 
 java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested 
 exception is: Connection refused: no further information]
 My CLASSPATH is empty. The same configuration (with the 
 java.naming.provider.url set to localhost) works perfectly when both client 
 and JBoss server are running on the same machine.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] jBoss architecture question

2001-05-12 Thread Michael Bilow

On 2001-05-11 at 22:09 -0500, danch wrote:

 Jim Archer wrote:
* * *
  All the threads also raise a shutdown question. We have written an 
  init.d script to gracefully start and stop jBoss as a server task, in 
  the same manner as other Debian processes. If the script issues a kill 
  to each thread, will this produce a gracefull shutdown, or will it 
  terminate each thread ungracefully?
 The kill should be sent to the parent of all the threads. If you look at 
 ps -axf output you'll see that spawns one process, which is then 
 the parent for all the threads. A change in to save the pid of 
 the java process into a file in var would be the best way to accomplish 

I have a concern about this.  On Unix, any process/thread should expect to
receive a TERM signal and is obligated to handle it appropriately.  If the
process/thread elects not to install a handler to catch the TERM signal,
then the default is for the system to kill the process abruptly, which is
usually inappropriate for anything except the most trivial programs.

It is not possible on Unix to guarantee that the graceful shutdown script
will always be followed so that the right signals are sent to the right
recipient processes/threads.  In the case of a power failure notification
from a UPS daemon or an emergency shutdown initiated by the watchdog
daemon, a TERM signal will be sent directly to every process/thread.  The
process/thread TERM handler should then do whatever is necessary to close
files, commit data, notify network partners, and otherwise assure at least
a stable shutdown if not a graceful one.

If a process/thread elects to catch TERM and do something in response,
then it had better do it fairly quickly because, if time runs out, then
the system can be expected to send the uncatchable KILL signal and then
the process/thread is guaranteed to go down hard.  Really bad things can
then happen, such as the filesystem being closed with process/thread data
uncommitted to disk.

For a process/thread to be considered stable on Unix, it _must_ catch and
handle the TERM signal intelligently if failing to do so would lead to
data corruption or other instability.  This means that it should be safe
for every thread in jBoss, whatever it may be doing, to be sent TERM
asynchronously in indeterminate order, and it must also be safe for any of
these threads to be sent TERM more than once.

-- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Postgres woes

2001-05-11 Thread Michael Bilow

How is the data source declared in jboss.jcml?

Are you on Potato (with Postgres 7.0.2) or Woody (with Postgres 7.1)?

Are you relying on the libpgjava package or did you build the JAR?

-- Mike

On 2001-05-10 at 01:41 +0100, Jim Downing wrote:

 I'm trying to port our J2EE app from NT/Oracle to Debian/Postgresql. The
 postgres datasource is connecting fine on startup, but when any
 ejbCreate method is called (i.e. an INSERT is called) postgresql throws
 javax.transaction.RollbackException: Unable to commit, tx=XidImpl
 BranchQual=] status=STATUS_ROLLEDBACK
 I've been able to create and drop tables through jdbc with the ant task
 sql, I have the right driver, and the same application deploys and
 runs successfully with an Oracle datasource. 
 I'm confused! Any tips gladly received.

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] problem with uncompressing of JBoss on Linux

2001-04-30 Thread Michael Bilow

The gunzip utility (usually actually implemented as a symlink) is the
decompressor for gzip.  Although the compression schemes used by
gzip/gunzip and zip/unzip are compatible, the file formats are not.

The standard portable freeware unzip/zip tools from the Info-ZIP project
can be built on Unix/Linux and are usually available as precompiled
packages.  Debian, for example, offers the zip and unzip standard
packages (and the zip-crypt and unzip-crypt alternative packages with
encryption); as usual on a Debian system they can be installed with a
single command (apt-get install zip or apt-get install unzip):

Full information and source code is available:

The Info-ZIP tools are very high quality and emulate the behavior of
PKZIP, which is what Java uses for jar-style files.  The zip/unzip tools
supplied by IBM with OS/2, for example, are built from Info-ZIP source.

The JDK jar utility can used with tar syntax to decompress a
PKZIP-format file (jar -xvf filename).

Note that PKZIP format is an inconvenient way to distribute things for
Unix/Linux, since ownership and permission information is lost.  Once the
files and directories have been extracted, ownership and permissions must
be configured manually by the system administrator for each file and
directory.  This process is often mostly done by trial and error.

-- Mike

On 2001-04-29 at 22:00 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:

 You don't have gunzip ???
 --On Monday, April 30, 2001 9:46 AM +1000 Scott Warren 
  just a hunch - I am not a linux user. Try using the Jar util.
  Scott Warren
  Lead Internet Technologies Developer
* * *
  -Original Message-
  From: jquest jquest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, 28 April 2001 9:04 PM
  Subject: [JBoss-user] problem with uncompressing of JBoss on Linux
  Hi all,
  I try to install JBoss on Linux Mandrake 8.0.
  I downloadet the .Zip and can not unzip this file.
  I can not find any unzip command on my system.
  I trayed to use gunzip but have no success.
  Any idea?
  Thanks in advance.

JBoss-user mailing list