Re: [JBoss-user] Calling CORBA objects from JBoss

2001-07-29 Thread gerardo macari
  Dave Ortman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Hi,I recently posted an inquiry regarding the utilization of CORBA objects fromwithin EJB's deployed in JBoss. Basically, I was unable to have a session beanmake a call to a CORBA object. Since then, we have deployed the same bean toWebLogic, and it worked fine.So, the issue is not EJB specific. I looked at the FAQ, and saw that JBossdoes not support RMI/IIOP. However, I didn't think this would prevent my sessionbeans from making CORBA calls.Is there a limitation of JBoss which would make calling CORBA objects impossible?Thanks,-Dave___JBoss-user mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Dave,
I need to do the same thing (call a Corba Object). I think since JBOSS does not support RMI-IIOP, it does not have the ability
to change the JRMP to an IIOP call, so the receiving ORB who is expecting only calls via IIOP ignores it (if it gets there at all).
PS: Don't quote me on this, but I think thats what happens (WebLogic states it DOES support RMI-IIOP as you said)
GerardoGerardo MacariDo You Yahoo!?
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RE: R: [JBoss-user] LOCKING-WAITING - what does it mean? / Transactio ns

2001-04-30 Thread Gerardo Macari

Anybody got a local copy of jboss tutorial that they 
could send me:




-Original Message-
From: Raffael Herzog [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: R: [JBoss-user] LOCKING-WAITING - what does it mean? /
Transactio ns

"Bordet, Simone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The background: When someone accesses the site, the first thing to
> > be done is to determine the language. There are two lists and one
> > set to do this: The list of languages the user would like t have,
> > the list of languages that are registered in the server and a set
> > of available languages. So each request leads to a findAll() on
> > the Language bean. If someone accesses the site the first time,
> > this means 17 requests (two frames and 15 images), all of which
> > kick off a findAll().
> > 
> > To make it more simple (this is on the top of my TODO list), I
> > just declared the transaction policy for *all* methods as
> > "Required". Is this the reason for these LOCKING-WAITING messages?
> The reason is that since you are accessing the same bean from 2
> different transaction context (ie normally 2 different clients), the
> calls are serialized (ie one goes on, the other waits until the
> first finishes). When calls are serialized, you get the
> LOCKING-WAITING message, but this is normal.

Yup, I thought it was... just wanted to be sure.

> Probably the best thing you can do is to add a public boolean
> isModified() method to your beans.  JBoss checks the return value of
> this method and if false, skips unnecessary DB accesses. The
> performance gain can be huge, on this list has been reported to be
> up to 30 times (but of course depends on the cases). All the above
> works if commit option A is used, which is the JBoss default.

WOW! The performance gain is just amazing! 15 images get loaded and
transferred in less than a second, if the beans are still cached, in
about 2-3 secs if not. Now I'll just have to optimize the caching


(o_   Raffael Herzog
May the penguin be with you!

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