[JBoss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Hypothesis: JBoss is slow compared to BEA

2005-03-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are using Specj2004 now to optimize our container, and we are looking at 
this seriously. If you wanna help, you are more than welcome.

I'm technically cordinating Specj2004 efforts here at JBoss, and if you want a 
contact, I have my e-mail set at my profile.


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[JBoss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Hypothesis: JBoss is slow compared to BEA

2005-03-31 Thread chrisdutz
At our university we did about 2 Years of performance analysis and comparisons 
based upon the SPECjAppServer2002 and 2004. The results all quite went in the 
same direction: At the moment it seems that the web-layer (Tomcat) is the 
bottleneck in all tests. Everything works fine untill you realy hit tomcat with 
work. I'll hope that since tomcat is now dealt with by the jboss guys that 
these problems will be resolved in the near futurre, since we managed to 
optimize JBoss to knock-out a lot of other commercial appservers (they all have 
problems with their web-layer) especially regarding stability on realy long 
high load tests, but it seems that the bea guys simply have a better 
web-container, since this was the only appserver we tested to scale allmost 

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[JBoss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Hypothesis: JBoss is slow compared to BEA

2005-02-22 Thread triathlon98
no, I mean a lookup from client code using
ctx=new Initialcontext


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[JBoss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Hypothesis: JBoss is slow compared to BEA

2005-02-22 Thread rupfsw

 A jndi call can be made like this inside a deployment descriptor

Is this the way u mentioning.


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[JBoss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Hypothesis: JBoss is slow compared to BEA

2005-02-22 Thread triathlon98
Something that can affect performance a lot (I was bitten by this one, but 
still not 100% sure I got it fixed) is jndi lookup performance.

In our config it happened that jndi was sometimes dead slow (5 to 10s), and 
other times instantenious.

This was presumably caused by the RMI stubs including server name in their data 
but the hostname not being known on the client side. Easily fixed either by 
forcing the server to only return the ip address, or by setting the hostname/ip 
in the hosts file on the client side.

The easy way to check this is by doing a telnet to the server on port 1099.


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[JBoss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Hypothesis: JBoss is slow compared to BEA

2005-02-20 Thread rupfsw
Thanks Joachim for your kind reply and suggestions and thanks Juha we are 
thinking of that.

Our application is a big enterprise application where there can be upto 500 or 
more user transaction simultaneously.

We have  done the test using JMeter,Load Runner  with 500 virtual users.

We have done the best use of the wiki
But we are using JBoss 3.2.3. Do everybody think that JBoss 3.2.6 can be a best 

32bit & 64 bit
At present we are using 32bit machines with Windows platform.
How best it can be with 64 bit.Do anybody have some sample results.

We have avoided unused configuration settings and war files.
and other than default configuration we are using run -c all for clustering.

We have tried jdk1.3,jdk1.4 and jrockit in which the performace of jrockit 
found  faster,
For weblogic 5.1 we have used jdk1.3 only.

This is the vm configuration we applied for development purpose.
 -Xms386m -Xmx786m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy 
The GC methods not found much useful.
The same  -Xms386m -Xmx786m we have applied for Weblogic 5.1
We are testing with  -Xms786m -Xmx1024m and we will post the results of 
JBoss3.2.3 vs WL5.1

Class loader isolation
Thanks for suggesting this option. We were yet to try optimisation here.
to Joachim & Juha :If you are having more suggestion regarding this please let 
us know,
So lets this topic be an interesting one for all JBoss fans.


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[JBoss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Hypothesis: JBoss is slow compared to BEA

2005-02-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sounds like you may not have understood all of the JBoss configuration and 
fine-tuning information. I suggest you get in touch with sales and get yourself 
expert help to ensure a smooth transition to production.

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[JBoss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Hypothesis: JBoss is slow compared to BEA

2005-02-19 Thread triathlon98
You really need to give more technical details about the application and the 
kind of tunings you have already applied. Also check the wiki, forums and there 
is an entry in the blogs about tuning.

When comparing, please compare using the same version JVM. Sun 1.5 is faster 
than 1.4, JRockit is supposed to be faster than Sun etc.

Have you trimmed the JBoss configuration? What JVM switches have you appled 
(you should at least increase available memory) etc.

Anothe important question is what classloader isolation you are using. There 
are huge performance benefits to be gained by not having to serialize 
invocations between layers in your application etc, etc.


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