[JBoss-user] Jboss in the real world

2001-04-11 Thread Yasir

Hello All,
I've been wondering of late if anyone has actually 
used JBOSS in a high usage environment such as an enterprise portal. Are there 
any performance matrices available for JBoss out there? Any real life 
experiences of using this App server? My concern arises from the fact that in 
just a few weeks jboss has gone from 2.0 to 2.2 and changes are happening very 
fast. If i deploy an application online and find out bugs, ejb's are not so easy 
to re-deploy, my application will have to go down for a app server overhaul. In 
contrast, Enhydra seems to be a more 'stable'  container ...how does jboss 
compare to enhydra?

[JBoss-user] re: jboss 2.2 hangs

2001-04-09 Thread Yasir

Im on RedHat linux 7 and using jre/jdk 

[JBoss-user] jboss 2.2 hangs..

2001-04-09 Thread Yasir

I downloaded the jboss2.2 version after 2.1's run.sh had problems.

my path contained the path to jre and not JDK. Jboss started fine, it was
stable for 2 minutes, then suddenly this error came on the terminal window:

# # An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the
VM.# Program counter=0x403e0144
# Problematic Thread: prio=1 tid=0x48b9fed8 nid=0x769 runnable
./run.sh: line 18:  1897 Aborted java -server
$JAXP -classpath $CLASSPATH org.jboss.Main $@
[root@buzz bin]# # # An unexpected exception has been detected in native
code outside the VM.# Program counter=0x406009ae
# Problematic Thread: prio=1079721488 tid=0x48b9fed8 nid=0x769 runnable

any ideas anyone?


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] newbie: Permission denied on run.sh

2001-04-08 Thread Yasir

Hi, im a newbie to jboss, i downloaded it and tried 
running it with java -jar run.jar but didn't work. checked the lists and it said 
i should use the run script. the run script gives me a permission denied error 
when i do: ./run.sh
I am the root of the machine and if i do a chmod 
755 on run.sh  and then try it, it says no such file or directory. 

what am i missing here? i downloaded jboss2.1 and 
did an unzip on the files. 

[JBoss-user] IDE for JBOSS?

2001-03-30 Thread Yasir

Hi,Is there any IDE available that 
integrates with JBOSS on linux? It would =be super if the IDE is on windows 
and can integrate with Linux using =SAMBA or something.=20What are 
popular IDE's for EJB development? I'm a newbie to JBOSS and =have only used 
terminal windows so far for making small beans e.t.c. A =UI would greatly 
speed things up.=20YSK

[JBoss-user] fixed client classpath compilation

2001-03-29 Thread Yasir

I managed to fix the compilation of the client by 
putting the client in the package directory and using this command:
javac -classpath /usr/local/jboss/client/ejb.jar:. 
com/titan/*/*.javaand the compilation was sucessful. :D 
btw, im working on it, but if someone has time, i 
would like their comments on what could this error be:
java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred 
in server thread; nested exception 
javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: null; nested exception 
null; nested exception is:    
at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jrmp.server.JRMPContainerInvoker_Stub.invoke(Unknown 
Source)    at 
at $Proxy1.listCabins(Unknown 
Source)    at 

[JBoss-user] Client class files dont compile on linux

2001-03-28 Thread Yasir

I am stumped by a serious newbie dilemma. 

Im trying to code my first EJB's and deploy them on 
JBOSS. All i really want to do is to be able to see how EJB's work and get the 
hang of it. So, i started coding the tutorials in the manuals and on the web. 

In the JBOSS manual example, when i compile the 
interest classes, the compile fine. I can also make the JAR file and deploy it 
in JBOSS. the server sends out msgs saying its deployed. 
however, when i try compiling the clients, i use 
this command.
javac -classpath 

javac -classpath 
NOtHING happens! no class file is output and no 
error is given
When i use this command:

javac -classpath 
/usr/local/jboss/client/ejb.jar  InterestClient.java
I get errors stating the the package com.webtomorrow.interest could not be 
I have trid verious combinations of the javac command and JAR files, 
classpaths, but i cannot get the client file to compile. 
I am on Linux redhat 7.0 and have installed the latest versions of JDK and 
J2EE. could someone PLEASE tell me whats happening and where should i be looking 
to fix the error? Many thanks.