[JBoss-user] [Persistence,JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Re: Persistence fails silently in 4.0.2

2006-01-10 Thread ftg314159


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence,JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Persistence fails silently in 4.0.2

2006-01-09 Thread ftg314159
This is a nasty one.

If you define an entity bean field as a TreeMap and run a series of EJB 
accesses (under different transactions - I used individual MDB accesses), the 
accesses subsequent to one which modifies the field won't see the changes.

I turned on DEBUG logging and found the problem.  Although a print in the 
ejbStore() method shows the modifications correctly, the next ejbLoad() has 
lost them.  The reason is that 
has the following code:

* Field state factory for java.util.Map implementations. The state is
* a deep copy of the value.
   private static final CMPFieldStateFactory MAP = new CMPFieldStateFactory()
  public Object getFieldState(Object fieldValue)
 return fieldValue == null ? null : new HashMap((Map)fieldValue);

  public boolean isStateValid(Object state, Object fieldValue)
 return (state == null ? fieldValue == null : state.equals(fieldValue));

This maps all Map implementations to a HashMap as a state value.  Later on, 
when isStateValid is called, the saved state is always a HashMap, while the 
fieldValue will be whatever Map implementation the implementor chose, e.g. 
TreeMap.  This causes isStateValid() to return false, which causes the 
following code in JDBCCMP2xFieldBridge to report that the field is *not* dirty, 
thus causing it *not* to be persisted:

   * @return true if the field is dirty.
  public boolean isDirty()
 return isLoaded()  !stateFactory.isStateValid(state, value);

I changed my app to use TreeMap from TreeSet before digging in to debug this, 
so I suspect that Sets are treated in the same way, since I saw the same 
problem with a TreeSet.

I'm sure there is probably a good reason for the isStateValid() test, but the 
silent failure in this case can easily lead to data corruption.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: No appenders could be found for logger (org.jnp.interfac

2005-11-05 Thread ftg314159
I'm getting this too.  A forum search shows people asking variants of this 
question all over the place, with the common theme being that the messages 
appear on the client side in spite of the fact that all of the jars in client/ 
are in the CLASSPATH.  The usual recommendation is to add a log4j.properties or 
a log4j.xml to the CLASSPATH, but it would be helpful if the distro contained 
such a default file for client use.  The only log4j.properties I can find is 
buried in a SAR file in all/deploy, and I'm assuming that the log4j.xml files 
in xx/conf are for server use.

Could someone please clear this up and add it to a FAQ ?  Thanks.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Principals from and Message Bean

2004-12-05 Thread ftg314159
I'd like to ask some follow-up questions on this topic.

I have the same problem as the poster - wanting to set the MDB caller Principal 
dynamically, in my case using a Subject with PrivateCredential passed in the 

It occurred to me to do a JAAS login from the MDB, but it wasn't clear to me 
whether doing that would remove MDB restrictions from session bean code called 
from the MDB.

For example, it is illegal for an MDB to call getCallerPrincipal().  Does this 
change if the MDB does a JAAS login ?  Will session bean methods called by the 
MDB after the JAAS login be able to call getCallerPrincipal() ?

Also, can the now-authenticated MDB use session beans described in its 
ejb-local-ref elements under the new Principal, or have these been pre-wired 
to the \runAs\ Principal ?

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[JBoss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: Principal Mapping for JCA Authentication

2004-12-02 Thread ftg314159
Ahh, I see now.  The RA stuff just has a realm name, and everything else goes 
in login-config.

What I had in mind was a login module that mapped the caller userid/password to 
another pair, possibly controlled by a properties file the way the server-side 
EJB login module works.

I'll check the source code to see if there is one.  If not, it should be simple 
enough to supply.

Thanks for the reply.

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[JBoss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Principal Mapping for JCA Authentication

2004-12-01 Thread ftg314159
I apologize if this is covered elsewhere, but I've been through the 3.2.6 Admin 
guide and the jca examples and DTDs, and I can't seem to find this...

How do you implement 1-1 Principal Mapping from a caller principal to a 
resource principal for connectors in JBoss ?  

The JCA spec seems to imply that you do it by using a JAAS login module that 
takes an incoming Subject containing the caller principal and adds a 
PasswordCredential with the resource principal.

Some forum comments seem to suggest that this isn't really a connector issue, 
and that you need support in login-config.xml as well as in ra.xml.

What I can't put together out of all this is:

1) How exactly do you tell JBoss that your RA wants an incoming Subject with a 
resource principal ?
2) How exactly do you tell JBoss how to map from the caller principal to a 
resource principal ?

Thanks for any clarification you can offer.  Almost all of the examples I could 
find deal with many-to-one mappings.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Is Runaway EJB control possible ?

2004-08-04 Thread ftg314159
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm getting asked how a J2EE application can 
terminate a looping EJB method called under a Message-Driver Bean.  

Everything I read about JMX indicates that it is an essentially passive agent: you can 
set a property, but unless the looping code voluntarily checks the property and stops 
itself, you have no ability to interrupt or terminate it.

I suspect that this is not really an application function, but more the province of a 
JVMTI tool, and therefore outside of J2EE and not the application's worry.  My 
marketing folks (who are not really familiar with J2EE) are saying there's gotta be a 
way to cancel a unit of work, and I can't find any real-world discussion of how J2EE 
apps do this, if they do it at all.

How would this be done in a JBoss environment ?  Is it even possible ?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Should distro jndi.properties work w/non-clustering ?

2004-03-19 Thread ftg314159
I'm upgrading to 3.2.3 from 3.2.1, and I'm seeing a change in behavior using a single 
non-clustering server whose clients are on the same machine.

Previously, my clients would successfully create an InitialContext by referencing 
server/default/conf/jndi.properties, and that worked in 3.2.1.

In 3.2.3, I get a timeout trying to look anything up.

I finally fixed this by adding:

In running the client code under a debugger, the general problem seemed to be that 
org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext didn't find anything it liked for a local server, and 
decided to use the discovery code.

My question is: should this have happened ?  Should I have to modify jndi.properties 
in this way for this configuration, or do I have something outside of JBoss 
misconfigured that prevented it from working out-of-the-box ?

I'm a little concerned because the 3.2.1 jndi.properties had a comment saying not to 
use a provider.url of localhost since it forced in-VM calls to go through RMI.

Thanks for any assistance.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Should distro jndi.properties work w/non-clustering ?

2004-03-19 Thread ftg314159
Thanks for the reply.  That, of course, makes sense.

However, I think it would be a lot more intuitive if a sample client jndi.properties 
were distributed in the client subdirectory.  With the server one being the only one 
there, it's kind of natural to assume that everyone's supposed to use it.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Error: DefaultJMSProvider not bound

2004-03-10 Thread ftg314159
I have an EAR which I've been running with JBoss since the 3.0.0 days.  After backing 
off from 3.2.3 to 3.2.1 due to some unrelated problems with Tomcat (3.2.1 is the last 
release using Jetty), I'm getting the Error Set below if my EAR and service.xml is 
already in the deploy directory when I start JBoss.  If it isn't, and I copy the files 
to the deploy directory after it's up, there's no problem.

The two files that get copied are the EAR and a jbossmq-WDRequestQueues-service.xml 
file which defines the message queue used by the MDB.  I'm thinking that maybe JBoss 
is trying to deploy these in the wrong order.  When I install the application into a 
clean server, I'm using an Ant script which copies the service.xml file first, waits a 
bit, and then copies the EAR.  In the error scenario, both files are in the deploy 
directory at startup.

Thanks for any help

Error Set:
11:59:55,749 INFO  [MessageDrivenContainer] Starting
11:59:55,753 INFO  [JMSContainerInvoker] Starting
11:59:55,753 ERROR [JMSContainerInvoker] Starting failed
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: DefaultJMSProvider not bound

12:00:01,523 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] MBeanException: Exception in MBean operation 
Cause: Incomplete Deployment listing:
Packages waiting for a deployer:
Incompletely deployed packages:
MBeans waiting for classes:
MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
[ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=local/WDRequestRQDriverMessageBean,service=EJB
 state: FAILED
 I Depend On:
 Depends On Me: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: DefaultJMSProvider not bound]
12:00:01,538 INFO  [URLDeploymentScanner] Started
12:00:01,554 INFO  [MainDeployer] Deployed package: 
12:00:01,557 INFO  [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [3.2.1 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_3_2_1 
date=200305041533)] Started in 21s:923ms

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