[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: ClassCastException on PortableRemoteObject.narrow()

2005-12-02 Thread PitPalme
Hi, thanks for replying.

JBoss versions I've tested with:


About the client: one is a Servlet, the other one a MDB.

The MDB is the main client, the servlet I've just create to continue testing at 
home, where I can't make use of the MDB, as I can't send a message to it (it's 
not a JMS message it works on).

I've meanwhile found 
and therein 

So I guess the Servlet will not work at any time, which is something I could 
live with (at least I wouldn't know why I'd really *need* the Servlet being 
able to load the business object in a different ear). But not being able to get 
the RemoteObject from a different EAR when calling from the MDB is a show 
stopper for me, because it would require me to shut down MDB-service every time 
one of the many enterprise applications that should be accessed through the MDB 
deploys an update :-/

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - ClassCastException on PortableRemoteObject.narrow()

2005-12-01 Thread PitPalme

I've got a ClassCastException problem when trying to get the correct object 
instance using InitialContext.lookup() and PortableRemoteObject.narrow().

The situation is me having two applications, one carrying the SessionBean(s), 
the other one a central MessageDrivenBean. While the business objects 
repesented by the SessionBean-application might be updated from time to time 
the MDB-application should be more or less "final". I therefore decided to 
split them into the two applications, especially as further applications which 
should be accessed through the MDB might follow, and I don't want to and can't 
redeploy *all* Beans whenever a little thing in one business SessionBean 

I therefore do a 

  | Object objRef;
  | InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
  | objRef = ctx.lookup("ejb/MyBean");

and get a "$ProxyXX" object back which is implementing correct remote Home 
interface 'MyBeanHome' (I played a little with reflections to gather 
information about Interfaces and methods).

Now if I'm trying 

  | MyBeanHome tmp;
  | tmp = (MyBeanHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objRef, MyBeanHome.class);

I get a ClassCastException; even wth

  | Object tmp;
  | tmp = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objRef, MyBeanHome.class);


  | Obj tmp;
  | tmp = objRef.getClass().getMethod("create", null).invoke(objRef, null);

'tmp' contains an object implementing Interface 'MyBean', which indicates 
'objRef' in fact contains an object implementing 'MyBeanHome' and it's 
'create()' knows what to do.

Sadly I can't cast this 'tmp' to 'MyBean' for invoking my 'dispose(...)' method 
on it. I get a ClassCastException then as well.

  | String tmp2;
  | tmp2 = tmp.getClass().getMethod("dispose", new Class[] {...}).invoke(tmp, 
new Object[] {...});

Gives me the correct result in 'tmp2', but I can't believe using reflections 
all the way along is the way to go; I'd expect 'PortableRemoteObject.narrow()' 
and having correctly typed object instances to be the intended solution.

Can anybody help me on this issue and tell my why my $ProxyXX-objects don't 
"cooperate" and behave as I'd expect them to do?

Thanks in advance,

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