[JBoss-user] Intra-VM JNDI Lookup Problem On Red Hat 7.1

2001-07-19 Thread Xandy Johnson

A call to an InitialContext.lookup() from within an EJB never returns.
External clients do not have a problem.  I have placed System.out.println
statements both immediately before and immediately after the lookup, as
well as in a catch Throwable clause and a finally block.  Only the
before logging statement occurs.  The problem section looks like this:

InitialContext context = new InitialContext();

// create the 'new' UserSessionBean
System.out.println(About to lookup user session in comp/env.);
UserSessionHome userHome =
System.out.println(Looked up user session in comp/env.);

And the output looks stops at:

[LoginViewModel] About to lookup user session in comp/env.

I have also tried looking up the bean in the global JNDI namespace, as an
external client would, and the results are the same.

If I lookup a name that is not bound, I immediately get a

The code runs fine on both Windows 2000 and Solaris 2.7.

I am having the problem on Red Hat Linux 7.1 using Blackdown's JDK.  The
output of 'java -version' is:

java version 1.3.0
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.3.0-FCS)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.3.0-FCS, mixed mode)

Sun's JDK does not run for me on Red Hat 7.1; I can't even run 'java
-version'.  I am currently downloading IBM's JDK, but that will take quite
a while with my slow connection.

I am currently using JBoss 2.2.1, but I have had similar results on 2.2.2
and 2.4 beta.

I have searched the mailing list archives, and found a few JNDI problems,
but nothing that appears to be this; I apologize if this problem has
already been addressed.

Thanks in advance for any help,

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] ClassPathExtension mechanism does not seem towork...

2001-05-21 Thread Xandy Johnson

Could you include the snippet from your jboss.conf where you have added
the extra libs?  It sounds like you might be adding individual jar files,
but as far as I know, the ClassPathExtension is for adding directories
that contain jar files.  Also, are you running run.bat from within the
jboss\bin directory?


On Mon, 21 May 2001, Adam Lipscombe wrote:

 Hi All,

 Does anyone know how the org.jboss.util.ClassPathExtension mechanism works
 in jboss.conf?

 I added my libs there, and the server log reports that they have been
 However I get a ClassNotFoundException at runtime.

 The only way I can get JBoss/Tomcat to see the extra libs is to specify
 them as the -classpath arg when starting jboss via run.bat.

 Is the ClassPathExtension broken?

 Cheers - Adam

 JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Running JBoss as a Service on Windows NT/2k

2001-05-19 Thread Xandy Johnson

I am aware that there is an 'ntservice' in the JBoss contrib module, which
can be checked out from CVS on SourceForge.  I have not yet been able to
look at it.  I am currently using JSL (the Java Service Launcher)


On Fri, 18 May 2001, Vineet Bhatia wrote:

 How can I run JBoss as a NT service so that I can NET start/stop it?

 - vineet

 JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Connection refused to host: [was: Re: [JBoss-user] Re:JBoss-user -- confirmation of subscription -- request 343542]

2001-05-15 Thread Xandy Johnson

I think the problem is that RedHat ships a broken /etc/hosts file.  If you
make yours look something like this it will probably help:   localhost.fgm.com   localhost tux.fgm.com tux


On Tue, 15 May 2001, Guy Rouillier wrote:

  Connection refused to host:

 Java is not getting the instruction to connect to a remote host - it is
 still trying to connect to JBoss locally.   Where are you providing the
 remote host ip address?  I put it in jndi.properties and everything works

 - Original Message -
 From: Kobi Schecider [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 2:51 AM
 Subject: [JBoss-user] Re: JBoss-user -- confirmation of subscription --
 request 343542

  Hi everyone,
I am new to JBoss and have been trying to get the interestclient example
  running (the client and the EBJ running on different machines) without
  success. This example is the one found in chapter 1 of JBoss' online
  documentation. I setup the software according to the tutorial and the FAQ
  (there is one entry that mentions how to run a client application
  But I am consistantly getting exceptions. The following is my
  RedHat Linux 6.2
  Sun JDK 1.3 standard edition, (jndi, rmiregistry, providerutil located in
  JBoss 2.2.1
  Since I don't have a DSN server, I use the IP address of the server
  JBoss for java.naming.provider.url. My machines, relying solely on hosts
  files, are on a home network.
  My client code is kept inside a directory together the EBJ jar and a copy
  everything inside JBoss-2.2.1/client. The following is how I invoke the
  client and the results I got:
  java -cp all the jar files in the client directory InterestClient
  Got context
  javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is
  java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested
  exception is:
  java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information]
  My CLASSPATH is empty. The same configuration (with the
  java.naming.provider.url set to localhost) works perfectly when both
  and JBoss server are running on the same machine. I experienced the same
  problem with JONAS. Could this be caused by an incorrect JDK
  Basically, the examples (both JBoss and JONAS) work fine as long as both
  client and the EJB server are on the same machine. I would greatly
  appreciate if anyone can shed some light on this. Thanks in advance.
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
  JBoss-user mailing list

 JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Using Xerces

2001-05-15 Thread Xandy Johnson

First, I am cross-posting this message to jboss-dev because I think it may
involve a development issue regarding class loaders.  At the minimum, I
think some explanatory material should be developed both for using other
XML parsers and for migrating to 2.2.x from earlier versions.  I am
willing to do this, but I know I won't be able to look at it at least
until next week, by which time I'm sure somebody else will have done

Second, I apologize that this message is longer, less complete, and less
clear than I would generally hope, but I thought it better to send it than
to delay it until I have enough time, which may be never :-).

It seems to me that this problem relates to class loaders and the JAXP
mechanism for loading XML parsers, i.e. a factory method.  If
javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory is loaded by the system ClassLoader
from crimson.jar, which is specified in the classpath given on the
command-line, then it will not have access to classes that are loaded
either from jboss/lib/ext, an MBean, or from the libraries of deployed
EAR files.  One solution, then, is to modify the scripts to put the Xerces
jar file in the classpath passed on the java command-line.  Then the
system ClassLoader will be able to see the classes.

However, this seems incomplete to me, since you can still only have one
value for the javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory property, also passed on
the command-line.  I have not fully investigated this, but from a quick
glance at one of the former messages on jboss-user, it appeared that JBoss
itself would not work with Xerces specified as the parser.  If this is not
the case, I apologize to the developers for insinuating that it might be.
If it is true, then I think part of the solution is to modify JBoss so
that it can work with either Xerces or Crimson (or any other
JAXP-compliant parser).  Again, I can work on this, but not until at least
next week.  For those who may want to test this, put the Xerces jar file
in the classpath passed on the java command-line *BEFORE OR INSTEAD OF
CRIMSON* and specify -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory appropriately (I
think it may be the following)

set JAXP=%JAXP% 

Note: UNIX users will need to adjust that to


Finally, the potential jboss-dev issue is this: is there some way that
beans or components (e.g Tomcat) could each be able to specify their own
XML parser and factory?  I'm not well-versed in the details of class
loading, so JBoss may already be doing the best that can be done given
Java classloading semantics, but I considered it worth asking the


On Mon, 14 May 2001, Dave Ortman wrote:

 I got a similar error and I'm not sure why.  Can anyone explain?

 In the meanwhile, if you change your scripts so that the Xerces jar files come
 AFTER all the JBoss jar files (run.jar, etc.) in the CLASSPATH, then all should
 work fine.

 -Dave Ortman

 I tried to configure JBoss to use Xerces as suggested but get the following

 error at start-up:


 jboss.home = C:\JBoss-2.2.1_Tomcat-3.2.1\jboss
 Using configuration tomcat
 [Info] Java version: 1.3.0,Sun Microsystems Inc.
 [Info] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.3.0-C,Sun Microsystems Inc.
 [Info] System: Windows NT 4.0,x86
 [Shutdown] Shutdown hook added
 [Service Control] Registered with server
 Exception in thread main [Default]
 FactoryImpl -Djavax/xml/parsers/SAXParserFactory=org/apache/xerces/jaxp/SAXP

 [Default]   at

 [Default]   at org.jboss.Main.init(Main.java:192)
 [Default]   at org.jboss.Main$1.run(Main.java:107)
 [Default]   at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native
 [Default]   at org.jboss.Main.main(Main.java:103)
 [Default] Shutting down
 [Service Control] Stopping 0 MBeans
 [Service Control] Stopped 0 services
 [Service Control] Destroying 0 MBeans
 [Service Control] Destroyed 0 services
 [Default] Shutdown complete
 Any ideas?
 The overall problem is that I want to use SOAP.
 JBoss ZOAP doesnt appear to be supported at the mo, so I downloaded  Apache

 SOAP 2.1 whiuch needs the Xerces parser...
 Thanks in advance  - Adam.
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