[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: deploytool

2005-02-15 Thread astrachanschaf
I was wondering about that, too. I only found some statements that there isn't 
such a deploytool. I finally gave up looking for it and wrote my own build.xml 
files to create war and jar files including the creation of wsdl and mapping 
Still ejb-jar.xml and webservices.xml has to be written by hand. But I think 
the JBoss plugin for Eclipse might be able to do this for you.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Creating SessionBean as WebService

2005-02-15 Thread astrachanschaf
I'm trying to use the SOAP HTTP interface of the EJB Container but I'm stuck 
creating the ejb-jar.xml for a simple helloWorld example.

This is the file:

  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | ejb-jar xmlns=http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee; version=2.1 
  | display-nameHello Service Bean/display-name
  | enterprise-beans
  | session
  | ejb-nameHelloServiceEJB/ejb-name
  | service-endpointhelloservice.HelloIF/service-endpoint
  | ejb-classhelloservice.HelloServiceBean/ejb-class
  | session-typeStateless/session-type
  | transaction-typeContainer/transaction-type
  | /session
  | /enterprise-beans
  | /ejb-jar

1.: When I try to deploy the jar file I get this error message:
anonymous wrote : org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: ejb-jar.xml must 
either obey the right xml schema or define a valid DOCTYPE!

I am working on a Solaris 9 server that doesn't have internet access. Could 
this be a problem?

2.: When I try to validate the file with Cooktop at a PC with Internet access 
it tells me that I am using the element ejb-jar allthough it has not been 
defined by the schema.

3.: When I download ejb-jar_2_1.xsd and tell the xml file to look for a local 
reference the document is valid.

4.: I also cannot use the ejb-jar_2_0.dtd because is doesn't define the element 

Maybe I am just blind and cannot see the obvious. Any hint is welcome!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Validating ejb-jar.xml

2005-02-15 Thread astrachanschaf
I am trying to create a webservice via a stateless session bean. When I try to 
deploy the jar archive I get this error message:
anonymous wrote : 
  | org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: ejb-jar.xml must either obey the 
right xml schema or define a valid DOCTYPE!

This is my ejb-jar.xml:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | ejb-jar version=2.1 
  | display-nameHello Service Bean/display-name
  | enterprise-beans
  | session
  | ejb-nameHelloServiceEJB/ejb-name
  | service-endpointhelloservice.HelloIF/service-endpoint
  | ejb-classhelloservice.HelloServiceBean/ejb-class
  | session-typeStateless/session-type
  | transaction-typeContainer/transaction-type
  | /session
  | /enterprise-beans
  | /ejb-jar
The machine I am working on does not have internet access, which might be the 
problem. So I have tried to use the local xsd file provided by the JBoss 
installation for the schemaLocation but I always get the same error.

Does someone know what I have to do to make JBoss use the schemas in the docs/ 

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[JBoss-user] [Advanced Documentation] - Re: Chapter 12: Web Service example problems

2005-02-10 Thread astrachanschaf
Okay...thanks for the hint. I am working on a Unix Server of my company and 
forgot to check the version...pretty dumb fault. :-)

Things should go on now. Thanks!

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - WSDL file deployment

2005-02-10 Thread astrachanschaf
I have created a JAX-RPC WebService based on the tutorial in chapter 12 of the 
documentation. When I go to the service overview


I can see the pre-installed service Version with the wsdl file located at


As you can see I have changed the WebServer port to 1.

The problem is, that the wsdl file for my new service is situated at


Obviously this address and therefore the service can not be reached.

Does anyone have an idea what I have to do to make JBoss deploy the serivce 



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[JBoss-user] [Advanced Documentation] - Chapter 12: Web Service example problems

2005-02-09 Thread astrachanschaf
Hi! I am totaly new to JBoss and I'm trying to get through the WebService 
example in chapter 12 of the documentation.

When I try to create the *.wsdl file and mapping.xml file using the command line

  | wscompile -classpath $CLASSPATH -gen:server -f:rpcliteral -mapping 
mapping.xml config.xml

I only get several error messages. The tool wscompile doesn't even know the 
option -mapping and it also has no idea what feature rpcliteral should be.

Could anyone explain what I forgot?

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