[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-07 Thread boerse
Hi Koen, thank you for your answer. I don't think i'm able to develop such a 
thing as i can not even work by now fluently with jBPM ;). But thanks for your 
answer. What I have to do is to model differente processes, eg:

Task A - a clerk starts one process with different states, nodes and actions 
(and schedulings)
Task B - the same (or another) clerk start a process with other states 
completely (or partially different with A).
Task C, D...

I suppose the only way to model this would be to set at the very beginning a 
decission (?) node to see whick task will i follow, doesn't it? Maybe selecting 
from a combo which task to make and depending on it go thought one branch or 

And other question :): i suppose that all the information stored on the 
hibernate database remains there forever (until someone deletes it), I mean, it 
doesn't dissapear when the task is finished, doesn't it?
Is there a way to get statistics from this database? I need to know how did it 
took a process (and the average) to finish. Thanks!

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sure you can do your point 5. Of course they will appear in the same default 
webapp. But if you need the (web) applications associated with the different 
workflows to be isolated from each other, you will have to develop your own...


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-07 Thread boerse
I've found the solution for question 4: to deploy right click on the process in 
eclipse and (sometimes) works. To deploy via console do (as someone said):
  | 1) Use JBoss 4.0.2 
  | 2) Fresh jBPM 
  | 3) modify build.properties (gives system paths to jBPM and JBoss) 
  | 4) ant tasks from build.xml: compile, build, build.processes 
  | 5) ant tasks from build.deploy.xml (create.jbpm.configuration, start.jboss)
  | That should get you going and using websale. To deploy your own .par 
  | 1) At jbpm/src/process.examples/ add a directory .par 
  | 2) Inside there should be your processdefinition.xml, gpd.xml, and 
  | 3) Add any java packages created in GPD to jpbm/src/java.examples 
  | 3) modify ant taget build.process in build.xml (at about lines 182-193). 
This should reflect your .par, package name, temporary staging 
  | 4) Repeat the 5 steps mentioned above 
I know it's not complicated, but one has to know what has to do and until that 
point it is complicated.
I'd appreciate if someone could give me any advice about the other questions, 
over all number 5.
Thank you!

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-06 Thread boerse
Hello Koen!

Thanks a lot for your cheers! Do you really think it's better to install v 
3.1B3 than 3.0.2? I have already installed 3.0.2 with JBoss 4.0.3 (and Eclipse 
and its plugins) and works fine with the websale, but i would like to  modify 
some things (add more fields to the example, etc) in order to practise with the 

1. (By the way I did't get to install the payraise from jbpm 2.0 in jboss 4.0, 
can you recommend me any post or link where this task is resolved?).
2. Question is: is it possible to EDIT and MODIFY the websale process using 
Eclipse in an easy way? How? 
3. how can i get the .war collection?
4. how can i deploy everything and load it in the JBoss? 
5. And a very importart question for me: is it possible to have several 
processes (different Workflows) on the server at the same time? (For example, 
to have payraise and websale running together in the same JBoss?) Is this 
possible? How can this be configurated? How would the services be distingued? 

Really thanks to all the comunity for your support, i promise to resume all 
this knowledge and post it for the newbies like me as soon as i understand it 
and make it work! :)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You will always find the most recent releases on the sourceforge download pages 
: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=70542.
The stable releases are pointed to from the JBoss jBPM product page : 

Have Fun,

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-06 Thread sachinps
>From where can I download jBPM 3.1 Beta3?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Best thing is to download the (latest) Starter's Kit. The latest 3.1beta3 
release is really worth using instead of the 3.0.2. Then extract the zip file 
and read the readme files. 
If you are able to startup the server and navigate your browser to 
http://localhost:8080/jbpm, you'll get an idea already of a sample application 
for jbpm. If you are able to install the Eclipse plugin, create process 
definitions with this tool and try to deploy them to the server you will 
already be a long way...

Regards and success,

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-06 Thread boerse
Thank you for your response, mehmetbilgi, i've read this docs but i still don't 
know how to compile one example (for example), deploy it and make it work 
(create the .par, the scripts for the database and everything). Is it really so 
complicated? Thanks!

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Help on jBPM

2006-02-06 Thread mehmetbilgi
there ARE doc for version 3, 
just check here:
http://docs.jboss.com/jbpm/v3/userguide/ and

hope it helps..

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