[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Http Session replication problems when NOT using sticky-

2006-03-15 Thread jcprout
After some very careful testing of whether invalidate() and removeAttribute() 
are successfully replicated to cluster nodes other than the one where they were 
executed, we found that this reliably didn't work in a non-sticky-session 
configuration. The same tests worked correctly when we converted our test 
cluster to sticky-session, so we're in the process of converting our production 
cluster to use sticky-session.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Cluster error: failed to replicate session

2006-03-15 Thread jcprout
We had a melt-down on our production JBoss cluster this morning. The errors 
being logged (1000s of times) were this:

anonymous wrote : 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,612 ERROR [org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock] write 
lock for /JSESSION/localhost/sunOLM2/hxCHnkvAh4ZboOrlmGqzSg** could not be 
acquired after 15000 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: g1apiapp4:54077:49603
  |  (caller=g1apiapp5:58563:119341, lock info: write 
owner=g1apiapp4:54077:49603 (activeReaders=0, 
activeWriter=Thread[MessageDispatcher up processing thread,5,jboss], 
waitingReaders=0, waitingWriters=0, waitingUpgrader=0))
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,614 INFO  [STDOUT] 
org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: write lock for 
/JSESSION/localhost/sunOLM2/hxCHnkvAh4ZboOrlmGqzSg** could not be acquired 
after 15000 ms. Locks: Read lock owners: []
  | Write lock owner: g1apiapp4:54077:49603
  |  (caller=g1apiapp5:58563:119341, lock info: write 
owner=g1apiapp4:54077:49603 (activeReaders=0, 
activeWriter=Thread[MessageDispatcher up processing thread,5,jboss], 
waitingReaders=0, waitingWriters=0, waitingUpgrader=0))
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,616 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,617 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,618 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,618 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,619 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,619 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,620 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,620 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,621 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,621 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,622 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,623 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor298.invoke(Unknown Source)
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,623 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,624 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,624 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,625 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,625 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,625 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,626 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,626 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,627 INFO  [STDOUT]  at $Proxy85.put(Unknown Source)
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,628 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,628 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,629 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,629 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,630 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,630 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,631 INFO  [STDOUT]  at 
  | etc...

and this:

anonymous wrote : 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,638 ERROR 
[org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.session.JBossCacheManager] processSessionRepl: failed 
with exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: JBossCacheService: exception 
occurred in cache put after retry ... 
  | 2006-03-15 07:31:41,639 WARN  
[org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.session.InstantSnapshotManager] Failed 

[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Http Session replication problems when NOT using sticky-

2006-03-03 Thread jcprout
I'm sure that the scenario you describe will work, but the whole point of this 
thread is that I'm trying to make the cluster work when it's not using 
sticky-session. Is thre any way I can push the removeAttribute or invalidate to 
the other node without shutting down?

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Http Session replication problems when NOT using sticky-

2006-03-02 Thread jcprout
My test application uses struts, but the session attribute I'm using as a 
marker is not used by struts.

I have 2 JSP pages. Each displays the name of the host that served it, and then 
lists the name/value of all session attributes, like so:

  | %
  | java.util.Enumeration enm = session.getAttributeNames();
  |   while(enm.hasMoreElements())
  |   {
  | String attr = (String)enm.nextElement();
  | out.println(Session variable:  + attr +  value:  + 
session.getAttribute(attr) + br /);
  |   }
  | %
On one page I have a button that sets the marker session attribute, then 
another button (logout) that removes the attribute, then invalidates the 
session and forwards to the other page:

  |   HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
  |   if(session != null)
  |   {
  | session.removeAttribute(marker);
  | session.invalidate();
  |   }

The second page allows me to make another request and forwards back to the 
first page. The first page reliably redisplays the marker session attribute, 
which was removed, the the session invalidated (on the other cluster server) by 
the previous request

Since I am running this on a two server cluster, using (mod_jk) equal weighted, 
round-robin load balancing, the requests are served first by one server, then 
by the other. Session is invalidated on one server, then displayed by a JSP 
page which executes on the other server. I always display the name of the 
server which ran each page just to confirm where the page was executed.


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Http Session replication problems when NOT using sticky-

2006-03-02 Thread jcprout
I just found a parameter in jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml 
which looked as though it should fix my problems:

  |   !-- A flag indicating if the local vm session value should be used if
  |   it exists. When true, the existing vm local session values are used 
  |   updates are replicated, but updates to the same session on other nodes
  |   do not update the local session value. This mode is only useful for
  |   failover. When false, the session value is obtained from the 
  |   cache. This mode can be used with load balancing.
  |   --
  |   attribute name=UseLocalCachetrue/attribute
This looked like it should solve my problems, but I changed the value to 
false and it didn't make any difference :-(


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Http Session replication problems when NOT using sticky-

2006-03-01 Thread jcprout
I now have a simple test application which reliably shows that if I attempt to 
remove either a session (using HttpSession.invalidate()) or a session attribute 
(using HttpSession.removeAttribute(String)), the change is not immediately made 
on the remote cluster node. I am testing to find out how long it is before the 
session is removed on the remote node.

Should I open a bug report for this issue (supported by the test application) 
or is this not considered a bug?

Can anyone suggest any changes I can make to fix this issue, or to shorten the 
time between when a session is invalidated on one cluster node and when the 
same session is invalidated on other nodes in the cluster? Switching to using 
sticky-session is the obvious fix, but that will cause other problems in our 

Thanks - John

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[JBoss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: Message discarded from non-member

2006-02-23 Thread jcprout
I've seen this problem, caused by having another JBoss machine on the same 
network, using the same mcast address and port, but a different partition name.

Remember also that the all configuration creates two cluster partitions, one 
defined in cluster-service.xml, the other in tc5-cluster-service.xml


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Http Session replication problems when NOT using sticky-sess

2006-02-23 Thread jcprout
I have a JBoss cluster, v4.0.3, with two nodes. Load balancing uses mod_jk, but 
without sticky-session.

I am having problems when a session is invalidated and then a new set of 
attributes set in a new session (i.e. someone logs out, then logs in again as a 
different user). 

HttpSession sess = request.getSession(false);
  | if (sess != null)
  | {
  | sess.invalidate();
  | }
  | sess = request.getSession(true);
  | sess.setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY, userInfo);
My testing shows that the session that is invalidated isn't being removed on 
the other cluster node (not the node where this code is actually run). The 
result is that the new user who's logged in sometimes sees data from the 
previous user.

Searching the JBoss site, this is the document which has the most information 
about what I'm seeing: 

An extract follows:

anonymous wrote : Note that because of the dual use of in-memory and 
distributed store sessions and because JBossCache does yet not support the 
notion of modification event only from remote node(s), the current usage of 
session replication must use sticky session. That is, only one dedicated 
clustering node will handle the session request unless there is a failover. 
This should not pose as a severe restriction since it will be rare indeed that 
sticky session is not used in production today. We will relax this restriction 
in the future release.

My question is, does this mean that we have to use sticky-session, because 
otherwise, changes to a session on one cluster node won't necessarily be 
visible on the other cluster nodes?

I have snapshot-mode set to instant and cache-mode set to REPL_SYNC 

Any help or suggestions much appreciated


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Http Session replication problems when NOT using sticky-

2006-02-23 Thread jcprout
We are trying to avoid using sticky-session because that would mean that we 
also have to use it on the two hardware load-ballancers in front of the cluster 
and web servers. The Operations group doesn't want to make this change...

Replication-granularity is set in the jboss-web.xml file and we're not setting 
it, so the default must be used (is the default session?)


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Farm not replicating an updated WAR file

2005-10-18 Thread jcprout
I am running a JBoss cluster with 2 members, running JBoss 4.0.2. and JDK 
1.4.2_09 The configuration is very close to the all configuration in the 
standard distribution.

I am having intermittent problems where a WAR file deployed in the farm 
directory on one cluster member is not being copied to the other cluster member.

On the server where the WAR file is updated, the WebApp is redeployed. On the 
other server, the WebApp is undeployed but never deployed again. I expect that 
the reason it isn't redeployed is that the WAR file isn't copied to the farm 
directory (by the JBoss farm), even though the previous version of the WAR file 
is deleted.

I fixed the problem by deleting the WAR file from the first server, where it 
deployed successfully. Standard Undeploy messages on this server, and an 
undeploy message on the other server, where it never deployed, which is 

Next I redeployed the WAR file (again) on the first server and the webApp was 
successfully redeployed on BOTH servers this time - like I said, the problem is 
intermittent :-(

Has anyone else experienced this problem or have any ideas what might be 
causing it?

I don't have much information about what's going on yet - what logging should I 
turn on to find some clues?

Thanks in advance


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Do different Cluster Partitions need different multicast IP

2005-10-04 Thread jcprout
I am running several JBoss 4.0.2 clusters on the same sub-net. Only HttpSession 
is clustered.

The cluster membership is set using -Djboss.partition.name=foo when I start 

My problem is that although the clusters have different names, it seems that 
every server is part of the same partition. All HttpSession objects are 
replicated to all cluster servers, even though the servers are in 3 different 

All cluster servers are using the same multicast IP address (UDP multicast)

Am I misunderstanding how to seperate clusters? Do I need to use different 
multicast IP addresses, aswell as different partition names, for different 



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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Do different Cluster Partitions need different multicast

2005-10-04 Thread jcprout
That explains what we've been seeing, and may explain some unreliability with 
replication of deployments made to the farm directory.

I'll make the changes and start testing again



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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - No ManagedConnections available within configured blocking t

2004-02-12 Thread jcprout
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I am developing a JMS application on JBoss. I have a Queue, which I post messages to, 
from a custom MBean, to be received by an MDB running in a J2EE application in the 
same JBoss server.

My problem is that I can't close the JMS connections I use, even though i call close() 
on the JMS Session and Connection, so the system eventually runs out of JMS 
connections in its pool (I can see this with the jboss.jca.ManagedConnectionPool 
MBean, named JmsXA)

Since I'm running in the MBean, I have to create a UserTransaction before I put a 
message on the queue, otherwise it complains about an invalid TransactionId. This 
works - don't know if it's relavent.

My code is roughly this (- the exception handling):

  private QueueConnectionFactory qFactory = null;

  private QueueConnection qConnect = null;

  private QueueSession qSendSession = null;

  private QueueSender qSender = null;

// Create a QueueSender

  InitialContext jndi = new InitialContext();

  qFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory)jndi.lookup(JMS_FACTORY);

  qConnect = qFactory.createQueueConnection();

  qSendSession = qConnect.createQueueSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// transactional

  queue = (Queue)jndi.lookup(myQueueName);

  qSender = qSendSession.createSender(queue);

// Use the sender

// Close the session and connection 

  if(qSender != null)qSender.close();

  if(qConnect != null)qConnect.close();

Does anyone know what I have to do to release/destroy the connection? The connection 
pool MBean says that I haven't destroyed and connections, and 20 are in use when it 
runs out

Thanks - John

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