J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Santiago Urrizola
Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt they on mi 
organization model.
Basically i need to change the part where J2, 
1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default tables of 
the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.

I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i can change this, 
but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to change it. I 
see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new UserManager, but this 
class dont have full control of the users, i know tht i need to change the 
implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml in the assembly director.
But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new implementor 
for this interaces) ???
Thank you very very very very much


Re: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Randy Watler
There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest is 
probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use the 
existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template. Then 
there is JAAS...

Scott can probably comment in more detail.
Santiago Urrizola wrote:
Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt they on mi organization model.
Basically i need to change the part where J2, 
1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.

I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i can change this, 
but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to change it. I 
see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new UserManager, but this 
class dont have full control of the users, i know tht i need to change the 
implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml in the assembly director.
But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new implementor 
for this interaces) ???
Thank you very very very very much

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Re: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Santiago Urrizola
I see, his class. But i need to change for example: the data base acces,
tables, columns, (the database model is diferent), a so on  i think
there is more classes ... isn't it ?

- Original Message - 
From: Randy Watler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jetspeed Users List jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization


 There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest is
 probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use the
 existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template. Then
 there is JAAS...

 Scott can probably comment in more detail.


 Santiago Urrizola wrote:

 Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt they
on mi organization model.
 Basically i need to change the part where J2,
 1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default
tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
 2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
 3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.
 I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i can change
this, but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to
change it. I see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new
UserManager, but this class dont have full control of the users, i know tht
i need to change the implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml in the
assembly director.
 But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new
implementor for this interaces) ???
 Thank you very very very very much

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RE: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Scott T Weaver
Yes, writing a security valve is very simple since J2 uses standard
javax.security.Subject for authorization.  I have attached the code I use
that builds a Subject from our home grown SSO application.


 -Original Message-
 From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:00 PM
 To: Jetspeed Users List
 Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
 There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest is
 probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use the
 existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template. Then
 there is JAAS...
 Scott can probably comment in more detail.
 Santiago Urrizola wrote:
 Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt they
 on mi organization model.
 Basically i need to change the part where J2,
 1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default
 tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
 2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
 3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.
 I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i can change
 this, but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to
 change it. I see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new
 UserManager, but this class dont have full control of the users, i know
 tht i need to change the implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml in
 the assembly director.
 But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new
 implementor for this interaces) ???
 Thank you very very very very much
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 * Created on Jun 21, 2004
 * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
 * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
package com.ugs.it.jetspeed.valves;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline.PipelineException;
import org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline.valve.SecurityValve;
import org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline.valve.ValveContext;
import org.apache.jetspeed.request.RequestContext;
import org.apache.jetspeed.security.SecurityHelper;
import org.apache.jetspeed.security.UserPrincipal;
import org.apache.jetspeed.security.impl.AbstractSecurityValve;
import org.apache.jetspeed.security.impl.RolePrincipalImpl;
import org.apache.jetspeed.security.impl.UserPrincipalImpl;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware;

import com.ugs.it.jetspeed.security.ProductPrincipal;
import com.ugs.it.jetspeed.security.ZonePrincipal;
import com.ugs.it.salescentre.user.MissingCookieException;
import com.ugs.it.salescentre.user.MissingUserException;
import com.ugs.it.salescentre.user.SalesCentreUser;
import com.ugs.it.salescentre.util.spring.HttpServletRequestFactoryBean;

 * @author a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Scott T. Weaver /a
public class WebKeySecurityValve extends AbstractSecurityValve implements
SecurityValve, BeanFactoryAware
protected final String WEBKEY_COOKIE = WEBKEY_SSO;
protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WebKeySecurityValve.class);
protected String webKeyServer;
private Configuration config;
private BeanFactory beanFactory;

public WebKeySecurityValve(Configuration config)
this.config = config;

 * p
 * invoke
 * /p
 * @see 
 *  org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline.valve.ValveContext)
 * @param arg0
 * @param arg1
 * @throws org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline.PipelineException
public void invoke(RequestContext rc, ValveContext vc)
throws PipelineException
HttpServletRequest request = rc.getRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = rc.getResponse();

HttpServletRequestFactoryBean requestFactoryBean = 
(HttpServletRequestFactoryBean) beanFactory
requestFactoryBean.setRequest((HttpServletRequest) request);

SalesCentreUser user = (SalesCentreUser) beanFactory
if (isAuthorized(user

Re: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Santiago Urrizola
Thanks a lot !!
But so, want is the usefull of the UserManager, RoleManager, and all the
other interfaces ...
the class you send me work at the request level, its there anuy posibility
to change only the base layer of the aplication, like, the getUser(String
user) method of the UserManager or something like that ??
or its convenient, to change al the clases begin with the SecurityValve ???

- Original Message - 
From: Scott T Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jetspeed Users List' jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization

 Yes, writing a security valve is very simple since J2 uses standard
 javax.security.Subject for authorization.  I have attached the code I use
 that builds a Subject from our home grown SSO application.


  -Original Message-
  From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:00 PM
  To: Jetspeed Users List
  Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
  There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest is
  probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use the
  existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template. Then
  there is JAAS...
  Scott can probably comment in more detail.
  Santiago Urrizola wrote:
  Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt they
  on mi organization model.
  Basically i need to change the part where J2,
  1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default
  tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
  2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
  3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.
  I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i can
  this, but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to
  change it. I see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new
  UserManager, but this class dont have full control of the users, i know
  tht i need to change the implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml in
  the assembly director.
  But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new
  implementor for this interaces) ???
  Thank you very very very very much
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RE: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Frank Villarreal

... man this is excellent.  I've been struggling with swapping out J2's
security for days upon days.  Being that the docs on security are somewhat
sparse didn't help.  I didn't want to even attempt to implement JAAS.
Taking a look at you attached code cleared a few things up.  If I reverse
engineer your example for my custom needs and reconfigure the files in
WEB-INF/assembly to use this class as the default security valve ... other
than breaking PAM application ... is there anything else that has to be
reimplemented to get a custom authentication  authorization valve
functional in J2?

- Frank

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott T Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 03:13 PM
 To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
 Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization

 Yes, writing a security valve is very simple since J2 uses standard
 javax.security.Subject for authorization.  I have attached the code I use
 that builds a Subject from our home grown SSO application.


  -Original Message-
  From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:00 PM
  To: Jetspeed Users List
  Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
  There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest is
  probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use the
  existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template. Then
  there is JAAS...
  Scott can probably comment in more detail.
  Santiago Urrizola wrote:
  Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt they
  on mi organization model.
  Basically i need to change the part where J2,
  1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default
  tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
  2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
  3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.
  I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i
 can change
  this, but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to
  change it. I see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new
  UserManager, but this class dont have full control of the users, i know
  tht i need to change the implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml in
  the assembly director.
  But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new
  implementor for this interaces) ???
  Thank you very very very very much
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RE: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Scott T Weaver
Nope, I just removed all of the custom J2 security valve stuff and stuck
mine in palce of it.  Here is an example of my current pipeline config.


 -Original Message-
 From: Frank Villarreal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:37 PM
 To: Jetspeed Users List
 Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization
 ... man this is excellent.  I've been struggling with swapping out J2's
 security for days upon days.  Being that the docs on security are somewhat
 sparse didn't help.  I didn't want to even attempt to implement JAAS.
 Taking a look at you attached code cleared a few things up.  If I reverse
 engineer your example for my custom needs and reconfigure the files in
 WEB-INF/assembly to use this class as the default security valve ...
 than breaking PAM application ... is there anything else that has to be
 reimplemented to get a custom authentication  authorization valve
 functional in J2?
 - Frank
  -Original Message-
  From: Scott T Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 03:13 PM
  To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
  Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization
  Yes, writing a security valve is very simple since J2 uses standard
  javax.security.Subject for authorization.  I have attached the code I
  that builds a Subject from our home grown SSO application.
   -Original Message-
   From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:00 PM
   To: Jetspeed Users List
   Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
   There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest
   probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use
   existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template.
   there is JAAS...
   Scott can probably comment in more detail.
   Santiago Urrizola wrote:
   Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt
   on mi organization model.
   Basically i need to change the part where J2,
   1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default
   tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
   2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
   3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.
   I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i
  can change
   this, but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to
   change it. I see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new
   UserManager, but this class dont have full control of the users, i
   tht i need to change the implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml
   the assembly director.
   But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new
   implementor for this interaces) ???
   Thank you very very very very much
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?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC -//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd;
Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  bean id=webkeyValve
	ref bean=portal_configuration /  	
  bean id=ugs-webkey-pipeline
	ref bean=webkeyValve/
	ref bean=localizationValve/
	ref bean=capabilityValve/
ref bean=portalURLValve/
	ref bean=profilerValve/
	ref bean=containerValve/
	ref bean=actionValve/
	ref bean=aggregatorValve/
	ref bean=cleanUpValve/
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Re: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Santiago Urrizola
Scot, its really grate thanks !
i clarifiy mi requeriments with this:
   I must let new users to register in the portal. (create new users)
   This class, have anithing in common with this process ???

- Original Message - 
From: Frank Villarreal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jetspeed Users List jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:37 PM
Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization


 ... man this is excellent.  I've been struggling with swapping out J2's
 security for days upon days.  Being that the docs on security are somewhat
 sparse didn't help.  I didn't want to even attempt to implement JAAS.
 Taking a look at you attached code cleared a few things up.  If I reverse
 engineer your example for my custom needs and reconfigure the files in
 WEB-INF/assembly to use this class as the default security valve ...
 than breaking PAM application ... is there anything else that has to be
 reimplemented to get a custom authentication  authorization valve
 functional in J2?

 - Frank

  -Original Message-
  From: Scott T Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 03:13 PM
  To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
  Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization
  Yes, writing a security valve is very simple since J2 uses standard
  javax.security.Subject for authorization.  I have attached the code I
  that builds a Subject from our home grown SSO application.
   -Original Message-
   From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:00 PM
   To: Jetspeed Users List
   Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
   There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest
   probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use
   existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template.
   there is JAAS...
   Scott can probably comment in more detail.
   Santiago Urrizola wrote:
   Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt
   on mi organization model.
   Basically i need to change the part where J2,
   1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default
   tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
   2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
   3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.
   I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i
  can change
   this, but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to
   change it. I see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new
   UserManager, but this class dont have full control of the users, i
   tht i need to change the implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml
   the assembly director.
   But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new
   implementor for this interaces) ???
   Thank you very very very very much
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RE: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Scott T Weaver
We don't do any user management in the portal, as that is all taken care of
through other means which we do not concern ourselves with currently.


 -Original Message-
 From: Santiago Urrizola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:29 PM
 To: Jetspeed Users List
 Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
 Thanks a lot !!
 But so, want is the usefull of the UserManager, RoleManager, and all the
 other interfaces ...
 the class you send me work at the request level, its there anuy posibility
 to change only the base layer of the aplication, like, the getUser(String
 user) method of the UserManager or something like that ??
 or its convenient, to change al the clases begin with the SecurityValve
 - Original Message -
 From: Scott T Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Jetspeed Users List' jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:13 PM
 Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization
  Yes, writing a security valve is very simple since J2 uses standard
  javax.security.Subject for authorization.  I have attached the code I
  that builds a Subject from our home grown SSO application.
   -Original Message-
   From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:00 PM
   To: Jetspeed Users List
   Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
   There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest
   probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use
   existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template.
   there is JAAS...
   Scott can probably comment in more detail.
   Santiago Urrizola wrote:
   Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt
   on mi organization model.
   Basically i need to change the part where J2,
   1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default
   tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
   2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
   3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.
   I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i can
   this, but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to
   change it. I see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new
   UserManager, but this class dont have full control of the users, i
   tht i need to change the implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml
   the assembly director.
   But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new
   implementor for this interaces) ???
   Thank you very very very very much
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RE: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Scott T Weaver
Our registration process is very controlled and goes through a work flow and
verification process.  The process is handled by an entirely different


 -Original Message-
 From: Santiago Urrizola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:38 PM
 To: Jetspeed Users List
 Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
 Scot, its really grate thanks !
 i clarifiy mi requeriments with this:
I must let new users to register in the portal. (create new users)
This class, have anithing in common with this process ???
 - Original Message -
 From: Frank Villarreal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jetspeed Users List jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:37 PM
 Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization
  ... man this is excellent.  I've been struggling with swapping out J2's
  security for days upon days.  Being that the docs on security are
  sparse didn't help.  I didn't want to even attempt to implement JAAS.
  Taking a look at you attached code cleared a few things up.  If I
  engineer your example for my custom needs and reconfigure the files in
  WEB-INF/assembly to use this class as the default security valve ...
  than breaking PAM application ... is there anything else that has to be
  reimplemented to get a custom authentication  authorization valve
  functional in J2?
  - Frank
   -Original Message-
   From: Scott T Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 03:13 PM
   To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
   Subject: RE: J2 Security Customization
   Yes, writing a security valve is very simple since J2 uses standard
   javax.security.Subject for authorization.  I have attached the code I
   that builds a Subject from our home grown SSO application.
-Original Message-
From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:00 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization
There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest
probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use
existing o/a/j/security.impl.SecurityValveImpl.java as a template.
there is JAAS...
Scott can probably comment in more detail.
Santiago Urrizola wrote:
Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt
on mi organization model.
Basically i need to change the part where J2,
1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default
tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.

I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i
   can change
this, but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes)
change it. I see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new
UserManager, but this class dont have full control of the users, i
tht i need to change the implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml
the assembly director.
But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new
implementor for this interaces) ???
Thank you very very very very much



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Re: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread David Sean Taylor
Scott T Weaver wrote:
Our registration process is very controlled and goes through a work flow and
verification process.  The process is handled by an entirely different
Ive got the same kind of situation on a Jetspeed-2 portal deployment.
The login is actually done by a federated authentication server, and 
then redirected to Jetspeed.

David Sean Taylor
Bluesunrise Software
[office] +01 707 773-4646
[mobile] +01 707 529 9194
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Re: J2 Security Customization

2005-04-21 Thread Santiago Urrizola
ok, thanks !!
so ... anyone knows how can i change .. or where i mus see .. to change the
registration and autentication procees, thats include:

loks for an user when he try to login, and if tis valid asign some roles
(roles of the portal, not of my organitzation) depending in some atributes
of the user (who is stores in another database)

register a new user, and permit a new user register its own to the
portal (me by i can create a new portlet/application for this ??)

Y see a lot of places where i can change this, buyt i dont want to change or
create classes anyware, i want to create or modify the correct classses or
implement the correct interfaces for this problem.

Thanks a lot, all of you

- Original Message - 
From: David Sean Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jetspeed Users List jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: J2 Security Customization

 Scott T Weaver wrote:
  Our registration process is very controlled and goes through a work flow
  verification process.  The process is handled by an entirely different
 Ive got the same kind of situation on a Jetspeed-2 portal deployment.
 The login is actually done by a federated authentication server, and
 then redirected to Jetspeed.

 David Sean Taylor
 Bluesunrise Software
 [office] +01 707 773-4646
 [mobile] +01 707 529 9194

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