[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: MBeans dependence on Service lifecycle state?

2004-08-17 Thread rgrzywinski
Thank you for your feedback and help.  The last quote was especially helpful.  I will 
reevaluate my needs and assess my next steps.

I know that many people see "service" in many different lights -- just following 
Avalon gives some insight.  I'm just curious as to how SOA with SOP used at the end 
points will really be able to thrive without a cohesive standard for "service" in this 
context.  This is a question that will plague us for some time to come.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: MBeans dependence on Service lifecycle state?

2004-08-17 Thread rgrzywinski
Dimitris, I appreciate your responses but you appear to be approaching all of my 
questions from the standpoint of a developer.  Development is one very small piece of 
the puzzle.  The much larger pieces are deployment and maintenance, specifically 
remote (via MBeans) deployment and maintenance.

The whole point in my enquiring about the paradigm whereby MBean attributes and 
operations interact with the service state is to determine how the MBeans contract is 
expressed and communicated.  You've essentially said:  you can code the service do 
what whatever you want via MBeans and some things are harder than others.  Fine but 
that's a development concern.  

Picture this:  you're an administrator or a remote client and you sit down in front of 
your management console in which there are dozens of services each with attributes and 
operations.  How do you know which bean uses which technique?  Which attributes can be 
called when the service is running?  Which can be called when the service is running 
and requires the service to be restarted?  Which have to have the service stopped and 
restarted?  How do I know if the service is stopped (yes, "StateString" identifies if 
the service is started, but how do I know if it's still running?)?

Is the contract expressed solely through the limited MBean method descriptions?  Are 
there known paradigms for throwing various exceptions based on state (say, by throwing 
IllegalStateException if an attribute can only be set if the service is stopped -- and 
I know that IllegalStateException can be thrown but I'm asking for the paradigm)?  

Now put all of this into perspective of my other question:  Restart a FAILED service? 
And your response:  by altering manually its deployment descriptor, saving, then the 
deployment scanner takes notice of this and re-deploys the MBean.  I'm betting on the 
fact that there is no effective way of communicating the contract so my next thought 
is:  so what happens when they get it wrong (i.e. a service fails).  You're telling me 
that my MBean administrators are dead in the water.

I hope that I'm better communicating my questions and concerns and I hope that I'm not 
causing friction in any way as it is not intended.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Not start Service on server start?

2004-08-17 Thread rgrzywinski
Is there a way to have a Service created but not started on server startup?  I am 
trying to use JBoss' Services in SOP and there are cases where services should be 
deployed (and created) but not started.

My research shows that this is not possible but I wanted a confirmation.

If not possible, it is the correct procedure to file an RFE 'bug' for a desired 
feature?  (And yes, I do understand the implications on dependent services.)  Thanks!

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Service lifecycle and populating mbean attributes

2004-08-16 Thread rgrzywinski
In my persuit of understanding the service lifecycle, I have stumbled on the following:

Figure 2-18 in "CHAPTER 2 The JBoss JMX Microkernel" (admin-devel) shows that the 
configurator populates the mbean attributes (from the XXX-service.xml file) -before- 
the mbean is create()'d.

My questions are:  

  | If attributes are populated -before- create(), what possible benefit is there in 
even having create() (over, say, start() (except that start() may be called multiple 
  | Why are the attributes added before creation?  Is there a dependency reason?
  | Has any thought been given to adding an attribute to the  tag so that the 
attributes can be added after creation?
  | Having the attributes set before create() is forcing me to move initialization to 
the constructor.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: Restart a FAILED service?

2004-08-16 Thread rgrzywinski
I was just thumbing through JSR77 to see what's the latest word on the FSM for a 
managed object and JSR states:

  | This state indicates that the StateManageable Object has unexpectedly
  | stopped. On entering this state an SMO must generate an event whose type value is 
Âj2ee.state.failedÂ. Event notification of the FAILED state is required by all 
managed objects that implement StateManageable. It may be possible to start an SMO 
that has entered the FAILED state by calling the start() operation. It may be possible 
to stop an SMO that has entered the FAILED state by calling the stop() operation. An 
SMO that cannot succesfully reach the RUNNING or STOPPED state from the FAILED state 
must reenter the FAILED state after the the attempt to reach the RUNNING or STOPPED 
state fails and emit another Âj2ee.state.failed event. An SMO that cannot 
succesfully reach the RUNNING or STOPPED state from the FAILED state requires 
intervention, such as redeployment, to restore the managed object to the desired state.
  | So it seems that ServiceController does not meet the JSR77 requirements (since 
it's not possible to go from FAILED to STOPPED or RUNNING in any way) -- at least by 
my interpretation of JSR77.  
  | Note that I'm not assuming that ServiceController -should- meet JSR77, I'm simply 
saying that it does not.
  | Any feedback is appreciated.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: Restart a FAILED service?

2004-08-16 Thread rgrzywinski
Ah ha!  I found the root cause:

  ServiceController.start() : 340

And a similar "problem" in:

  ServiceController.stop() : 426

So the question still stands:  is it desired that a failed service cannot be 
restarted?  And if so, why?

I can certainly see where, on initial startup, that you don't want a failed service to 
continually be re-start()'d while the dependecies are unwound.  But after this, 
shouldn't a restart be allowed?  This would allow a defective service to be repaired 
and restarted.  Given ServiceController.start()  (minus the offending check for 
FAILED), a restarted service will then finish starting any dependent services.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Restart a FAILED service?

2004-08-16 Thread rgrzywinski
I am attempting to understand the bounds of the Service lifecycle.  I have a Service 
that throws on startService() (no other service depends on it).  When I attempt to 
restart the service (via the JMX web console), I get no feed back;  the service is 
neither started nor is any error logged.  If I execute the "jbossInternalLifecycle()" 
method with a parameter of "start" (again, via the JMX console) the service is 

Some fast and dirty debugging shows that start() is called (in ServiceMBeanSupport) 
which calls server.invoke(...).  In here things get fuzzy as I am not familiar with 
the Invocation process.  The bottom line is that jbossInternalStart() is never called.

Is this expected behavior?  And if so, what is the motivation behind it?

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: MBeans dependence on Service lifecycle state?

2004-08-13 Thread rgrzywinski
Somehow, even though I logged out and logged in as myself (rgrzywinski) a previous 
user was maintained.  Anywho, I posted the above message (sorry about the formatting 
there).  I didn't want any confusion.

So much for using someone elses machine with this forum.

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