[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - AutoDiscovery Not Working in RHES 4 update 3

2006-06-22 Thread fmaredia
We want to create a cluster with three nodes.  We had attempted this in Windows 
and it worked beautifully.  This is the spec that we have for Redhat:

OS: Redhat Enterprise 4 update 3
Firewall Disabled
SELinux Disabled

JBoss 4.0.4GA with EJB3.0 update 8 

The servers are on the same V-LAN and I can ping to one another using their IP 
Address.  I disabled the firewall, selinux in hope of making it work but no 
such luck.  JBoss is running without our application so there really is nothing 
there to hinder it from not finding each other.  So basically it is right out 
of the box with EJB 3 enabled with no changes to the server.

The following is the output from the server when we start it:
  |   JBoss Bootstrap Environment
  |   JBOSS_HOME: /usr/java/JBoss
  |   JAVA: /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_06/bin/java
  |   JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xms128m -Xmx512m 
-Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=360 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=360 
  |   CLASSPATH: /usr/java/JBoss/bin/run.jar:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_06/lib/tools.jar
  | =
  | 16:10:43,943 INFO  [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)...
  | 16:10:43,952 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Zion] 4.0.4.GA (build: 
CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_4_GA date=200605151000)
  | 16:10:43,954 INFO  [Server] Home Dir: /usr/java/JBoss
  | 16:10:43,955 INFO  [Server] Home URL: file:/usr/java/JBoss/
  | 16:10:43,956 INFO  [Server] Patch URL: null
  | 16:10:43,956 INFO  [Server] Server Name: all
  | 16:10:43,956 INFO  [Server] Server Home Dir: /usr/java/JBoss/server/all
  | 16:10:43,957 INFO  [Server] Server Home URL: 
  | 16:10:43,957 INFO  [Server] Server Log Dir: /usr/java/JBoss/server/all/log
  | 16:10:43,957 INFO  [Server] Server Temp Dir: /usr/java/JBoss/server/all/tmp
  | 16:10:43,958 INFO  [Server] Root Deployment Filename: jboss-service.xml
  | 16:10:44,460 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.5.0_06,Sun Microsystems Inc.
  | 16:10:44,461 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 
1.5.0_06-b05,Sun Microsystems Inc.
  | 16:10:44,461 INFO  [ServerInfo] OS-System: Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp,i386
  | 16:10:45,358 INFO  [Server] Core system initialized
  | 16:10:50,254 INFO  [WebService] Using RMI server codebase: 
  | 16:10:50,308 INFO  [Log4jService$URLWatchTimerTask] Configuring from URL: 
  | 16:10:50,952 INFO  [NamingService] JNDI bootstrap JNP=/, 
RMI=/, backlog=50, no client SocketFactory, Server 
SocketFactory=class org.jboss.net.sockets.DefaultSocketFactory
  | 16:10:54,556 INFO  [SocketServerInvoker] Invoker started for locator: 
InvokerLocator [socket://]
  | 16:10:56,319 INFO  [AspectDeployer] Deployed AOP: 
  | 16:11:00,045 INFO  [SubscriptionManager] Bound event dispatcher to 
  | 16:11:01,348 INFO  [SnmpAgentService] SNMP agent going active
  | 16:11:01,497 INFO  [AspectDeployer] Deployed AOP: 
  | 16:11:01,798 INFO  [TreeCache] setting cluster properties from xml to: 
  | 16:11:01,822 INFO  [TreeCache] interceptor chain is:
  | class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CallInterceptor
  | class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.PessimisticLockInterceptor
  | class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.UnlockInterceptor
  | class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.ReplicationInterceptor
  | 16:11:01,823 INFO  [TreeCache] cache mode is REPL_ASYNC

[JBoss-user] [Persistence, JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Deadlock found

2006-06-20 Thread fmaredia
I am using MySQL 5.0.18, with JBoss 4.0.4GA, and Hibernate. We found out that 
we get the error when we replicate similar actions. Meaning when two users 
performing similar actions and happen to click on the submit button at the same 
time and want to create a new record, we get the following error:

10:07:19,269 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 1213, SQLState: 40001
10:07:19,269 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Deadlock found when trying to get loc
k; try restarting transaction
10:13:42,889 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 1205, SQLState: 41000
10:13:42,905 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Lock wait timeout exceeded; try resta
rting transaction

Someone has posted such an error message in the forums, but I could not draw 
any conclusions from it!

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Persistence,JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Re: EHCache.xml not found!

2005-12-20 Thread fmaredia
Well I fixed the problem!  You have to create an ehcache.jar which contains 
your EHCache.xml.  In JBoss you have to put it in server/servername/lib.  I 
tried various places such as inside my application, outside it, etc, but if you 
put a jar inside the lib folder everything works fine!

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Persistence,JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - EHCache.xml not found!

2005-12-20 Thread fmaredia
Ehcache.xml is not recognized by our application in JBoss.  Our application 
contains a har file and inside the har we have the ehcache.xml.  

Our jboss-service.xml file includes the following:

  | jboss.jca:service=RARDeployer
  | jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=MySqlDS
  | java:/MySqlDS
  | org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
  | java:/hibernate/HibernateFactory
  | true
  | org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
  | false
  | org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory
  | org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup
  | true
  | true
  | ...

I get the following warnings:
10:53:31,609 WARN [Configurator] No configuration found. Configuring ehcache 
from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: 

What is wrong here?  I can't seem to figure out what is the problem.

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Multiple redeployment gets PermGen error

2005-12-16 Thread fmaredia
We have a fairly large application that is deployed as an ear.  It contains ejb 
jars, har, war, and some important jars.  After a couple of redeployments we 
get a PermGen error stating that we have run out of memory.  This problem only 
exists after a certain number of redeployments.  Our existing Non-Heap memory 
(Perm Gen) was set to 64MB so I extended it to 128MB.  Now it takes twice the 
amount of redeployment before we run into the memory problem.  I was wondering 
if there is a solution to this?  I looked everywhere and the only solution I 
found was to increase the Perm Gen memory.  Is JBoss aware of the problem?  

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This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss service in linux not working correctly

2005-11-03 Thread fmaredia

Can you run jboss on the console?  My installation was not through the jar 
installer.  I used the zipped up version.  I downloaded the EJB3 zip file and 
made the appropriate changes.  


I am sorry, but it seems to be a JBoss problem, because JBoss works fine under 
the console mode, and it seems to work fine as a service except that the web 
page stops loading after a while.  I don't know what it could be as I followed 
the instructions.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - JBoss service in linux not working correctly

2005-11-02 Thread fmaredia
I have JBoss 4.0.3RC1 (I know I should be using the new version, but thats 
another story) configured on Redhat.  I wanted to have JBoss as a service so I 
did everything the wiki 
(http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=StartJBossOnBootWithLinux) had asked 
me to.  I did not get any errors either.  JBoss seems to start up fine, however 
it does not seem to load everything correctly.  What I mean is that sometimes 
the web page that is loading, just stops loading.  It does not load everything 
correctly.  This problem happens when I run JBoss as a service, if I run JBoss 
in a console I do not get any problems.  I don't know what to do, did I miss 
something?  I did not follow the section on "Using Tanuki Software's Java 
Service Wrapper", is that correct as it is used to do the same thing?  It is an 
unusual error as it only happens when JBoss is started as a service.  Any input 
would be greatly appreciated!

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Tame your development challenges with Apache's Geronimo App Server. Download
it for free - -and be entered to win a 42" plasma tv or your very own
Sony(tm)PSP.  Click here to play: http://sourceforge.net/geronimo.php
JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - UnsatisfiedLinkError

2005-10-12 Thread fmaredia
I have JBoss running on Windows, and need to move it to Linux. I have the 
following installed on it:
JDK - 1.5.0_05

I first thought it was the JDK so I upgraded it to the newest one, and I still 
get the error. Everything works fine, except one servlet throws the following 

javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception

root cause 
/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_05/jre/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so: libXext.so.6: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory
  | java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1751)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1647)
  | java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:769)
  | java.lang.System.load(System.java:967)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1751)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1668)
  | java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:822)
  | java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:992)
  | sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction.run(LoadLibraryAction.java:50)
  | java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(Toolkit.java:1509)
  | java.awt.Toolkit.(Toolkit.java:1530)
  | java.awt.Color.(Color.java:250)
  | sun.misc.Unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Native Method)
  | java.lang.reflect.Field.acquireFieldAccessor(Field.java:917)
  | java.lang.reflect.Field.getFieldAccessor(Field.java:898)
  | java.lang.reflect.Field.getLong(Field.java:527)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.getDeclaredSUID(ObjectStreamClass.java:1559)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.access$600(ObjectStreamClass.java:47)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass$2.run(ObjectStreamClass.java:381)
  | java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.(ObjectStreamClass.java:373)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.lookup(ObjectStreamClass.java:268)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.initNonProxy(ObjectStreamClass.java:504)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1546)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1460)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1912)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1836)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:339)
  | java.util.ArrayList.readObject(ArrayList.java:592)
  | sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  | java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeReadObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:919)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1813)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1912)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1836)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1912)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1836)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:339)
  | net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.loadObject(JRLoader.java:85)
  | com.at.struts.action.booking.reports.Report.execute(Report.java:72)
  | org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServ

[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - UnsatisfiedLinkError

2005-10-12 Thread fmaredia
I have JBoss running on Windows, and need to move it to Linux. I have the 
following installed on it:
JDK - 1.5.0_05

I first thought it was the JDK so I upgraded it to the newest one, and I still 
get the error. Everything works fine, except one servlet throws the following 

javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
  | com.at.filter.ATFilter.doFilter(ATFilter.java:56)
  | root cause 
  | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_05/jre/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so: libXext.so.6: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory
  | java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1751)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1647)
  | java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:769)
  | java.lang.System.load(System.java:967)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1751)
  | java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1668)
  | java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:822)
  | java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:992)
  | sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction.run(LoadLibraryAction.java:50)
  | java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(Toolkit.java:1509)
  | java.awt.Toolkit.(Toolkit.java:1530)
  | java.awt.Color.(Color.java:250)
  | sun.misc.Unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Native Method)
  | java.lang.reflect.Field.acquireFieldAccessor(Field.java:917)
  | java.lang.reflect.Field.getFieldAccessor(Field.java:898)
  | java.lang.reflect.Field.getLong(Field.java:527)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.getDeclaredSUID(ObjectStreamClass.java:1559)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.access$600(ObjectStreamClass.java:47)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass$2.run(ObjectStreamClass.java:381)
  | java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.(ObjectStreamClass.java:373)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.lookup(ObjectStreamClass.java:268)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.initNonProxy(ObjectStreamClass.java:504)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1546)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1460)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1912)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1836)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:339)
  | java.util.ArrayList.readObject(ArrayList.java:592)
  | sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  | java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
  | java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeReadObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:919)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1813)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1912)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1836)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1912)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1836)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1299)
  | java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:339)
  | net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.loadObject(JRLoader.java:85)
  | com.at.struts.action.booking.reports.Report.execute(Report.java:72)
  | org.apache.struts.action.ActionServle

[JBoss-user] [JBossCache] - Treecache Lock Error

2005-08-29 Thread fmaredia
System Configuration:
JBoss AS 4.0.3 RC1
Hibernate 2.1.8
MySQL 4.1.7
TreeCache (local)

Sometimes we get read lock errors from our Cache.  It happens when a user logs 
in or it just happens after a while.  Everything works after "refreshing" the 
browser, but why does the following error occur:

12:03:28,788 ERROR [IdentityLock] write lock for //com/at/hib/persistence/Employ
  | ee/31 could not be acquired after 15000 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: :48
  |  (caller=:47, lock info: write owner=:48 (activeReaders=0, 
  | ter=Thread[http-,5,jboss], waitingReaders=0, 
waitingWriters=0, wai
  | tingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:28,788 ERROR [BookingDAO] org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: 
write loc
  | k for //com/at/hib/persistence/Employee/31 could not be acquired after 
15000 ms.
  |  Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: :48
  |  (caller=:47, lock info: write owner=:48 (activeReaders=0, 
  | ter=Thread[http-,5,jboss], waitingReaders=0, 
waitingWriters=0, wai
  | tingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:44,913 ERROR [IdentityLock] write lock for 
  | ies/71 could not be acquired after 15000 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: 
  | ]
  | Write lock owner: null
  |  (caller=:50, lock info: read owners=[:49] (activeReaders=1, 
  | riter=null, waitingReaders=0, waitingWriters=0, waitingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:44,913 ERROR [PersonAccessDAO] org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: 
  | e lock for //com/at/hib/persistence/Countries/71 could not be acquired 
after 150
  | 00 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: [:49]
  | Write lock owner: null
  |  (caller=:50, lock info: read owners=[:49] (activeReaders=1, 
  | riter=null, waitingReaders=0, waitingWriters=0, waitingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:44,913 ERROR [IdentityLock] write lock for 
  | ee/31 could not be acquired after 15000 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: :50
  |  (caller=:49, lock info: write owner=:50 (activeReaders=0, 
  | ter=Thread[http-,5,jboss], waitingReaders=0, 
waitingWriters=0, wai
  | tingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:44,913 ERROR [BookingDAO] org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: 
write loc
  | k for //com/at/hib/persistence/Employee/31 could not be acquired after 
15000 ms.
  |  Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: :50
  |  (caller=:49, lock info: write owner=:50 (activeReaders=0, 
  | ter=Thread[http-,5,jboss], waitingReaders=0, 
waitingWriters=0, wai
  | tingUpgrader=0))

Code for TreeCache.xml is the following:

  | jboss:service=Naming
  | jboss:service=TransactionManager
  | org.jboss.cache.JBossTransactionManagerLookup
  | TreeCache-Cluster
  | 2
  | 2
  | 1
  | 15000
  | 6

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SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA
Security * Process Improvement & Measurement * http://www.sqe.com/bsce5sf
JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Treecache Lock Error

2005-08-29 Thread fmaredia
System Configuration:
JBoss AS 4.0.3 RC1
Hibernate 2.1.8
MySQL 4.1.7
TreeCache (local)

Sometimes we get read lock errors from our Cache.  It happens when a user logs 
in or it just happens after a while.  Everything works after "refreshing" the 
browser, but why does the following error occur:

12:03:28,788 ERROR [IdentityLock] write lock for //com/at/hib/persistence/Employ
  | ee/31 could not be acquired after 15000 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: :48
  |  (caller=:47, lock info: write owner=:48 (activeReaders=0, 
  | ter=Thread[http-,5,jboss], waitingReaders=0, 
waitingWriters=0, wai
  | tingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:28,788 ERROR [BookingDAO] org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: 
write loc
  | k for //com/at/hib/persistence/Employee/31 could not be acquired after 
15000 ms.
  |  Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: :48
  |  (caller=:47, lock info: write owner=:48 (activeReaders=0, 
  | ter=Thread[http-,5,jboss], waitingReaders=0, 
waitingWriters=0, wai
  | tingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:44,913 ERROR [IdentityLock] write lock for 
  | ies/71 could not be acquired after 15000 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: 
  | ]
  | Write lock owner: null
  |  (caller=:50, lock info: read owners=[:49] (activeReaders=1, 
  | riter=null, waitingReaders=0, waitingWriters=0, waitingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:44,913 ERROR [PersonAccessDAO] org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: 
  | e lock for //com/at/hib/persistence/Countries/71 could not be acquired 
after 150
  | 00 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: [:49]
  | Write lock owner: null
  |  (caller=:50, lock info: read owners=[:49] (activeReaders=1, 
  | riter=null, waitingReaders=0, waitingWriters=0, waitingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:44,913 ERROR [IdentityLock] write lock for 
  | ee/31 could not be acquired after 15000 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: :50
  |  (caller=:49, lock info: write owner=:50 (activeReaders=0, 
  | ter=Thread[http-,5,jboss], waitingReaders=0, 
waitingWriters=0, wai
  | tingUpgrader=0))
  | 12:03:44,913 ERROR [BookingDAO] org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: 
write loc
  | k for //com/at/hib/persistence/Employee/31 could not be acquired after 
15000 ms.
  |  Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: :50
  |  (caller=:49, lock info: write owner=:50 (activeReaders=0, 
  | ter=Thread[http-,5,jboss], waitingReaders=0, 
waitingWriters=0, wai
  | tingUpgrader=0))

Code for TreeCache.xml is the following:

  | jboss:service=Naming
  | jboss:service=TransactionManager
  | org.jboss.cache.JBossTransactionManagerLookup
  | TreeCache-Cluster
  | 2
  | 2
  | 1
  | 15000
  | 6

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SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA
Security * Process Improvement & Measurement * http://www.sqe.com/bsce5sf
JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: Scheduler MBean on the last day of each month

2005-06-21 Thread fmaredia
Anyone?  Any example similar would work as well!

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: Scheduler MBean on the last day of each month

2005-06-16 Thread fmaredia
OK how about at the first day of the month at 2:00AM? Can someone help me out 

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Scheduler MBean on the last day of each month

2005-06-15 Thread fmaredia
I want to create a scheduler mbean that will execute a class on the last day of 
each month at 2:00AM to be exact.  Could someone please tell me what I would 
put for the following attributes: DateFormat, StartDate, Period, Repetitions.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - JBoss 4.0.2, EJB Preview 5, and Hibernate 3 : Making it all

2005-05-25 Thread fmaredia
This is to inform anyone that was having difficulty getting Hibernate 3 to work 
with JBoss 4.02 with EJB Preview 5.

The following needs to be done at the EJB Layer:
  | @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
  | public Employee login() {
  | EmployeeLogonDAO eldao = new EmployeeLogonDAO();
  | Employee emp = getEmployee();
  | try {
  | if (emp != null) {
  | //Log the employee
  | EmployeeLogon elogon = new EmployeeLogon();
  | elogon.setEmployeeID(emp);
  | elogon.setLogontime(new Date());
  | eldao.save(elogon);
  | }
  | }
  | catch (Exception e) {
  | log.error(e.getMessage());
  | }
  | return emp;
  | }

At the DAO level there is an inner class that has the following:

  | public static final ThreadLocal session = new ThreadLocal();
  | public static Session currentSession()
  | throws  HibernateException {
  |   Session s = (Session) session.get();
  |   if (s == null) {
  |  try {
  |  SessionFactory sf = (SessionFactory) new 
  |  s = sf.openSession();
  |  s.setFlushMode(FlushMode.AUTO);
  |  session.set(s);
  |  }
  |  catch (Exception e) {
  |   e.printStackTrace();
  |  }
  |   }
  |   return s;
  | }
  | public static void closeSession() throws HibernateException {
  |Session s = (Session) session.get();
  |if (s != null) s.close();
  | }

This finally made it work where the updates and deletes were commited.  I had 
to explicitly call s.setFlushMode(FlushMode.AUTO); and s.flush() to ensure that 
everything works.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Hibernate In Action/HibernateUtil/JBoss4+Hibernate3 Prob

2005-05-22 Thread fmaredia
Any examples.  Can someone provide any class similar to HibernateUtil?

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Hibernate 3 unable to update or delete

2005-05-19 Thread fmaredia
The end result was tested by Steve Ebersole against Preview 3.  Is there such a 
problem still in existence against Preview 5.  Does the future version fix this 

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Hibernate 3 unable to update or delete

2005-05-18 Thread fmaredia
Any response yet?  Any word from JBoss?

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Hibernate 3 unable to update or delete

2005-05-16 Thread fmaredia
I think there is a serious problem!!!  Whom do I notify of this problem and 
Server Configuration:

JBoss 4.0.2
EJB 3 Preview 5
Hibernate 3.0.3
Hibernate mappings, code, DAO all mapped in a HAR file

Data saved, updated, deleted at the EJB layer.

  | @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
  | public void newsimpleupdate() {
  | try {
  |   Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
  |   Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
  |   Types mytype = new Types(17);
  |   mytype.setId(17);
  |   mytype.setDescription("my new test");
  |   mytype.setType("Test5");
  |   session.update(mytype);
  |   tx.commit();
  |   HibernateUtil.closeSession();
  | System.out.println("Updated Type to " + mytype.getType());
  | }
  | catch (Exception e) {log.error(e.getMessage()); }

Using Session Factory from JBoss results in commit failure in methods of update 
and delete.  Save works fine!  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Hibernate 3 unable to update or delete

2005-05-16 Thread fmaredia
I think I have figured out the problem but need some help, PLEASE. It seems 
that whenever I am using the SessionFactory that is retreived from JNDI I 
cannot update or delete (I know it sounds wierd). However when I create a new 
SessionFactory without retrieving from JNDI everything works fine and no 
problem. The only reason we do not want to create a SessionFactory on our own 
is that we wanted the Application Server (JBoss) to be reponsible for managing 
the session and what not. Has anyone faced anything like this?

We are using JBoss 4.0.2 and Hibernate 3.0.3.

Please someone tell me there is something I can do. I am going crazy because it 
makes no sense why I can save but not update or delete to the database

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Hibernate 3 unable to update or delete

2005-05-12 Thread fmaredia
We migrating from Hibernate 2 to Hibernate 3.  We upgraded JBoss to version 
4.02.  Our old version with Jboss 4.0.1 with Hibernate 2 worked fine with no 
errors.  When we migrated everything works fine, except that we can not update 
or delete.  It makes no sense!  There is no error produced either.  

Hibernate-service.xml is as Follows:

  | java:/MySqlDS 
  | org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect 
  | java:/hibernate/HibernateFactory
  | org.hibernate.cache.TreeCacheProvider 
  | false

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Get Principal Name from EJB

2005-02-21 Thread fmaredia
How do I access the Principal information from the EJB?

public boolean doSomething(Quote quote) {
. . .

I know when a user does not have permission to access a method it returns an 
error stating the Principal name and than the role. So I am assuming that the 
EJB does know the principal, so how do I find out which user is accessing the 

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - JAAS and JBoss Security Design

2005-02-09 Thread fmaredia
The following is from my LoginAction class:

  | try
  | {
  | SecurityAssociationHandler handler = new
  | SecurityAssociationHandler();
  | SimplePrincipal user = new SimplePrincipal(username);
  | handler.setSecurityInfo(user, password.toCharArray());
  | LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext("MySqlDBRealm", 
  | loginContext.login();
  | Subject subject = loginContext.getSubject();
  | Set principals = subject.getPrincipals();
  | principals.add(user);
  | InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
  | Logon logon = (Logon) ctx.lookup(Logon.class.getName());
  | System.out.println("Addition: "+logon.add(2, 2));
  | System.out.println("Subtract: "+logon.subtract(4, 2));
  | }catch(Exception e)
  | { 
  | System.out.println("Incorrect password or username");
  | }

Sorry it is difficult to explain.  I am sure I am not properly thinking.  What 
I want to know is that I can successfully execute my EJB since I logged in, but 
if another class was to excute the methods on the EJB, I get a principal=null 
error.  What I want to know is do I put the LoginContext variable in my session 
scope?  If I don't than do I have to login each time before I execute a call in 
the EJB. In a web application you log the user in once.  After that you would 
probably put something in the session scope to avoid them having to log in 
again and again.  Can someone suggest to me how they implemented such a 

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Unusual java.lang.NullPointerException

2004-03-12 Thread fmaredia
Never mind.  I got it working.  Just a hint to anyone else.  Make sure that the 
variable received is set to something besides null.  Otherwise you get an error 
message, and the error thrown is all wrong.  It points to all the wrong places besides 
the one that you really need.

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Unusual java.lang.NullPointerException

2004-03-12 Thread fmaredia
This is a bit unusual, but I can not figure this out.  I have a JSP page that throws a 
java.lang.NullPointerException.  It throws the exception randomly, meaning at times it 
works and other times it throws the exception.  I tried it with the same data and 
different data as well, so I know it is not the case.  I looked at the line it gives 
the error at, but that particular line does not exists.  The error points to a 
particular line that does not exist.  It seems like the JSP engine just gives up after 
a while.  Can something like that happen.  It is wierd why it does it.  Can someone 
tell me if they experienced this, and if so can someone shine some light into this 
delima of mine. 

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