Print control not displayed for Role user - Very Urgent

2005-03-29 Thread Bhaskar T
Hi All,
I have created my own Security ID and I gave the following
(view,print,maiximize,minimize) Security Access to Role user.

Now when I log in and access the psml for which my security id is
defined, the protlet is displayed but the print control is not getting
displayed only maximize and minimize controls are displayed.

When I give Security Access as * Role user, I am getting all the
controls(including print) on the portlet, but when I try to add only
Security Access View, Maximize, Minimize and Print  the Print control
is not getting displayed for the portlet.

My requirement is to display only the print,maximize,minimize controls
for a portlet when the Role is User.

This is very urgent, can anyone help me out.


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Re: Read a psml file

2005-03-29 Thread Bhaskar T
Hi All,
There is a easiest way to access the parameters defined in a psml file.
In the portlet you just add the below code to read any parameter of
the psml file.

String textInPsmlFile = this.getAttribute(text);

I am assuing the parameter text is defined in the psml file as below:
parameter name=text value=this is the value I am looking in portelt/

Please let me know if this has answered your problem.

On Wed,  9 Feb 2005 19:17:10 +0100, angeloimm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all; in order to have the name of the PSML fiel where we are:
 ( (DefaultJetspeedRunData) (data)).getProfile().getDocument().getName(); by 
 usign a similar thing you should have a similar thing:
 C:/JBoss-3.2.5/server/default/jetspeed.war/web-inf/psml etc.
 Then i have used this code:
  public String getPsmlParameter(String psmlDocument, String parameterName) { to searching and reading PSML file:  + psmlDocument);
SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(
try {
  Document document = File(psmlDocument));
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(Is the Attribute null ?  +
  ( (Attribute) (XPath.
  parameterName +
LOG.debug(I'll return for parameterName: [ + parameterName +
  ] this value:  +
  ( (Attribute) (XPath.selectSingleNode(document,
//portlets/entry/[EMAIL PROTECTED]' + parameterName + 
  return ( (Attribute) (XPath.selectSingleNode(document,
  //portlets/entry/[EMAIL PROTECTED]' + parameterName + 
catch (IOException ex) {
  LOG.error(IOException. Message:  + ex.getMessage());
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(IOException. Message:  +
catch (JDOMException ex) {
  LOG.error(JDOMException. Message:  + ex.getMessage());
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(JDOMException. Message:  +
 I hope to be usefull.
 -- Initial Header ---
 From  : Deep Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To  : Jetspeed Users List
 Cc  :
 Date  : Wed, 9 Feb 2005 20:12:55 +0530
 Subject : Re: Read a psml file
  how did u do that???
  Thanks in advance
  - Original Message -
  From: angeloimm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jetspeed-user
  Cc: jetspeed-user
  Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 7:24 PM
  Subject: Re: Read a psml file
  Hi; thanks for your answer infact i have used XPath... the problem i had
  was to know the psml to read but i have solved it.
  -- Initial Header ---
  From  : Carlos Torres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To  : Jetspeed Users List
  Cc  :
  Date  : Wed, 9 Feb 2005 11:26:04 -0200
  Subject : Re: Read a psml file
   You could read the parameter in the psml file as a XML file with DOM or
   I didn't know if it is your question, if not explain better
   If you need to change the attribute or parameter in the psml you could
   it and transform in a DOM object and write it back, with the new
   in the file.
   Carlos Torres.
   - Original Message -
   From: zaza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Jetspeed Users List
   Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 10:27 AM
   Subject: Re: Read a psml file
David Sean Taylor wrote:
 angeloimm wrote:

 Hi all; if i know the psml name... how could i have a parameter in
 this psml file?

 Not sure if I understand the question, but I'll try.
 To change the parameters on a portlet instance, you can edit the psml
 file  by hand, for example the StockQuote portlet, override the
 init parameters on a portlet instance:

 entry id=P-f570871a5a-10008 parent=StockQuote
 layout position=-1 size=-1
 property name=column value=0/
 property name=row value=1/

 parameter name=symbols


 or change them from the running portlet. For example the StockQuote
 portlet provides an edit mode to edit the parameters

 For example let's suppose i have in the file a.psml a parameter
 text. well in a portlet called b 

How to get a logged in users Role and Group

2005-02-01 Thread Bhaskar T
Hi All,

How should I get the logged in users ROLE and GROUP in the top_loggedIn.jsp

Thanks in Advance

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How to avoid skin for a portlet

2004-12-21 Thread Bhaskar T
Hi All,
I don't want to have any skin to my portlet.
Can anyone tell me what I have to do for the same.
In configure mode of the portlet I don't see any No Skin option, so
please suggest me what I should do?

Thanks in advance

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