[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Nukes 1.1 default theme

2004-08-30 Thread joehobson
I like maiden with only two complaints : the header is too tall and there's no way to 
logout once you login (the button should probably change). I like that the pure 
theme is attempting to do CSS, similar to the imagic-css theme i tried awhile back, 
but the BB module still doesn't show right in WinIE with an 800x600 window size. I 
guess if you don't have a right column it would be okay, but unfortunately most users 
are still on WinIE. ... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - confusing Eclipse setup

2004-08-25 Thread joehobson
Don't feel bad, you're not the only one that has been confused by how to setup a 
development environment for Nukes in Eclipse. I wrote most of whats on the 
UsingEclipse wiki because the only info i could find was scattered throughout forum 
postings (and most of it outdated). So what's there may not be the best, but it was 
better than nothin.

I think that the easier we make it to get new developers setup with Nukes, the more 
likely we are to have more help on this project. Thanks for everyone that has tried to 
help out those of us not as familiar with Java and Eclipse. Your kindness will 
eventually be rewarded with coding help. ... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Quick way to upload multiple files...?

2004-07-27 Thread joehobson
hey, if you're going to ask for the world, why not just throw in WebDAV integration 
while you're at it? I've seen implimentations of it running on top of Tomcat, but 
never integrated with an existing user structure like Nukes; at least not outside of 
the high-end commercial sector. 

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Another noob question re properties..

2004-07-27 Thread joehobson
I played with localizing a test Nukes module in the recent past and was never able to 
get it to show me anything other than English. After some work with localization on 
ColdFusion i've found that it's most likely because there's no easy way to change 
locales in Nukes. I assumed that when you edit your account information and choose a 
different language that it would set your locale, but that doesn't seem to do it. Even 
with the JBoss site, when i change to French, everything is still in English. 

In the end, i've been happy with what i've been able to do in ColdFusion with 
localization, but not with Nukes. I think the frustration though is because i have 6 
years of CF experience and barely any with Nukes/J2EE. So if you figure it out, please 
share what you find. Thanks... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: html standards compliance

2004-07-07 Thread joehobson
Sorry to disappoint, the URL listed in my previous post won't get you anything (Yahoo 
let me share a directory as Public but won't let anyone see files in it, wha?!?). This 
one should work, if you want the CSS theme.


... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: html standards compliance

2004-07-06 Thread joehobson
5holeem wrote : i'd like to get a copy.  tried to email you, but you don't have a 
valid address in your profile.  how would you like to send or have me get the files? 

sorry about not having the email, but ummm... you don't either? I've added a nospam 
email address and i've uploaded my imagic-css theme so you can take a look. 


Once again, i'm no CSS expert, but it looks great in modern browsers, except Windows 
IE. Will need to find a fix for that, but i don't really have the dev time right now. 
If you find a fix, please let us all know. Thanks... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: html standards compliance

2004-07-05 Thread joehobson
cooper wrote : Having a better CSS support is definitely a need. First let's have 
that in a theme, then we can work on modules.

I created a theme using CSS that is a pretty good copy of the imagic theme, but using 
CSS rather than tables. I thought it was complete across popular browsers until i ran 
into the WinIE bug again - table width not cooperating with CSS margins. The 
difficulty in fixing that one is the positioning of the left  right columns, while 
maintaining proper width. Of course the theme looks fine if your modules don't have 
wide tables in them. I don't really have a Windows box to test on so i'm not sure i'll 
do much more with it right now. If anyone would like a copy to play with, let me know 
and i'll zip up what i have so far.

cooper wrote : The forum module CSS should not be changed, it's ok as is but if 
there are bugs we can fix them.

agreed, i think each module should be able to load their own stylesheet, if desired, 
to make design easier on module developers.

cooper wrote : The CSS must be compatible with the most popular browsers : internet 
explorer, mozilla/firefox, safari (mine, if you want to see how it renders in safari...

definitely. I use Firefox and Safari, and check on IE when necessary. And i stick to 
CSS1 as much as possible so that compatibility goes back a few years. 

... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: html standards compliance

2004-06-29 Thread joehobson
I did an entire system redesign around XHTML, CSS, and W3C Accessibility about a year 
and a half ago, for a ColdFusion system i run for my dayjob. It has many benefits and 
very few drawbacks so i would definitely reccommend it. Knowing you want to do it is 
the easy part, actually getting the core system and individual modules to play well 
together may be another matter. For evidence of this, see the fix we did to the forum 
text gets cut off at right bug. 

I'm going to create a CSS/XHTML theme and we'll see how well that goes over with 
everyone when I'm done. Frankly i was surprised how little CSS is used within Nukes - 
my guess being because the PHPNuke code started before it was compatible with most 
browsers. In the ColdFusion system i run, we have a function similar to themes that is 
accomplished simply thru separate css files. If we could create a base set of classes 
(or update the set we currently have) it would give module developers more basic 
designs to work with, and less to recreate by themselves (fonts, headers, etc etc). 

I guess my only question then, is how much the Nukes dev community wants to committ to 
CSS and/or XHTML beyond just a theme? forums? news? admin modules? Of course many of 
these will change their view functions with 2.0 moving to portlets, but i could help 
with some CSS and/or XHTML if that's the way we want to go with it.

... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Text is cut off at far right end

2004-06-27 Thread joehobson
jae77 wrote : i believe julien fixed the scrolling to the right problem, but the 
rendering issue in IE still exists. anyone w/ html skills is more then welcome to 
submit patches. 

I'm no HTML expert, but i've been telling my designers to fix stuff like this for long 
enough so i know what causes it. IE is a bit buggy when it comes to mixing CSS and 
plain HTML. The problem is here is caused by having a table in the in forums with 
width=100% inside of a div tag with a margin. The imagic them pads the inner block 
with a margin, but when IE calculates 100%, it doesn't think about the margin. Thus 
the problem. So is it the module's responsibility to worry about stuff like this, or 
the theme's problem? Using the imagic theme and my own module with a 100% wide table 
causes the same issue.

Thus said, there are two ways to fix it - take the div margin padding off of the theme 
(or switch it to an empty column for padding), or change the width of the tables in 
the BB module. Personally, I switched the BB module to have width=98% for all of its 
tables, and then reduced the margin to 2px or so (more accurate across platforms than 
using em). I don't know who owns the mod or the theme, but i could send updated 
files if anyone wants to check them in. 

On another note, anyone interested in a pure CSS theme? Would be much better for 
rendering time, accessibility, and file size than the tables we're using for layout. 
I'm thinking of designing one, wondered if anyone would be interested when i'm done.

... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: nukes 1.1RC1 available

2004-06-04 Thread joehobson
fyi : RedHat 8.0 / PostgreSQL 7.4.1

I downloaded a new CVS snapshot tonight and didn't get the xdoclet error when building 
this time - thanks for the tip.

anonymous wrote : you can check it out from cvs using the following tag: 

I'm still new to CVS and was unable to figure out how to get it to only give me that 
branch (that's what it would be, right?). Eclipse had trouble discovering the 
branches for the nukes project under my jboss sourceforge repository setup. I'm using 
Eclipse 3M8 if anyone has tips on checking out projects under particular tags (if you 
do, i'll test and add it to the Extending Nukes page).

when i first built nukes i ran into an error in the nukes\build.xml file on line 274, 
which looked something like this...

require file=${jboss.home}/server/${nukes.deploy.dir}/nukes/nukes/
  | copy todir=${jboss.home}/server/${nukes.deploy.dir}/nukes/nukes

i figured it was one too many nukes on there so i verified against an old snapshot, 
removed the extra nukes and it built fine.

i downloaded the whole snapshot but only deployed news, bb, faq, core components, and 
downloads. I hadn't tried downloads before so I went for that one right away. My 
thoughts and errors...

  | when adding a download category, if you leave off the description, it reloads the 
form but doesn't display an error.
  | adding a download works okay, but it would be nice to have an indication of which 
fields are required. Actually, this would be a good place to possible add a nukes CSS 
class for required field display so that it's consistent throughout the site. Not sure 
how we deal with new styles. I tend to just put a red asterik next to the field label.
  | When i attempt to rate a download (clicking on the link below the download), i get 
an error: Parent Category does not exist.
  | i added the MostPopularDownloads block to my right column, but all of the links to 
downloads are dead - looks like the wrong module in the URL (module=kingpin). Link 
works okay if the module in the link is changed.
  | although i did ./build.sh deploy-components under the nukes/nukes directory, i 
didn't get a Permissions module so i was unable to change any permissions for any 
other mods.
  | those are the errors I got. News worked fine for me but i didn't get a chance to 
try out the forums. that's about it for me this evening. I think i'll do a bit of work 
on displaying with JSP now. good luck with more updates... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: nukes 1.1RC1 available

2004-06-03 Thread joehobson
I'm still using postgreSQL and was curious to see how the pure-CMP solutions are 
coming. I updated my whole nukes dev directory via CVS but was unable to build. Got 
this error...

  | file:/home/jhobson/dev/eclipse/workspace/nukes/nukes/build.xml:128: Could not 
create task or type of type: ejbdoclet.
  | Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon.

Saw someone in a previous Nukes:Dev forum post with the same error and it looked like 
it was an Ant version issue. Did something get introduced lately that would require a 
newer version of Ant? Although i'm not immediately sure if i'm on 1.5 or 1.6, it 
didn't sound like it should matter. Then again, that post was from late March and I've 
updated fine since then. 

Any help on this one? Or is there just a new .jar file I need to find and get into my 

thanks... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - thoughts on Nukes 1.1 RC1

2004-05-17 Thread joehobson
my thoughts on Nukes 1.1 RC1

JBoss 3.2.3
  | J2sdk 1.4.2_03
  | lates Nukes from CVS 2004-05-16
  | postgreSQL 7.4.1
  | Installing:
  | built completely from latest CVS, dropped old database completely
  |   | deployed installer, all tables created from installer, Did see two errors when 
tables created, in postgreSQL log
  | ERROR:  operator does not exist: boolean = integer
  |   | ERROR:  column t0_s.quotesejb_upk does not exist
  | FAQ:
  | tried out the FAQ module with no problems
  | News:
  | tried to add new topic: clicked on News Admin and then on Create, threw pgsql 
error: Could not create entity:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in 
column topic_id violates not-null constraint
  | Quotes
  | tried to add a quote. got an error has occurred. Nothing in the logs though so 
it must have been trapped somewhere. Found this comment in the Quotes code right above 
the add: user errors can cause this exception so I don't think it should go on the 
console - i would rethink that one.
  |   | - looked at postgreSQL log and found these two... 
  |   | ERROR:  relation nuke_quotes_quotesejb_upk_seq does not exist
  |   |   | ERROR:  column t0_s.quotesejb_upk does not exist
  | Polls
  | although it seemed normal the first time i went in to get the create a new poll 
screen, it seemed odd on subsequent visits. I think i would default to manage 
existing polls screen
  |   | i added a poll okay, but when i deployed to the right side it didn't show up
  |   | when i went in to blocks management it was on the left so i tried to move it 
to the right and it threw some error occurred. Seems that the block is not actually 
registered. Won't let me edit the block registration either.
  | Sections
  | by default no one has permissions for the sections module. Would be nice to let 
admins have admin capabilities by default.
  | minor gripe
  | there are too many things in the left navigation so it's hard to find anything, 
especially since it's not in any aparent order (alphabetical or other). multiple items 
should be combined: News, Forums, etc. I realize that this is probably difficult 
because of permissions for separate items. There should probably be a second level of 
navigation in left side. 
  | so that's what i have so far. Would definitely be willing to help test any updates 
that you think might fix some of these issues, especially PostgreSQL errors since i 
know we're faced with some new CMP issues lately and pgsql isn't the most common db 
configuration. Thanks for your work out there... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Getting started -- updated documentation on wiki

2004-05-17 Thread joehobson
cooper wrote : I am not using postgres so I cannot test it. If you know what to 
modify to make it working give us the changes, that would be very helpfull

I took a look at it this morning trying to compare the way the EJB's are done in the 
news module with how they were done in FAQ. In the nuke_faq table, the default value 
for pn_id is set to the nextval() of a sequence. Since this is all done thru CMP and 
xdoclet though, i'm not sure exactly how to make that happen when the table is 
created. There are a couple of pieces (xdoclet?) for primary key and foreign key that 
aren't in the TopicEJB.java.  Something like this...

  | @jboss.unknown-pk 
  | @ejb.pk
I tried making similar changes to the TopicEJB.java as stuff that i saw in the 
FaqEJB.java, but ran into some trouble. First it was the return type from ejbCreate, 
which i tried changing. Then it ran into problems with the StoryEJB. It seems that 
changing the TopicEJB will filter down into the other objects and how they deal with 
primary keys. So it will probably need a whole overhaul by someone that understands 
EJB and CMP much more than myself. Maybe Howard can do same thing he did with the FAQ 
module? doubt he has the time now, but it would be nice, if FAQ is really going to be 
a model for how we do it across the board.

sorry i couldn't be of more help... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Getting started -- updated documentation on wiki

2004-05-17 Thread joehobson
jae77 wrote : i also learned that nukes.pk-constraint needs to be set to false in 
order for the table creation to work. 

Actually I'm not sure that is true. My nukes.pk-constraint is true, just as the 
postgresql.properties file shows, and the faq module works fine with its pure CMP 
backend. i'm not in front of my dev box right now, but i remember the way the pn_id 
field was set on the nuke_faq table. It's still an integer field, but the default is 
set to something like nextval('public.nuke_faq_pn_id_seq'::text) which basically takes 
the next value of a sequence. A sequence is the postgresql way of doing 
auto-increment. I assume that it's all handled with CMP, but i couldn't completely 
figure out how to make the news module setup its tables that way.

glad to be of some service .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: [CALL FOR TESTING] Re: Getting started -- updated docume

2004-05-14 Thread joehobson
hxp wrote : CALL FOR TESTING 
  | Nukes 1.1 is coming out soon -- and you can help make sure it gets tuned up nicely 
before it goes out the door!

I updated my CVS last night and took it for a spin. There were a few issues but i 
don't have any specific errors to show yet. One example was the news section, which i 
was anxious to try out since i've read much about the new enhancements. No luck trying 
to get an item posted. Since not too many people seem to be running on PostgreSQL I'll 
spend some time tracking down issues and bugs this weekend to help out. 

Also, I don't have a complete dev environment setup yet. I was trying to work via 
jEdit but noticed many praising Eclipse so i thought i'd try it. The Wiki on Nukes 
Eclipse setup wasn't very helpful though so i started updating it with whatever 
information I find from forum posts and via the web. I'll try to finish up that 
document, but if anyone wants to post simple bullet point steps (such as setting up 
Nukes module projects -faq, news, etc- with anonymous CVS update), i'll give it a go 
and fill-in the documentation as i do it. Could be helpful in easing the learning 
curve for JBoss/Nukes/Eclipse newbies like me.

... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: news 1.1rc1 release available

2004-05-12 Thread joehobson
Impressive! I finally updated my local Nukes copy with the latest snapshot, and I'd 
have to say that i'm quite impressed. It's been a few months since i've been able to 
really look at the package, though I've been tracking the forum discussions via email 
(thanks for any and all info on CMP). Glad to see Nukes living up to my expectations. 
Hope to have some time for coding my own changes once the wife and kids start summer 

As for bugs - my /index is showing up as HTML, which means it's actually encoding the 
HTML so that tags show up as plain text - open tag is  . MIght be cause by the HTML 
editor, but i doubt it because it didn't happen with other pages i created.

thought you might like to know. Keep up the great work... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: postgres help

2004-04-02 Thread joehobson
I have pretty much the same setup as you - PostgreSQL 7.4.2 / Nukes 1.0 - and i worked 
thru it by fixing a setup.xml file and then recompiling. I posted bugs on SourceForge 
with my fixes so go take a look there. I think one of them was rolled into the CVS so 
checking out the updated code (not sure if it's in main or HEAD) might work. Not sure 
if the other was ever updated in the code. Here are links to the bugs on SF (with 
fixes noted)...

Nukes Users table bug

BB Module prune_enable (closed bug)

... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: installation oddities

2004-03-08 Thread joehobson
Thanks Howard (and others, of course). I took a little time off, away from Nukes 
anyway, to learn more Java structure while waiting for the 1.0 release to come out. My 
expectations of course were that it would be a little easier, but i was a little 
disappointed. Sorry, don't mean to offend, but it took me a few hours to go from the 
fairly functional snapshot from mid-February to the 20040304 snapshot. I tried the 
wiki instructions and installer (which really only seems to setup the database right 
now, was hoping it would do more). Here's what i found

  | i'm using postgreSQL so there was a big warning telling me that it only works with 
mySQL, but i'm used to taking the hard road so i did it anyway.
  | the installer let me choose my old datasource but failed to drop the tables 
correctly, so i was forced to drop them manually
  | there was an error creating some of the databases so i had to track it down to a 
couple of inserts that were trying to use 0 instead of false for a boolean column.
  | Fixed the setup.xml's for those faulty dB inserts but had to build clean and 
redeploy a few times to get it setup correctly, but it did. I would commit these back 
to the repository but i'm a definite newb when it comes to CVS. Will need to see about 
something other than anonymous access.
  | The deploy-components target fails because /server/default/nukes/ directory 
doesn't exist - the installer should probably create that one for you if it doesn't 
already exist - this part of the process is mentioned on the NukesDBSetup wiki but not 
on the installUninstallUpgrade wiki. 
  | Tried to deploy it as-is but choked on the dB - it thought i was using mySQL. This 
seemed odd because the installer knew i was choosing a pgsql dB. Of course i 
eventually found the line that explained how i needed to change a line in the 
local.properties file to reflect the dB-type. This part was awful and i'm sure will 
keep many people from successfully installing Nukes. I guess i didn't think the 
NukesDBSetup wiki applied to me because i'd already setup my dB for an older snapshot 
of Nukes. I'd say mention the dB-type/local.properties config on the install wiki so 
people get it.
  | So that was about it, after a few more cleaning, builds, and redeploys. It was 
late though so i didn't even get a chance to play with it. Guess i should stop writing 
this message and go see. Thanks again... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - installation oddities

2004-03-02 Thread joehobson
I'm just starting out with Nukes, and at first i was quite excited - but now, not so 
much. I thought Nukes would be a good solid CMS core to start developing my own little 
system on. I thought it would have good documentation and a strong developer 
community. My mind's not completely made up on any of these points but after 
installing JBoss 3.2.3 and Nukes (latest compilable) i'm a little disappointed. Take 
this little nugget of advice that i eventually happened upon in the Development Forums:

one change that is good and simple. when you use nukes, you have to create a directory 
called nukes : server/default/nukes
-- julien 9/10/03

thanks for letting me in on that one, but would it be so much to ask Nukes to 
auto-create that directory for me on first run if i didn't happen to find that info in 
the forums? I saw no mention of this anywhere in the build instructions, tutorial or 
other limited documentation I found. So i had no main page in Nukes (The file id is 
not indicated instead - also not to be found mentioned anywhere).

In a more realistic sense I completely understand how this happens. I've been writing 
web apps (ColdFusion mostly) for about 5 years now and my documentation still sucks. 
Not so much inline comments, but everyday plain-English docs for others to catchup on 
when you're gone or otherwise occupied. Writing that kind of stuff is left til last 
because many things change before you even get to write the documentation, and because 
it's just not as exciting as writing features in.

here's hoping i can get my head wrapped around the way Nukes works so i can start 
writing modules for it soon. thanks for your hard work. I really look forward to the 
next RC soon. If anyone would like to refer me to some more comprehensive  up-to-date 
tutorials I'd be much obliged... .joe

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: installation oddities

2004-03-02 Thread joehobson
hxp wrote : This is nothing like ColdFusion; it's more like jumping in deep cold 

that's okay, i don't want it to be like ColdFusion - i've already built my own CMS in 
that world, need to start moving on to the real game.

hxp wrote : Over the past several months, the right way to install nukes has gone 
thru about 5 different stages 

yeah, i gathered that, which is why i was willing to cut the developers a bit of 
slack. I just chalk it all up to a learning experience and move on. But most of what 
i've seen of Nukes I still like so I'll stick with it. Since i don't really have too 
much Java experience I think i might just go back to my books and get some more base 
knowledge in place for later. 

hxp wrote : I'm hoping to make some Wiki pages to explain the current way to 
install/uninstall/upgrade Nukes, and about some other stuff I've learned. 

The WIki pages would be nice because it would be easier and less formal for many 
people to contribute. You might also consider putting together an entire getting 
started tutorial like the one they put together for the JBoss AS - i went thru that 
one and it was very helpful in learning many things about a large product in 
simplistic terms, very quickly. And then hand it off to someone whose never even heard 
of Nukes or JBoss and see how they do with it.

thanks for your input. looking forward... .joe

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