[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: context.lookup takes 7+ _seconds_ to return over LAN on

2004-06-01 Thread davetron5000
I forgot to specify that I'm not using DNS.  We're using the IP address.  Furthermore, 
this behavior occurs on every Windows box on our LAN (at least all those where we've 
tried it), and on none of the Linux boxes on our LAN.  

Is there something else I can check?  

What happens during the lookup that could cause a bottleneck?  Am I using the 
appropriate client jar for what I'm doing?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: context.lookup takes 7+ _seconds_ to return over LAN on

2004-06-01 Thread davetron5000
OK, part of my problem seems to be that JBoss sends, to the client, a URL like


and in the log, this appears as:

Using RMI Server codebase: http://hostname:8083

It seems to be happening during the JNDI handshaking process (presumably JBoss is 
telling the client where to go for RMI calls)

Why this is a problem is that hostname is not in DNS (and, for my case, cannot ever 
be).  Furthermore, the machine in question must be named hostname (don't ask).  

I am not sure where it gets this from, so I created a SystemPropertiesService MBean in 
jboss-service.xml (xml below) to set the property jboss.bind.address to be my ip 

This did not have any effect on the RMI Server codebase, nor my problem.  The change 
DID have an effect, as anywhere in the logfile that '' showed up, my ip address 
now shows up; just not for the RMI Server codebase (or what is getting sent to the 
client).  I figure as long as JBoss is sending over an invalid hostname (invalid to 
the client that is), then all bets are off regarding my problem.  The linux vs. 
windows things is coincidental, because our linux boxes have the servername in 
question in their /etc/hosts, whereas windows boxes do not.

So, how can I control the hostname that the RMI server codebase uses without modifying 
the network configuration of my machine?


  | mbean code=org.jboss.varia.property.SystemPropertiesService
  |attribute name=Properties
  | /mbean

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: context.lookup takes 7+ _seconds_ to return over LAN on

2004-06-01 Thread davetron5000
BTW, it seems that the WebService MBean controls the RMI Codebase, and it's Host 
attribute controls the 'name of the public interface'.  This is set to 
${jboss.bind.address} and as such I would expect it to get my IP address as its value, 
based on my system properties MBean setup.  Appears that is not the case, or I'm 
missing some other location where it's set?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: context.lookup takes 7+ _seconds_ to return over LAN on

2004-06-01 Thread davetron5000
OK, so sorry to be posting 8000 messages, but I solved my problem, and I believe that 
it was the result of a bug in JBoss that I was thankfully able to workaroud.

In org.jboss.web.WebService there is a method:

  | protected void startService() throws Exception
  |   // Host must be set to continue (either by user or detection)
  |   String address = getHost();
  |   if (address == null)
  |  throw new MissingAttributeException(Host);
  |   // Start the WebServer running
  |   server.start();
  |   log.info(Started WebServer with address:  + server.getBindAddress() + : 
+ getPort());
  |   // Set the rmi codebase if it is not already set
  |   String codebase = System.getProperty(java.rmi.server.codebase);
  |   if (codebase == null)
  |   {
  |  address = ServerConfigUtil.fixRemoteAddress(address);
  |  codebase = http://; + address + : + getPort() + /;
  |  System.setProperty(java.rmi.server.codebase, codebase);
  |   }
  |   log.info(Using RMI server codebase:  + codebase);

What happens is that if you do not set the system property in question, it uses your 
configured host (which, by default is jboss.bind.hostname system property).  That is 
reasonable and correct.

THEN, it puts the address through ServerConfigUtil.fixRemoteAddress, which turns your 
host address into a servername.  This, IMHO, is incorrect behavior.  At least, it 
seems incorrect when you've specified the jboss.bind.address to be something other 
than the default.  Names are for humans.  Numbers are for machines.  The number is 
always correct, wheras the name is dependant on the DNS server and client 
configuration, and introducing this dependancy by default seems wrong.  Maybe this is 
addressed in a later version, but FYI, the solution was to set


in my SystemPropertiesService MBean.

If there's a bug tracker for JBoss, I'll submit this if anyone agrees with me.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - context.lookup takes 7+ _seconds_ to return over LAN on Wind

2004-05-28 Thread davetron5000
Basic setup is JBoss 3.2.3, default server, no config changes (save a datasource).

Swing client makes Stateless Session EJB calls.

On linux (RedHat 9.0), EJB calls behave normally; context is created, lookup occurs 
quickly, call proceeds normally.

On both Windows 2000 and Windows XP, same subnet, same JRE version, same application, 
the call to InitialContext.lookup() used to get the EJB Home interface takes over 7 
seconds.  Yes, that's seconds.  7000+ milliseconds.

Same machine, same code agains Weblogic 6 is sub-1 second and not noticeable.

Both clients use jbossall-client.jar

There's no log information related to this in any log.

This happens for every EJB that is looked up, regardless of how many times it has been 
accessed in the past.


1. What's my next step in identifying the problem?

2. Is there a Windows-specific version of the jboss client jar, or an otherwise better 
client jar that may alleviate some of this?

3. Is there a way to configure the server (or client) to improve performance or even 
cache things? (I believe a cache is the wrong solution here as 7 seconds seems 
excessive and indicates a configuration problem on my end)

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Writing my own Interceptor - cannot deploy

2004-04-01 Thread davetron5000
Last bump before giving up.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Writing my own Interceptor - cannot deploy

2004-03-26 Thread davetron5000
Someone's got to be able to help me, right?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Writing my own Interceptor - cannot deploy

2004-03-23 Thread davetron5000
Anyone have any ideas?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Writing my own Interceptor - cannot deploy

2004-03-19 Thread davetron5000
OK, I didn't include the details hoping it was an obvious mistake.  Stacktrace is 

server/default/standardjboss.xml contains the default stuff, except for the following 
stanza (to which I added one line):

  |   container-configuration
  |  container-nameStandard Stateless SessionBean/container-name
  |  call-loggingfalse/call-logging
  |  container-interceptors
  | interceptororg.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor/interceptor
  | interceptororg.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor/interceptor
  | interceptorDaveInterceptor/interceptor
  | !-- CMT --
  | interceptor 
  | interceptor transaction=Container 
  | interceptor 
  | !-- BMT --
  | interceptor 
  | interceptor 
  | interceptor transaction=Bean 
  |  /container-interceptors
  |  instance-cache/instance-cache
  |  persistence-manager/persistence-manager
  |  container-pool-conf
  | MaximumSize100/MaximumSize
  |  /container-pool-conf
  |   /container-configuration
All other stanzas are the same.  My Interceptor's source looks like:

  | import java.io.*;
  | import java.rmi.*;
  | import java.util.*;
  | import javax.ejb.*;
  | import javax.transaction.*;
  | import org.jboss.ejb.*;
  | import org.jboss.ejb.plugins.*;
  | import org.jboss.invocation.*;
  | import org.jboss.metadata.*;
  | import org.jboss.tm.*;
  | public class DaveInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptor
  | {
  | public void create()
  | throws Exception
  | {
  | super.start();
  | }
  | public Object invoke(Invocation invocation)
  | throws Exception
  | {
  | String methodName;
  | if (invocation.getMethod() != null)
  | {
  | methodName = invocation.getMethod().getName();
  | }
  | else
  | {
  | methodName = no method;
  | }
  | StringBuffer argsName = new StringBuffer();
  | Object []args = invocation.getArguments();
  | if (args != null)
  | {
  | argsName.append( );
  | for (int i=0;iargs.length;i++)
  | {
  | argsName.append(args[ i ].getClass().getName());
  | argsName.append(,);
  | }
  | argsName.setLength(argsName.length() - 1);
  | }
  | else
  | {
  | argsName.append(NOARGS);
  | }
  | log.error(methodName +  being called with  + argsName.toString());
  | Object returnValue = getNext().invoke(invocation);
  | log.error(methodName +  returning  + returnValue == null ? null : 
  | return returnValue;
  | }
  | }

I have tried putting this in the run.conf JBOSS classpath.  I also tried removing it 
from that and putting it in a jar file and putting that jarfile in the 
server/default/lib directory.  Both had the same result (which is the stacktrace 
below).  This exception occurs for every Session EJB that is being deployed.  I am 
deploying all session ejbs inside one jar file which gets put into 
server/default/deploy.  These exceptions occur during startup of JBoss.

The only other configuration change I made was to add my Informix JDBC driver to the 
run.conf JBOSS classpath.  Everything else is as it was when installed.


  | 2004-03-16 17:09:39,526 INFO  [org.jboss.ejb.EjbModule] Deploying AgencySession
  | 2004-03-16 17:09:39,540 WARN  [org.jboss.ejb.EjbModule] Could not load the 
DaveInterceptor interceptor for this container
  | java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Unexpected error during load of: 
DaveInterceptor, msg=org/jboss/ejb/plugins/AbstractInterceptor
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 

[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Writing my own Interceptor - cannot deploy

2004-03-17 Thread davetron5000
Java 1.4.2
JBoss 3.2.3
Linux (RH9)

I'm writing an Interceptor.  As a first step, I basically copied the LogInterceptor's 
implementation.  I put the class in jboss' classpath (via run.conf).  I put a 
reference to the classname in standardjboss.xml, right after the stanza reference 

When I start jboss I get massive ClassNotFoundExceptions 

Unexpected error during load of: DaveInterceptor, 

and then a huge stack trace.

Now, this class is in one of the jars inside the server's lib directory.  However, the 
Service class, which AbstractInterceptor implements was not.  Going for brute force, I 
put all the jboss jars in the server's lib directory, and the results were the same.

I must be missing something about how to deploy a custom interceptor.  It is very 
confusing as my interceptor is basically a simplified version of one that IS being 
deployed properly (LogInterceptor).

I have the jboss book and it has about 2 paragraphs on this and that's it.  Searches 
on the web reveal nothing.  I found 1 post here on this exact topic with no replies.

Can anyone help?

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