[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Security questions and issues

2005-08-26 Thread svetzal
Hi All,

I've noticed that the login-config.xml in the Portal indicates a (new?) 
(org.jboss.portal.core.security.jaas.IdentityPropagationLoginModule) that 
appears to take the place of ClientLoginModule for propogation.

Is this assumption correct?

I have tried using both but am getting different errors with each.

The IdentityPropogationLoginModule fails when initializing our Portlet with a 
NullPointerException (I believe because our Portlet calls EJBCreate on a 
session bean, and there is no logged in user yet... the ejbCreate method is set 
as unchecked=true, but this hasn't helped; I've been pouring over docs looking 
at the intricacies / conflicts of dealing with roles, groups, etc - our 
LoginModule worked great until we started to place our apps under a security 
domain - it might still be working great, but now I'm not so sure ;).

The ClientLoginModule fails with this security notice:

09:11:05,713 INFO  [STDOUT] Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: 
Insufficient method permissions, 
principal=[roles=[Authenticated],principal=anonymous], ejbName=UserManagement, 
method=getRootUsers, interface=REMOTE, requiredRoles=[Authenticated], 

Note that the principal is flagged with an Authenticated role, but 
principalRoles is null... I think that is what's causing our problem there.

Which way should I pursue? Should I even track down the problems with 
ClientLoginModule or should I chase down what's going on with the 



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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: ClassCastException with EJBs

2005-06-25 Thread svetzal
"darranl" wrote : Have any of you read the links posted by Scott earlier in 
this thread?

I realize everybody's busy and all, but perhaps a short summary of the problem 
(a sentence or two) before referring the world to 25 pages of detailed 
technical description containing _far_ more than we really need to understand 
the issue is not what we want here.

So, perhaps this will help future visitors to this page:

>From 4.0.2 JBoss has changed to the Servlet spec classloading model, i.e. it 
>uses the Tomcat classloader.

The first link Scott provided details the hows and whys of the ClassLoader 
architecture implemented in JBoss. If you have time, read this, it will help 
you - but get a cup of coffee and spend some time with it, don't just gloss it 
over. http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossClassLoadingUseCases

The second link Scott provided has some specific examples and reading the 
configurations and their implications triggered my brain far faster than the 
more exhaustive technical description. Since then, however the first link was 
helpful when I couldn't reason something out. 

So, while I digest all this, I've set the UseJBossWebLoader to true (the 
standard distribution of JBossAS 4.0.2 sets this false) in the 
jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\META-INF\jboss-service.xml so that the rest of my team 
can keep going unhindered, and I can figure out what I need to do in terms of 
changing our deployment structure to be compliant.


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