JNM * daily devotional

2007-02-21 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Morning ... 
2 Corinthians 7:6
God, that comforteth those that are cast down. 

And who comforteth like Him? Go to some poor, melancholy, distressed child of 
God; tell him sweet promises, and whisper in his ear choice words of comfort; 
he is like the deaf adder, he listens not to the voice of the charmer, charm he 
never so wisely. He is drinking gall and wormwood, and comfort him as you may, 
it will be only a note or two of mournful resignation that you will get from 
him; you will bring forth no psalms of praise, no hallelujahs, no joyful 
sonnets. But let God come to His child, let Him lift up his countenance, and 
the mourner's eyes glisten with hope. Do you not hear him sing- 
'Tis paradise, if thou art here;
If thou depart, 'tis hell? 
You could not have cheered him: but the Lord has done it; He is the God of all 
comfort. There is no balm in Gilead, but there is balm in God. There is no 
physician among the creatures, but the Creator is Jehovah-rophi. It is 
marvellous how one sweet word of God will make whole songs for Christians. One 
word of God is like a piece of gold, and the Christian is the goldbeater, and 
can hammer that promise out for whole weeks. So, then, poor Christian, thou 
needest not sit down in despair. Go to the Comforter, and ask Him to give thee 
consolation. Thou art a poor dry well. You have heard it said, that when a pump 
is dry, you must pour water down it first of all, and then you will get water, 
and so, Christian, when thou art dry, go to God, ask Him to shed abroad His joy 
in thy heart, and then thy joy shall be full. Do not go to earthly 
acquaintances, for you will find them Job's comforters after all; but go first 
and foremost to thy God, that comforteth those that are cast down, and you 
will soon say, In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight 
my soul.

1 Corinthians 13:13
(13) And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of 
these is charity. 

Here, Paul lists hope as one of the big three virtues of Christianity. 
Whereas faith is the foundation on which the other two stand, and love is the 
object because it enables us to communicate, interact properly, and unite, hope 
is the quality that motivates, providing energy by keeping us in anticipation 
of greater and better things to come.
Hope, as used in Scripture, is not difficult to define. It appears as both a 
noun and verb, and conveys the absolute certainty of future good. I Corinthians 
13:13 lists it with those things that remain, abide, or continue. In other 
words, even in the Kingdom of God, we will always be eagerly looking forward to 
some blessing or accomplishment as age upon age unfolds before us. This will 
occur because God's revelation never ends, as He Himself is an inexhaustible 
Ephesians 2:12 adds another dimension to Christian hope. . . . that at that 
time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and 
strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the 
world. Our hope is uniquely Christian because no other religion, no other way 
of life, can give its adherents a certain hope. Why? First, even though other 
religions may be moral in their teachings, they speak only from man's 
experiences. Second, their god is not living the life of God. Third, they have 
no expectation of the Messiah and all it implies.
The Bible leaves no doubt that our hope is a direct result of God's calling: 
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your 
calling ( Ephesians 4:4). Paul clearly links our hope with our calling, which 
is God's summons into His presence so that we may have a relationship with Him. 
In the context of the first paragraph of Ephesians 4, the implication is that 
this hope is a factor that unites us into one body. Our calling is an end to 
pessimism, negativity, and despair and the beginning of a confident, bright, 
and optimistic life filled with endless possibilities because this unique hope 
gives positive expectancy to life here and now and beyond the grave as well.
All men have hope occasionally, and some frequently seem hopeful. Many peoples' 
hope changes as often as the weather. The frequent fluctuations of the stock 
market indices often indicate investors' up-and-down confidence and hope about 
the future. Yet, our hope can be taken to higher level altogether because 
Christians can have continuous hope. Our hope is not a mere flash in the pan.
John W. Ritenbaugh 
From   The Elements of Motivation (Part Three): Hope 

Amos 3:1-2
(1) Hear this word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, 
against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, (2) 
You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish 
you for all your iniquities. 

This statement of relationship is vital to Babylon's end-time identification. 
Only Israel of 

JNM * Menerima Roh Kudus; Ketuhanan Yesus; Yohanes 15:7-8 Karya Roh Kudus

2007-02-21 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: Dewi Kriswanti 

Bacaan : Yohanes 20:19-23

Dan sesudah berkata demikian, Ia menghembusi mereka dan berkata: Terimalah 
Roh Kudus. (Yohanes 20:22) 

Yesus bukanlah mengutus pengikut tetapi Dia mengutus murid. Alkitab berkata, 
jadikan semua bangsa murid-Ku. Kekristenan itu mencari murid. Sebagai murid, 
berarti kita sudah tahu persis apa yang menjadi tugas dan kewajiban. Sementara 
Yesus mengerti akan kebutuhan murid-muridNya, dan sebelum Dia naik ke Sorga, 
Yesus memberikan kepada mereka Roh Kudus. 

Apa arti menerima Roh Kudus :
1. Menerima Roh Kudus adalah kebutuhan mutlak bagi setiap murid Yesus. Ada 
banyak orang mengikut Yesus tetapi dia masih tinggal dalam dosanya. Ada banyak 
bilangan orang yang mau ikut Yesus sejauh Yesus dapat berkati dia, sejauh Yesus 
mau tolong dia, tetapi apa yang terjadi dia tidak mau hidup dalam kehendak 
Tuhan. Itulah sebabnya kita harus mengingat kembali bahwa menerima Roh Kudus 
adalah kebutuhan mutlak bagi setiap murid. 
2. Menerima Roh Kudus dan menerima Yesus adalah dua pengalaman yang berbeda. 
Seringkali Roh Kudus ada dalam diri kita tetapi kita tidak biarkan diri kita 
dipimpin oleh Roh Kudus. Inilah yang disebut bahwa menerima Roh Kudus dan 
menerima Kristus adalah dua pengalaman yang berbeda. Ada banyak orang berhenti 
hanya pada satu pengalaman saja, dan menganggap menerima Roh Kudus dan menerima 
Yesus itu satu pengalaman yang sama. Waktu kita menerima baptisan itu sebagai 
tanda pertobatan kita menerima Kristus dan setelah kita berjalan didalam 
pertobatan kita perlu seorang penolong yang akan menuntun sepanjang jalan 
kehidupan kita. Oleh sebab itu, kita perlu menerima Roh Kudus untuk menuntun 
dan membimbing kita.
3. Menerima Roh Kudus adalah awal memasuki kehidupan ilahi. Sewaktu kita 
menerima Roh Kudus kita akan memahami hukum-hukum yang lain. Ada 2 hukum, hukum 
daging dan hukum Roh. Setelah kita menerima Roh Kudus kita memiliki ciri yang 
lain lihat Galatia 5:16. Kita ada dibawah hukum Roh bukan hukum daging. 
Kehidupan kita akan senantiasa membuahkan buah-buah Roh. Karena dari buah-buah 
Roh itulah akan nyata kehidupan kita. Karena orang percaya hidup dan dikenal 
dari buah-buahnyalah. MP

Doa: Yesus Kristus yang menjadi Tuhan dan Tuhan kami, terima kasih atas Roh 
Kudus-Mu yang telah Engkau berikan kepada kami. Amin!
From: Wiempy 


Yesus Kristus yg selama ini kita kenal merupakan Tuhan dan Juruselamat yg 
datang ke dunia ini diutus oleh Bapa di surga, yg mendasarkan segala apa yg 
diperbuat dan yg dikatakannya menurut arahan Bapa yg mengutus-Nya.
Kata2 yg diucapkan oleh Yesus sungguh bermakna dan meresap ke dlm hati org2 
percaya melalui iman. Yesus itu merupakan perwujudan dari Roh Tuhan yg menjadi 
manusia, lewat perantaraan kandungan Maria. Yesus begitu perkasa membuktikan 
bahwa Dia itu kekal dgn mengalahkan kematian, dan bangkit kembali dari 
kematian. Hanya Yesus saja yg mampu berbuat demikian. Lalu naik ke surga, diam 
di tahta surgawi sampai tiba saatnya akhir jaman nanti akan menyatakan diri-Nya.

Tuhan Yesus menginginkan kita semua bersandar kepada-Nya sbg sumber kekuatan 
sejati. Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan itu sendiri karena Dia mempunyai sifat2 
ketuhanan. Yesus itu kekal (Yesaya 9 : 6), Yesus memiliki kemuliaan dgn Tuhan 
sebelum dunia dijadikan (Yohanes 17 : 5). Yesus sangat berkuasa dlm kehidupan 
org2 Kristiani karena Yesus telah membayar secara tuntas semua dosa2 kita dgn 
kematian-Nya di kayu salib. Jika kita percaya dlm hati bahwa Yesus itu adalah 
Tuhan, maka kita akan diselamatkan. Mari kita buka Roma 10 ayat 9 yg menulis 
Sebab jika kamu mengaku dgn mulutmu, bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan, dan percaya dlm 
hatimu, bahwa Tuhan telah membangkitkan Dia dari antara org mati, maka kamu 
akan diselamatkan

Kita semua harus menyadari bahwa Tuhan Yesus itu adalah Tuhan, hal ini jelas 
tertulis dlm 1 Korintus 8 ayat 6 yg menulis demikian:
Namun bagi kita hanya ada satu Tuhan saja, yaitu Bapa, yg dari pada-Nya 
berasal segala sesuatu dan yg untuk Dia kita hidup, dan satu Tuhan saja, yaitu 
Yesus Kristus, yg oleh-Nya segala sesuatu telah dijadikan dan yg karena Dia 
kita hidup

Yesus sendiri menyatakan bahwa diri-Nya adalah Tuhan, berikut ini beberapa
A. Yesus menyatakan diri-Nya kekal (Yesaya 9 : 6)
B. Yesus menyatakan diri-Nya serupa dgn Tuhan (Yohanes 10 : 30)
C. Yesus menyatakan diri-Nya bebas dari dosa (Yohanes 8 : 46)
D. Yesus menyatakan diri-Nya jalan satu2nya menuju Tuhan (Yohanes 8 : 24 ;
Yohanes 14 : 6)
E. Yesus menyatakan diri-Nya berkuasa mengampuni dosa (Markus 2 : 5-10)
F. Yesus menyatakan diri-Nya berkuasa meramalkan hal-hal yang akan terjadi di 
kemudian hari (Yohanes 14 : 29)
G. Yesus menyatakan diri-Nya sanggup menaklukkan maut, dan berkuasa 
membangkitkan (Yohanes 11 : 25 ; 6 : 47,51)
H. Yesus menyatakan diri-Nya berkuasa untuk menghakimi 

JNM * Gods Work Ministry E-Mail

2007-02-21 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: Dwayne Savaya [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

It is important for us to stand firm in the difficult times of life and
know that the storms will soon pass and calm will be restored.  We must
remember the goodness of God and see that He has not left our side, but
will be there to strengthen us and place our feet on His solid ground. 
Trust the Lord in every area of your life and confess with your mouth that
all will be well.  Just as the Lord has delivered you in the past, He will
do it again and show you His infinite strength.  Be encouraged to praise 
God for the love that He offers which is immeasurable. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

I hope today's message inspires your heart to see that the storms of life will 
soon pass away and will be restored with the peace of God which passes all 


A few weeks after my first wife, Georgia, was called to heaven, I was 
cooking dinner for my son and myself. For a vegetable, I decided on frozen
peas. As I was cutting open the bag, it slipped from my hands and crashed
to the floor. The peas, like marbles, rolled everywhere. I tried to use a
broom, but with each swipe the peas rolled across the kitchen, bounced off
the wall on the other side and rolled in another direction.

My mental state at the time was fragile. Losing a spouse is an unbearable
pain. I got on my hands and knees and pulled them into a pile to dispose 
of. I was half laughing and half crying as I collected them. I could see the 
humor in what happened, but it doesn't take much for a person dealing with 
grief to break down.

For the next week, every time I was in the kitchen, I would find a pea 
that had escaped my first cleanup. In a corner, behind a table leg, in the
frays at the end of a mat, or hidden under a heater, they kept turning up.
Eight months later I pulled out the refrigerator to clean, and found a 
dozen or so petrified peas hidden underneath.

At the time I found those few remaining peas, I was in a new relationship
with a wonderful woman I met in a widow/widower support group. After we 
married, I was reminded of those peas under the refrigerator. I realized 
my life had been like that bag of frozen peas. It had shattered. My wife 
was gone. I was in a new city with a busy job and a son having trouble 
adjusting to his new surroundings and the loss of his mother. I was a 
wreck. I was a bag of spilled, frozen peas. My life had come apart and 

When life gets you down; when everything you know comes apart; when you 
think you can never get through the tough times, remember, it is just a 
bag of scattered, frozen peas. The peas can be collected and life will 
move on. You will find all the peas. First the easy peas come together in
a pile. You pick them up and start to move on. Later you will find the bigger 
and harder to find peas. When you pull all the peas together, life will be 
whole again.

The life you know can be scattered at any time. You will move on, but how
fast you collect your peas depends on you. Will you keep scattering them around 
with a broom, or will you pick them up one-by-one and put your life back 

How will you collect your peas?
By Michael T. Smith

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your 
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Colossians 3:15-16 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the 
which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another 
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to 
the Lord.

Psalm 56:9-11 When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: 
this I know; for God is for me. In God will I praise His word: in the LORD
will I praise His word. In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid
what man can do unto me.

Proverbs 6:20-23 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not 
the law of thy mother: Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them
about thy neck. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it
shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the 
commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are 
the way of life.

All of these scriptures can be found in the King James Version Bible.

Today's Selected Poem:  MESSAGES TO REMEMBER
Click here to read --- http://www.Godswork.org/inpoem110.htm

Today's Selected Testimony:  GOD HAS A PLAN
Click here to read --- http://www.Godswork.org/testimony169.htm
From: Dwayne Savaya [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

With the short time 

JNM * Renungan Pagi, Kamis 22 Februari 2007

2007-02-21 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: Yollie Wauran 

Renungan Pagi, Kamis 22 Februari 2007

Maka Yefta ikut dengan para tua-tua Gilead, lalu bangsa itu mengangkat dia 
menjadi kepala dan panglima mereka. Tetapi Yefta membawa seluruh perkaranya itu
ke hadapan TUHAN, di Mizpa. ( Hak 11:11 )

Mungkin . Saat ini . Kita dipercaya untuk memimpin ...
Mungkin . Saat ini .. Banyak perkara dipercayakan pada kita ..

Namun .. Kapan terakhir kali . Kita libatkan Dia . ?
Kapan terakhir kali . Kita bawa perkara kita pada-Nya . ?
Hal ini kutuliskan bukan untuk memalukan kamu, tetapi untuk menegor kamu
sebagai anak-anakku yang kukasihi. ( 1 Korintus 4:14 )

Mengapa kadang .. Kita tak bisa tulus dalam menegor . ?
Mengapa kadang . Terselip satu dua keinginan lain di dalamnya . ?
Mengapa kadang . Kita tak bisa bedakan ... Antara menegor dan marah 
. ?

Mengapa kadang .. Kita kehilangan tujuan mula-mula .. ?
Bukan lagi supaya mereka berbalik dari kesalahannya ..
Namun . Supaya mereka malu .. ?

Adakah kita sedang menegor . ? Adakah kita sedang memberi nasehat .. ?
Ataukah . Sedang mempermalukan . ? 

Bersorak-sorailah, hai orang-orang benar, dalam TUHAN! Sebab memuji-muji itu 
layak bagi orang-orang jujur. ( Mazmur 33:1 )

Mari kita renungkan pagi ini . Adakah kita ini .
Termasuk di antara orang-orang jujur . ?

Termasuk di antara . Mereka yang bersorak-sorai .. ?
Termasuk di antara . Mereka yang layak memuji Tuhan .. ?

Adakah kejujuran . Dalam rumah tangga kita . ?
Adakah kejujuran . Dalam pekerjaan kita . ?

Atau . Kita sedang disibukkan .. Menutup kebohongan ..
Dengan kebohongan . ?

Setiap ranting pada-Ku yang tidak berbuah, dipotong-Nya dan setiap ranting yang 
berbuah, dibersihkan-Nya, supaya ia lebih banyak berbuah. ( Joh 15:2 )

Adakah . Kata dipotong-Nya . Masih menggetarkan hati kita . ?
Masih membuat hati kita gentar . ? Gemetar .. ?

Adakah firman itu bagi kita .. Masih merupakan peringatan yang keras . ?

Atau . Jangankan menggetarkan .. Menyentuh hati pun tidak . ?

Masihkah kita bisa rasakan .. Kapan Tuhan marah pada kita . ?

Atau .. Kita sudah tidak menggubris-Nya sama sekali .. ?

Mungkin pagi ini . Ada baiknya kita mengingat . Bahwa Tuhan .
Tidak pernah main-main dengan firman-Nya ..

Kalau Dia katakan dipotong-Nya . Maka artinya juga dipotong-Nya ..

Setiap orang yang mendengar perkataan-Ku ini dan melakukannya, ia sama dengan 
orang yang bijaksana, yang mendirikan rumahnya di atas batu.
Kemudian turunlah hujan dan datanglah banjir, lalu angin melanda rumah itu,
tetapi rumah itu tidak rubuh sebab didirikan di atas batu. ( Matius 7:24-25 )

Melakukan firman Tuhan . Bukan jaminan tanpa hujan dan banjir .
Mungkin saat ini pun . Hujan dan banjir juga menerpa hidup kita ..

Dan . Inilah saatnya .. Kita melihat ..
Adakah kita seperti orang yang bijaksana ..
Yang mendirikan rumahnya di atas batu . ?
Siapa memalingkan telinganya untuk tidak mendengarkan hukum, juga doanya adalah 
kekejian. ( Amsal 28:9 )

Adakah kita lakukan itu . ? Adakah kita tidak mendengarkan hukum . ?
Adakah kita tidak dengar firman . ?

Mungkin kita dengar .. Karena telinga tidak dibatasi ..
Tidak perlu diarahkan ..
Mungkin kita dengar ... Bahkan lebih dari satu kali ..
Bahkan boleh dikata sering ...

Tetapi .. Bila kita hanya sebatas dengar .. Dan tidak melakukannya 
Tidakkah kita ... Sama dengan memalingkan telinga ... ?

Hukum memang kita dengar .. Firman itu memang kita dengar ..
Namun . Adakah kita mau dituntun dan diubah olehnya .. ?
Adakah doa kita selama ini . Bukan termasuk kekejian .. ?
Adakah kita layak .. Menunggu jawaban doa kita .. ?
Aku bersyukur kepada-Mu oleh karena kejadianku dahsyat dan ajaib; ajaib apa 
yang Kaubuat, dan jiwaku benar-benar menyadarinya. ( Mazmur 139:14 )

Ya . Hanya bila kita menyadarinya .
Hanya bila jiwa kita menyadarinya .. Bahwa kejadian kita ajaib .
Bahwa kejadian kita dahsyat . Bahwa kita istimewa di mata-Nya ..

Maka . Kita tahu . Apa yang kita lakukan atas tubuh kita .
Kita tahu .. Apa yang kita lakukan .. Untuk mengisi hidup kita .

Dan . Ucapan syukur itu . Akan mengalir tulus .. Keluar dari diri 
kita .

Jadi . Sudahkah jiwa kita . Benar-benar menyadari .
Betapa dahsyat dan ajaibnya kejadian kita . ?
Maka datanglah seorang perempuan Kanaan dari daerah itu dan