Re: Disk space is too low. Only "less than a GB" left on /var/lib/jenkins

2018-08-06 Thread Amit Ghatwal
Few methods which we employ to save on space is by using 
1. any "post-build" for any job to delete job workspace if not needed. 
2. Limit the number of job build logs to minimum - say around 2-4.
3. Install this disk usage plugin - which helps 

On Wednesday, 1 August 2018 15:34:16 UTC+5:30, Víctor Puertas wrote:
> My master node became disconnected due to this error:
> - Disk space is too low. Only "less than a GB" left on /var/lib/jenkins
> The current size of the directory is 5.4GB.
> Why does this folder weight that much?
> Is there a way to decrease the size without adding space on the machine? 
> I'm thinking a solution as removing temporary files but I'm not familiar 
> with the content of this directory.
> Thanks.

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Re: Can i run master and slave on same machine

2018-08-06 Thread Amit Ghatwal
I have set up a single machine to run as jenkins- master+slave successfully 
many a times , been able to deploy jobs successfully as well  on the 
machine at "Remote root directory" for the added slave node .Every job 
deployed creates a folder with the job name .  Can you elaborate more on 
where exactly ur getting this message - 'file available" , any launch 
methods which is giving this message - JNLP, SSH , webstart, etc. ?

On Monday, 6 August 2018 10:12:55 UTC+5:30, Nehal Abdelhafez wrote:
> can you just tell me how i can run master and slave on the same machine i 
> have install and run a master and i cant make the slave join it gives error 
> "file avaliable " thanks in advance 
> On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 4:26:03 PM UTC+2, Mark Waite wrote:
>> The simplest answer to your "Can I run master and slave on the same 
>> machine" is "Yes".  The challenging part of the question is "Why?"
>> The subject line seems to hint that you are considering running a master 
>> and a slave on the same machine.  It certainly can be done.  Whether it 
>> should be done depends on your reason for wanting to use a slave.
>> The Jenkins master can run multiple jobs in parallel so long as you allow 
>> have enough executors defined on the master node to host your parallel 
>> jobs.  If the master machine has enough compute power to perform all the 
>> parallel jobs, then executing all the jobs on the master node is simpler 
>> because it is easier to administer one machine (the master) than two 
>> machines (the master and the slave).
>> If the master machine does not have enough compute power to perform all 
>> the parallel jobs, then additional computers can be added as slave nodes to 
>> add compute power.
>> Another use of master and slave is when different configurations are 
>> needed.  For example, I have a master node that is 64 bit Linux and slave 
>> nodes for 32 bit Linux, 32 bit Windows, and 64 bit Windows.  I couldn't run 
>> that configuration without master and slave setups.
>> I believe others have used a slave configuration to create a separate 
>> configuration even on the same machine.  That is not a technique I've used, 
>> but I've considered it, possibly using a slave running in a chroot 
>> environment on a Linux machine to simulate a different configuration 
>> without actually running on a different machine.
>> It is also possible to run a master and a slave on the same machine 
>> simply by configuring the slave node to use a different home directory than 
>> the master node.  I'm not sure why you would do that, but it can be done.
>> Mark Waite
>> --
>> *From:* Varghese Renny 
>> *To:* 
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 26, 2012 8:53 PM
>> *Subject:* Can i run master and slave on same machine
>> I have a doubt regarding, if multipe jobs are there ,is it better to 
>> distribute build on slave or
>> do it on master itself?
>> if i can do master and slave? how can i implement this?

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Re: Creating groovy script to configure slave node properties >> "Restrict jobs execution at node"

2016-10-05 Thread Amit Ghatwal
Hi Indra,

Got it working with the below changes to my groovy script . Copying the 
updated script for benefit of others

import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.slaves.*
import hudson.plugins.sshslaves.*

import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.nodes.
import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.restrictions.job.
import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.util.UserSelector;
import java.util.List;

List usersList;

UserSelector  u1 = new UserSelector ("user1");
List userlist = new LinkedList();

StartedByUserRestriction startuserrect = new StartedByUserRestriction(
userlist, false, false,false );

JobRestrictionProperty jobrestrict = new JobRestrictionProperty(

List restrictlist = new LinkedList();

  Slave slave = new DumbSlave(
"Agent node description",
new SSHLauncher("",22,"root","root","","","",
new RetentionStrategy.Always(),

Thanks for all the guidance and pointing out the detailed steps.

Thanks and regards,

On Wednesday, 5 October 2016 12:04:11 UTC+5:30, Amit Ghatwal wrote:
> Hi Indra ,
> You've have hit the nail on its head , you have perfectly summarized my 
> requirements and precisely what i intent to achieve via a groovy script.
> import jenkins.model.*
> import hudson.model.*
> import hudson.slaves.*
> import hudson.plugins.sshslaves.*
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.Entry;
> import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.nodes.
> JobRestrictionProperty; 
> import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.Messages;
> import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.restrictions.
> JobRestriction;
> import com.synopsys.arc.jenkinsci.plugins.jobrestrictions.restrictions.
> JobRestrictionBlockageCause;
> import hudson.Extension;
> import hudson.model.Node;
> import hudson.model.Queue;
> import hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage;
> import hudson.slaves.NodeProperty;
> import hudson.slaves.NodePropertyDescriptor;
> import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
>   List env = new ArrayList();
>   env.add(new Entry("key1","value1"))
>   env.add(new Entry("key2","value2"))
>   EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty envPro = new 
> EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty(env);
>   Slave slave = new DumbSlave(
> "agent-node","Agent node description",
> "/home/jenkins",
> "1",
> Node.Mode.NORMAL,
> "agent-node-label",
> new SSHLauncher("agenNode",22,"user","password","","",
> "","",""),
> new RetentionStrategy.Always(),
> new LinkedList())
>   slave.getNodeProperties().add(envPro)
>   Jenkins.instance.addNode(slave)
> I am actually kind of new to "groovy" , if u don't mind , as referred by 
> you in above points : 1,2,3,4,5 is perfectly what i need , but if you could 
> help in editing above groovy code to incorporate the points 1-5 as 
> mentioned by you would be helpful.
> Appreciate your time and help.
> Thanks and regards,
> Amit
> On Wednesday, 5 October 2016 11:12:23 UTC+5:30, Indra Gunawan (ingunawa) 
> wrote:
>> Hi Amit,
>> The 
>>  class 
>> clearly extends NodeProperty.
>> 1. You need to instantiate a new JobRestrictionProperty class giving to 
>> it a new instance of jobRestriction class.
>> 2. You are saying you want to Restrict jobs execution at node just for 
>> User?   Do you want to configure “Started by User”?
>> I assume you do, therefore you then browse to 
>> This class extends AbstractUserCauseRestricti

Re: Creating groovy script to configure slave node properties >> "Restrict jobs execution at node"

2016-10-05 Thread Amit Ghatwal
va/util/List.html?is-external=true>  extends NodeProperty 
> <>> 
> nodeProperties)*
>   throws IOException 
> <>,
>  Descriptor.FormException 
> <>
> From: < > on behalf of Amit 
> Ghatwal < >
> Reply-To: " " <
> >
> Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 9:25 PM
> To: Jenkins Users < >
> Subject: Re: Creating groovy script to configure slave node properties >> 
> "Restrict jobs execution at node"
> Hi Victor,
> Thanks for quick comment.
> I had already looked at the below repo of "job-restriction plugin" - 
> However i am unable to figure how do i change the slave node >>  configure 
> >> Node Properties >> Restrict jobs execution at node via a groovy script ?
> Any pointers on how can i bring out the above change might be helpful.
> Thanks and regards,
> Amit
> On Tuesday, 4 October 2016 22:24:47 UTC+5:30, Victor Martinez wrote: 
>> You might need to look at the job resctriciton plugin to find its jobs 
>> properties and create that property: 
>> The above url might help you to understand what that plugin does
>> Cheers 
>> -- 
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> "Jenkins Users" group.
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Re: Creating groovy script to configure slave node properties >> "Restrict jobs execution at node"

2016-10-04 Thread Amit Ghatwal
Hi Victor,

Thanks for quick comment.
I had already looked at the below repo of "job-restriction plugin" -

However i am unable to figure how do i change the slave node >>  configure 
>> Node Properties >> Restrict jobs execution at node via a groovy script ?
Any pointers on how can i bring out the above change might be helpful.

Thanks and regards,

On Tuesday, 4 October 2016 22:24:47 UTC+5:30, Victor Martinez wrote:
> You might need to look at the job resctriciton plugin to find its jobs 
> properties and create that property:
> The above url might help you to understand what that plugin does
> Cheers 

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Creating groovy script to configure slave node properties >> "Restrict jobs execution at node"

2016-10-03 Thread Amit Ghatwal

Hi All,

I am trying to automate the process of creating a slave node on jenkins 
server , creating users and then and also allow certain users to access 
only certain slave nodes. The automation is to be achieved via a groovy 

Here's my script thus far
import jenkins.model.* 
import hudson.slaves.*
import hudson.plugins.sshslaves.*
import hudson.model.*



println "create a slave node.. \n\r"
Slave slave_node = new DumbSlave( 
"This slave node is generated using a jenkins job via groovy script",
new SSHLauncher(SLAVE_IP_ADDR,22,SLAVE_LOGIN,SLAVE_PWD,"","","","",""),
new RetentionStrategy.Always(),
new LinkedList()

So doing above , i am able to achieve creation of slave nodes, now what i 
want to do is to restrict the users created ( done by a groovy script too ) 
to have restricted access to the slave nodes created above. For this we 
need "job-restriction" plugin installed. I have version 0.5 installed on my 
server. Post installation of the plugin ,i have " Restrict jobs execution 
at node " option seen under " Node properties " for any slave node 
configure setting.

Now i can manually on the jenkins UI , i am able to achieve restriction of 
users created for any slave node , however do i get this automated using a 
groovy script.

Any thought how "Restrict jobs execution at node " can be achieved using a 
groovy script ? Any pointers will be helpful

Thanks and regards,


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