[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn - TreeCacheSSOClusterManager fails

2005-08-07 Thread bstansberry
I've thought about your problem more and realize my suggestion will not be 
reliable with the clustered version of SSO.

As you've seen, there are two areas where ClusteredSingleSignOn maintains 
information about sessions associated with a sign-on.  The first is the set of 
session id's maintained in the SSO's node in the TreeCache.  This is used to 
provide global information to all nodes in the cluster about the complete set 
of sessions associated with the SSO.  If a node removes the last entry from the 
set (due to session timeout), it invalidates the SSO.  Really this set is just 
used for this purpose.  The SSO node in the TreeCache only maintains session 
id's, not the sessions themselves because 1) the session id is all that's 
needed; the session is too heavy for the purpose and 2) session replication is 
a complex business, far beyond the scope of the SSO valve.

Each node that has been accessed by a user also maintains a SingleSignOnEntry 
cached in the valve itself.  This object maintains an array of sessions that 
have been accessed on that node.  This array is used so the node can invalidate 
any sessions active on that node if a logout occurs.  If other sessions exist 
on other nodes, it is the responsibility of those other nodes to invalidate 
those sessions.

So, within the context of ClusteredSingleSignOn, on an individual node there is 
no place where all sessions associated with the SSO are guaranteed to be 
accessible.  If all the apps that use SSO are distributable, then all the 
session data will be in the tree cache, but to access the sessions you would 
need to be able to find the Manager instance associated with each app.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn - TreeCacheSSOClusterManager fails

2005-08-07 Thread bstansberry
drzewo wrote : I'll try to convince Remy (that might be tough though and 
might take some time, AFAIK Remy is off for vacation till August 16th) to 
enhance the SingleSignOn valve with optional logic, as a the described by me 
use case, I believe is a common scenario for those who use SSO.

I'm curious about your use case (always like to know the different ways things 
are used).  Typically when I've written webapps, if a user has not accessed the 
app for a while, I want their session to invalidate so I can free resources.  
Obviously I don't want the timeout of one session to affect others, but the SSO 
valve is designed to prevent that.  I can imagine scenarios where keeping all 
sessions alive would be useful, but would be interested to know a real one.

drzewo wrote : To be precise, to me, it would be much more appropriate and in 
the spirit of Remy's point of view if the logout action (session.invalidate() 
on one of the federeated sessions) removed an entry in the SSO cache only, 
leaving non-invalidated sessions untouched. Now, if another request arrived 
with the SSO id, the valve would do nothing as there's no such entry in the SSO 
cache, therefore user would heave to reauthenticate. Of course I might miss 

If the user accessed an app for which the session was not invalidated, they 
would not have to authenticate (and so you'd have single sign on but not single 
sign out).  The Authenticator for each web app caches the credentials for the 
user in the session itself and uses them to reauthenticate users with valid 
sessions.  The SSO valve caches credentials presented to one web app and makes 
them available to other webapps, but its support is not needed once the user 
has authenticated to an app.

Best regards,

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn - TreeCacheSSOClusterManager fails

2005-08-06 Thread bstansberry
My initial thought on this is that what you're suggesting seems like a 
reasonable option, but having read the tomcat-dev thread, I have to agree that 
doing this expands the scope of the SingleSignOn valve from handling 
authentication issues to managing session lifecycle, which is a pretty big 
change. (I consider invalidating associated sessions when one session in the 
SSO is invalidated for reasons other than timeout to be authentication related, 
although I can understand your point of view :)

In any case, for maintainability reasons I want to keep the logic of 
ClusteredSingleSignOn the same as the Tomcat SingleSignOn valve on which it is 
based (except, of course, for communicating with the clustering layer).  So, I 
wouldn't want to add this to ClusteredSingleSignOn unless the Tomcat folks were 
willing to add it to their version. (Besides Remy is the lead on JBoss/Tomcat 
integration, so I wouldn't add something he doesn't agree with).

All that being said, I'm more than happy to help you get a custom version 
working.  I suspect your problem is that your keepaliveSessions block is 
being executed too early.  A session is not actually bound to the 
SingleSignOnEntry until the associate() method is called.  This happens later 
in the pipeline, when the request gets to the authenticate() method of one of 
the Tomcat authenticators (e.g. 

If you move your keepaliveSessions block to 
ClusteredSingleSignOn.associate(), I believe this will fix your problem 
(haven't tried it myself).

BTW, needing to move this block to associate() slightly increases my concern 
about adding this option.  Now we're doing somethat that affects session 
lifecycle in an obscure location, rather than in a call from the invoke() 

Best regards,

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn - TreeCacheSSOClusterManager fails

2005-08-01 Thread bstansberry
I think there was a problem with how TreeCacheSSOClusterManager was finding the 
JMX server -- I'm expecting your command line switch caused another JMX server 
to start and TreeCacheSSOClusterManager was finding that (sorry -- at work now 
and can't confirm).  

Last night I committed a patch to Branch_4_0 CVS that should fix this.

Earlier today I replied to the e-mail you sent me with the config files.  Email 
included a zip with the latest version and compiled classes, which if you want 
you can integrate to see if it solves your problem.

Tonight I'll try using the -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote switch and see if my 
patch resolves the problem.

BTW, thanks for the very clear report.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn - TreeCacheSSOClusterManager fails

2005-08-01 Thread bstansberry
I was able to reproduce the problem by setting the 
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote parameter, and confirmed that the patch I 
committed last night fixes the problem (by finding the JMX server by calling 
MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss() instead of just locate()).  So, this issue is 
fixed in CVS.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn - TreeCacheSSOClusterManager fails

2005-07-30 Thread bstansberry
This is definitely quite odd if the same config works on one machine and not 
another.  As you state, the log clearly shows the TreeCache being started and 
registered in JMX, yet TreeCacheSSOClusterManager cannot find it when it 
queries the JMX server.

Couple things:

1) Can you go into the jmx-console and confirm the 
jboss.cache:service=TomcatClusteringCache MBean is indeed registered?

2) You noted that you get a message in the log for each SSO replication event.  
Can you confirm that the first one is logged at INFO level (the one you 
included in your report), followed by an ERROR level, followed thereafter by 
WARN levels.  This is the expected behavior when it can't find the cache; if 
it's not what you're getting maybe that will give me a clue.

3) If the MBean is visible in the jmx-console, can you e-mail me your 
tc5-cluster-service.xml file and your server.xml file?  Address is b_stansberry 
AT hotmail DOTcom

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn help

2005-05-28 Thread bstansberry
Thanks for reporting your results.  I bought a new machine today and was about 
to start using it to try to reproduce your problem when I saw your post :)

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn help

2005-05-28 Thread bstansberry
anonymous wrote : 
  | If I don't front JBoss with Apache, do you know if JOSSO can provide single 
sign-on capability across servers?

Looks like it.  See:

http://www.josso.org/configuring.html, the Domain-wide SSO Session Tokens 

I'll look into adding this feature to ClusteredSSO.  Should be pretty 
straightforward.  Kind of an obvious missing feature ;-)

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn help

2005-05-26 Thread bstansberry
Do your webapps basically just issue a redirect to the other server as soon as 
authentication succeeds?  That is, there is no delay, no going to another page 
or waiting for a user to click?

If so, it might be because the ClusteredSingleSignOn is by default configured 
to use asynchronous replication.  With an immediate redirect the browser 
request to the 2nd server might be getting there before the SSO replicates.

If this immediate redirect is somehow important to your app, you can configure 
ClusteredSingleSignOn to use a non-default JBossCache.  That cache should be 
configured to use REPL_SYNC instead of REPL_ASYNC.  If immediate redirect is 
not important to your app but is just part of a test fixture, its probably 
easier to just find a way to add a delay (e.g. make user click a link to jump 
servers; add a pause before issuing redirect, etc.)

See http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=SingleSignOn for more on how to 
configure ClusteredSSO to use a non-default JBossCache.  If you need help, post 
back and I'll try to help more this evening when I'm off work.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn help

2005-05-26 Thread bstansberry
Does the URL the user clicks on have a different server name?

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn help

2005-05-26 Thread bstansberry
ClusteredSSO uses a cookie to track a user, and the cookie is scoped to a host. 
 So, it won't work for URLs with different hostnames.  I need to add this point 
to the wiki page.

When I'm manually testing ClusteredSSO I use a setup similar to what you 
describe, but I front it with Apache and mod_jk.  I configure mod_jk to route 
requests for one app to one server and all requests for the other app to 
another server.  The client sees everything as coming from one host.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn help

2005-05-21 Thread bstansberry
anonymous wrote : I'm having a possible related issue where a custom login 
servlet that we use to handle the Form authentication is doing something really 
bad, and not following any standards

I'd assumed from your mention of j_security_check that you were using 
container managed authentication.  ClusteredSingleSignOn is based on Tomcat's 
SingleSignOn valve, and is tightly integrated with Tomcat's Authenticators 
(which provide container managed authentication).  Unless your login servlet is 
somehow integrated with the Tomcat infrastructure, ClusteredSingleSignOn won't 
work; you'd need to use TC's form authentication configured through web.xml.

anonymous wrote : I'm going to try another possible approach. From what I can 
tell about mod_jk and Tomcat, the Tomcat server.xml Host element needs the 
jvmRoute=node name attribute to enable sticky sessions. Once we get that 
login servlet in a better state, I'll try enabling sticky sessions to see if 
this helps solve the notes replication issue.

In my experience, sticky sessions are almost always the way to go for a web app 
that keeps any kind of server-side state.  It should definitely prevent the 
400 response from server B scenario I described (but maybe not whatever's 
causing your login servlet to issue a 400). If using sticky sessions is 
possible in your app, and using container managed authentication is an option, 
ClusteredSingleSignOn will work.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: ClusteredSingleSignOn help

2005-05-20 Thread bstansberry
Here's what I believe is happening:

Original request goes to server A.  A's FormAuthenticator detects the need for 
a login, so it caches the request info in the session object and sends the 
login page.  The request info is cached so the originally requested URL can be 
returned once authentication succeeds.  This request info is cached in an 
internal data structure of the session object (the notes map), not in the 
attribute map that user code can manipulate using 
HttpSession.get/setAttribute().  I don't believe JBoss session replication 
replicates session notes, so the original request info is not replicated across 
the cluster.

Login form submission goes to server B.  B's FormAuthenticator authenticates 
you, but then checks your session for the note with the original request URL.  
It cannot find the note (wasn't replicated) so it issues a 400 error response.  
Normally it would issue a redirect response sending the browser back to the 
original request URL.

anonymous wrote : If I force a refresh, then the request is redirected back to 
the original JBoss instance, and the authentication is correct. 

When you refresh, is the browser re-posting the login form, or is it 
resubmitting a GET for the original URL?  I expect the former; if instead of 
refreshing you entered the original URL in the address bar and hit enter I 
expect you'd get the login page again.  Would like to know for sure.

The SSO context is not created until a user successfully authenticates, is 
redirected and the browser re-requests the original URL.  So, I don't think a 
2nd GET back to server A would succeed, since the successful login on B would 
not be communicated to A.

anonymous wrote : I can't see any logging generated by single sign on, even 
with debug=2 and log4j.xml has org.jboss at debug level.

Try turning on debug logging for org.apache.catalina. 

To get your use case to work, I think two things would need to be done:

1) Session replication would need to replicate objects in the notes map.
2) An SSO context would need to be created and replicated as soon as the login 
was done, not as part of the 1st request following authentication.

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Tomcat SingleSignOn Invalid 403 Error

2004-05-14 Thread bstansberry
Someone sent me an email a couple days ago wanting to know if this problem has been 
resolved.  My replies kept getting bounced by his mail server, so I'll reply here.  
Hope you see it.

The SingleSignOn problem is fixed in JBoss 3.2.3.  Tomcat versions beginning with 
4.1.29 and 5.0.16 both include fixes for the issue, and JBoss 3.2.3 integrates those 
versions of Tomcat.

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