[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: JBoss Server shutdown failure

2006-01-11 Thread romm
I just wanted to also mention that I'm running JBoss 4.0.1...  I'd greatly 
appreciate any information or pointers into where I need to look to correct 
this trouble...

  | ERROR [BaseModelMBean] Exception invoking method destroy
  | java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
  | at org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.WebCtxLoader.stop(WebCtxLoader.java:118)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | ERROR [WebModule] Stopping failed 
  | org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error during deploy; - nested 
throwable: (javax.management.RuntimeErrorException: Error invoking method 
  | at 
  | at org.jboss.web.WebModule.stopModule(WebModule.java:79)
  | at org.jboss.web.WebModule.stopService(WebModule.java:45)
  | at 

Thank you!

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: JBoss Server shutdown failure

2006-01-11 Thread romm

Has this issue been resolved for you?  I'm having the same trouble...

I appreciate any additional information you or anyone else may have.

Thank you.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Redirecting /~* to an external server

2005-06-03 Thread romm
Hello All...

This posting is an act of desperation!  :-)  My company is within 1 hour of its 
expected launch time for its new Web site, and we have discovered that we need 
to accomplish the following to make this a successfull launch!...

We need to configure JBoss to redirect all requests to /~* (* implies any name) 
to an external Web server.  My partner and I have read through many, many pages 
within the forums, wiki, and other Web sites and have tested many different 
configurations without success.  Does anyone have any specific instructions on 
how to make this work?  We are running JBoss 4.0.1.  

Again, an answer that resolves this issue would be fantastic and is desperately 
needed!  Thank you in advance for your time and consideration...

The following block of text was being used in our apache conf file to 
accomplish this same task prior to our usage of JBoss.


 ServerAdmin ...
 DocumentRoot /export/home/www/.../.../
 ServerName ...
 ServerAlias ...
 ErrorLog /usr/local/www/Logs/srt-error_log
 CustomLog /usr/local/www/comftp/testsrt/logs/srt-access_log combined
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /export/home/www/.../.../cgi-bin/
 ScriptAlias /_vti_bin/_vti_adm/ /export/home/www/.../.../_vti_bin/_vti_a
 ScriptAlias /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/ /export/home/www/.../.../_vti_bin/_vti_a
 ScriptAlias /_vti_bin/ /export/home/www/.../.../_vti_bin/
 RedirectMatch /~(.*) http://www.site.com/~$1

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Using SSL with the JBoss/Tomcat bundle

2005-04-27 Thread romm
Hello mjdinsmore,

Thank you for the reply...

- I created a self-signed certificate with the keytool (as directed to do in 
the documentation "Using SSL with JBoss using JSSE"), 
- The keystore was moved to ${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/
- The server.xml file was updated ("Using SSL with the JBoss/Tomcat bundle"), 
and is using port 8443 and my keystore.
- The keystore created was created without any problems with keytool.
An update on my progress:
I decided to test the same documented procedures on a local installation of 
JBoss versus the remote server I've been having difficulty with.  The test 
worked and successfully returned a secure connection with my self-signed 
certificate to https://localhost:8443/  I'm currently looking into why the 
remote server (https://test.example.com:8443/) is not returning a secure 
connection.  Again, Internet Explorer is returning a "Page Cannot Be Displayed" 
and Firefox is giving me a message that "Firefox and the server cannot 
communicate securely because they have no common encryption algorithms"...

Thanks again!

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: SSL and JBoss/Tomcat

2005-04-27 Thread romm
By the way,

I'm running JBoss 4.0.1...

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - SSL and JBoss/Tomcat

2005-04-27 Thread romm
Hello all,

This posting is a follow-up to my post (which has no replies) posted under 
"Security & JAAS" 
(http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=63164).  It is not my 
intention to cross-post, but I thought I might get more eyes on my post here...

Has anybody successfully been able to follow the "Using SSL with the 
JBoss/Tomcat bundle" documentation located at 
http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/jboss4guide/r1/html/ch9.chapt.html#d0e22417 to 
enable SSL on their JBoss server?

I have attempted numerous times without success.  I receive a "Page Cannot Be 
Displayed" in IE when attempting to access 
https://host:8443/jmx-console/index.jsp .

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: When to use Apache as a Primary Web Server

2005-04-26 Thread romm
Just a quick reply thanking you for taking the time to respond!  Your 
thoughtful reply to my post is most appreciated...  I'll take your points into 
consideration as I work through configuring SSL over JBoss.  I've decided to 
not use Apache as the primary Web server (at least at this time).  If you have 
any suggestions on how to implement SSL over the JBoss/Tomcat bundle, please 


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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Using SSL with the JBoss/Tomcat bundle

2005-04-25 Thread romm
Hello All...

First, I would like to mention that I have been through the following 
documentation (numerous times):

Using SSL with the JBoss/Tomcat 

Using SSL with JBoss using JSSE


I have not had any luck successfully testing the configuration with https.

Does anyone have any clear instructions on how to step through exactly what 
needs to be done to simply enable SSL over HTTP with the JBoss/Tomcat bundle?  
I have tried many configurations with both /jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/server.xml 
and /conf/jboss-service.xml without success.

I'll provide any additional information that you may need to clarify the 
problem I'm having.  Essentially, https://, is returning "The page cannot be 

What environment variables do I need set for ${jboss.server.home.dir} to work 
correctly?  JBOSS_HOME and JBOSS_CONFIG?

I greatly appreciate any help that anyone may be able to provide...

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - When to use Apache as a Primary Web Server

2005-04-21 Thread romm
Hello All,

I'm interested in using SSL over JBoss.  Should I consider using Apache as the 
primary Web server in front of JBoss/Tomcat to handle SSL encryption?  When is 
it a good idea to use JBoss/Tomcat as a standalone server, or integrated with 
Apache as the primary?

Any insight or direction is much appreciated!


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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: how to configure ssl in jboss server

2005-04-20 Thread romm
Hello Juha and others,

I attempted to follow the JBoss 4 documentation (chapters 8 and 9) to simply 
configure HTTP over SSL, but its not that simple.  Does anyone have any 
suggestions for common problems encountered?  I've copied the 'chap8.keystore' 
file to jboss/server/default/conf/ and edited the 
jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/server.xml document.  I am unable to establish a secure 
connection to jmx for testing.

Do I also need to make and sign a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the 
Certificate Authority?  

The instructions found at 
http://www.theserverside.com/discussions/thread.tss?thread_id=22243 do not seem 
to coincide with JBoss's documentation.  JBoss gives the impression that I can 
test the secure connection without the CSR.

Any help is greatly appreciated...

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Basic problem with HTTPS

2005-04-20 Thread romm
Hello all...

I am experiencing a similar problem with https...  I have followed the 
documentation for JBoss 4 to enable SSL, and am also not able to establish a 
secure connection with jmx for testing.  Does the keystore have to be named 


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Autodeploy

2005-03-08 Thread romm
Correction: I'm running JBoss v.4.0.1

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Autodeploy - Servlet Conflict

2005-03-08 Thread romm

I'm having a similar problem as well.  I am deploying a WAR to JBoss 3.2 which 
has packaged the O'Reilly servlet library as part of the web application.  A 
co-worker has also deployed the O'Reilly library as well as in a separate WAR 
(under /WEB-INF/classes/).  Well, my application is using the MultiPartRequest 
class from her application versus my own.  This is causing problems as she has 
modified her MultiPartRequest to use a class which is not registered in a 
classpath for myself.

What is the solution or explanation as to why JBoss is not allowing my 
application to use its own packaged libraries, and is sharing another from a 
separate app.


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