RE: [JDEV] how can get the information about IM open source

2001-03-23 Thread Todd Bradley

Spend a few hours at  You 
will find the open source to the Jabber
server, ICQ gateways (transports), and
many Jabber clients there.  Also, you will
find lots of documentation about how the
Jabber system works and how to set up your
own server.  

There's a lot to see at, so
make sure to give yourself plenty of time
to read it all.  Then, if you have questions
about setting up your own Jabber server, you
should subscribe to the JADMIN email list,
where you'll be able to get help from other
Jabber administrators and developers.


-Original Message-
From: anna wang
Sent: 3/23/01 1:42 AM
Subject: [JDEV] how can get the information about IM open source

 I want to get soem information about how to set up a system  like icq
with Java.
 I don't know where to gain the open source.
 it is better if the system can work in WAP. 

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Advertising Namespace

2001-03-23 Thread Todd Bradley

strange coincidence, some of us at were just talking about this topic 
this morning.  My own opinion is that banner ads should just be another RSS 
channel.  There's no fundamental difference between pushing stock quotes or 
weather reports to my Jabber client and pushing advertising messages to my 
Jabber client.

  -Original Message-From: Duncan, Paul 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 
  1:30 PMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: [JDEV] Advertising 
      Ok.  First of all let me 
  start off by saying I find banner ads on my IM clients annoying and 
      I know this.
      However,  for some 
  shareware/freeware developers, the only way they can see any cost 
  justification is by the selling of
      ad space on thier web sites and 
  through some of their client software.  One of the coolest news readers 
  I've ever seen has
      a banner ad at the bottom.  I 
  respect the developer for going this route and not charging me for using his 
  tool, as I now have 
      this fantastic reader for 
      Other developers may want this 
  ability.  Others will not.  By providing a namespace for this, 
  clients can exclude this, regardless if its sent or not, 
      if they wish, utilize the 
  namespace to help offset the development costs.
      I'd guess it would be something 
      This is not an email to instigate 
  a full-fledge flame war against me or my value system.

RE: [JDEV] Advertising Namespace

2001-03-23 Thread Todd Bradley

> Todd suggested something about another RSS channel.  I'm not 
> sure what this
> is so I can't speak to it.  Perhaps more clarification?

See here:

There's been talk on and off over the past 6 
months about someone writing some kind of RSS
transport.  It would (presumably) take RSS
data fees from multiple sources, consolidate
them, and then pass them on to a Jabber user
to see in a Jabber client.

However, I should note that I've never seen
any working code, so it's just kind of a "neat
to have" feature for the future.  But rather
than making a whole new namespace for banner
ads, it seems more efficient to me to just
finish the RSS stuff and have have banner ads
be an RSS channel.


jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Q: oob and direct P2P communications

2001-03-29 Thread Todd Bradley

> ICQ most definately does not allow you to send files through 
> their servers. I do not know about Yahoo.

Somebody told me that the file transfer feature
of Yahoo IM was that one client uploads the file
to a temporary WebDAV-like storage space on a
web server.  Then, the other client downloads
it from the same place.


jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Detecting client/server disconnect?

2001-04-09 Thread Todd Bradley

There's nothing special about that sequence.  My JabberBot, for 
instance, sends a single \r every 30 seconds to keep its connection with the 
server alive.  You could probably only send the "stay awake" reminder every 
few minutes and still get away with it.  I agree the TCP keepalive on the 
server might be more elegant, but this is easier.

  -Original Message-From: Jens Alfke 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 11:45 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [JDEV] Detecting 
  client/server disconnect?
  On Friday, April 6, 2001, at 03:40 PM, Oliver Jones wrote: 
  Winjab works around this problem. It sends, once a minute, the five byte 
  no-op message 
  space space tab space space 
  to the server. This keeps the flow open. In xml terms, this message is 
  formally a noop; very cool. 
  This is a clever hack! Is there something magic about "space space tab 
  space space" or would any whitespace sequence work? 
  On the other hand, using TCP keepalive seems more efficient, since 
  responding to pings would involve only the TCP stack on the server and not the 
  Jabber server process itself. If you imagine a server with 10,000 simultaneous 
  connections, there are going to be 167 of these pings a second, so efficiency 
  becomes important... 

RE: [JDEV] "Shall we start a JabberPolitics mailing list?"

2001-04-09 Thread Todd Bradley

> I keep hearing this statistic, but never a source :-)

Here is the source:


jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] ANN: Client Developer's Cheat Sheet rev.1

2001-04-09 Thread Todd Bradley

Having the same thing for a server agent/service would be great, too, as
I've discovered over the past week.  There are much fewer examples out there
of XML conversations between service and server then there are between
client and server.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Saint-Andre
Sent: 4/9/01 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [JDEV] ANN: Client Developer's Cheat Sheet rev.1

Hi Jens,

Great document! I agree that we need a task-oriented or use-case-driven
document that shows you what XML a Jabber client needs to send and
receive to perform common IM functions. Thanks for putting this


Jens Alfke wrote:
> Over the weekend I wrote some documentation on how to write a Jabber
client (rather, the back end of one.) It's an overview that mostly links
to material in the JPO and JPG but collates it in a sequence that's more
tutorial rather than reference in form. It also clears up some areas
that are left very vague in the official docs (e.g. roster management)
thanks to the helpful answers I got on this mailing list.
> This is a supplement to, not a replacement for, the official docs, and
in fact I'd be more than happy if some of its organization or content
got folded into future revs of the JPO.
> Since this is a first draft and since I'm a Jabber newbie (although
one who has gotten his own client up and limping) it's likely that there
are errors. If you see anything wrong or have any other feedback, I'd
like to hear from you. (Definitely on the to-do list: converting the JPO
and JPG references into hyperlinks.)
> -Jens

Peter Saint-Andre

jdev mailing list

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] .. jabberim and file-transfer ..

2001-04-10 Thread Todd Bradley

The ability to change the file transfer method is
planned for a future release of Jabber Instant
Messenger.  Right now, with version 1.6, there is
no way to configure which file-server is used
(other than to have create a custom
version for you).  If you're uncomfortable or
unable to use for file transfers,
you should just tell your users not to use that 

Also, note that the client is no longer called
JabberIM.  It is now Jabber Instant Messenger.
You shouldn't find any references to "JabberIM"
anywhere in the software or online help.


-Original Message-
From: Jens Langner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:27 AM
Subject: [JDEV] .. jabberim and file-transfer ..

Again me, 
and again I am wondering about some things about the new release of
I tried the file-transfer and recognized that JabberIM is exchanging the
files between two jabber-clients via the server
Of course this is working, but I wondered about the security if I want to
use this feature from within a company and transfer important documents,
because it is possible for everyone, if he/she knows the correct link to
download the file if the transfer is still going on or if the receiver is
pending with accepting the transfer.
I found no possibility to modify the file-server for this. 
Has anyone a idea about this or how I can change this behaviour ?? 

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Kid-safe messaging: [was buddy icons]

2001-04-11 Thread Todd Bradley

> What I would recommend if you want to protect your users from messages
> of this type is blocking all messages from people not on the roster,
> this should be fairly watertight... Maybe things could be setup so
> that all messages received from users not on the roster are forwarded
> to another JID (the admins) but this would require a modified client.

Or a server side module.

> For the time being, just not using the ICQ transport should be enough,
> it's not a problem on Jabber (in my experience).

True enough.  The only porn spam I ever get is when
the ICQ gateway is working.  Of course, once there is
a Jabber client that works well through a firewall,
I'll be able to convince the last ICQ holdouts to
move over to Jabber and then it won't be an issue for

However, even though spam isn't a problem yet on the
Jabber network, there will come a day when it is does
become a problem.  Once there are enough users of
Jabber, there will naturally follow those who want to
advertise to them and then it's only a small step to
Jabber spam.  That's why it's important (to me, at
least) to start planning for countermeasures sooner
rather than later.


jdev mailing list

RE: Re[2]: [JDEV] Kid-safe messaging: [was buddy icons]

2001-04-11 Thread Todd Bradley

> How about having a way for a client to report a message as spam, it
> could send back an  with the message content and sender, then if
> one user or message is reported many times as spam it will start to be
> blocked, have to be thought out well so as to not allow loop holes for
> abuse.

I like the idea.  But what's to stop that user from just creating a new JID?
We might just see a lot of one-time JIDs pop up as happens with email spam


jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] install jabber server....

2001-04-13 Thread Todd Bradley

I'd like to suggest that somebody set up 
mailman to automatically send out the FAQ 
on a regular basis to the list and also
send it to all new subscribers to the

> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Saint-Andre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] install jabber server
> Not yet.
> Peter
> --
> Peter Saint-Andre
> > Sabyasachi Sengupta wrote:
> > 
> > hi all,
> > can jabber server be installed in a windows NT/2000 environment...
> > If yes can you please tell me how?
> > thanks
> > best regards
> > sabyasachi
> ___
> jdev mailing list

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] IRC via

2001-04-16 Thread Todd Bradley

> Then a little question... I there any way to use the IRC Transport
> being connect/logged in as a Jabber user on the server?
> (As I understand, this server don't implement an IRC Transport)

That is correct.'s public server 
doesn't run the IRC transport.  You should
use the server, instead.  I think
it has IRC (though I never use it).


jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] why?

2001-04-19 Thread Todd Bradley

After reading this email list for 8 months, I believe I have just
experienced the first troll!


-Original Message-
From: Greg Hookey
Sent: 4/19/01 6:56 PM
Subject: [JDEV] why?

Good day,
I've been looking over your IM system for a while now and I am
why you have made certain design decisions.

1)  XMLit's's usefull in some situations, but not this one.
Why did you choose it.  It's makes now sense.  You made your
files way too complex.  You've used it as your user database in
which a
file per user is in no fashion scalable and makes your IM system

rediculously slow.  XML has no place here.  Especially in a file
per user

2)  Why in your new CVS version, try to solve this problem by
a relation database for a file system.  You must realize that this
is plain rediculous and does not solve the problem of parsing an
XML file
per user when this should be realistically a database of such

I've considering using your product in several projects now and I have
been deterred by these poor design/implementation decisions.  A tip,
because a technology is out there doesn't necessarily mean that is is a
solution for a problem.  And again, XML doesn't fit the bill.  I will
to watch your progress and I wish you luck in the future.  Without a
design, you are truly going to need it.

Greg Hookey
Software Engineer
Elegant Solutions
464 West 13th Ave
Vancouver, B.C.

Phone: 604.709.0712
Fax:   604.709.0733


jdev mailing list

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Server problems

2001-04-20 Thread Todd Bradley

> It's me screwing up something testing my very-beta-beta (!) Jabber
> client :-), or the server have some problems this days?

The public Jabber server at has had some problems the past few
days.  It was down several hours today, and several hours intermittently
over the past few days.

If you're developing a "very-beta-beta" Jabber client, I REALLY wish you
would run your own test server, instead of our public server.  Or use  At least one of these apparent network attacks on our public
server appears to have been an under-development Jabber application gone
haywire.  When one of the premier Jabber servers in the world goes down
because of some client developer's lack of sanitary testing, it hurts the
Jabber movement.  I'd really hate to have to get medieval and start blocking
people who use "unapproved" clients on

> Given the actual structure / network layout of the Jabber "model", are
> there any solution for server xyz users if that server go down, apart
> from having different accounts on differents server?

Not really.  You have to have different accounts on different servers.


Todd Bradley - Director of Support Services -, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 303-308-3666
"Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent but
unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."  - Eric Raymond

jdev mailing list

RE: Re[2]: [JDEV] Server problems

2001-04-20 Thread Todd Bradley

> Yes, now it's ok. But the same thing as appened to me various time in
> the lasts two days. JabberBot also doesn't work very well now (signal
> presence but not responding).

Thanks for letting me know.  If you notice this in the future, please drop
an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Someone was sending nasty messages to JabberBot earlier.  No, I don't mean
the usual foul language that people love sending to JabberBot.  I mean
malformed XML.  When I wrote JabberBot, I naively assumed that it would
always be sent messages with legal XML, so it crashed when it got bad XML.
Fixed now, as far as I can tell.  No that's not an open invitation to try to
crash it again.  ;-)

> Ah! Off course I'm not blaming none of the good people of
>; just reporting! :)

Thank you.  And may the force be with you, too.


jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] File transfer and Jabber

2001-04-23 Thread Todd Bradley

> Again, I disagree. The Jabber architecture is very much like SMTP, and 
> SMTP servers have been handling "in-band" file transfers for decades. 
> Even huge ISPs and mail services accept file enclosures, although they 
> may impose limits on the file size.

Yes, but SMTP servers have never pretended to be
"instant".  If I'm running an INSTANT messaging
server (which I am), I want the traffic to be as 
lightweight as reasonable so that processing and
delivery remains as INSTANT as possible.


jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] searchable?

2001-04-24 Thread Todd Bradley

Have you tried ?

Under "Advanced Search" you can select jdev/jadmin archives.

> -Original Message-
> From: John Hebert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 3:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] searchable?
> Sure, if you download the archives and use grep. :)
> Seriously, this would really be helpful. I thought Mailman 
> could be configured to allow keyword searches?
> John Hebert
> 4/23/01 5:34:18 AM, Greg Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Are any of these threaded discussions searchable?
> >greg
> >
> >___
> >jdev mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> John Hebert
> System Engineer
> Changing your state of mind through sound. 
> ___
> jdev mailing list

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] jabber initial problems.

2001-04-30 Thread Todd Bradley

Why are you using's server as your test platform for your new
Jabber client?  Why aren't you using the development server at or
your own server?


> -Original Message-
> From: Narahari, Sateesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:58 AM
> Subject: [JDEV] jabber initial problems.
> Folks,
>  I am trying to write a simple jabber client in C++ using 
> winsock. When I
> send the first stream, jabber replies. Here is the conversation :
> SENT:   xmlns="jabber:client
> " xmlns:stream=""/>
> RECV:  xmlns:stream='
> /streams' id='3AED7F0C' xmlns='jabber:client' from=''>
> Immediately after this, I discover my connection goes to 
> ESTABLISHED. And get a response  from  jabber. And the
> connection gets closed.
> I am sending stream to
> Any thoughts?.
> Sateesh
> ___
> jdev mailing list

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Something similar to ICQ Active Lists

2001-05-01 Thread Todd Bradley

Sounds a lot like shared groups to me:

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 9:22 PM
> Subject: [JDEV] Something similar to ICQ Active Lists
> Has any thought been put into this concept of having what is 
> pretty much a mailing list so when you are part of an 
> "active" list, you can see anybody in that list and their 
> presence and you can send messages to the list, etc. 
> Travis Reeder
> Chief Software Architect
> ThinkVirtual
> ___
> jdev mailing list

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] File transfers

2001-05-01 Thread Todd Bradley


And see the myriad JDEV discussions on this topic in the archive:

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 9:23 PM
> Subject: [JDEV] File transfers
> Is there anything in the protocol that will deal with file transfers?
> Travis Reeder
> Chief Software Architect
> ThinkVirtual
> ___
> jdev mailing list

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Unreliable?

2001-05-02 Thread Todd Bradley

> Now I'm not sure if this is the server or the client (i'm 
> using jim mostly)?  Or is it just that it's mostly from icq users?  

Back when I used "real" ICQ, a lot of messages were
lost, too.  I would blame the ICQ gateway on lost
messages.  It's pretty unlikely that it's the actual
Jabber server or your client.


jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] not allowing file transfers

2001-05-07 Thread Todd Bradley

That all depends on the Jabber client the users are using.  Are you
developing your own client?  If so, it's up to you to decide when and how
users can do file transfers.  If not, you're on the wrong email list and
should probably be posing this question to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (if that happens to be the client you're talking about) list.


-Original Message-
From: Stijn Opheide
Sent: 5/7/01 5:58 AM
Subject: [JDEV] not allowing file transfers


is it possible to prohibit users from sending files to each other with


Stijn Opheide
web: --
jdev mailing list
jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Strange Packets

2001-05-09 Thread Todd Bradley

Maybe this is a stupid question, but have you already looked into the
possibility that one of your users has an offline message for someone at
that address and the server-to-server component is trying to deliver it?


> -Original Message-
> From: Denny Chambers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 10:38 AM
> Subject: [JDEV] Strange Packets
> Does anyone know why when I start up my jabber server that it starts
> sending out packets to Has anyone else looked
> at sniffer traffic of jabber, and are you seeing the same thing?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Denny Chambers
> ___
> jdev mailing list
jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] returning all spool directory members

2001-05-09 Thread Todd Bradley

All users?  I've never seen such a thing.  But this is the code to use to
show online users:

Note: This works with JCS, but I'm not sure if it works with the open source


> -Original Message-
> From: Greg Wong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 3:54 PM
> Subject: [JDEV] returning all spool directory members
> Can anyone tell me what the jabber protocol 
> call is to return the users? I can't seem to 
> find docs on it.
> greg
> ___
> jdev mailing list
jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - server

2001-05-23 Thread Todd Bradley

FWIW, many of the outtages we've had on have been traced back to
users of Gabber 0.8.2 (and older).  There's a bug whereby Gabber will go
into a rapid reconnection loop and hammer port 5222 with literally thousands
of connection attempts in a few seconds.  This, in turn, floods our firewall
and server and makes it that much harder for Jabber to recover from a
hiccup.  It's essentially a non-distributed DoS.  We block out the offending
IP and then things are back to normal.  Then I try to find who owns that IP,
write them a nice email, and find out that sure enough they use Gabber and
they did notice it acting "strangely" at about that same time.

The new version of Gabber, 0.8.3, supposedly fixes this bug.

As far as having more people run their own servers, I'm all for that!
That's one of the most beautiful things about Jabber to me.  Everyone who
wants can have his own server.


> -Original Message-
> From: temas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 11:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - server
> we're just running into the problem that they have more bandwidth than
> us and by targetting a single service they can overwhelm it 
> quickly and
> effeciently so the cookies really do little for us.  The 
> pipes just full
> (well rate limitted at least) =)
> --temas
> On 23 May 2001 11:17:43 -0400, Mathew Johnston wrote:
> > I assume you've got TCP Syncookies enabled in your kernel (and
> > in your /proc files)? :)
> > 
> > I guess it's time that we encouraged that 'distributed' nature of
> > jabber to kick in, and have more people run private servers. :)
> > 
> > Mat.
> > 
> > On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 12:35:49AM -0700, Jabber DevZone wrote:
> > > server
> > > 
> > > The following was posted by [EMAIL PROTECTED] via the Jabber 
> DevZone web site (
> > > 
> > > For the past few weeks the server hosting has 
> been under
> > > frequent DDoS (Distributed
> > > Denial of Service) attacks.  The type of attack has been 
> a SYN flood
> > > to port 5222, originating from
> > > various networks and most likely compromised hosts.  
> We're not sure
> > > who or why, and don't yet have any
> > > information about the abuse, but it's not uncommon for 
> popular open
> > > chat systems to be targeted in
> > > such a way (IRC for instance).
> > > 
> > > There are two results of the attacks, one is congesting 
> the server on
> > > port 5222 so that nobody can
> > > connect.  To combat this, as soon as an attack is recognized we
> > > immediately apply ipchains filters to
> > > block network access to the box and drop all packets from the
> > > offending hosts.  The larger problem is
> > > that on a few occassions the size of the attack is 
> greater than and
> > > overwhelms the amount of bandwidth allotted to   
> > > our server (a few T1s).  It takes a bit longer, but the local ISP
> > > hosting the server calls the 
> > > upstream provider and have the offending networks 
> blocked, returning
> > > the 
> > > bandwidth capacity to normal.
> > > 
> > > There have a couple of other service outages recently, due to the
> > > development nature of the server  
> > > and that often a transport will runaway and consume 
> system resources,
> > > bringing the server to a halt. As
> > > part of the foundation two new server boxes will be 
> arriving soon, one
> > > for the production-only 
> > > server, and one available to the community for 
> server and
> > > transport/services development and
> > > testing.  With the server developers getting their own domain
> > > ( to [ab]use
> > > and the added focus on the quality of services available from the
> > > foundation, server uptime and administration should improve :-)
> > > 
> > > One last note is that the service was just updated to the latest
> > > release last night.  The flash5  
> > > and HTTP-tunneling socket support is now available directly on
> > >  WCS (the Web Client 
> > > Service) is now configured as well, and will be activated 
> shortly for
> > > testing and experimentation.
> > > 
> > >
> > > ___
> > > jdev mailing list
> > >
> > ___
> > jdev mailing list
> >
> ___
> jdev mailing list
jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Multiple logins

2001-05-24 Thread Todd Bradley

I definitely like where you're headed with this.  As someone else pointed
out, Jabber needs much more explanatory errors.  Right now, the client knows
nothing about the reason for why it was disconnected from the server.

Also, it's smart to have a better reconnect timeout algorithm than most
clients use.  The one I like the most is a geometrically increasing
reconnect timer.  So, when you first get disconnected, you try to reconnect
after 20 seconds.  If that doesn't work, then you wait 40 more seconds.  If
that doesn't work, you wait for 80 more seconds.  And so on.  That's how the
new version of Gabber works now, I'm told (though I haven't tried it


-Original Message-
From: Jens Alfke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [JDEV] Multiple logins

IMHO, if a client is disconnected by the server [receives an  and
] it should not automatically attempt to reconnect. There is
probably some good reason it was disconnected, and this thread illustrates
one of the dangers of automatic reconnects. It'd be better to put up a
dialog box with "Reconnect" and "Cancel" buttons and let the user decide.
(Having a meaningful error code and message to display in the dialog would
be even better, of course.) 

In the event of a network-level disconnect, where the stream isn't properly
closed, automatic reconnect might still be a good idea. It would help if the
client could use some kind of OS-specific functionality* to determine
whether the network is still up or not — if I unplug the Ethernet from my
laptop I don't want the client to start an infinite series of reconnect
attempts, nor do I want it to start dialing the phone to my ISP without my


* In the case of Mac OS 9 there's an OTTCPWillDial function that's described
in some tech note, and in Mac OS X there's a System Configuration framework
which is not yet documented but whose [open] source can be found in Darwin. 
jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Request for comments on system using jabber

2001-05-24 Thread Todd Bradley
Title: RE: [JDEV] Request for comments on system using jabber

Correct, you can't subscribe to a specific resource.
May I 
offer a few words of sage advice in this area?  If personalbuddy becomes 
very popular and you use the roster/subscription approach, you're going 
to soon start hurting your server (and it darn well better not be MY 
server!).  I know because I've done this myself with Jabberbot.  
Jabberbot's roster on is about 10 times the size of the next largest 
user's roster.  Whenever Jabberbot tries to log in now, it causes all kinds 
of server mayhem because every presence change causes the server to go read and 
parse rosters of everyone in Jabberbot's roster.  This, and the subsequent 
traffic backups, crash the server at (which is JCS, of course, but I 
suspect the open source server would have the same problem).  That's why I 
turned Jabberbot off about a month ago.
better approach is to have Jabberbot (or personalbuddy) be a server-side agent 
that has no roster controlled by the server.
-Original Message-From: 
Colin Madere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 
11:02 AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [JDEV] Request 
for comments on system using jabber

  Good points, Jens.  I don't think you can subscribe just 
  to a resource, though.  A nice thing which shouldn't be too much of a 
  change would be to actually have to subscribe to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
  rather than just send messages to it.  That way you can just remove your 
  subscription to the presence and be done with it :)
  Know any often updated projects on freshmeat so I can see this 
  -Original Message- From: Jens 
  Alfke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 11:42 AM To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [JDEV] Request for 
  comments on system using jabber 
  On Thursday, May 24, 2001, at 03:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  If you send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] saying 
  "watch x" where x is the name of the package to watch it will send you 
  notification of updates. If you send "ignore x" it will stop sending them. 
  I love the idea of presence/IM based services like this, but 
  I'm worried that we're going to get into a real mess where they're all driven 
  by text messages using various different syntaxes ... which is of course 
  exactly what happened in the e-mail world with list servers. (I just read a 
  news article yesterday about a new AIM based agent for Radiohead fans that 
  sounds like it's running some kind of Eliza-like "natural language" interface. 
  Be very afraid.) 
  In the case of your personalbuddy, I can easily see people 
  later deciding they don't want the notifications anymore but not being able to 
  remember the magic "ignore" command. They'd then get mad at the agent for 
  spamming them. 
  Wouldn't it be cleaner to use the existing Jabber subscription 
  model for this rather than inventing your own? I.e. you subscribe to 
  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"'s status and it will send you messages when x is 
  updated. To stop getting updates, unsubscribe. (The status message in the 
  presence could indicate the current version number.) 
  Of course this requires that you run your own Jabber server at, which you might not be willing or able to do. Is it possible in 
  Jabber to subscribe to a single resource? If so, then perhaps people could 
  subscribe to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/x" to get notifications for package 

RE: [JDEV] Re: Large scale Jabber bots

2001-05-25 Thread Todd Bradley

> > [I've retitled this thread...]

Thank you!  And boy did I never expect this
thread to be of so much interest to people.

Jens wrote:
> > What, all mailservers?! What about the ones that run 
> > mailing lists or
> > [voluntary] announcements? I've been on music mailing lists 
> > with thousands
> > of subscribers, and I get very useful "what's new" mailings 
> > from Amazon that
> > must have tens of thousands of readers.

Well, I agree with the person that pointed out
this isn't a use you would normally expect of
CLIENT software.  You would want some special
piece of server-side email software to handle 
your mailing list.  Try using Outlook (or what-
ever email program you use) to send out 10,000
messages all at once and let me know how it
reacts!  ;-)

> > > Jabber should probably work
> > > the same way in this case (200 users max in a roster or something
> > > configurable like that)
> > >
> > >
> > Why on earth should that be a requirement? First off, it 
> > penalizes people for something that's not their fault. 

I disagree.  Except in unusual circumstances,
you only have people in your roster that you
know and want to talk to.  So, in most cases,
it IS the user's fault.  

I can think of two exceptions, though.  First,
I have no control over who sends me presence
subscription requests and how often they do so.
So, someone could write a malicious program that
generates 100,000 Jabber accounts and then sends
me a subscription request for each one.  That's
a particularly evil attack you could make on 
a Jabber server, in fact.  You could probably
bring down that server, then, by sending alter-
nating on/off presence packets from just one of 
the users in that big roster.  Each change in
presence forces the server to read and parse that
whole roster.  Or an alternate attack could be
that the program searches through the JUD and
just sends a single subscription request to each
person in the JUD.  Then, it would alternate
presence rapidly, forcing the server to read
and parse ALL rosters on the server.

The second exception is that my Jabber client 
might automatically send a subscription request 
to somebody without my knowledge.

> > Secondly, it ignores very useful aspects of Jabber for 
> > information delivery.
> > Stock price agents, auction agents, news agents, etc. 

> I'm very familiar with bots. I also know that the majority of 
> bots do not
> require presence information at all, all users do is query 
> their services.

I agree.  Most news bots don't have any
need for bidirectional presence.

> I'm saying that you can't take protocol decisions made for an 
> average roster
> size of 10 and scale it to a roster size of a quarter 
> million. 

That definitely makes a lot of sense.  The
roster system in Jabber was designed with
the idea that a user would have just a hand-
ful of friends they're interested in.  I
would bet the major IM systems have some
kind of limits to roster size.  Anyone know
for sure?  I doubt AIM would let me have
10,000 users in my AIM roster.  But, no, I
am not going to try.

Thomas Charron wrote:
> Yes.  The problem is, the typical c2s componenent takes 
> some things for
> granted, namely, one of them being, that it won't take a 
> tremendouse amount
> of work to do some things.  In the case of a jabber 'bot', 
> that bot should
> actually be written as a transport and *NOT* as a client 
> connecting to the
> c2s component.

As someone pointed out, the downside of
this is portability.  It is definitely
nice to be able to run your bot from any
machine, rather than just from the server,
which only a limited number of people have
access to.  On the other hand, the beauty
of Jabber is that you can always run your
own server!

Nonetheless, I agree that for a bot that
is expecting to handle many users on the
Jabber system as it's currently designed,
a transport (aka agent, aka service) is a
better way to go than a client.  That was
my original point in all of this.

Now a bot that's not expected to have a
lot of users, such as a doppleganger bot
(one that runs in the place of a live user
behind a traditional client), might be
best as a client.

And stpeter wrote:
> I have a roster on (my [EMAIL PROTECTED] account, which I 
> used for a few months last year). That roster has about 200 
> people in it 
> and is definitely not the largest roster on the system, so 
> I'd imagine 
> that Jabberbot has at least several thousand users in its roster.

Yes, as of last week there were a little bit 
over 10,000 JIDs in Jabberbot's roster.

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Request for comments on system using jabber

2001-05-25 Thread Todd Bradley

> In the IM bot realm, the existence of ActiveBuddy 
>  disproves your argument. 
> Their bots log into AIM or Yahoo just like a 
> client (and that raises the interesting question 
> of why AOL isn't trying to block them. Perhaps 
> they have some kind of special deal.) 

That is a good question.  Maybe they haven't
generated enough traffic to be an annoyance
yet.  Maybe nobody's using it!


ps.  Jens, it would be awesome if you changed 
the formatting of your email replies to be 
plain old text.  It's very hard to read your
emails when you reply to someone because your
mailer doesn't do standard style text attri-
bution.  I can never tell what text is yours
versus what text you're replying to.
jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Large rosters + a solution for the commands syntax problem

2001-05-29 Thread Todd Bradley

> 1) Large rosters. I don't see the problem here - why oh why 
> does the server
> have to parse the rosters of all the people that presence is 
> being SENT to?

The way it was explained to me is that the
server reads the roster of both the sender
and the recipient, so that it can compare
the subscription types.  That's to prevent
someone from falsifying a presence subscrip-

I talked about this with a few
developers this morning and we all agree
that the best approach is probably for bots 
to be services rather than clients.  The
downside is that they have to deal with
their own rosters and presence, but the
upside is that they can have total control
over how they do that.

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Not recieving messages in client

2001-05-31 Thread Todd Bradley

Have you sent the initial presence packet to the 
server to let it know you're alive, online, and 
ready to receive messages?


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 7:46 AM
> Subject: [JDEV] Not recieving messages in client
> I am writing a simple client in tcl using the tcl jabberlib.
> I can connect, authenticate myself and send messages but i 
> never recieve 
> any messages!
> Even though i send mesages form winjab to the user connected with my 
> client, my clients socket never recieves anything(i checked 
> with a sniffer).
> Does a client have to register itself somehow to be able to recieve 
> messages?
> Regards,
> David
> ___
> jdev mailing list
jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Jabber - Scripting Language

2001-06-07 Thread Todd Bradley

> Has there ever been any discussion of a client side scripting 
> language for
> Jabber?  I'm thinking of something along the lines of mIRC's scripting
> language for the IRC protocol.

That was the source of my original interest in the 
Tcl client (zABBER).  My goal was to have a client 
that had a scripting language interpreter so you 
could write scripts to do special handling of events.
But, alas, it's not that advanced.

To answer your question, I don't think there's been 
serious discussion in the past year about a single
"official" Jabber client scripting language.  It
would probably be impossible to get everyone to
agree what that language should be.

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Jabber - Scripting Language

2001-06-07 Thread Todd Bradley

> If you're the author of zabber and the tcl jabbberlib, i salute you!
> I tried for several weeks trying to get JabberCOM, jabberoo 
> and various 
> other c/c++ libraries to work, but jabberlib worked almost on 
> the first try.

That's great!  But no, I'm not the author of
the Jabber Tcl stuff.  A guy named "waster"
wrote them.  I'm just the maintainer of the 
project on Source Forge (and added some minor
features and fixed some bugs).

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Jabber - Scripting Language

2001-06-07 Thread Todd Bradley

> I find the idea of scripting within Jabber to be intriguing, 
> but I'm not
> clear on what people want to do with this. Can you provide 
> some scenarios?

1. When I receive a text message from [EMAIL PROTECTED],
I would like a message to automatically be sent
back saying, "Yes, I completely agree."

2. When my resource is "WorkJIM" and my status is "*Away"
and I receive a text message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the word "AIM" in it, I want a copy of that
message sent to my cell phone email.

3. When I get a message from someone who isn't on my
roster, I'd like my client to automatically reply 
with a  message of "Your message was ignored because 
I don't know you."

4. When I get a subscription request from "*"
I want to automatically accept it.  But when the
subscription request comes from "*"
I want to automatically decline it.

5. When I get a text conference invitation from someone
in my "Employees" group or my "Coworkers" group
and the local time is between 8 and 5, I want my 
client to automatically accept it.  In other cases,
I want my client to decline it and send a message
to the inviter.

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Thoughts on AOL Time Warner

2001-06-07 Thread Todd Bradley

> Has anyone tried to actually sue AOL Time Warner for 
> monopolistic practices
> with respect to their Instant Messaging products and tactics?
> I mean, with AOL *and* ICQ, and their constant changing of 
> AIM protocol to
> defeat interoperability, it sounds like it would be a sure win.

You're crazy.  AOL doesn't have a monopoly on IM.  
The fact that Microsoft says THEY have more IM users
(whether they're lying or not) illustrates AOL isn't
a monopoly.

And there's nothing illegal about constantly changing
your own proprietary protocol.  Maybe it's not the best
use of your time, but it's certainly not illegal.

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] Jabber - Scripting Language

2001-06-11 Thread Todd Bradley

> Number 5 on your list could be interesting. Any ideas of how 
> to find the
> time zone difference between the server and a client?

No, I have no idea how to ask the server what time
it thinks it is.

jdev mailing list

RE: [JDEV] What exactly do you do with the IQ event?

2001-06-18 Thread Todd Bradley

Sounds like you need to spend a lot more quality time with the Jabber
Programmer's Guide:

May I recommend Chapter 9?

> -Original Message-
> From: John Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 10:05 AM
> Subject: [JDEV] What exactly do you do with the IQ event?
> Hi, I'm writing my own jabber client and I've looked up and down the 
> documentation for this, but I just can't seem to get it.  What is the 
> JabberIQ event for, and what's an IQ for?
> John Meyer
> Programmer
> If we didn't have Microsoft, we'd have to blame ourselves for 
> all of our 
> programs crashing
> ___
> jdev mailing list
jdev mailing list