Build Flow Plugin (pre-release 0.11): Change in SCM behavior?

2013-10-29 Thread Mike Dougherty
I'm using a custom built version of the plugin (using the code from this 
PR: As you can see 
from the commit history, this is based on the unreleased 0.11 version. 

In my further exploration of this plugin (and the new version I had built) 
I realized the build flow job no longer performs SCM operations, which I 
was previously depending on for providing information (primarily git hash) 
to the triggered builds. You can see my script 

After some investigation I found this commit:
which clearly shows that the plugin was intentionally changed to remove SCM 
operation. However, now I'm unable to provide the required information to 
the triggered builds.

I'm not 100% clear on why this behavior was changed. Aside from my 
particular issue it seems to specialize the plugin even further away from 
what I know as 'standard' jenkins build capabilities. I must admit I 
struggled at first with the inability to add a pre-step before performing 
the flow script. At a higher level, I don't understand why this is a 
separate job type instead of a possible build step to be added to (e.g.) a 
free-form project.

I'd appreciate any insight into the purpose of this change. Any info about 
the design of the plugin would be helpful aid my understanding as well.

For now I'm afraid I'll have to use 0.10 with the customized retry() 


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Re: Job-DSL: 'typeConfigs' XML node silently fails?

2013-01-13 Thread Mike Dougherty
I've sent my reply to the job-dsl-plugin group, which I must have missed 
when searching for the right place to start this thread ;)

For anyone that might be following along at home, the new thread is over 

On Sunday, January 13, 2013 4:58:55 PM UTC-8, Justin Ryan wrote:
> Node.toString isn't an exact representation of what is saved. Under the 
> covers, each dsl method and configure method just queue's up the closures 
> that need to be run to generate the xml. They are then played back once the 
> whole DSL has been run through. This all happens in Job.getXml(), so you'll 
> want to call that to see exactly is going to be saved. Though you can also 
> turn up the logging in Jenkins to see the output right before it is saved. 
> It's logged at the FINE level from javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.DslScriptLoader. If 
> you want direct access to the node, you run executeWithXmlActions(project), 
> that's what we use in the unit tests heavily
> Now, concerning your example, I like how you're calling a utility method 
> inside the job block. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. I hope 
> don't mind but I added a unit test to the code base to check for this:
> The structure maps to what I would think you're creating. I'm not familiar 
> with the Violation Publisher plugin. Maybe you could send the 
> job-dsl-plugin google group what you think the XML should be. Take a look 
> at the unit test above, does it fit with what you're trying to do?
> (BTW, the job-dsl-plugin has its own google group. But I'll make sure to 
> monitor this one too now)
> On Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:13:07 PM UTC-8, Mike Dougherty wrote:
>> I have the following script:
>> public class DSLHelpers {
>> public static void violations(out, job, typeName, minNum, maxNum, 
>> unstableNum, filenamePattern = null) {
>> job.configure { project ->
>> def violationsConfig = project / publishers / 
>> 'hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsPublisher' / 'config'
>> */* these are the lines relevant to the discussion */*
>> *def typeConfigsNode = violationsConfig / typeConfigs*
>> *def typeEntry = typeConfigsNode / entry*
>> */* --- */*
>> typeEntry / string(typeName)
>> def typeConfig = typeEntry / 
>> 'hudson.plugins.violations.TypeConfig'
>> typeConfig / type(typeName)
>> typeConfig / min(minNum)
>> typeConfig / max(maxNum)
>> typeConfig / unstable(unstableNum)
>> typeConfig / usePattern(filenamePattern ? "true" : "false")
>> typeConfig / pattern(filenamePattern)
>> // out << project
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> job {
>> name "Tools-jshint-dsl"
>> DSLHelpers.violations(out, delegate, "jslint", 10, 11, 10, 
>> "test-reports/*.xml")
>> }
>> Running a job with this DSL script succeeds and has the following output:
>> Existing Templates: 
>> New Templates: 
>> Unreferenced Templates: 
>> Adding jobs: 
>> Existing jobs: GeneratedJob{jobName='Tools-jshint-dsl', templateName=none}
>> Removing jobs: 
>> Finished: SUCCESS
>> However, the /job/Tools-jshint-dsl 404's and there's nothing on the 
>> filesystem in ~jenkins/jobs/ either.
>> Here's the tricky part though: removing the 'typeConfigs' node and making 
>> typeEntry 
>> = violationsConfig / entry results in success *and* the expected 
>> generated job. Using a different name ('foo') in place of typeConfigs also 
>> results in the expected XML (.//config/foo/entry), and placing a 
>> 'typeConfigs' node elsewhere in the document hierarchy also results in 
>> invalid XML. (Of course, all of these yield an incorrect document, they're 
>> merely test cases to figure out what the heck is going on).
>> When the document is written to stdout (using, I assume, 
>> Node.toString()), typeConfigs does appear, so it's would appear that it's 
>> correctly added to the Node object. It's possible there's something wrong 
>> with Node's serialization but that seems unlikely.
>> All of this leads me to believe that there's something incompatible with 
>> an XML node named 'typeConfigs' when being used with Job-DSL.
>> Does anyone have any ideas about what the cause may be, or any 
>> suggestions as to what else I might investigate?

Job-DSL: 'typeConfigs' XML node silently fails?

2013-01-10 Thread Mike Dougherty
I have the following script:

public class DSLHelpers {
public static void violations(out, job, typeName, minNum, maxNum, 
unstableNum, filenamePattern = null) {
job.configure { project ->
def violationsConfig = project / publishers / 
'hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsPublisher' / 'config'

*/* these are the lines relevant to the discussion */*
*def typeConfigsNode = violationsConfig / typeConfigs*
*def typeEntry = typeConfigsNode / entry*
*/* --- */*

typeEntry / string(typeName)
def typeConfig = typeEntry / 
typeConfig / type(typeName)
typeConfig / min(minNum)
typeConfig / max(maxNum)
typeConfig / unstable(unstableNum)
typeConfig / usePattern(filenamePattern ? "true" : "false")
typeConfig / pattern(filenamePattern)
// out << project

job {
name "Tools-jshint-dsl"
DSLHelpers.violations(out, delegate, "jslint", 10, 11, 10, 

Running a job with this DSL script succeeds and has the following output:

Existing Templates: 
New Templates: 
Unreferenced Templates: 
Adding jobs: 
Existing jobs: GeneratedJob{jobName='Tools-jshint-dsl', templateName=none}
Removing jobs: 
Finished: SUCCESS

However, the /job/Tools-jshint-dsl 404's and there's nothing on the 
filesystem in ~jenkins/jobs/ either.

Here's the tricky part though: removing the 'typeConfigs' node and making 
= violationsConfig / entry results in success *and* the expected generated 
job. Using a different name ('foo') in place of typeConfigs also results in 
the expected XML (.//config/foo/entry), and placing a 'typeConfigs' node 
elsewhere in the document hierarchy also results in invalid XML. (Of 
course, all of these yield an incorrect document, they're merely test cases 
to figure out what the heck is going on).

When the document is written to stdout (using, I assume, Node.toString()), 
typeConfigs does appear, so it's would appear that it's correctly added to 
the Node object. It's possible there's something wrong with Node's 
serialization but that seems unlikely.

All of this leads me to believe that there's something incompatible with an 
XML node named 'typeConfigs' when being used with Job-DSL.

Does anyone have any ideas about what the cause may be, or any suggestions 
as to what else I might investigate?