[JBoss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Integration with ServiceMix

2006-05-31 Thread flindet
According to this thread, it cannot.

We'd like to do the same.  So, if you got it working, please share an update.  
;-)  Thanks!

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Configure log4j email appender

2006-01-24 Thread flindet
Yeah, that sounds quite reasonable.  But I've seen a few mentions of people 
using it to do what I want somehow.  In fact, there's a feature request here:


Is that just pure insanity?  haha

Anyway, we'll keep playing with the filter.  I'm just real surprised that no 
one's already done this.

Thanks for the sanity check.  It's nice to have someone with more experience 
stop me from wasting a bunch of time.  ;-)

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Configure log4j email appender

2006-01-23 Thread flindet

I've successfully configured my log4j.xml to send emails whenever any ERROR or 
FATAL log message occurs.  It works great, except that when something nasty 
happens we often get hundreds or sometimes thousands of emails!

I'd like to get the number of emails down to something manageable so that we 
can be paged when an error condition occurs.  We did contact JBoss support, and 
they recommended writing a custom Filter, but that's proving to be a bit tricky 
to remember the previous log messages in a given timeframe (sorry, we're new).

Searching the net, I've stumbling across a few mentions of combining the 
AsyncAppender with the SMTPAppender somehow to deal with my exact problem.  
Though, I couldn't find any detailed conversation or examples.

Does anyone know if the AsyncAppender can be used to somehow cut down on the 
number of redundant emails (emails with the same error message, but different 
timestamp)?  I'm sure we're not the first ones to want less than hundreds of 
emails within a few minutes.  ;-)  If anyone can point me in the write 
direction of where to look or even share some quick configuration or Filter 
examples, that sure would be appreciated.

Thank you!

I'm using JBoss 4.0.3SP1 on Solaris.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Stateless Session Bean versus static method calls

2005-03-11 Thread flindet
Okay, I did manage to find one thread discussing a similar topic.  The original 
poster basically had the same question.  There's good conversation here 
explaining that the singleton or static class approach IS a good idea.


However, I'm still confused on when it's a good idea to use a Stateless Session 
Bean.  When is it better to use a Stateless Session Bean versus a static class?

Thanks for clarification.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Stateless Session Bean versus static method calls

2005-03-11 Thread flindet

I have managed to get myself confused over when to use Stateless Session Beans 
versus just making calls to static methods.  I know there's lots of 
documentation about when to use Session Beans, but I haven't found anything 
discussing this particular comparison.  I'm hoping someone can help me get my 
head around this because I'm pretty new to J2EE.  Thanks.

I am working on a middleware system that basically routes messages between 
several applications state-wide, and indirectly nation-wide.  I wanted to write 
two classes.  One  uses Hibernate to store each message in the database as it 
passes through the middleware.  Then when all the responses for a request come 
in, this class will pass the message bundle to my second class, a router.  The 
router class is meant to do some minor security and then send the message 
bundle off to the proper destination.  I had originally thought these two 
classes would just be Stateless Session Beans that would be invoked from an MDB 
when a new message reaches my JMS Queue.

However, our consultant thought it would be a far better idea to use a class 
with static methods instead of Stateless Session Beans.  Because these classes 
do not have state information, the static approach should work, he said.  The 
static approach would supposedly use less memory because there are no beans 
(other than the MDBs) being pooled, and only one instance would be in memory.  
He claims there will be no concurrency issues because an MDB can still call a 
static method without worry of when the other MDBs call the static method.  
Again, the methods are stateless, and supposedly no MDB would block waiting for 
another MDB to finish (just like how anyone can call System.out.println() 
without worry that some other class called it at the same time).

All of that sounds fairly reasonable, but now I've got myself confused.  With 
this in mind, why does anyone ever use Stateless Session Beans?  I hope that 
doesn't sound accusatory.  I'm certain that Sun know what they're doing!  ;-)  
I'm just confused.  The one benefit is JNDI look-ups, obviously, but if the 
beans are going to be on the same box is there any reason to use the Stateless 
Session Beans?

Please help!  I've gotten myself confused and I'm sure I'm just having a brain 
freeze here.  Anyone who can set me straight would be GREATLY appreciated, so 
that I understand when I should use a Stateless Session Bean, and what the 
trade-offs are for these two approaches.

If I need to better explain anything, just let me know.  I have commercial 
support too, but I hate to bother JBoss with something that is probably so 
obvious to those of you with more experienced.  Thanks!

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Number of Mbean instances in pool

2004-11-23 Thread flindet
If you look into conf/standardjboss.xml, you'll find a section on 
message-driven-bean.  In here you can set the MinimumSize and MaximumSize

Here's a snippet from my file:

  |   message-driven-bean
  |   default
  | DefaultJMSProvider
  | 1
  | 15
  | 3
  | 1
  |   10
  | queue/DLQ
  | 10
  | 0

I'm pretty new to JBoss, so there may be better ways of doing this.  For 
example, you can change these settings using the jmx-console (look under 
jboss.j2ee).  However, changes done in jmx-console are not permanent.  You're 
settings will return to the default when you next restart JBoss.

If anyone can add to this, that would be greatly appreciated.  For example, I 
would like to learn more about how we determine exactly how many MDBs are 
running at a given time.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Persistent messages not being deleted

2004-11-23 Thread flindet

Sorry, I have resolved my problem.  The problem was that another developer and 
I were usingdifferent subscription-id's when testing our MDB.  This created two 
subscriptions in our JMS_SUBSCRIPTIONS table, causing the Topic to attempt 
delivery to both subscriptions.  Because we only ran one MDB with one of the 
subscription-id's at any given  time, messages would stack in the database due 
to the lack of a listener for one of the subscription-id's.

This is a non-issue.  The topic did exactly what it was supposed to do.  We 
were just confused because we didn't expect two subscriptions.  Sorry!

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Persistent messages not being deleted

2004-11-23 Thread flindet
Here is my ejb-jar.xml:

  | http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd";>
  |   RedialMessageJAR
  |   RedialMessageEJB
  |   RedialMessageEJB
  |   gov.ca.doj.redial.receiver.RedialMessageBean
  |   Container
  |   Auto-acknowledge
  | javax.jms.Topic
  | Durable
  |   jms/TopicConnectionFactory
  |   javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
  |   Container
  |   jms/TopicName
  |   javax.jms.Topic

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: JBossMQ performance

2004-11-23 Thread flindet
Hi.  I'm a newbie to JBoss (well, J2EE for that matter), so please forgive me 
if you've already tried this.

In the jmx-console, under jboss.j2ee, you can play with the minimum and maximum 
number of MDBs.  Can you try increasing those to see if that makes any 
difference?  Unfortunately, I haven't found how to make this change permanent, 
but at least this would give us some idea if the number of MDB instances is the 

Also, you can increase the maximum memory used by JBoss in bin/run.conf.  This 
could potentially improve performance a bit as well.

I hope that helps.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Persistent messages not being deleted

2004-11-23 Thread flindet

About a week ago, our persistent messages for a prototype we're developing 
stopped working properly.  Messages are written to the database, but are never 
deleted.  An MDB receives the message and processes it properly, but the 
message is never deleted from the database.

We're using JBoss 4.0.  Oracle is used to store the persistent 
messages.  I've tried using AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, both with 
the same results.

I've been trying to determine what has changed in my environment for this last 
week, but I have been unable to find it.  Does anyone have any ideas that I 
might try?  I'm stumped!

Thank you.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Persistence - control the marking of messages to be dele

2004-11-05 Thread flindet
Yes, and it turns out that AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE is already doing what I want it to do.  
AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE is meant to send the ack at the end of the onMessage() method, so 
that actually meets my needs.  I was making it harder on myself than I needed.  ;-)

Anyone interested in learning more about acknowledgment modes or transactional 
messages should read the following article:

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Persistence - control the marking of messages to be dele

2004-11-04 Thread flindet
I believe I have resolved my issue.  The trick is to use the CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE.  I 
believe the default is AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE.

This should work with any subscriber, but for an MDB, I just needed to add 
CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE to my ejb-jar.xml, add a 
Message.acknowledge(); to my onMessage() within the MDB, and modify my creation of the 
session to be topicConnection.createTopicSession(false, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);

For more information, see the following links:


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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Is all of JBossMQ experimental?

2004-11-03 Thread flindet

I am using JBoss 4.0 on Solaris 9 with a 4 CPU sparc 450 MHz and 4 Gigs of RAM.

I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I am confused about the jms invoker.  
According to http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ConfigJBoss4MDB 
deploy/jms/jms-ra.rar is experimental.  I am trying to understand the documentation on 
this, but I must not be looking in the right places.  Please help!

I am experiencing problems where under heavy load not all of my messages are being 

Is jms-ra.rar the only invoker included with JBoss 4.0?  If not, what else can I use?  
Is jms-ra.rar the default?  When I look in my conf/standardjboss.xml I see 
 is just set to default.

If jms-ra.rar is my only option, are there recommendations for what I should do if I 
will use JBoss 4.0 in a production JMS-heavy application?

Thanks for the help.  I'm very confused. 

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Persistence - control the marking of messages to be dele

2004-10-29 Thread flindet
Another angle that would work for solving my problem is if there is any way to store 
the message persistently before the MDB (or any other subscriber) returns the ack to 
the topic.  Is there any way to do that?  Can anyone point me in the right direction 
on where to read about this problem?

By the way, if I need to use queues instead of topics to make this happen, I would be 
interested in hearing about that as well.

If anyone can help, it would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Where is the storage for JBossMQ?

2004-10-28 Thread flindet
I'm pretty new to JBoss myself, but it's my understanding that the message will just 
reside in memory unless you actually make it persistent.

For instructions on making your JMS persistent, see:

And you'll most definitely want to change what database is used.  The default database 
is included as an example only and is not meant for production use.  You can get 
instructions for changing the underlying database here:

However, I found the instructions for changing the database in the Getting Started 
guide to be even better.  You can read the Getting Started guide here:

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Persistence - control the marking of messages to be dele

2004-10-28 Thread flindet
To expand, the following is the scenario I desire:

1.  A message is posted to a persistent topic
2.  An MDB reads the message and does it's business logic (the MDB may be across the 
3.  The client application stores the message persistently before doing anything else
4.  The client application sends an acknowledgement to the server stating that the 
message was received
5.  The server receives the acknowledgement
6.  The server marks the message in the topic for deletion
7.  The message is deleted from the persistent topic


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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Persistence - control the marking of messages to be deleted

2004-10-28 Thread flindet

Is there any way to control when a message gets marked for deletion in JBoss 4.0's 
persistent JMS?  When my MDB reads a message from the persistent topic, the message 
seems to be immediately marked for deletion and deleted.  (Right now the MDB is the 
only thing subscribed to the topic.)

This is probably perfect behavior for most systems, but I would like the message to 
stay on the topic until I mark it for deletion.  It is possible that the MDB could 
read the message causing the message to be deleted, and then the system could crash 
before the MDB passes the message over the network to the client.  Because of my 
critical need for persistence, I can't take that risk.

I've been trying for several days now to go through the online JBoss and Sun J2EE 
documentation.  I'm pretty new to Java and J2EE, so please forgive me if I'm 
overlooking something obvious.  Can anyone help me out?  Or point me in the right 
direction for what configuration I should be reading about?  Maybe I could code 
something myself instead of using JMS, but I hate to reinvent the wheel when 
programmers far better than I have likely already done this in J2EE.

We're in the process of purchasing JBoss support, but a headstart from people in the 
public forums would be appreciated.


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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: AOP classes not found in JBoss 4

2004-10-20 Thread flindet
I am also having the problems.  It's odd to me that this would happen just as a result 
of using the "default" configuration instead of the "all" configuration.  Is there 
some sort of services file or something that I have misconfigured that's telling JBoss 
to start AspectManager even though it's supposedly not available in the "default" 

I had tried running JBoss 4 as a test on a Windows machine and didn't have that 
problem.  I'm somehow something must be telling JBoss 4 to attempt starting the 
AspectManager service.

I'll just run with "all" for now, but I would like to learn what is causing this.


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