RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Yong Bing Khoo
I got JBoss 3.2.3 running from Eclipse with Jetspeed 1.4. Hmmm ... I didn't 
remove castor.jar from jboss/server/default/deploy/snmp-adaptor.sar.

All I did was to edit the configuration for URLDeploymentScanner MBean in 
jboss-service.xml. However, it appears that the structure has been changed 

Go to line 393 of jboss-service.xml and append your project directory 

Where bin contains your project.ear directory. My .ear directory is an 
exploded application.

I do not recall modifying Jetspeed 1.4 code either.

Hope it helps. :)

Btw, are you using Jetspeed 1.4 (final)?

See ya,
Yong Bing

From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 21:31:47 -0800
I had already removed the castor.jar from jboss/server/default/lib, so I 
tried the configuration where I only had the castor-0.9.3 jar in the 
WEB-INF/lib, but it still left me with the hanging problem (note I removed 
the castor.jar from the snmp-adaptor.sar as well, so the only castor.jar 
anywhere is the castor-0.9.3).  I then went back to the original code and it resulted in a jetspeedservices.log full of:
2004-01-21 21:23:59,562 [DaemonThread:feeddaemon] DEBUG 
CastorRegistryService - RegistryService: Waiting for init of Registry...
(and the service hung).

Thanks again for your help on this - I hope your 3.2.3 is going smoothly 
(or technically, I hope that you are hitting the same problems I hit :) :) 


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc.
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax)
NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not 
necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its 
-Original Message-
	From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
	Sent: Wed 1/21/2004 8:46 PM
	Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

	I removed castor.jar from jboss/server/default/lib and left 
	in Jetspeed's WEB-INF/lib directory as it is. (I am using Jetspeed 1.4.)

>There are two sources of castor jars - version 0.9.3 that comes with
>Jetspeed and a castor.jar dated 11/20/2003 that is part of the
>snmp-adapter.sar that comes with JBoss.
>Four questions:
>1. Does JBoss 3.2.0 RC4 have this snmp-adapter.sar and its related
>castor.jar?  If so, what did you do with them?  (When I remove this
>castor.jar, the snmp agent does not load correctly, although that doesn't
>matter too much to me - my problems are more basic)
	Hmm ... not sure about snmp agent. I don't use it, yet. Yes, it has a
	castor.jar but I can't find snmp-adapter.sar in the distribution. I 
	castor.jar from the default/lib in JBoss.

>2. How is it that your CastorRegistry service survives without the
>Unmarshaller?  Or did you change your configuration so that this registry
>services isn't needed?
	Can you try leaving castor-0.9.3.jar in your Jetspeed WEB-INF and see how 

>3. There was a patch to the that was posted as a bug
>fix.  Upon reading another post, I applied that new source code into my
>system.  Did you also use that use that source code?  See:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10348.html
No ... I don't recall applying that patch, but then it was quite some time
ago when I set up Jetspeed in JBoss.
>4. Finally, could there be a difference between 3.2.0 RC4 and 3.2.3 that
>would cause these problems?
	Not sure about that. I will download 3.2.3 and try out.

>Thanks so much - this problem (unable to debug in Eclipse) has been
>resisting all attempts for over a week,
	No worries! :)

	I will get back to you in a sec.

Yong Bing
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RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Richard Berger
I had already removed the castor.jar from jboss/server/default/lib, so I tried the 
configuration where I only had the castor-0.9.3 jar in the WEB-INF/lib, but it still 
left me with the hanging problem (note I removed the castor.jar from the 
snmp-adaptor.sar as well, so the only castor.jar anywhere is the castor-0.9.3).  I 
then went back to the original code and it resulted in a 
jetspeedservices.log full of:
2004-01-21 21:23:59,562 [DaemonThread:feeddaemon] DEBUG CastorRegistryService - 
RegistryService: Waiting for init of Registry...
(and the service hung).  
Thanks again for your help on this - I hope your 3.2.3 is going smoothly (or 
technically, I hope that you are hitting the same problems I hit :) :) ).

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wed 1/21/2004 8:46 PM 
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

I removed castor.jar from jboss/server/default/lib and left castor-0.9.3.jar
in Jetspeed's WEB-INF/lib directory as it is. (I am using Jetspeed 1.4.)

>There are two sources of castor jars - version 0.9.3 that comes with
>Jetspeed and a castor.jar dated 11/20/2003 that is part of the
>snmp-adapter.sar that comes with JBoss.
>Four questions:
>1. Does JBoss 3.2.0 RC4 have this snmp-adapter.sar and its related
>castor.jar?  If so, what did you do with them?  (When I remove this
>castor.jar, the snmp agent does not load correctly, although that doesn't
>matter too much to me - my problems are more basic)

Hmm ... not sure about snmp agent. I don't use it, yet. Yes, it has a
castor.jar but I can't find snmp-adapter.sar in the distribution. I removed
castor.jar from the default/lib in JBoss.

>2. How is it that your CastorRegistry service survives without the
>Unmarshaller?  Or did you change your configuration so that this registry
>services isn't needed?

Can you try leaving castor-0.9.3.jar in your Jetspeed WEB-INF and see how it

>3. There was a patch to the that was posted as a bug
>fix.  Upon reading another post, I applied that new source code into my
>system.  Did you also use that use that source code?  See:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10348.html

No ... I don't recall applying that patch, but then it was quite some time
ago when I set up Jetspeed in JBoss.

>4. Finally, could there be a difference between 3.2.0 RC4 and 3.2.3 that
>would cause these problems?

Not sure about that. I will download 3.2.3 and try out.

>Thanks so much - this problem (unable to debug in Eclipse) has been
>resisting all attempts for over a week,

No worries! :)

I will get back to you in a sec.

Yong Bing

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RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Yong Bing Khoo
I removed castor.jar from jboss/server/default/lib and left castor-0.9.3.jar 
in Jetspeed's WEB-INF/lib directory as it is. (I am using Jetspeed 1.4.)

There are two sources of castor jars - version 0.9.3 that comes with 
Jetspeed and a castor.jar dated 11/20/2003 that is part of the 
snmp-adapter.sar that comes with JBoss.

Four questions:
1. Does JBoss 3.2.0 RC4 have this snmp-adapter.sar and its related 
castor.jar?  If so, what did you do with them?  (When I remove this 
castor.jar, the snmp agent does not load correctly, although that doesn't 
matter too much to me - my problems are more basic)
Hmm ... not sure about snmp agent. I don't use it, yet. Yes, it has a 
castor.jar but I can't find snmp-adapter.sar in the distribution. I removed 
castor.jar from the default/lib in JBoss.

2. How is it that your CastorRegistry service survives without the 
Unmarshaller?  Or did you change your configuration so that this registry 
services isn't needed?
Can you try leaving castor-0.9.3.jar in your Jetspeed WEB-INF and see how it 

3. There was a patch to the that was posted as a bug 
fix.  Upon reading another post, I applied that new source code into my 
system.  Did you also use that use that source code?  See:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10348.html
No ... I don't recall applying that patch, but then it was quite some time 
ago when I set up Jetspeed in JBoss.

4. Finally, could there be a difference between 3.2.0 RC4 and 3.2.3 that 
would cause these problems?
Not sure about that. I will download 3.2.3 and try out.

Thanks so much - this problem (unable to debug in Eclipse) has been 
resisting all attempts for over a week,
No worries! :)

I will get back to you in a sec.

Yong Bing
Hot chart ringtones and polyphonics. Go to

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RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Richard Berger
Armed with this encouraging sign, I again set out to try and debug my Jetspeed app in 
Eclipse.  But no success, if there is any castor.jar file around, then it hangs (e.g. 
it just stops when trying to display the anon page).  If all the castor jars are 
removed, I get:
Horrible Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/exolab/castor/xml/Unmarshaller 
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName( 
 rethrown as A class referenced by is unavailable. Check your 
jars and classes. at
There are two sources of castor jars - version 0.9.3 that comes with Jetspeed and a 
castor.jar dated 11/20/2003 that is part of the snmp-adapter.sar that comes with 
Four questions:
1. Does JBoss 3.2.0 RC4 have this snmp-adapter.sar and its related castor.jar?  If so, 
what did you do with them?  (When I remove this castor.jar, the snmp agent does not 
load correctly, although that doesn't matter too much to me - my problems are more 
2. How is it that your CastorRegistry service survives without the Unmarshaller?  Or 
did you change your configuration so that this registry services isn't needed?
3. There was a patch to the that was posted as a bug fix.  Upon 
reading another post, I applied that new source code into my system.  Did you also use 
that use that source code?  See:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10348.html
4. Finally, could there be a difference between 3.2.0 RC4 and 3.2.3 that would cause 
these problems?
Thanks so much - this problem (unable to debug in Eclipse) has been resisting all 
attempts for over a week,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Yong Bing Khoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wed 1/21/2004 3:13 PM 
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

I am using Eclipse to start (and debug) my Jetspeed apps deployed in JBoss
3.2.0RC4 without major problems. Yes, I had to get rid of castor.jar and
hsqldb.jar. In order to speed up development, I modified jboss-service.xml
so that JBoss looks for my .ear in the development directory instead of the
default JBoss server directory. i.e.

In jboss-service.xml:

I set up the bin output directory in Eclipse to within the WEB-INF/classes
directory in the .ear directory.

As such, I did not have to hotdeploy changed .java files. (Some changes
cannot be hot-swapped. E.g. changes in method signature.) Subsequently,
changes you make in Eclipse to your application will be automatically
detected by Eclipse.

Yong Bing

>From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: jboss deployment question
>Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 13:17:25 -0800
>I would suggest checking whether that file (layouts/html/default.vm)
>exists in the deploy/jetspeed.ear/jetspeed.war/templates/vm directory.
>I am guessing it is no longer there.  The reason that it disappeared is
>probably due to your deployment approach.  With Jboss 3.2.3, I have been
>deploying as follows (it is probably not the best way, but it works):
>1) Case 1 - No .java changes
>A) I use the "hotdeploy" ant target - seems to work fine
>2) Case 2 - .java changes
>A) I stop the Jboss server
>B) I create a war file with the "war" ant target
>C) I delete all the files under
>D) I unwar (extract) all the files from the .war created into the above
>E) Restart Jboss
>I am sure there is a better way, but I am finding Jetspeed 1.4 a little
>flakey on Jboss 3.2.3 (at least as it relates to castor.jar and
>hsqldb.jar files - I still can't successfully start Jetspeed when
>running Jboss inside Eclipse - and I am able to do that with no problems

RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Yong Bing Khoo
I am using Eclipse to start (and debug) my Jetspeed apps deployed in JBoss 
3.2.0RC4 without major problems. Yes, I had to get rid of castor.jar and 
hsqldb.jar. In order to speed up development, I modified jboss-service.xml 
so that JBoss looks for my .ear in the development directory instead of the 
default JBoss server directory. i.e.

In jboss-service.xml:

I set up the bin output directory in Eclipse to within the WEB-INF/classes 
directory in the .ear directory.

As such, I did not have to hotdeploy changed .java files. (Some changes 
cannot be hot-swapped. E.g. changes in method signature.) Subsequently, 
changes you make in Eclipse to your application will be automatically 
detected by Eclipse.

Yong Bing
From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 13:17:25 -0800
I would suggest checking whether that file (layouts/html/default.vm)
exists in the deploy/jetspeed.ear/jetspeed.war/templates/vm directory.
I am guessing it is no longer there.  The reason that it disappeared is
probably due to your deployment approach.  With Jboss 3.2.3, I have been
deploying as follows (it is probably not the best way, but it works):
1) Case 1 - No .java changes
A) I use the "hotdeploy" ant target - seems to work fine
2) Case 2 - .java changes
A) I stop the Jboss server
B) I create a war file with the "war" ant target
C) I delete all the files under
D) I unwar (extract) all the files from the .war created into the above
E) Restart Jboss
I am sure there is a better way, but I am finding Jetspeed 1.4 a little
flakey on Jboss 3.2.3 (at least as it relates to castor.jar and
hsqldb.jar files - I still can't successfully start Jetspeed when
running Jboss inside Eclipse - and I am able to do that with no problems
using WebLogic 8.1 instead of Jboss 3.2.3).
Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc.
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax)
NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not 
necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its 
-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:20 AM
Subject: jboss deployment question

Hi there,

I'm new to Jetspeed and the list and couldn't find an answer to my
question in the archives.
I'm using Jetspeed 1.4 on Jboss 3.2.2 (Tomcat)4.1.

When I deploy Jetspeed and start the server, all works fine.  However,
when I redeploy, the server goes through the motions of reloading the
war (deleting tmp files and recreating them, and such), I get the
following error.
Horrible Exception:
org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to find
resource 'layouts/html/default.vm'
rethrown as org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException: Error rendering
Velocity template: layouts/html/default.vm: Unable to find resource

The strange thing is that I don't even have to make any changes, I only
have to 'touch jetspeed.war' and try it again after it reloads the
deployment.  I've been using Jboss for other things and I've never seen
this behavior, so, I'm hoping someone on the list might have some
thoughts on the subject.
Thanks very much.

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Re: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread PSW
Thanks much for your response.  What you say makes sense and I agree that
there is some flakiness here.  I was hoping to avoid restarting Jboss
because it takes so long.  But, what can you do?  I'm going to give it a try
first thing tomorrow.

I'll let you know how it goes.


- Original Message -
From: "Richard Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 4:17 PM
Subject: RE: jboss deployment question

I would suggest checking whether that file (layouts/html/default.vm)
exists in the deploy/jetspeed.ear/jetspeed.war/templates/vm directory.
I am guessing it is no longer there.  The reason that it disappeared is
probably due to your deployment approach.  With Jboss 3.2.3, I have been
deploying as follows (it is probably not the best way, but it works):

1) Case 1 - No .java changes
A) I use the "hotdeploy" ant target - seems to work fine

2) Case 2 - .java changes
A) I stop the Jboss server
B) I create a war file with the "war" ant target
C) I delete all the files under
D) I unwar (extract) all the files from the .war created into the above
E) Restart Jboss

I am sure there is a better way, but I am finding Jetspeed 1.4 a little
flakey on Jboss 3.2.3 (at least as it relates to castor.jar and
hsqldb.jar files - I still can't successfully start Jetspeed when
running Jboss inside Eclipse - and I am able to do that with no problems
using WebLogic 8.1 instead of Jboss 3.2.3).

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes

Richard Berger
Action Technologies, Inc.
VP, Product Management
510.748.1017 (Office)
510.769.0596 (Fax)

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not
necessarily those of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its
-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:20 AM
Subject: jboss deployment question

Hi there,

I'm new to Jetspeed and the list and couldn't find an answer to my
question in the archives.

I'm using Jetspeed 1.4 on Jboss 3.2.2 (Tomcat)4.1.

When I deploy Jetspeed and start the server, all works fine.  However,
when I redeploy, the server goes through the motions of reloading the
war (deleting tmp files and recreating them, and such), I get the
following error.

Horrible Exception:
org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to find
resource 'layouts/html/default.vm'
rethrown as org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException: Error rendering
Velocity template: layouts/html/default.vm: Unable to find resource

The strange thing is that I don't even have to make any changes, I only
have to 'touch jetspeed.war' and try it again after it reloads the
deployment.  I've been using Jboss for other things and I've never seen
this behavior, so, I'm hoping someone on the list might have some
thoughts on the subject.

Thanks very much.

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RE: jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread Richard Berger
I would suggest checking whether that file (layouts/html/default.vm)
exists in the deploy/jetspeed.ear/jetspeed.war/templates/vm directory.
I am guessing it is no longer there.  The reason that it disappeared is
probably due to your deployment approach.  With Jboss 3.2.3, I have been
deploying as follows (it is probably not the best way, but it works):

1) Case 1 - No .java changes
A) I use the "hotdeploy" ant target - seems to work fine

2) Case 2 - .java changes
A) I stop the Jboss server
B) I create a war file with the "war" ant target
C) I delete all the files under
D) I unwar (extract) all the files from the .war created into the above
E) Restart Jboss

I am sure there is a better way, but I am finding Jetspeed 1.4 a little
flakey on Jboss 3.2.3 (at least as it relates to castor.jar and
hsqldb.jar files - I still can't successfully start Jetspeed when
running Jboss inside Eclipse - and I am able to do that with no problems
using WebLogic 8.1 instead of Jboss 3.2.3).  

Good luck,

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message-
From: PSW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:20 AM
Subject: jboss deployment question

Hi there,

I'm new to Jetspeed and the list and couldn't find an answer to my
question in the archives.

I'm using Jetspeed 1.4 on Jboss 3.2.2 (Tomcat)4.1.

When I deploy Jetspeed and start the server, all works fine.  However,
when I redeploy, the server goes through the motions of reloading the
war (deleting tmp files and recreating them, and such), I get the
following error.

Horrible Exception:
org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to find
resource 'layouts/html/default.vm'
rethrown as org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException: Error rendering
Velocity template: layouts/html/default.vm: Unable to find resource

The strange thing is that I don't even have to make any changes, I only
have to 'touch jetspeed.war' and try it again after it reloads the
deployment.  I've been using Jboss for other things and I've never seen
this behavior, so, I'm hoping someone on the list might have some
thoughts on the subject.

Thanks very much.

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Re: change from hypersonic to oracle

2004-01-21 Thread Apostolidis Apostolos
   Hi all! Well, i'm trying to migrate from hypersonic to postgresql and
got some problems. I edited the JETSPEED_HOME/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/,
JETSPEED_HOME/build/torque/ and  
files to support postgresql.
   Also, i edited JETSPEED_HOME/src/sql/dbpsml-schema.sql file, replacing
all BINARY fields to bytea and all IDENTITY fields to serial. I did the
same changes in JETSPEED_HOME/src/sql/security-schmema.sql. Then, i edited the
JETSPEED_HOME/src/sql/external/turbine-postgres.sql file, changing all oid
fields to bytea, but i receive exceptions when i try to add a new user in
   My last change was the one mentioned in the post below, but i still got
exceptions. Can anyone give me a full plan of migration from hypersonic to
postgresql please?

I'm using jetspeed-1.4 with tomcat-4.1.27.

Thanx in advance

- Original Message -
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: change from hypersonic to oracle

> hi,
> I've found few month ago this message in the archive :
> To use jetspeed with Oracle, you need to build from the src, otherwise
> exceptions are commons :) Cause when you build from src saying you want
> oracle, it regenerates thoseclasses, with the good stuff in it > I
> experienced the same error, and I can only tell you a workaround. I>
> this can alse be avoided by building jetspeed from source> properly.>>
> here is my fix:> for Turbine_user, there is a class named>
> the sources, and change>> tMap.setPrimaryKeyMethodInfo("TURBINE_USER");>
> tMap.setPrimaryKeyMethodInfo("TURBINE_USER_SEQ");>
> > This should help. Note that there are similar classes for each
> out there.Do the same thing for all the package
> when there is a method
> setPrimaryKeyMethodInfo
> i've to apply this fix for the release jetspeed-1.4-b4*
> i hope it helps ...
> Adrien
> -

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How to get member of a group or users who have a role?

2004-01-21 Thread Chamberlain James O. CONTR J9C998
Is there a way in Jetspeed to get all the members of a group or users in
a particular role. The only way I can see to do this is to iterate
through every user and check whether or not they have the role or are a
member of the group. Is this in fact the only way?

Thanks for the help.



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RE: Cone's To Do List portlet configuration problem (SOLVED)....

2004-01-21 Thread Dalton, Michael D
Just a note to complete this thread and to update my 4) below.

Looks like you can restrict the users that are displayed in the scroll bar in the 
Velocity (VM) template (i.e., insert.vm and modify.vm) at the user presentation layer. 
 Very nice!!!  I had a bunch of "system" users that all start with "_" (e.g., 
_newuser).  I just added !$user.getUserName().startsWith("_") in the appropriate if 
block to eliminate all these users from the list.  

Michael Dalton

Yup... It works.  I did not have to make any code changes.  I just moved the tables 
over to the default mysql directory for the portal and works.

Couple of comments - things to complete installation:
1) Category fields have to be added to tables (e.g., INSERT INTO...)
2) Keep your Short Description "short" so it fits in the display.
3) User list (scroller) can probably get out of hand -- with thousands of users!!!  
Needs a better way.
4) I have some users that are not real users.  Will have to modify code to eliminate 
them from the user list.  Better way would be to have a config file with the non-users.

Michael Dalton

Internet Business Manager
Computing Systems Services Branch
Information Technology Directorate
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
(W) 321-861-2207 (F) 321-867-7133

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jboss deployment question

2004-01-21 Thread PSW
Hi there,

I'm new to Jetspeed and the list and couldn't find an answer to my question in the 

I'm using Jetspeed 1.4 on Jboss 3.2.2 (Tomcat)4.1.

When I deploy Jetspeed and start the server, all works fine.  However, when I 
redeploy, the server goes through the motions of reloading the war (deleting tmp files 
and recreating them, and such), I get the following error.

Horrible Exception: org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to 
find resource 'layouts/html/default.vm'
rethrown as org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException: Error rendering Velocity 
template: layouts/html/default.vm: Unable to find resource 'layouts/html/default.vm'


The strange thing is that I don't even have to make any changes, I only have to 'touch 
jetspeed.war' and try it again after it reloads the deployment.  I've been using Jboss 
for other things and I've never seen this behavior, so, I'm hoping someone on the list 
might have some thoughts on the subject.

Thanks very much.

RE: build question---please help

2004-01-21 Thread Archana Turaga

Well the approach i mentioned worked. the concept is pretty cool. None 
of the jetspeed resource files need to be modified and all i need to do is follow the 
steps in the list of instructions and it all works. SO in future even if there is a 
jetspeed upgrade the property files need not be edited all over again.

Thanks all for all your responses and inputs.

Meanwhile i think there should be a link somewhere within jetspeed explaining the 
options to deploy a custom portal application with jetspeed. This will definitely save 
a lot of sweat. Jetspeed is cool and i'm getting comfortable with it but a little more 
organised documentation for commonly occuring scenarios will make it go further. If 
this mailing list was not there then i would not have figured out a lot of things and 
remained in a loop.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/20/04 09:19PM >>>
Sounds like an interesting approach (but a little bit over my head) - I am very 
interested to hear how it all turns out.  Good luck!

Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-Original Message- 
From: Archana Turaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tue 1/20/2004 9:29 AM 
Subject: RE: build question---please help

Thanks Richard. I appreciate the input (no you have not sidetracked me..:-). 
Meanwhile i found something in the jetspeed's build.xml that may help my issue.

Well this is considering that none of the jetspeed source needs any change and 
will work as it is released in the CVS. Any extra classes that are written belong to a 
custom package structure belonging to the company and these most of the times (till 
now in my experience) trurn out to be extensions of existing jetspeed classes For e.g. 
Portlet classes extend JSPPortletAction.

Considering above is the case the following can be done (based on the information 
in the jetspeed's build.xml)
1) Build jetspeed with the option war-template.
2) Explode this war to the app server webapps directory.
3) Copy the jetspeed jar and its dependent jars into the web-inf\lib directory.
4) Copy the custom portals template files to the template directories under the 
5) Copy the custom portals jars to the web-inf\lib directory.
6) This step is something i'm currently experimenting on. I'm going to try to 
create (following the jetspeed property override-howto) and see if i can 
also embed this. If this happens and my portal works then viola i think i have 
achieved most of my goal.

If all the above steps are followed then i could do the following:
1) I can check-in the combined structure into our source control
2) Everybody else in our group can then check-in the jsps, java files to this 
3) Write make files(not ant tasks but .gmk files) to build the custom portals jar 
files and custom portal's war file.

Although jetspeed source will still be maintained as a separate entity and ant 
will be used to build the jar file needed for the custom portal. In future if there 
are any bug fixes then this source will be modified and the jar will be rebuilt and 
the custom portal's application war will have to be rebuilt to include this new jar.

I hope i'm making some sense. If anybody sees a problem with this approach or 
tried the war-template approach please please let me know. Any input is appreciated 
because that will allow me to make a sound decision on the maintainence aspect of the 

Thanks and i appreciate all the help,

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/20/04 11:16AM >>>
Not sure if this is quite the answer you were seeking, but I am doing
something similar - e.g. incorporating an existing portal application
into the Jetspeed framework.  Initially, I started by installing the
jetspeed .war file and then hacking various configuration files.  Then,
in order to take the next step of incorporating my Java code, I realized
I would need to have the source to Jetspeed and to incorporate my source
into that structure (e.g. writing new portlets in the package
org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets).  So, I downloaded the
source and created new portlets. 

To do the build, I used the Jetspeed build.xml file, but I didn't need
to make any changes in it.  I put some additional .jar files in the
appropriate lib directory and the ant tasks copy them to web-inf.  Then
to deploy my Jetspeed portal (with my portlets), I created a .war file
and then exploded it into the deployment directo

RE: Cone's To Do List portlet configuration problem (SOLVED)....

2004-01-21 Thread Dalton, Michael D
Yup... It works.  I did not have to make any code changes.  I just moved the tables 
over to the default mysql directory for the portal and works.

Couple of comments - things to complete installation:
1) Category fields have to be added to tables (e.g., INSERT INTO...)
2) Keep your Short Description "short" so it fits in the display.
3) User list (scroller) can probably get out of hand -- with thousands of users!!!  
Needs a better way.
4) I have some users that are not real users.  Will have to modify code to eliminate 
them from the user list.  Better way would be to have a config file with the non-users.

Michael Dalton

Internet Business Manager
Computing Systems Services Branch
Information Technology Directorate
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
(W) 321-861-2207 (F) 321-867-7133

Many thanks for the help.

Michael Dalton

-Original Message-
From: Richard Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 12:16 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Cone's To Do List portlet configuration problem (SOLVED)

It finally works - and the key was that I took a wrong path early in the process.  
Recalling my options earlier in the thread:
  a) Inserting the todolist tables into your default database   OR
  b) Setting up a (new) connection to your mySQL database and then changing the 
portlet code to use the mySQL database.

I chose path (b) and many hours of frustration.  I finally did the following: 1. Set 
up mySQL as the default DBMS (instead of the hypersonic) 2. In mySQL, created the 
necessary tables and populated them per the instructions (into the jetspeed database 
in mySQL) 3. Then added the todolist tables to the jetspeed database 4. Changed all 
the BasePortalTodolist* code to refer to the "default" database (as per the 
original code).
And then it worked! 

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RE: Auto login with URL

2004-01-21 Thread Fabien Guibert
thanks, it works fine. 
I will have a look at Turbine config files.


"Holger Dewes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
21/01/2004 13:28
Veuillez répondre à
"Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: Auto login with URL

> -Original Message-
> From: Fabien Guibert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:29 PM
> To: Jetspeed Users List
> Subject: Auto login with URL
> Hi all
> Does anyone know how to log into Jetspeed with login/password 
> in the URL ?
> perhaps something like : 
> http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal?username=toto&password=tata  ???
> My aim is to provide a welcome page, different from the 
> "anon" profile, 
> with input areas for login and password
> Thx a lot in advance, any help greatly appreciated

Keep in mind that the user will still see the anon user page once the
session is expired. If you want to change that behaviour, have a look at
Turbine's TemplateSecureSessionValidator which always redirects to the
Login page if there is no user or the session is expired. In the
JetspeedSessionValidator, the anon user page is shown instead.

Holger Dewes

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RE: Auto login with URL

2004-01-21 Thread Holger Dewes
> -Original Message-
> From: Fabien Guibert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:29 PM
> To: Jetspeed Users List
> Subject: Auto login with URL
> Hi all
> Does anyone know how to log into Jetspeed with login/password 
> in the URL ?
> perhaps something like : 
> http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal?username=toto&password=tata  ???
> My aim is to provide a welcome page, different from the 
> "anon" profile, 
> with input areas for login and password
> Thx a lot in advance, any help greatly appreciated

Keep in mind that the user will still see the anon user page once the
session is expired. If you want to change that behaviour, have a look at
Turbine's TemplateSecureSessionValidator which always redirects to the
Login page if there is no user or the session is expired. In the
JetspeedSessionValidator, the anon user page is shown instead.

Holger Dewes

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R: Problem with IFrame Portlet

2004-01-21 Thread Cristina Lissoni
Hi Raju
You cand find a discussion here:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10397.html

-Messaggio originale-
Da: venkat nagaraju [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inviato: mercoledi 21 gennaio 2004 10.29
Oggetto: Problem with IFrame Portlet

Hi all,

 I am using IFrame Portlet to embed a webapplication
as a portlet in jetspeed. I logged into the
webapplication with the userid and password.But when i
visit another pane in jetspeed and come back to
webapplication. It is again asking for the userid and
password i.e it is again reloading the application.

How to maintain the state of the IFramePortlet.

Thanks in Advance.


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RE: Auto login with URL

2004-01-21 Thread Youssef Mohammed
just add action=JLoginUser to the request parameters 


> -Original Message-
> From: Fabien Guibert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 1:29 PM
> To: Jetspeed Users List
> Subject: Auto login with URL
> Hi all
> Does anyone know how to log into Jetspeed with login/password 
> in the URL ?
> perhaps something like : 
 My aim is to provide a welcome page, different from the 
> "anon" profile, 
> with input areas for login and password
> Thx a lot in advance, any help greatly appreciated

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jetspeed configuration

2004-01-21 Thread gokul . chebiyam


am developing a knowledge base portal for our organization. I have few queries
regarding customizing jetspeed to our requirement.


1. To provide a new user creation for
anon (before any user logs into the portal). Any user who has opened the portal
should be able to register himself into the portal and
the site should automatically login him once the action is completed. Currenctly the default configuration allows only the admin
to create users through the user browser. Where do we need to
set the properties so that this action is shifted to any anon user.


2. After the user has logged in, there
is no ‘customize’ option for setting the user preferences. I can
see that an entry into the psml-manager.psml for
security-ref property is causing the problem. Not sure but.


3. I would like to add a discussion
forum kind of stuff into the portal. Any idea where we can get such a thing and
what are the configuration steps we need to follow. 



Any help regarding the above would be very





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Auto login with URL

2004-01-21 Thread Fabien Guibert
Hi all

Does anyone know how to log into Jetspeed with login/password in the URL ?

perhaps something like : 
http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal?username=toto&password=tata  ???

My aim is to provide a welcome page, different from the "anon" profile, 
with input areas for login and password
Thx a lot in advance, any help greatly appreciated

Re: change from hypersonic to oracle

2004-01-21 Thread Adrien GEYMOND

I've found few month ago this message in the archive :

To use jetspeed with Oracle, you need to build from the src, otherwise such
exceptions are commons :) Cause when you build from src saying you want
oracle, it regenerates thoseclasses, with the good stuff in it > I
experienced the same error, and I can only tell you a workaround. I> think
this can alse be avoided by building jetspeed from source> properly.>> But
here is my fix:> for Turbine_user, there is a class named>> Enter
the sources, and change>> tMap.setPrimaryKeyMethodInfo("TURBINE_USER");> to>
> This should help. Note that there are similar classes for each table>
out there.Do the same thing for all the package when there is a method

i've to apply this fix for the release jetspeed-1.4-b4*

i hope it helps ...


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change from hypersonic to oracle

2004-01-21 Thread Claudia Woestheinrich

I work with jetspeed 1.4. When I use the Login from Jetspeed it
writes all Informations in a hypersonic database,
but I want to work with a Oracle database. What must I do?

I looked in the Script from the hypersonic-database. Is it correct,
that I need only to create all the Tables in Oracle
and change the Properties in the file?


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Managing multiple sites

2004-01-21 Thread Cristina Lissoni
Can somebody please suggest a way to manage different sites with Jetspeed?
What I need is to define different sets of pages to be used when Jetspeed is
accessed via different domain names, with a different look and feel for each
domain name (at least logo and header).
On the other hand user registration and authentication should be shared
across the different sites.
Thank you
Cristina Lissoni

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RE: build question---please help

2004-01-21 Thread Jan Grant
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Holger Dewes wrote:

> Hi,
> > From: Richard Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > 2) Instead of exploding the jetspeed jar to \web-inf\classes
> > can i just include this like a library jar in the
> > web-inf\lib? Don't know.  My approach was to incorporate
> > my stuff into the Jetspeed framework, rather than just trying
> > to use jetspeed as a jar. It would be cool if #2 was
> > possible, but something tells me that it won't work
> > (disclaimer: I am real newbie at this)
> #2 is no problem. For the application server it makes no difference
> whether the classes are located in WEB-INF/classes or in a jar in
> WEB-INF/lib.
> I have a separate Eclipse project for my classes, all in packages of my
> own. For deployment, I unpack the jetspeed.war into a directory, copy my
> own stuff there (thereby overwriting some files) and then package
> everything into a .war file again. For the properties, I use the
> OverwriteProperties class as in the tutorial.
> The advantage is that it is a lot easier to switch to a new jetspeed
> version.

Absolutely. Coping directly with jetspeed's file layout can be a bit of
a pain. Having your source for each portlet laid out distinctly and a
slightly smarter deployment script pays huge dividends.

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol.
Tel +44(0)117 9287088 Fax +44 (0)117 9287112
You see what happens when you have fun with a stranger in the Alps?

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RE: build question---please help

2004-01-21 Thread Holger Dewes

> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 6:17 PM
> To: Jetspeed Users List
> Subject: RE: build question---please help
> With this background, I will try to answer your specific questions:
> Q1) Do i have to then look at jetspeed's(the jetspeed source) 
> build file to come up with my build.xml? I believe that 
> you can use the jetspeed's build.xml, but I believe that you 
> do not have to modify that build.xml. 
> 2) Instead of exploding the jetspeed jar to \web-inf\classes 
> can i just include this like a library jar in the 
> web-inf\lib? Don't know.  My approach was to incorporate 
> my stuff into the Jetspeed framework, rather than just trying 
> to use jetspeed as a jar. It would be cool if #2 was 
> possible, but something tells me that it won't work 
> (disclaimer: I am real newbie at this)

#2 is no problem. For the application server it makes no difference
whether the classes are located in WEB-INF/classes or in a jar in

I have a separate Eclipse project for my classes, all in packages of my
own. For deployment, I unpack the jetspeed.war into a directory, copy my
own stuff there (thereby overwriting some files) and then package
everything into a .war file again. For the properties, I use the
OverwriteProperties class as in the tutorial.

The advantage is that it is a lot easier to switch to a new jetspeed

Holger Dewes

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Problem with IFrame Portlet

2004-01-21 Thread venkat nagaraju
Hi all,

 I am using IFrame Portlet to embed a webapplication
as a portlet in jetspeed. I logged into the
webapplication with the userid and password.But when i
visit another pane in jetspeed and come back to
webapplication. It is again asking for the userid and
password i.e it is again reloading the application.

How to maintain the state of the IFramePortlet.

Thanks in Advance.


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