[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - JBoss Startup and Directory Scanning

2006-03-09 Thread pcarrollnf
Hello, I am using JBoss 3.2.0.  I have a directory in my jboss-3.2.0\bin where 
I cache some files.  This directory may grow very large depending upon the 
amount of usage the section of code receives that generates these files.  I am 
finding that the larger this directory becomes in size, the longer it takes for 
the JBoss application server to startup.  Does JBoss scan the directories 
underneath it when it starts up thus causing a slowdown due the size of this 
cache directory?  If so, is there a configuration setting that I may modify to 
exclude this directory?  Thanks.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - jbossmq-state.xml contains ClientIDs for same MDB

2005-09-12 Thread pcarrollnf
I am running JBoss 3.2.0.  I have configured JMS so that the messages are 
written to SQL Server as opposed to the default Hypersonic database.  This all 
works correctly.  When I start the application, I notice the jbossmq-state.xml 
has the deployed MDB's written in it in the following example:

  |   ClientIDID:3 /ClientID
  |   NameMyMDB1/Name
  |   TopicNameMyTopic/TopicName
  | /DurableSubscription
  | DurableSubscription
  |   ClientIDID:9/ClientID
  |   NameMyMDB2/Name
  |   TopicNameMyTopic/TopicName
  | /DurableSubscription

When the application posts a topic, the record is written to the JMS_MESSAGES 
table in the SQL Server database and then consumed.

However, when I restart the application, the jbossmq-state.xml will look like 
the following on occassion:

  |   ClientIDID:3/ClientID
  |   NameMyMDB1/Name
  |   TopicNameMyTopic/TopicName
  | /DurableSubscription
  | DurableSubscription
  |   ClientIDID:9/ClientID
  |   NameMyMDB2/Name
  |   TopicNameMyTopic/TopicName
  | /DurableSubscription
  | DurableSubscription
  |   ClientIDID:11/ClientID
  |   NameMyMDB1/Name
  |   TopicNameMyTopic/TopicName
  | /DurableSubscription
  | DurableSubscription
  |   ClientIDID:17/ClientID
  |   NameMyMDB2/Name
  |   TopicNameMyTopic/TopicName
  | /DurableSubscription

When a message is produced and written to the database, the messages with 
ClientID 3 and 9 will not be consumed.  These rows will live in the database 
until someone manually goes in there to delete them.  Does anyone know the 
cause and possible solution as to why this may be occurring?  Thanks.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Prevent MDB Deployment

2005-06-30 Thread pcarrollnf
I have an application that runs on JBOSS 3.2.0.  I have a MDB that is used by a 
specific part of the application.  This functionality may be enabled or 
disabled based on a setting in a proprties file.  Is there a way to not deploy 
the MDB if this functionality is turned off in the properties file?

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - How to undeploy MDB progamatically

2005-06-30 Thread pcarrollnf
Can someone post some example code showing me how to undeploy an MDB?  Thanks.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Persistent Messages not Consumed

2005-06-29 Thread pcarrollnf
I have an application running JBOSS 3.2.0.  I have a MDB that writes messages 
to a SQL Server database.  We have found that the JMS_TRANSACTIONS table had 
over 400,000 unconsumed rows in it.  What should I look for in order to 
determine why these messages are not being consumed?  Thanks.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Persistent Messages not Consumed

2005-06-29 Thread pcarrollnf
Sorry about that.  I meant to say the JMS_MESSAGES table and not the 

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Running a standalone program to access JBoss application

2005-06-06 Thread pcarrollnf
I read the JAAS howto that you suggested.  That helped quite a bit.  However, I 
am having trouble with JNDI.  When the login method is called from my 
standalone client app, I get the following exception:

 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: DefaultDS not bound

I am using the example server_auth.conf in the example code from the HOWTO.

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Running a standalone program to access JBoss application

2005-06-02 Thread pcarrollnf
I have a standalone class that I use to test new funciotnality that I add to 
our product.  Our product runs JBoss 3.2.0.  I have a custom login module 
defined for our product.  The following is a snippet of my main method of the 
test class:

System.setProperty( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, 
org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory );
System.setProperty( Context.PROVIDER_URL, jnp://localhost:1099 );
System.setProperty( Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username );
System.setProperty( Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password );
System.setProperty( Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, 
my.custom.login.module.classname );

When I run the program it always tries to authenticate me as the 
unauthenticatedIdentity that I have specified in my custom login module.  How 
do I get the login module to recognize SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and 
SECURITY_CREDENTIALS that I thought I was passing in.  Thanks.

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