[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - ScheduleManager Bug

2006-02-07 Thread jdoble
This may not be a good posting for Beginners Corner, but I sure wasn't able 
to find another forum that seemed like a good fit. Here goes.

We are using the org.jboss.varia.scheduler.ScheduleManager class, and have been 
getting ClassCastExceptions. Looking at the code, I can see why. There are a 
number of places where there is code like this:

  | Iterator i = mSchedules.entrySet().iterator();
  | while (i.hasNext()) {
  | ScheduleInstance lInstance = (ScheduleInstance) i.next();
  | ...
Unless the mSchedules map is empty, this code is going to throw a 
ClassCastException every time, because the entrySet method on a Map produces a 
set of Map.Entry objects. The code should say something line the following 

  | Iterator i = mSchedules.values().iterator();
  | while (i.hasNext()) {
  | ScheduleInstance lInstance = (ScheduleInstance) i.next();
  | ...
If you need the key and the value, you would do something like:

  | Iterator i = mSchedules.entrySet().iterator();
  | while (i.hasNext()) {
  | Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
  | Integer id = (Integer) entry.getKey();
  | ScheduleInstance lInstance = (ScheduleInstance) entry.getValue();
  | ...
I would be happy to submit a bug report, if someone could (politely) point me 
to the right place to do so.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Does JBoss support Java server faces ?

2004-11-12 Thread jdoble
The simple answer to your question is yes, you can use JSF with JBoss. In fact 
we are about to release a product that does just that.  We've been using JSF 
for several months now, so my memory of what we had to do to get it to work is 
a little foggy. I do recall that we had a few problems with locating the TLD 
files, that we ended up working around by extracting the TLD files from all of 
the library jars we were using (including jsf-impl.jar) and copying them into 
the WEB-INF directory of our war files. The work-around was needed because of a 
class loader issue that the JBoss team was aware of, so it may have been fixed 
by now.

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[JBoss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Who Starts PostgreSQL?

2004-05-25 Thread jdoble
We are currently converting from hypersonic to PostgreSQL and I have a simple 
question. The answer may already be in the forums, but search doesn't seem to be 
working today (searching all forums for postgres or postgresql produces zero 
results!). My question is this:

When using Hypersonic, JBoss starts up the Hypersonic database during the JBoss 
startup sequence, and shuts it down when JBoss shuts down. Can we configure JBoss to 
do the same with PostgreSQL? Does anyone have any experience doing this? The 
instructions we have found on the forum so far describe how to configure the adaptor 
that connects to PostgreSQL, but not how to configure JBoss to start/stop PostgreSQL.

Any help would be appreciated.

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[JBoss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: Who Starts PostgreSQL?

2004-05-25 Thread jdoble
Thanks for the quick answer! It will save me a lot of looking for something that isn't 

We are building a system where JBoss is the primary software framework, and we are 
developing MBean services that run monitor the status of the system, and may restart 
all or part of the system if problems are detected. In this context, the primary 
advantage I can see to having JBoss start Postgres is that we can know whether 
Postgres started up properly or not (e.g. look at any System.err output), and can 
restart it from within JBoss (along with any dependent services) if necessary.

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets JSP] - Upgrading a JavaServer Faces App from JSF-1_0 beta to the Of

2004-03-05 Thread jdoble
Sun has recently released the official 1.0 reference implementation for JavaServer 
Faces (replacing the beta version released in December of last year), and I have 
managed, after some pain, to upgrade a simple application that I had developed and was 
running with JBoss 3.2.3 and Tomcat 5. I thought I would share my experience, so the 
next person won't take as long to figure things out as I did.

First, there are a few syntax changes, such as tags changed to use camel case (e.g. 
output_text becomes outputText). There is a Major changes/features in this 
release section in the newly-released JSF 1.0 specification that describes these 
changes, and the error messages you get are reasonably straightforward, so this likely 
won't cause too much trouble.

The most time-consuming problem I encountered was due to the fact that the class 
com.sun.faces.config.ConfigListener was renamed to 
com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener in the official release, and even though I 
didn't reference that class anywhere, I kept getting a classloader error indicating 
that com.sun.faces.config.ConfigListener could not be found. I wondered if something 
was being cached, but even shutting down and restarting my server didn't help.

What I finally discovered is that the old class name was being referenced in a file in 
the work directory, related to my application (called jsf-test):

  | /usr/jboss/server/default/work/jboss-web/localhost/jsf-test/tldCache.ser

This was probably overkill, but I simply deleted the entire work directory, restarted 
my server, and no more classloader problem.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-03-01 Thread jdoble
I ran into the same problem trying to deploy the JavaServer Faces 1.0 Beta samples on 
JBoss 3.2.3, with Tomcat 5. The suggested work-around (i.e. false) appears to solve 
the problem of locating the taglibs, but I found that it led to other 
classloader-related problems. For example, the first thing I ran into was that debug 
classes contained within jars in the sample war's WEB-INF/lib directory didn't match 
identical classes that had previously been loaded by the JBoss class loader. In order 
to deal with this problem, I experimented some more and found that if I copied all of 
the TLD files that were in any of the jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory into the 
WEB-INF directory, then I found that the system was able to find the TLD files, and I 
no longer needed to set the UseJBossWebLoader property to false.

To make my life easier, I developed a small ant file to do the necessary conversion:












Note that you need to specify the war-name (the name of the war file you want to 
convert) and the deploy-dir (the name of the directory to which you would like to 
deploy the war file). If you just want to modify the war file, you can just invoke the 
copyTlds target, and you don't need to specify a value for the deploy-dir in that case.

Also note that I tried this with one of the the JSTL samples (standard-examples.war), 
and it appeared to work for that as well.

So now we have two work-arounds to choose from:

1) set the UseJBossWebLoader property to false
2) copy the tlds into the WEB-INF directory

The bottom line here is that the JBossWebLoader doesn't seem to be looking for TLD 
files within the jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory. Are there any plans to fix this?

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-03-01 Thread jdoble
I ran into the same problem trying to deploy the JavaServer Faces 1.0 Beta samples on 
JBoss 3.2.3, with Tomcat 5. The suggested work-around (i.e. false) appears to solve 
the problem of locating the taglibs, but I found that it led to other 
classloader-related problems. For example, the first thing I ran into was that debug 
classes contained within jars in the sample war's WEB-INF/lib directory didn't match 
identical classes that had previously been loaded by the JBoss class loader. In order 
to deal with this problem, I experimented some more and found that if I copied all of 
the TLD files that were in any of the jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory into the 
WEB-INF directory, then I found that the system was able to find the TLD files, and I 
no longer needed to set the UseJBossWebLoader property to false.

To make my life easier, I developed a small ant file to do the necessary conversion:












Note that you need to specify the war-name (the name of the war file you want to 
convert) and the deploy-dir (the name of the directory to which you would like to 
deploy the war file). If you just want to modify the war file, you can just invoke the 
copyTlds target, and you don't need to specify a value for the deploy-dir in that case.

Also note that I tried this with one of the the JSTL samples (standard-examples.war), 
and it appeared to work for that as well.

So now we have two work-arounds to choose from:

1) set the UseJBossWebLoader property to false
2) copy the tlds into the WEB-INF directory

The bottom line here is that the JBossWebLoader doesn't seem to be looking for TLD 
files within the jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory. Are there any plans to fix this?

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-03-01 Thread jdoble
I guess the sample ant code would be more helpful if it were not invisible:

  | project name=JBoss Helper default=deploy basedir=.
  |   property name=jboss-helper-dir value=/jboss-helper /
  |   property name=jboss-helper-jars-dir value=/jars /
  |   property name=jboss-helper-tlds-dir value=/tlds /
  |   target name=copyTlds description=
  | fail message=The war-name property is not set. unless=war-name /
  | mkdir dir=/
  | mkdir dir=/
  | mkdir dir=/
  | unwar src=./.war dest=
  |   patternset
  | include name=**/*.jar/
  |   /patternset
  | /unwar
  | unjar dest=
  |   patternset
  | include name=**/*.tld/
  |   /patternset
  |   fileset dir=
  | include name=**/*.jar/
  |   /fileset
  | /unjar
  | war destfile=./.war update=true
  |   webinf dir=/META-INF/
  | /war
  | delete dir=/
  |   /target
  |   target name=deploy description= depends=copyTlds
  | fail message=The deploy-dir property is not set. unless=deploy-dir /
  | copy file=./.war todir= /
  |   /target
  | /project

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: error under jboss jmx-console running with tomcat 5

2004-02-23 Thread jdoble
Did you ever find a solution for this problem? I am experiencing the same thing.

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