[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - How to reload login-config.xml

2005-09-26 Thread jleveille
Hello.  If I make changes to login-config.xml I *think* I have to restart the 
jboss server in order to pick them up.  Is this true?  I am talking about JBoss 
3.2.3 for myself.

My goal is to make a web app that I can deploy without restarting the server 
for each new customer that I have.  I have 90% of the stuff inside the WAR file 
and the deploy directory so no problem there.  No need to restart.  However, 
just a couple things are outside of that and I think this means I have to 

The one thing inside login-config.xml is the SQL queries for the users and 
roles that are associated with my security domain.  Any ideas how I might 
deploy or update this configuration without bouncing the server?

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets JSP] - Re: classloader crossing into another jar?

2005-02-06 Thread jleveille
After some searching I found my own answer.  It turns out to be the default 
behavior of the JBoss Unified Class Loader (UCL).  I found a discussion thread 
about it here


Basically, it turns out that JBoss tried to make some things easier and ended 
up with some unexpected behavior list wars and ears that can read each others 
classes, jars, properties, etc.  This caused a real problem for me when I tried 
to deploy to nearly-similar versions of the same web app in two diferent war 

I am going to try the recommendations provided in the thread I referenced since 
I am using JBoss 3.2.3 and see if they work.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Properties

2005-02-05 Thread jleveille
Do you have experience loading properties froma  file in JBoss 3.x?  I have 
done that a lot and never had trouble.  I am sorry to say that I don't have 
JBoss 4.0 experience so I cannot comment on any differences that arise from the 
version change.

In 3.x we put properties files in the server/default/conf directory or inside 
the WAR file in WEB-INF/classes.  Both of these locations load using 
getClass().getResourceAsStream() or by loading a resource bundle using the 
current class loader's methods.

Is there a server/default/conf folder in JBoss 4?  Have you tried 

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets JSP] - classloader crossing into another jar?

2005-02-04 Thread jleveille
Hi there.  I am running JBoss 3.2.3 on Windows XP under Java 1.4.1.  I deployed 
my app one day and then said ... hey, I want to deploy another version of my 
app ...

So I copied the war, renamed it, and threw it in the deploy directory (with 
some property file changes to point to a different database).  To my surprise, 
it pointed at the same database as my previous app.

So I began to think that I had some confusion among static classes.  Maybe I 
was crossing over into a static class in my primary version of the app.   But 
then I decided to deploy the second app without the classes in it.  To my shock 
and amazement, it ran!

I continued down this path by creating a simple app that loaded a prop file and 
printed the contents.  I copied the app and made the two wars have different 
prop files.  I eliminated the statics I was using (expcept for the JRE 
internals, of course -- no idea what they are doing) and I ran the test.

The result was that I cannot get these two apps to print different properties. 

Is this a defect in JBoss or am I too dense to keep from clobbering myself with 
overlapping code?  TIA.

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