[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: DAOs as SLSBs - performance hit?

2006-03-10 Thread patrick_ibg
You could start with a generic DAO pattern that is just a thin wrapper around 
an entity manager, something like the following:

  | public interface GenericDao
  | {
  |   public  void save (T entity);
  |   public  void delete (T entity);
  |   public  void delete (Class clazz, Serializable 
id) ;
  |   public  T find (Class clazz, Serializable id) ;
  |   public  List list (Class clazz) ;
  |   public  T findByExample (T example);
  |   public  List listByExample (T example);
  | }

Then you'd still have the option to switch your persistence layer should the 
need arise.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: DAOs as SLSBs - performance hit?

2006-03-10 Thread redijedi
DAOs are great for some applications. At my company a specific division felt 
that EJB3's less than stellar stored procedure supprt was enough of a reason to 
switch to ibatis. The group simply wrote up some slsbs that conformed to the 
existing interface and hotswapped their old ejb3 daos right out with minimal 
effort. Yet, if you do not ever forsee swapping out your persistence 
implementation, then you don't need to bother.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: DAOs as SLSBs - performance hit?

2006-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IMO do what works for you.  Design patterns are only guidelines.  I prefer 
writers/authors that say "This is an interesting way to write a piece of code" 
rather than "This is how you should write your code"

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: DAOs as SLSBs - performance hit?

2006-03-09 Thread persabi
Going through the EJB3 material around, you really don't see this scenario:

anonymous wrote : 
  | servlet --> Session Facade (SLSB) ---> DAO (SLSB) ---> Entity Bean

where SLSBs access entity POJOs via DAOs in the EJB3 environment.  It is the 
defacto "way" in Spring since the framework is not agnostic to back-end 
providers (Hibernate, iBatis, JDBC etc) 

It seems "as mazz said", some people intermix the DAO and session bean concept; 
so they have a SLSB but call it a DAO.

I agree with greening and would think that EJB3 does renders DAOs obsolete for 
us anyway.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: DAOs as SLSBs - performance hit?

2006-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Good points.  Depends on what you call a "DAO".

  | List resultList =
  | em.createNamedQuery("userFavoritesEntity.findByUser")
  | .setParameter("user", user)
  | .getResultList(); 

Where that code lives could be called a DAO, no?  And all other places that 
need to run that query would then call that DAO method to perform that query.

But I see your point. 

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: DAOs as SLSBs - performance hit?

2006-03-09 Thread greening
More on this "EJB3 persistence renders DAOs obsolete":

We typically do not use DAOs in front of highly-complex RAM-based data 
structures.  So what makes databases so special that a DAO pattern emerged?

DAOs became popular in the JDBC days, when you had

queryMethod() { 
let's say 100 lines of JDBC code to get a list joined with a set

Then came Hibernate, and people argued more weakly for DAOs. The argument I saw 
said DAOs were good for abstracting different database types (mysql vs. 
postgresql, etc).

Now with EJB3 we have a situation where the old pattern, DAO, has such weak 
arguments that eliminating DAOs should be considered "reasonable", and that 
using a DAO should require justification.

Here's our new line of code:

List resultList = 
.setParameter("user", user)

Should this code be in the class that calls the entity?  Should this code be in 
a static method on the entity?  Those are questions for a later discussion.  
The question I pose here is whether this code justifies a new class, a DAO.

In other words, does EJB3 persistence render DAOs obsolete?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: DAOs as SLSBs - performance hit?

2006-03-09 Thread greening
I am wondering whether EJB3 persistence renders DAOs obsolete.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: DAOs as SLSBs - performance hit?

2006-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In my opinion, this should not be a problem - I doubt you would notice any 
non-trivial performance hit or even care.  The I/O going to/from your backend 
data store (in addition to the data processing performed in the DB) will be the 
performance bottleneck and probably be orders of magnitude above that which 
your DAO will introduce.

Worry about hitting the database and the I/O that introduces more than adding a 
DAO layer.  A DAO layer above your entity beans is "a good thing".

'course, all of this is IMHO. :-)

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