[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Automatic ProcessInstance presistancy when JbpmContext is cr

2006-05-17 Thread im_ytk
Hello all,

I am trying to write a class to wrap up jBPM for my project development use. My 
program requires execution a huge number of small and short jbpm processes. By 
making some of these processes as non-presistant, it will keep jBPM database 
small. In this case, it will keep on switching between presistant process 
instances and non-presistant process instances. 

I am trying to create a JbpmContext using JbpmConfiguration.createJbpmContext() 
in constructor. I write like this coz I don't want to create a new JbpmContext 
everytime I execute Jbpm stuff, to save up some execution time. 

This method works fine until I need non-presistant Process Instance. Even if I 
use new ProcessInstance(processDefinition) instead of 
JbpmContext.newProcessInstance(processDefinition), it will still leave records 
into the database. By further looking into the codes, in Services.assignId(), 
it will call JbpmContext.getCurrentJbpmContext() and get a presistant service. 
as far as I understand from the codes, if I have created a JbpmContext, all of 
my process instances will be presisted into the database.

Currently I will create a JbpmContext each time when I need presistant service, 
and close it immediately after use. This method works, but creation JbpmContext 
everytime I use may unnecessarily consume resources. May I know if there are 
any explicit ways to set a process instance to be presistant or non-presistant?



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: JBoss jBPM 3.1 Data Model Wiki

2006-04-11 Thread im_ytk
Thanks Kevin, your work really helps a lot.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Removing obsolete ProcessDefinitions and ProcessInstances

2006-03-22 Thread im_ytk
Dear All,

May I know if there are any ways to removed obsolete ProcessDefinitions (say 
newer versions have be deployed), and ProcessInstances which has finished?



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: GraphSession.deleteProcessInstance taking over 10 minute

2006-03-09 Thread im_ytk
Dear Fallow,

I am using jBPM 3.1. In file 
 function log(): 

  |   public void log(ProcessLog processLog) {
  | if (session!=null) {
  |   session.save(processLog);
  | }
  |   }

I have commented out session.save(processLog);. Somehow it will carry out all 
the logging processes, but it will not write anything to the database. In my 
case, it significantly improves the performance.

I am not if the codes are similar in 3.0.1, I guess it is worthwhile to have a 

Hope it helps.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Getting started with sub workflows...

2006-03-07 Thread im_ytk
Hello Tim,

I am a newbie stuggling with subprocesses too. Please have a look on the test 
code SubProcessPlusConcurrencyDbTest.java at 


Not sure if it helps. That's what I am looking at to understand how it works.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Creating loops between nodes

2006-03-03 Thread im_ytk
Dear Elmo,

I am trying the modify my code and run it, but I got a No row with the given 
identifier exists. Not sure why.

BTW, I have tried the newProcessInstance() also. It runs but it suffers from 
performance and stack overflow issue. I guess we are not supposed to loop a 
ProcessInstance forever



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Creating loops between nodes

2006-03-02 Thread im_ytk
Hi Elmo,

Ummm.. I am not very understand. You mean when ProcessInstance starts, in one 
of the nodes, it will create a separate thread, then the ProcessInstance will 
suspend, or return to main and save. 

When an event happens, this thread will load that ProcessInstance, and then 
continue its execution.  Umm... I cannot figure out the looping mechanism. I 
guess above code implement the looping by not saving the ProcessInstance when 
it is invoked by the forked thread. Then next time when the forked thread loads 
the ProcessInstance again, it will load the ProcessInstance sits in the correct 

I don't know, I usually save the ProcessInstance immediately after I have used 
it. If I load the ProcessInstance from DB and let it run till the end, next 
time when I load and execute the same ProcessInstance again, it will said the 
ProcessInstance has already reached its end state. (Of course I can always move 
the token back to the start state by manipulating the token myself. But I 
guess it is always not preferred).

I am reading async='true' now in chapter asynchronous continuations. I've tried 
adding the attribute into process definition, it doesn't work. I must have 
missed out something.



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Creating loops between nodes

2006-03-01 Thread im_ytk
Hi Elmo,

Sorry I keeps on bothering you. Hopefully I didn't interfere your normal work.

Ummm... It is a long story. In our project, we wish to use jBPM engine to 
process incoming events. We treat a ProcessInstance as the big boss. When the 
program starts, a ProcessInstance will be created, process something and 
reached a wait state. The most simpliest ProcessDefinition we have created is 
something like this.

  | Start --- Event Listener --- Process it --- End1
  |  ^---+

The ProcessInstance will terminate when some conditions are fulfilled. Say it 
has received an END event. We do not exactly knows how many loops it will loop 
through. In above scenario, it will loop forever until the user issued the END 

The problem arise when using loop. If I draw the graph this way, allowing jBPM 
to handle the loop, it will break with StackOverFlow after a few hundred 
rounds. I tried to learn from jBPM source code, and I guess it is because the 
nodes are called recursively, causing function stack overflow. 

I tried to bypass this problem by saving the ProcessInstance into database 
(anyway, my project needs to save everything into the database to guard against 
system crashes). When it has finished one cycle, it suspends and flushes 
everything. Then when another event arrives, it loads back the ProcessInstance, 
puts the event into Context variable, and starts again. This method somehow 
works (of course the performance is horrible, we are not supposed to code like 
this), but the memory consumed will grow slowly, and the performance will 
gradually decline.

About the connection, I am not sure. I have opened MySQL Administrator to have 
a quick check. It has 10 DB connections on average. Looks like Hibernate's 
connection pool has handled most of the problem. I don't know how to check the 
no. of connections in Hibernate. I will see if I can find it out. If the no. of 
Hibernate connections keep on increasing, then it can explain why the program 
gradually stall.

Let me rework my code to see if it improves. Keep in touch.

Thanks for your help.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Creating loops between nodes

2006-02-27 Thread im_ytk
Hello Elmo,

Thanks for your pointer. I have checked out the site and look like Pattern 10 
(Arbitrary Cycle) and Pattern 11 (Implicit Termination) suitable my needs. I am 
trying to work on Pattern 10 right now. When I mimic the pattern in Process 
Definition, it run. But when it has run for a while, it threw a stack overflow 
exception. It looks to me if the no. of nested function calls reaches a certain 
limit, it will overflow. I have tried to bypass it by suspending the Process 
Instance, save it into database, clean up existing Process Instance, load, 
resume and continue. I do this every round. At the beginning, the performance 
is OK. However, when it has processed some events, say 200 rounds, its 
performance steadily drops. No exception has been thrown however. I am not very 
sure how to improves it. Please help.



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Creating loops between nodes

2006-02-27 Thread im_ytk

I am using MySQL 5.0.18. I am not sure if it is the cause of the problem.

Please find attached the processdefinition I am using. I draw it using 
jBPM-Designer and then modify myself. 

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | process-definition
  |   xmlns=urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.1  name=MultipleEvent
  |start-state name=start
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=startAction 
  |   /event
  |   transition name= to=Location/transition
  |state name=Location
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=locationAction 
  |   /event
  |   transition name=Location-Wait to=Wait/transition
  |   transition name=Location-Wait2 to=Wait2/transition
  |node name=Wait
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=waitAction 
  |   /event
  |   transition name= to=Process/transition
  |state name=Process
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=processAction 
  |   /event
  |node name=Wait2
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=waitAction2 
  |   /event
  |   transition name=Wait2-Process2 to=Process2/transition
  |state name=Process2
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=processAction2 
  |   /event
  | /process-definition

The main driver is the Location handler, I ask the handler to visit each branch 
by creating child tokens, then set the location back to Start, and suspend the 

public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws Exception 
  | Token token = 
  | Token childToken = null;
  | ExecutionContext childExecutionContext = null;
  | childToken = new Token(token, childToken);
  | childExecutionContext = new ExecutionContext(childToken); 
  | childToken = new Token(token, childToken2);
  | childExecutionContext = new ExecutionContext(childToken); 
  | executionContext.getProcessInstance().suspend();
  | }

In main, I write like this (The codes are very messy. I am sorry).

public void run() {
  | JbpmConfiguration jbpmConfiguration = null;
  | ProcessDefinition processDefinition = null;
  | JbpmContext jbpmContext = null; 
  | ProcessInstance processInstance = null;
  | try {
  | jbpmConfiguration = JbpmConfiguration.getInstance();
  | processDefinition = 
  | jbpmContext = jbpmConfiguration.createJbpmContext();
  | jbpmContext.deployProcessDefinition(processDefinition);
  | processInstance = 
  | processInstance.signal();
  | jbpmContext.save(processInstance);
  | } finally {
  | jbpmContext.close();
  | }
  | while (true) {
  | jbpmConfiguration = null;
  | processDefinition = null;
  | jbpmContext = null;
  | processInstance = null;
  | try {
  | jbpmConfiguration = 
  | processDefinition = 
  | jbpmContext = 
  | processInstance = 
  | processInstance.resume();
  | processInstance.signal();
  | }
  | finally {
  | jbpmContext.close();
  | }
  | }
  | }

Other Action handlers are just print outs.

When it was running, the JVM  was growing 

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Creating loops between nodes

2006-02-26 Thread im_ytk
I am using JBPM 3.1 + MySQL. I need to create a process definition which 
process continous events from external systems. I tried to create the process 
definition as following:

Start - Wait - Dispatcher - Process1
.+- Process2

(Process2 starts from Dispatcher. The dots are used to align the graph)

Initially the process instance will stop at Wait state. When the event 
arrvies, it will continue its journey to Dispatcher, then Process1, return to 
Dispatcher then visit Process2. After the event has be processed, the token 
will be returned to Wait, and wait for next event by suspending the token. 
After suspending, it will return to caller, processInstance.save() and sleep 
for a while. Next time when the event arrives, I wake up the thread, I will 
resume() and signal() the token to move again.

I tried to create two Child Token to execute the processes, after that I will 
move the token from Dispatcher to Wait, and suspend the process. 
I need to separate Process1 and Process2 because of user requirement. 

Currently I have implemented a small test program to see if this method works, 
somehow it works as we are expected. But when the no. of event arrives 
increases, the processing speed increases. My experience is that after a 
thousand events have been triggered, the processing time required will be 
inceased to one second. Howeve, initially it takes only 1/3 seconds or so to 
process it (Just a feeling, I haven't use any tools to measure it)

Be honest I am not sure if what I am doing is correct. We needs to stuck with 
the graph of the Process Definition stated above, and the concept of looping. 
Please help.


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