JNM <*> I Was a Daughter of Islam

2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: "suyento" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I Was a Daughter of Islam
What I discovered when I lifted the veil on my world
By Rockie; photograph by Dan Bryant

I was born in Jordan to a Muslim family, and was named Ruqaya after one of the 
prophet Muhammad's daughters. My uncle, who'd moved to Chicago, told my dad 
about the wonderful opportunities in the U.S., so my dad moved our family here 
when I was eight years old. While he was excited about providing for his 
family, my father worried that we'd grow up "Christian." So while my siblings 
and I went to a public school during the week, we attended Islamic studies on 
the weekends. The only friends I had were the Muslim kids who attended Islamic 
studies with me.
As I grew older, my dad became more concerned about the possibility I'd become 
"Americanized." So when I turned 14, my father decided I should return to 
Jordan to live with my grandmother. I wasn't thrilled about living so far from 
my family, but when I arrived in Jordan, I loved the people, the culture, and 
Islam, so I was happy to stay.

More than 90 percent of Muslims are of the Sunni sect-those who strictly follow 
the Qur'an and the Hadith (the sayings of Muhammad). Since my family was Sunni, 
I prayed five times a day, fasted during the month of Ramadan, read the Qur'an 
daily, wore the veil (covering my entire body, and showing only my hands, face, 
and feet), and tried to imitate the prophet Muhammad in every way. But no 
matter what I did for Allah, I felt I needed to do more to avoid his wrath. I 
tried to earn his favor so I could go to heaven.

I spent three years in Jordan, but missed my family so much, I asked my dad if 
I could return to live with them in the U.S. Once I returned, I stopped wearing 
my head covering because I didn't want to look like an "oddball," but I still 
kept strong in my prayers and my faith. And I was content-until my father 
decided it was time for me to get married.

Arab culture dictates men and women are not allowed to date. When a man finds a 
"suitable" woman, it's usually through family connections. The man and his 
family visit the young girl's home to meet her family. The "couple" are allowed 
to speak to each other, but only in the presence of both families. After 
several similar visits, the couple decide if they want to get married. In 
Islam, a woman has the right to say no, but in the culture, the family usually 
pressures the girl to say yes. In both the culture and religion, a woman can 
marry her first cousin. So when I turned 23, my dad pressured me to marry my 
first cousin who lives in Jordan. While I was against the marriage and 
certainly didn't want to spend the rest of my life married to someone I didn't 
love, I didn't feel I had the choice to go against my father's wishes. My 
father flew there ahead of me to prepare for the wedding. The rest of my family 
couldn't afford to fly to Jordan, so my father would be the only immediate
 family member at the ceremony.

A week later, my elder brother took me to the airport to ensure I got on the 
plane. Because of tight security on international flights, my brother was 
unable to take me directly to my gate, so he dropped me off at the main 
terminal and went home.
As I waited for my flight, I thought about my future. I didn't want to marry my 
first cousin! But if I didn't, I'd disgrace my family.

In Arab culture, when a woman disgraces her family-or is even rumored to have 
done so-she deserves to die. I knew if I left the airport and ran away, my 
family would come after me to kill me for disgracing them. But the longer I 
thought about how miserable I'd be married to a man I didn't love or respect, 
the more angry I became. I've fasted for you; I've prayed five times a day to 
you; I've even studied the Qur'an for you, I inwardly screamed at Allah. And 
this is what you allow to happen?! Right then, on February 10, 1990, I stopped 
praying and worshiping Allah.

I grabbed my luggage and escaped to the nearest hotel to hide. I didn't have 
much money and desperately tried to think of what to do next. I didn't have 
many American friends because my father wouldn't allow me to be influenced by 
their "Satanic ways." But I did know one American woman whom I called from the 
hotel. I told her briefly what happened and asked if I could stay with her for 
a while. She came immediately and picked me up.

When the plane landed in Jordan 16 hours later without me on it, my father 
became furious. He called my brother and told him to find me.

I stayed with my friend for a few weeks, until one day my brother showed up at 
her office with a gun. He told her, "I know you have my sister. Give her back 
before anybody gets hurt!" A coworker called the police, but my brother left 
before they arrived. My friend got home that night and told me it was too 
dangerous for me to stay with her any longer, but recommended I stay at a 
shelter for women suffering from domestic violence.
When I arrived at the

JNM <*> The Disciple Jesus Loved & Scripture that Comes to Life

2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: Heidy 

The Disciple Jesus Loved
Bill van Ryn

"The disciple whom Jesus loved" (Jn. 21:7) was the apostle John's preferred 
designation for himself; he chose anonymity in all his narrative writing. John 
wrote late in life and seems to have become a very humble man, seeking no place 
for himself.

The following four facts illustrate the importance of family in John's life:
First, He and his brother James were inseparable; they were never named 
separately during James' life, and are usually identified with their father, 
Second, the brothers worked with their father in the family fishing business 
(Mt. 4:21-22; Mk. 1:19-20). 
Third, theirs is the only mother of any of the twelve whom we see involved in 
the lives of the apostles (Mt.27:55-56). 
Fourth, James and John came to Jesus with their mother - maybe at her 
instigation - seeking a privileged place in His future kingdom (Mt. 20:20-21).

Fishing may have brought them together with the brothers Peter and Andrew, who 
became fishing partners and fast friends (Mk. 1:29; 13:3). The Zebedee boys and 
Peter, on three occasions, witnessed special events not shared by the rest: 
they were there when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter (Mk. 5:37; Lk. 8:51), at His 
transfiguration (Mt. 17:1-2; Mk. 9:2; Lk. 9:28-29), and in His Gethsemane 
anguish (Mt. 26:36-37; Mk.14:32-33).

Mark notes that when Jesus designated the twelve, He nicknamed the Zebedee 
brothers "Boanerges ... Sons of Thunder" (Mk. 3:17). He evidently saw the fiery 
streak in them which surfaced in Luke 9:51-56. Messengers sent to prepare 
Jesus' arrival in a Samaritan village were refused. James and John said, "Lord, 
do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?"
Jesus rebuked that spirit and attitude: His mission was to save lives, not take 
In Luke 9:49-50, John told Jesus of a man they had found driving out demons in 
Jesus' name. "We tried to stop him," he said, "because he is not one of us." 
Jesus rebuked the sectarian spirit: "Do not stop him, for whoever is not 
against you is for you." John saw the unknown exorcist as a challenge or 
threat. But Jesus wasn't jealous. He is unique, supreme, and will prevail.
He is secure, and our job is to love Him, bow to Him and never disgrace His 

So, we see that John, the apostle of love, was as human and flawed as we are. 
The fact that he saw himself as the "disciple whom Jesus loved" shows that he 
knew how to value his opportunities to get to know the heart of his Savior, and 
to grow deeper in Him and in His love. We all have a lifetime to get to know 
our Savior personally. Are we always "growing in the grace and knowledge of our 
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 3:18)?
John couldn't know himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved" by being 
self-absorbed. He knew he was the object of love, but it was the focus on 
Jesus, the Source, that filled him with the consciousness of that love. And so 
should it be for us. Our natural inclination - praised as a "virtue" today - is 
to be supremely self-focused, always alert to the way things affect "me" and my 
fulfillment. John would be known as the "disciple who was depressed" if he had 
followed that recipe.
John reclined next to Jesus, or "on His bosom," not because he was self-seeking 
nor favored over the others. Jesus was no more available to John than he was to 
the others. John simply recognized his opportunity. Any one of those twelve men 
might have occupied that position. John's heart, responding to the love that 
emanated from his Savior's heart, drew him to the nearness of Jesus.
It seems that John's experience, of a family tightly knit by love, set his 
capacity for enjoying his Savior's love. Then he subordinated natural love to 
the superior divine love, so that the essential element of selfishness in 
merely human love, self-love, did not keep him from leaving his family to walk 
in the fellowship of this higher love.
Perhaps John, more readily than the others, realized and embraced the truth 
Jesus taught them all: "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and 
mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own 
life - he cannot be My disciple" (Lk. 14:26). He was thrilled to be "the 
disciple whom Jesus loved" because he had walked away from lesser love and 
abandoned himself to ultimate love in Jesus, from which nothing can separate us 
(Rom. 8:35-39). He had been launched from the pad of a high quality earthly 
love into the orbit of flawless eternal love.

An incident in Mark 3 shows how Jesus Himself valued the family. His family 
heard about His hectic schedule - without even time to eat - and the crowds, 
and they went to rescue Him from what they thought to be mismanagement of His 
life of popularity (Mk. 3:20-21). They arrived where He was teaching but 
couldn't get through the crowd. They sent Him word that "your mothe

JNM <*> God's purpose gives life meaning and value & God and the tsunami

2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: "suyento" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

God's purpose gives life meaning and value
by Rick Warren

One of the reasons life is devalued in today's culture is that many people 
value their own happiness and fulfillment over God's purposes for their lives.
As a pastor, one way you can protect the sanctity of human life is to help your 
people understand that the purpose of their lives is far greater than personal 
fulfillment, peace of mind, or even happiness. It's far greater than our 
families, our careers, or even our wildest dreams and ambitions. If they want 
to know why they were placed on this planet, they must begin with God. Each of 
us was born by his purpose and for his purpose.

The search for the purpose of life has puzzled people for thousands of years. 
That's because we typically begin at the wrong starting point -- ourselves. We 
ask self-centered questions like: What do I want to be? What should I do with 
my life? What are my goals, my ambitions, my dreams for my future? But focusing 
on ourselves will never reveal our life's purpose. The Bible says, "It is God 
who directs the lives of his creatures; everyone's life is in his power." (Job 
12:10, TEV)
Contrary to what many popular books, movies, and seminars tell us, we won't 
discover life's meaning by looking within ourselves. We didn't create 
ourselves, so there is no way we can tell ourselves what we were created for! 
If I handed you an invention you had never seen before, you wouldn't know its 
purpose, and the invention itself wouldn't be able to tell you either. Only the 
creator -- or the owner's manual -- could reveal its purpose. 

Bertrand Russell, the famous English atheist once said, "Unless you assume a 
God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless." He was correct; if there 
is no God, then our lives really don't matter. We are just random accidents of 
nature, and neither our births, our lives, or our deaths have any meaning or 
God, on the other hand, tells us that we are not accidents and that our lives 
have significance -- because God had his reasons for creating us. The Bible 
says, "For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and 
invisible . everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." 
(Colossians 1:16, Msg)

To understand your life's purpose, you must begin with your Creator. You exist 
only because God wills that you exist. You were made by God and for God -- and 
until you understand that, life will never make sense. It is only in God that 
we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our 
significance, and our destiny. Every other path leads to a dead end.
Many of your people try to use God for their own self-actualization, but that 
is a reversal of nature and is doomed to failure. We were made for God, not 
vice versa, and life is about letting God use us for his purposes, not using 
him for our own purposes. The Bible says, "Obsession with self in these matters 
is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, 
free life." (Romans 8:6, Msg)

I have read many books that suggest ways to discover the purpose of my life. 
All of them could be classified as "self-help" books because they approach the 
subject from a self-centered viewpoint. Self-help books, even Christian ones, 
usually offer the same predictable steps to finding your life's purpose: 
Consider your dreams. Clarify your values. Set some goals. Figure out what you 
are good at. Aim high. Go for it! Be disciplined. Believe you can achieve your 
goals. Involve others. Never give up.
Of course, these recommendations often lead to great success. You can usually 
succeed in reaching a goal if you put your mind to it. But being successful and 
fulfilling your life's purpose are not at all the same issue! You could reach 
all your personal goals, becoming a raving success by the world's standard, and 
still miss the purposes for which God created you. You need more than self-help 
advice. The Bible says, "Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the 
way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self." (Matthew 16:25, Msg)

How, then, do you discover the purpose you were created for? 
You have only two options. Your first option is speculation. This is what most 
people choose. They conjecture, they guess, they theorize. When people say, 
"I've always thought life is .," they mean, "This is the best guess I can come 
up with."
For thousands of years, brilliant philosophers have discussed and speculated 
about the meaning of life. Philosophy is an important subject and has its uses, 
but when it comes to determining the purpose of life, even the wisest 
philosophers are just guessing.
Dr. Hugh Moorhead, a philosophy professor at Northeastern Illinois University, 
once wrote to 250 of the best-known philosophers, scientists, writers, and 
intellectuals in the world, asking them, "What is the meaning of life?" He then 
published their responses in a book. Some

JNM <*> Gods Work Ministry E-Mail

2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: "Dwayne Savaya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

I hope you are doing well and are in the best of health.  I am doing very
well and am thankful to the Lord for this day and for the many blessings 
that He has bestowed upon this Ministry that is founded under His Name.  I
have been thinking about the commitment and steadfast faith that each 
believer must stand in and I felt the Lord leading me to write a message
to continually do the right thing no matter what everyone else is doing 
because He sees the lives of the just and the unjust and will judge each
one accordingly.  I hope this message on continually doing what is right 
ministers to your heart and encourages you to stay steadfast in your faith
never wavering from doing what you know is right.  To God belongs all the 
Glory, Honor and Praise for His continued leading and direction.

There are many Bible believing Christians that feel discouraged in their 
walk with the Lord because they see the lives of sinners that do not get 
punished for their unrighteousness and seem to prosper in their life of 
sin.  What we as believers must understand is that God's grace and mercy 
is unknowable and He wishes for none to perish, but for all to come to 
repentance.  His wish is for all sinners to repent, but has set a time 
where His judgment will come that will be swift and accurate to give to 
every person according to their life lived on the earth. (2 Peter 3:9)

We should never focus our lives on what everyone else is doing.  We are to
travel the road that Jesus demands which is the path of righteousness that
leads to life everlasting.  We read in Psalm 37:1-3 "Fret not thyself 
because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of 
iniquity.  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as 
the green herb.  Trust in the Lord and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the 
land, and verily thou shalt be fed."  We are to focus our life on doing 
what is right in the sight of the Lord not worrying about what others are 
doing, but standing steadfast in faith bringing Glory and Honor to His 
Name.  We are the children of the Most High God and will be rewarded for 
living a life that is pleasing to Him. (Matthew 7:13-14) (1 Peter 5:8-9)

We must always keep in mind that when we stand before God Almighty on our
Judgment Day, we will not give an account of what Sarah, Mike and Joe did
with their lives, but you and I will give an answer of how we lived and 
what we did for Christ as His ambassadors and representatives on the earth.
We are to be heavenly minded putting away the pettiness of what others are 
doing and focus on the Lord Jesus Christ who is the centerpiece of our 
existence.  (Revelation 20:12) (2 Corinthians 5:20-21) (Romans 8:1-16)

Be encouraged to continually stand strong in your faith never wavering and
know that God sees your every effort and will reward you for every good 
deed.  The Bible declares in Psalm 37:34-36 "Wait on the Lord, and keep 
His way, and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are
cut off, thou shalt see it.  I have seen the wicked in great power, and 
spreading himself like a green bay tree.  Yet he passed away, and, lo, he
was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found."  The life of sin 
and iniquity will bring destruction, but a life lived in righteousness will
bring glory and honor that will greatly outweigh and outlast any pleasures
of the flesh that people falsely believed in. (Eph. 6:10-14) (James 1:13-17)

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Psalm 37:7-9 "Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him: fret not 
thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who
bringeth wicked devices to pass.  Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret
not thyself in any wise to do evil.  For evildoers shall be cut off: but 
those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth."

Psalm 34:11-16 "Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the 
fear of the LORD.  What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days,
that he may see good?  Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from 
speaking guile.  Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto 
their cry.  The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off
the remembrance of them from the earth."

Psalm 37:16-20 "A little that a righteous man hath is better than the 
riches of many wicked.  For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the
LORD upholdeth the righteous.  The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: 
and their inheritance shall be for ever.  They shall not be ashamed in the
evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.  But the 
wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of
lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away."

Psalm 37:3-5 "Trust in the LORD, and do 

JNM <*> Sikap yg hrs kita miliki thd musuh musuh kita

2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: damarina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :


Kita hrs tahu bagaimana seharusnya kita bersikap terhadap musuh musuh kita.
Ini dapat di lihat di dalam SIKAP DAUD terhadap SAUL.

Pertama tama, 
Daud tidak berusaha membalas dendam dengan tangannya sendiri ataupun menyerang 
Di dalam dua kesempatan Daud memiliki kesempatan untuk membunuh Saul, tetapi ia 
tidak melakukannya. Karena itu, kita juga tidak boleh berusaha membela diri 

Ada orang yg tahun tahun yg telah lalu memusuhi saya dan menyerang saya secara 
terang terangan. Karena saya sangat mengasihi mereka. Hal itu sangat 
menghancurkan hati saya.
Beberapa diantara mereka yg tetap setia berkata kepada saya "Mengapa kamu tidak 
membela diri ? Orang ini sudah mengatakan yg bohong tentang kamu."
Jawaban saya hanyalah, "Balas dendam adalah hak preogatif Allah, bukan hak saya.
Saya harus memberkati dan mengasihi mereka.
Kita harus mengatakan hal hal yg baik tentang musuh musuh kita dan tidak 
menyakiti mereka dengan perkataan kita. Raja Daud selalu mengatakan hal hal yg 
baik tentang musuh musuhnya, termasuk tentang Saul yg jahat.
Ia meratapi Saul dan Yonatan ketika mereka meninggal serta berkata,
"kepermaianmu, hai Israel, mati terbunuh di bukit2mu!!! Betapa gugur para 
pahlawan!" 2 Sam 1;19.  Daud menyebut Isyboset, putra Saul sebagai orang benar 
2Sam 4:11.
Ketika Yudas menghianati Tuhan Yesus, Ia menyebutnya sebagai "sahabat " 

Kita harus mengampuni musuh musuh kita.
Sekalipun Yesus di khianati dan di salibkan oleh umatNYA sendiri, ketika Ia 
tergantung di kayu salib di kalvari Ia dapat berkata kepada BapaNYA,
"Ya Bapa ampunilah mereka, sebab mereka tidak tahu apa yg mereka perbuat" Luk 
Kemenangan terletak di dalam mengampuni dan mengasihi musuh musuh kita.
Orang yg melakukan hal ini memiliki kemenangan. 

Ada sebuah patung yg di bangun di London, Inggris untuk mengenang seorang 
jururawat yg bernama Edith Cavell.  Ia adalah seorang jururawat yg pergi ke 
Belgia selama Perang Dunia I, dan melayani di rumah sakit untuk menolong para 
narapidana melarikan diri.

Ketika bangsa Jerman diberitahu tentang hal ini, mereka memerintahkan untuk 
menghukum nya. Malam sebelum ia dihukum mati, ia diizinkan untuk mendapat 
pelayanan perjamuan kudus oleh pendeta penjara. Selama waktu itu ia berkata 
kepada sang pendeta, "Saya tidak boleh pahit hati terhadap orang orang yg 
mengambil nyawa saya."
Akibatnya ketika ia keluar untuk menghadapi regu tembak, ia memiliki damai 
sejahtera, sukacita, kasih dan pengampunan di dalam hatinya. Kita juga harus 
memiliki kasih yg sama di dalam hidup kita. 

1 korintus 13;5 berkata "IA (kasih)... tidak menyimpan kesalahan orang lain." 
Kasih dan pengampunan itu tidak terpisahkan. Untuk dapat mengasihi musuh musuh 
kita, kita harus mampu mengampuni mereka. Akar dari pengampunan adalah dengan 
melupakan tidak mengingat ingat kesalahan. 


Ini terlihat di dalam kehidupan Yusuf. 
Ia menamai putra sulungnya Manasye, yg berarti "melupakan,"  dengan berkata, 
"Allah telah membuat aku lupa sama sekali kepada kesukaranku dan kepada rumah 
bapaku," Kej 41;51.

Apa yg menjadi rahasia kekuatan Yusuf, yg memampukannya untuk mengsihi dan 
mengampuni saudara saudaranya setelah mereka menjualnya menjadi budak ??
Ia mampu melupakan kejahatan yg telah mereka lakukan kepadanya. Kita harus 
meminta kemampuan untuk melupakan dari Tuhan ketika orang telah menyakiti kita, 
dan kita tidak boleh terus terusan merenungkan apa yg telah mereka lakukan 
kepada kita,sehingga kita dapat terus mengasihi mereka.
Saya mencoba utk mempraktikkan hal ini dengan segera setiap kali seseorang 
memusuhi saya.

Ketika saya sedang menggembalakan sebuah gereja bertahun tahun yg lampau, 
beberapa penatua berbalik memusuhi saya dan sungguh sungguh menyerang saya.
Bertahun tahun kemudian, salah seorang dari penatua ini datang menghampiri saya 
dan berkata,
"Saya hampir meninggal karena kanker, dan hidup saya tinggal beberapa bulan 
lagi, tetapi saya tidak bisa meninggal sebelum saya meminta Bapak untuk 
mengampuni saya atas apa yg telah saya lakukan terhadap Bapak."

Saya bahkan tidak dapat mengingat apa yg telah ia lakukan, karena itu mudah 
sekali bagi saya untuk mengampuninya.
Pengampunan dimulai di dalam kehendak kita. Kita berkata kepada diri kita 
"Saya mengampuni orang ini.Saya mengasihi mereka . Tuhan tolong berkati mereka."
Tatkala kita terus melakukan hal ini, hati kita di bebaskan dari segala 
kepahitan terhadap mereka dan kita mampu untuk mengasihi mereka.
Marilah kita mengingat bahwa semua yg di lakukan oleh musuh kita pada akhirnya 
akan memberkati kita. Musuh musuh kita tidak dapat menghancurkan kita.

Yang sesungguhnya mereka lakukan ketika mereka menganiaya kita  adalah menambah 
upah kekal kita di surga. Tuhan berkata di dlm Matius 5:10-12
"Berbahagialah orang yg dianiaya oleh sebab kebenaran, karena merekalah yg 
empunya kerajaan Sorga.

Berbahagialah k

JNM <*> Kain Kafan Turin; PESAN YANG BERHARGA & S A L I B

2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: Anastasia Emma Mustika Dewi 

Kain Kafan Turin Lebih Tua dari Perkiraan?
Kompas, Kamis 27 Januari 2005

Banyak orang tentu pernah mendengar mengenai kain kafan Turin. Kain yang 
disimpan di kota Turin, Italia, ini memiliki gambaran tubuh dan wajah laki-laki 
penuh luka yang diyakini sebagai Yesus Kristus. Banyak orang Kristen percaya, 
kain ini dahulu dipakai untuk membungkus jenazah Yesus, meski penelitian 
radiokarbon tahun 1980-an menyimpulkan kain ini berasal dari jaman yang lebih 
Nah, bagi mereka yang masih meragukan keabsahan uji radiokarbon di atas, kini 
muncul 'harapan' baru. Seorang peneliti dari Los Alamos National Laboratory, 
New Mexico, AS, mengatakan bahwa kain kafan berlukisan darah ini berumur lebih 
tua dari kesimpulan tes tersebut. 
Tulisan riset yang dipublikasikan di Thermochimica Acta mengatakan kain itu 
berumur antara 1.300 dan 3.000 tahun, alias pada jaman kehidupan Yesus. 
Menurut Raymond Rogers, sang peneliti, tes karbon yang dilakukan tahun 1988 
telah keliru mengambil bagian kain. Dikatakannya, waktu itu peneliti memotong 
bagian kain yang dipakai untuk menambal kain asli, yang rusak karena terbakar.
Kesalahan sampel inilah yang menurut Rogers menjadi penyebab melesetnya 
perkiraan umur kain. "Sampel yang diambil pada uji radiokarbon memiliki susunan 
kimia berbeda dibanding bagian utama kain," ungkapnya.

Perlu diketahui, kain kafan ini sedikit rusak pada bagian-bagian ujung yang 
dilipat karena beberapa kali terkena api sejak ditemukan di Prancis tahun 1357. 
Kerusakan terparah terjadi ketika gereja tempat kain disemayamkan terbakar 
tahun 1532. Kerusakan itu kemudian ditambal oleh biarawati-biarawati setempat 
dengan material yang disebut kain Belanda.
Dalam penelitiannya, Rogers membandingkan sampel yang dipakai pada uji karbon 
tahun 1988 dengan sampel kafan itu. Dalam tes mikrokimia, Rogers menemukan 
bahan kimia yang disebut vanillin pada sampel radiokarbon dan pada kain 
Belanda, namun tidak menjumpainya di kain kafan yang asli.
Vanillin sendiri adalah bahan yang terbentuk karena pembusukan lignin, senyawa 
kimia yang ditemukan dalam tumbuhan bahan kain. Kandungan vanillin dalam suatu 
material seperti kain linen akan terus menurun, sehingga ia merupakan salah 
satu indikator untuk mengetahui umur kain.

Lebih tua
"Kenyataan bahwa vanillin tidak terdeteksi di serat kain kafan Turin, gulungan 
naskah Laut Mati, dan kain-kain kuno lain menunjukkan bahwa umurnya sudah amat 
tua," tulis Rogers. "Penentuan umur berdasar hilangnya vanillin menyimpulkan 
kain Turin berumur antara 1.300 hingga 3.000 tahun."
Perlu diketahui, dalam penelitian tahun 1988, para ilmuwan dari tiga 
universitas menyimpul kan bahwa kain kafan Turin berasal dari tahun 1260 hingga 
1390. Artinya, kain itu tidak mungkin dipakai untuk membungkus jenazah Yesus 
yang wafat pada abad pertama.
Kesimpulan itu juga dijadikan pegangan oleh Kardinal (pimpinan gereja) Turin, 
Anastasio Alberto Ballestrero, yang menyatakan kain ini bisa jadi memang bukan 
kain pembungkus jenazah Yesus.
Namun masih banyak orang yang meragukan uji karbon itu dan ingin mencari 
jawabannya. Banyak orang berharap kain Turin memang kain yang dipakai 
membungkus Yesus, dan keyakinan ini membuat segala sesuatu seputar kain kafan 
Turin menjadi penuh kontroversi. (bbc.co.uk/wsn) 

From: "Dewi Kriswanti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bacaan: 1 Tawarikh 28: 1-21 

"Dan engkau, anakku Salomo, kenallah Allahnya ayahmu dan beribadahlah kepadaNya 
dengan tulus ikhlas dan dengan rela hati..." (1 Tawarikh 28:9).

Segala sesuatu - dalam bentuk apapun - kalau itu berharga pasti disimpan dan 
dirawat dengan baik. Tujuannya adalah agar tidak hilang atau rusak sehingga 
kerugian dialami. Bagi orang-orang tertentu yang punya kelebihan secara jasmani 
biasanya mengutamakan hal ini. Bahkan dalam merawatnya pun mereka tidak merasa 
rugi sekalipun harus mengeluarkan uang yang tidak sedikit. Itulah pengorbanan 
yang harus dilakukan hanya karena sesuatu yang berharga di dalam dunia. 

Sadarkah kita bahwa ada yang lebih penting dan lebih berharga dari hal di atas? 
Itulah pesan yang dalam bahasa Indonesia diterjemahkan sebagai suruhan 
(perintah, nasihat, permintaan, amanat) yang harus dilakukan dengan kerelaan 
dan ketulusan hati. Sekalipun tidak berbentuk, tetapi memiliki sifat membangun 
dan membawa pada ketaatan bahkan keselamatan kekal. Dalam bacaan di atas, Daud 
sebagai ayah memberikan pesan yang sangat khusus kepada Salomo anaknya, inti 
dari pesan itu adalah kenallah Allah, beribadahlah kepadaNya dengan tulus 
ikhlas dan hati yang rela, carilah Allah dan jangan tinggalkan Dia (1 Taw. 
28:9). Inilah yang saya namakan pesan yang berharga. Kalau sejenak kita mau 
bandingkan maka sebenarnya pesan yang berharga ini mempunyai nilai lebih dari 
apa yang ada di dalam dunia. Dan kalau kita mau jujur, seringkali sebagai orang 
tua - khususnya orang tua Kristen - kita mel

JNM <*> Reflections

2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: novita menawan 


Hi friend - I want to write these things out to you - cause it helps me process 
what God's doing in my life, because often it's only when I write down how I'm 
feeling or what I'm thinking through that I actually work out what it is that 
God is saying to me or what he wants to say.

I'm reading a book at the moment which talks about the importance of being 
thinking people as Christians and people who will chew things over.  He argues, 
well as I see it, that it's not just intellectuals in God's kingdom that should 
be thinking but ordinary day-to-day Christians. I agree.  Part of that process 
for me is thinking these Biblical principles through in prayer and reflection.  
We have to take time out to think about why we do the things we do and why 
they're important.  I took some time out this morning to stop and pray and talk 
to God, and that was really good.  

A preacher made the point recently which really challenged me that if we were 
speaking to a person and kept looking over their shoulder at something else 
we'd offend them or make them think that they're not interesting, yet that's so 
often what we do with God.  We get so easily distracted and can spend so little 
time with Him, that we actually show by our actions how important he is to us.

That's why this morning was good.  Just taking out time to talk with Him and 
read the bible - chew things over.  You know, with friends, you rarely say, 
okay you've got 1/2 hour, what do you want to do, but you spend time with them 
as needed.  Yet we do this with God.  This morning was good because I didn't 
set a time, I chatted with God and read the Bible and chewed things over until 
I felt it was a convenient time to stop.  I don't think my future quiet times 
will live up to how I feel after this morning, but they should.

And about sharing the gospel, that statistic is so encouraging that if no-one 
in the world were Christians, and 1 person told 1 other person in the world who 
would then do the same, the whole world would become Christian in only 33 years 
(Jesus).  So when I consider the couple of people that I meet with who want to 
go further I feel encouraged.  What an impact it could have on the world.

I remember the story of a campaign organised in America with much time going 
into preparing talks and seminars.  When the appeal went out to see if any had 
become Christians, only 1 really responded.  They were expecting dozens given 
the size of the campaign, yet only got 1.  That 1 was Billy Graham.  God used 
him mightily to transform America and Britian.  Our thoughts are not God's 
thoughts.  He works in ways we certainly don't expect - what is sometimes 
success to us, is not to Him and vice versa.

Love in all-seeing God,
- a letter of encouragement sent from a friend.-
your sincerely, Novi

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: Leonard Han 

Info 01 Feb
Updated: 1 Pebruari 2005

Dalam rangka menjalin kerja sama dan koordinasi bantuan kepada para korban 
bencana, tim kami di Banda Aceh dbp. Pdt. Sukendra Saragih baru-baru ini 
memprakarsai sebuah sistem dengan mana diharapkan untuk selanjutnya semua posko 
(dari berbagai lembaga kristiani yang berlainan) di B.A. dan sekitarnya dapat 
lebih berinteraksi satu sama lainnya, melalui data informasi yang akan dimiliki 
Contoh: Posko A di Banda Aceh mempunyai relawan dokter/perawat, tetapi tidak 
mempunyai obat lagi. Sebaliknya, Posko B di Meulaboh mempunyai obat cukup, 
tetapi kekurangan dokter/perawat, karena mungkin sebagian relawan telah kembali 
ke Jakarta/Jawa/luar negeri. Dengan sistem informasi demikian, posko-posko 
mungkin dapat saling membantu.

Dengan demikian tak akan terulang lagi apa yang terjadi dua minggu yang lalu, 
yaitu ada dokter-dokter ahli dari Australia - yang telah datang dengan biaya 
dan semua perlengkapan dan obat-obatan mereka sendiri - terpaksa pulang karena 
mendapat kesan bahwa jasa mereka tidak diperlukan lagi. Padahal hanya sejam 
kemudian ada dua posko menyampaikan mereka masih memerlukan dokter.
Untuk itu, semua lembaga kristiani yang terjun melayani di Banda Aceh dan 
sekitarnya (juga kota-kota lainnya) kini diminta mengisi pormulir berisi segala 
data yang diperlukan, yang kemudian akan didaftarkan dan disebarkan di antara 
sesama posko untuk ditindak-lanjuti.

Turut Serta dalam Program Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi NAD
Memang dapat dimaklumi kalau dalam keadaan darurat semua posko semula terlalu 
sibuk dengan rencana dan tugasnya masing-masing, sehingga agak sulit untuk bisa 
duduk bersama dan merencanakan pekerjaan mendatang dengan sistem berjejaring. 
Namun kini empat minggu telah berlalu sejak tsunami itu datang. Sesungguhnya 
pekerjaan yang besar justru baru akan dimulai sekarang, yaitu untuk tahap 
rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi Aceh-Nias, dan justru dalam tahap inilah 
masyarakat Aceh-Nias masih membutuhkan kita. Tetapi pada kenyataannya jumlah 
relawan (bahkan juga sumbangan dari dalam negeri) tampaknya mulai berkurang. 

Kita bersyukur bahwa bantuan dari luar negeri justru akan bertambah. 
Diperkirakan lebih dari 100 LSM (Kristen maupun sekuler) akan datang dan 
bekerja di Aceh - mungkin selama setahun atau lebih lama lagi - untuk turut 
serta dalam program rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi. Tentu kita semua menghendaki 
untuk menjadi terang dan garam dan rindu agar sebagai orang percaya kita bisa 
berbuat sesuatu yang positif untuk bangsa Aceh. Kalau luar negeri datang dengan 
bantuan materi yang cukup besar, alangkah baiknya kalau kita warga Kristiani 
Indonesia sendiri paling tidak berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan akan relawan dan 
tenaga kerja dari dalam negeri.
Di sini barangkali diperlukan pengorbanan yang cukup besar dari tenaga-tenaga 
professional di segala bidang untuk rela meninggalkan kenyamanan kota-kota 
besar di pulau Jawa atau pulau-pulau lainnya dan memberi diri untuk menjadi 
berkat bagi masyarakat Aceh-Nias. 

Kemarin di kantor Istana Kana kami kedatangan salah seorang tenaga lapangan 
yang sudah tidak asing lagi, yaitu Bpk. Larry L. Beliau memprakarsai untuk 
mendirikan LSM yang merupakan semacam biro jasa di Banda Aceh, yang melaluinya 
anak-anak Tuhan yang "qualified" dan cukup fasih dalam bahasa Inggris (yang 
berpendidikan S1 atau S2, atau pun yang sudah cukup berpengalaman di perusahaan 
asing) dapat disalurkan ke berbagai LSM asing (lk. 35 Kristen dan selebihnya 
sekuler) yang akan beroperasi di Aceh. Gaji dan hal-hal lainnya nanti harus 
dinegosiasikan dengan LSM ybs. itu sendiri. 

Dibutuhkan banyak sekali tenaga penerjemah, bukan hanya untuk bahasa Inggris, 
tetapi juga bahasa Spanyol, Belanda, dll. Sekretaris, tenaga setingkat manager, 
dan tenaga lapangan lainnya, dibutuhkan untuk minimal enam (6) bulan atau 
setahun. Yang penting mereka adalah tenaga-tenaga andalan yang bisa jadi 
teladan bagi masyarakat Aceh, karena mereka sungguh mengasihi orang Aceh dan 
melayani masyarakat di sana demi kasih Tuhan. 

Boleh jadi, pekerjaan ini tidak akan disertai segala macam kemudahan layaknya 
perusahaan minyak asing. Akomodasi yang serba pas-pasan, fasilitas yang mungkin 
kurang memadai, bekerja di panas terik dan keringat bercucuran dan hari-hari 
yang melelahkan. 
Inilah kesempatan luar biasa yang mungkin tidak pernah akan terulang kembali: 
Bekerja bersama Tuhan dalam menyatakan keperdulian kepada masyarakat Aceh. 
Apabila orang Aceh 20 tahun mendatang melihat apa yang telah kita berikan 
kepada mereka, maka itulah cara terbaik untuk menjalin persahabatan yang abadi 
dengan mereka. 

Dalam rangka menyiapkan umat yang tergerak hati untuk tinggal di Aceh sambil 
bekerja atau pun sebagai relawan medis, atau relaw

JNM <*> Cara Mudah Orang Kaya Masuk Surga

2005-02-04 Thread pttwr

From: Mundhi Sabda Lesminingtyas 

Cara Mudah Orang Kaya Masuk Surga
(Oleh Lesminingtyas)

Handoko, adalah pengusaha China yang masih sangat muda dan sukses. Orang tuanya 
yang memiliki cukup banyak uang, telah memungkinkan Handoko memiliki beberapa 
toko komputer dan alat-alat elektonik yang menguasai 60% pasar di kotanya. 
Semua perempuan yang bertemu dengan Handoko pasti tidak rela memalingkan 
pandangan barang sedetikpun. Handoko memang "very-very handsome ". Busana 
keluaran Paris dan jam tangan rolex yang dikenakannya sungguh sangat matching 
dengan mobil bermerek keluaran tahun terakhir yang

Ketika pertama kali melihatnya, hati saya pun hanya bisa berkata "Tuhan, 
sungguh indah ciptaanMu!". Ketika beribadah di sebuah gereja di kotanya, saya 
berkesempatan duduk tepat di samping Handoko yang telah lebih dulu berada di 
bangku paling belakang. Begitu duduk berhimpitan dengannya, saya hanya bisa 
berkata dalam hati "Ala mak, wanginya.!"

Setelah kebaktian usai tiba-tiba saya mendengar suara "Mbak orang baru ya?" 
tanya Handoko sambil mengajak saya berkenalan.
"Ya! Saya dari Jakarta. Tadi saya kesulitan mencari alamat gereja ini, sampai 
akhirnya saya terlambat. Koko tadi kesiangan juga ya?" saya balik bertanya.
"Enggak kok! Setengah jam sebelum kebaktian, saya sudah ada di sini. Saya 
selalu duduk di bangku paling belakang" jawabnya.
"Lho,  kenapa harus di bangku paling belakang?" saya bertanya keheranan.
"Itulah tempat yang layak buat saya! Saya nggak berani dekat-dekat altar Tuhan 
karena saya bukan  golongan first class di surga kelak" jawab Handoko sambil 

"Siapa bilang Koko bukan golongan first class?" saya masih tidak mengerti.
"Saya tidak bisa menjual semua harta saya untuk dibagikan kepada orang miskin. 
Padahal Tuhan Yesus sendiri bilang bahwa lebih mudah seekor unta melewati 
lobang jarum dari pada seorang kaya masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Allah" katanya 
lirih sambil membuka Markus 10 : 17-27.
"Harta Koko yang merupakan berkat dari Tuhan, seharusnya tidak menjadi 
penghambat bagi Koko untuk menjadi pewaris Kerajaan Allah. Hanya saja, sebagai 
orang yang telah diselamatkan, Koko wajib mengucap syukur dan mempersembahkan 
kembali berkat yang telah Koko terima"
"Tapi berkat Tuhan terlalu banyak untuk saya. Saya semakin takut kalau tidak 
bisa mempersembahkan kembali secara maksimal" katanya.
"Kalau mau, saya punya resepnya. Gampang kok!" kata saya sambil memberikan 
kartu nama.

Suatu hari Handoko menemui saya untuk menanyakan resep menjadi warga first 
class di Kerajaan Sorga, tanpa harus menjadi orang miskin saat di dunia.
Waktu itu saya mengajak Handoko untuk melihat kembali talenta, karunia dan 
berkat yang dimilikinya. Ia pun dengan lancar menyebutkan "Bisnis yang sukses 
dan kemampuan menulis"
"Dan ketampanan!" saya berterus terang.
Handoko tersipu. Ia menunduk malu sambil menyembunyikan wajahnya yang merah 

"Saya harus berterus terang supaya Koko menyadari bahwa ketampanan yang Tuhan 
berikan sangat memungkinkan Koko jatuh dalam dosa" kata saya.
"Apa yang membahayakan dari wajah saya?" tanya Handoko ingin tahu.
"Wajah tampan seperti Koko bisa membuat perempuan manapun tergila-gila.
Kalau tidak hati-hati, Koko bisa salah jalan. Sekali Koko melirik, banyak ABG 
yang ngantri dan rela memberikan apa saja untuk Koko" kata saya. 
"Beli karcis, kali ya..sampai ngantri segala!" sambung saya sambil 
"Apakah dosa kalau saya punya wajah tampan?" tanya Handoko sambil tersenyum 
"Nggak juga! Syukuri ketampanan yang Tuhan berikan. Jagalah diri supaya tidak 
melakukan hal-hal yang tidak berkenan di hadapan Allah. Nikmati masa muda, 
tanpa harus mendukakan hati Tuhan!" saya menasehati.

"Mana bisa menikmati masa muda sembari menyenangkan hati Tuhan?" tanya Handoko.
"Banyak kok caranya! Misalnya chating, nge-date atau PDKT hanya dengan 
anak-anak terang yang sepadan di hadapan Tuhan. Carilah pacar di gereja atau 
dalam kegiatan-kegiatan rohani, seperti KKR, Bible Camp, dan yang lainnya.
Jangan cari pacar di mall-mall, diskotik atau di pesta-pesta anak muda.
Hindari hal-hal yang tidak disukai Tuhan, seperti dugem, minum minuman 
beralkohol, nge-drug, ngebong, cimeng, nge-sex sebelum nikah, berselingkuh atau 
nge-sex sama orang yang bukan istrinya" saya memberondong dengan 
"Wah, wah,wah..Kok banyak amat larangannya?" tanya Handoko seraya ingin menawar 
"Tapi kalau merokok masih boleh khan?"

Saya berpikir sejenak untuk mencari kata-kata yang tepat dan persuasif 
"Ketampanan Koko yang merupakan karya Tuhan yang indah itu tidak pantas untuk 
dikotori dengan nikotin, asap rokok dan bau tak sedap. Koko tidak berhak 
merusak karya Tuhan. Pakailah tubuh Koko hanya untuk kemuliaanNya.
Sungguh sangat indahnya kalau wajah yang tampan dan tubuh yang sempurna yang 
Koko miliki menjadi Bait Allah yang senantiasa dijaga kesuciannya"

Handoko hanya tertawa sambil menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya "Ini baru soal 
wajah. Bagaimana dengan berkat yang l