Re: Better tools for adjusting to strong encapsulation

2017-03-22 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst


How do we (Oracle JDeveloper) turn these illegal reflective-access 
operation warnings off. We don't want or need these warnings when 
running JDeveloper except during specific developer sessions.

BTW, the big kill switch doesn't seem useful, it just hides everything 
that needs work.

Keimpe Bronkhorst

On 3/21/2017 11:57 AM, wrote:

Warnings of illegal reflective-access operations

When an illegal reflective access operation succeeds due to the use of
the `--permit-illegal-access` option, or the use of an `--add-opens` or
`--add-exports` option, then a warning message of the following form is
written to the error stream:

 WARNING: Illegal access by $PERPETRATOR to $VICTIM (permitted by $OPTION)


   - $PERPETRATOR is the fully-qualified name of the type containing
 the code that invoked the reflective operation in question plus
 the code source (i.e., JAR-file path), if available,

   - $VICTIM is a string that describes the member being accessed,
 including the fully-qualified name of the enclosing type, and

   - $OPTION is the name of the command-line option that enabled this
 access, when that can be determined, or the first one of those
 options if more than one option had that effect.

The run-time system attempts to suppress duplicate warnings for the same
$PERPETRATOR and $VICTIM, but it's not always practical to do so.

For deeper diagnosis you can request a stack trace on each such warning
by setting the system property `sun.reflect.debugModuleAccessChecks` to
the value `access`, though this detail might change.  (That property can
also be helpful to diagnose mysterious failures due to illegal-access
exceptions that are caught and suppressed.)

In addition to displaying a warning on each illegal access operation, the
run-time system also shows new initial warning messages at startup time.
If `--permit-illegal-access` is used then a warning reports the imminent
demise of that option in the next major release.  If either `--add-opens`
or `--add-exports` are used then a warning reports a count of each type
of option used (i.e., opens vs. exports).

Here are some examples of these messages, from running Jython on a very
recent Jigsaw build:

   $ java --permit-illegal-access -jar jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar
   WARNING: --permit-illegal-access will be removed in the next major release
   WARNING: Illegal access by jnr.posix.JavaLibCHelper 
(file:/tmp/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar) to method 
(permitted by --permit-illegal-access)
   WARNING: Illegal access by jnr.posix.JavaLibCHelper 
(file:/tmp/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar) to field 
(permitted by --permit-illegal-access)
   WARNING: Illegal access by jnr.posix.JavaLibCHelper 
(file:/tmp/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar) to field 
(permitted by --permit-illegal-access)
   WARNING: Illegal access by org.python.core.PySystemState 
(file:/tmp/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar) to method 
(permitted by --permit-illegal-access)
   Jython 2.7.0 (default:9987c746f838, Apr 29 2015, 02:25:11)
   [OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Oracle Corporation)] on java9-internal
   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
   >>> ^D

Re: Better tools for adjusting to strong encapsulation

2017-03-23 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst
Thanks, Mark. We're in the middle of collecting necessary --add-opens, 
--add-exports and other options and only making some progress with 
removing the need for them. Warnings in JDK10 seems more appropriate.

Keimpe Bronkhorst
Oracle JDeveloper

On 3/23/2017 2:13 AM, wrote:


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 20:30:00 -0700
Subject: Re: Better tools for adjusting to strong encapsulation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Thanks to everyone for all the feedback on this topic.

It appears that issuing warning messages for illegal-access operations
enabled by the precise `--add-opens` and `--add-exports` options is a
bit too aggressive, at least for JDK 9.  Perhaps we can enable that in
JDK 10 after there's been more time for libraries, frameworks, and even
the JDK itself to adjust to the realities of strong encapsulation.

For now I suggest that we revert to the previous behavior of these two
options, so that they do not cause warning messages to be issued.  The
new `--permit-illegal-access` option will continue to generate warning
messages, as proposed.  If those messages are a problem in a particular
scenario then they can be eliminated by switching to an appropriate set
of `--add-opens` options, which can be constructed from the information
contained in those messages.


- Mark

-XaddExports: not recognized in JavaVMInitArgs on Windows

2016-03-03 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst

I'm using build 9-ea+107-jigsaw-nightly-h4560-20160301 on Windows.

I'm executing my program through jvm.dll using JavaVMInitArgs and JNI.  
I set JavaVMInitArgs.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE and add 
-XaddExports:java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED as one of the 

This results in Unrecognized option: 

If use JavaVMInitArgs.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_TRUE, I run into the 
Exception breakpoint:, 
java.lang.IllegalAccessException, class 
org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$TopLevelThreadGroup cannot access 
class sun.awt.AppContext (in module java.desktop) because module 
java.desktop does not export sun.awt to unnamed module @204f30ec

Is this a known limitation at this time or should I file a bug?

Keimpe Bronkhorst

Warning: Cannot use jsr199 Javac from jrt-fs.jar"

2015-10-07 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst
It is possible in JDK8 and before to run JSR199 compilations using a 
class loader that loads from tools.jar. I can't do something similar in 
JDK9 using a new jigsaw build, trying to load from jrt-fs.jar. I get 
this: Warning: Cannot use jsr199 Javac from jrt-fs.jar".

Does this mean you can only use the JSR199 as provided by 
ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler() of the current process in JDK9?

Keimpe Bronkhorst

Re: Warning: Cannot use jsr199 Javac from jrt-fs.jar"

2015-10-07 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst

The underlying exception I get is:
"Class oracle.jdevimpl.javacompiler.JDevJavaCompiler can not access a 
member of class (module jdk.compiler) 
with modifiers "public static", module jdk.compiler does not export to "

Will there be a "public API" way to run JSR199 of any JDK9 installation?

Keimpe Bronkhorst

On 10/7/2015 6:54 PM, Keimpe Bronkhorst wrote:
It is possible in JDK8 and before to run JSR199 compilations using a 
class loader that loads from tools.jar. I can't do something similar 
in JDK9 using a new jigsaw build, trying to load from jrt-fs.jar. I 
get this: Warning: Cannot use jsr199 Javac from jrt-fs.jar".

Does this mean you can only use the JSR199 as provided by 
ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler() of the current process in JDK9?

Keimpe Bronkhorst

RE: Warning: Cannot use jsr199 Javac from jrt-fs.jar"

2015-10-08 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst


Users of JDeveloper want to be able to compile and run their code with
any JDK on their filesystem, not just compile and run with the JDK
JDeveloper is running on.

The compile I could make work in JDK8 and before by getting a from
all loaded through a classloader from tools.jar of the JDK the user
wanted to use.

I remember you previously mentioned you were considering a way to
use JSR199 from any JDK other than the one of the current process.

Keimpe Bronkhorst

On 10/07/2015 06:01 PM, Keimpe Bronkhorst wrote:

/The underlying exception I get is: />/"Class oracle.jdevimpl.javacompiler.JDevJavaCompiler can not access a />/member of class (module />/jdk.compiler) with modifiers 
"public static", module jdk.compiler does />/not export to " />//>/Will there be a "public API" way to run JSR199 of any JDK9 
installation? />//>/Keimpe Bronkhorst />/JDeveloper />//>/On 10/7/2015 6:54 PM, Keimpe Bronkhorst wrote: />>/It is possible in JDK8 and before to run JSR199 compilations using a />>/class 
loader that loads from tools.jar. I can't do something similar />>/in JDK9 using a new jigsaw build, trying to load from jrt-fs.jar. I />>/get this: Warning: Cannot use jsr199 Javac from jrt-fs.jar". 
/>>//>>/Does this mean you can only use the JSR199 as provided by />>/ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler() of the current process in JDK9? />>//>>/Keimpe Bronkhorst />>/JDeveloper 


While we know that some "friends of javac" have been using its internal
API, it would be good to know what specific internal features you have
been using, so that we can see if there are alternatives on the public
API, and maybe provide additional public API where appropriate.

You can run tools like jdeps to find what dependencies you have on any
internal API.

-- Jon

Re: Warning: Cannot use jsr199 Javac from jrt-fs.jar"

2015-10-08 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst

If the user's project's JDK has a higher version than the JDK of 
JDeveloper, the compile is done out-of-process. Otherwise an in-process 
JSR199 is attempted.
Yes, -source/-target/-Xbootclasspath (and now -release) for 
cross-compiling is another way, but it doesn't use the Javac of the 
user's project's JDK. The user can easily set up a cross-compile in 
JDeveloper, but some users want to use the actual Javac of their 
project's JDK.

Keimpe Bronkhorst

On 10/8/2015 1:36 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 08/10/2015 17:47, Keimpe Bronkhorst wrote:


Users of JDeveloper want to be able to compile and run their code with
any JDK on their filesystem, not just compile and run with the JDK
JDeveloper is running on.
I'm curious about this. If JDeveloper is running on JDK 7 for example 
and someone configures it to use a JDK 8 then would you have attempted 
to load from the JDK 8 tools.jar in that case? As JDK 7 doesn't know 
anything about 52.0 class files then I assume not.

So maybe the loading from the target tools.jar was when the target JDK 
is the same or older than the version that the IDE is running? In that 
case I'm curious as to whether it can be made to use 
-source/-target/-Xbootclasspath instead of attempt to run the javac 
from the target JDK in the same VM. On JDK 9 then you have the 
wonderful new -release option to try too.


Re: Warning: Cannot use jsr199 Javac from jrt-fs.jar"

2015-10-08 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst


I'm running JDeveloper with jigsaw build 
1.9.0-ea-jigsaw-nightly-h3477-20150929-b83. Compiling in-process using 
JSR199 with a Javac from JDK8 tools.jar is working fine.


On 10/8/2015 2:27 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 08/10/2015 20:45, Keimpe Bronkhorst wrote:

If the user's project's JDK has a higher version than the JDK of 
JDeveloper, the compile is done out-of-process. Otherwise an 
in-process JSR199 is attempted.
Yes, -source/-target/-Xbootclasspath (and now -release) for 
cross-compiling is another way, but it doesn't use the Javac of the 
user's project's JDK. The user can easily set up a cross-compile in 
JDeveloper, but some users want to use the actual Javac of their 
project's JDK.
I don't want to comment on trying to mixing different versions of JDK 
modules in the same VM but I'm curious whether your loading of 
tools.jar in the target VM continues to work when you run it on jake 
and when targeting a JDK 8 or older. I would expect it should work as 
before, assuming of course that your custom class loader that is 
loading from the targets tools.jar isn't doing parent-first 
delegation. The latter point is important because a consequence of the 
JEP 220 work is that types that were previously in tools.jar are 
always visible when running a class path application on the JDK.


JavaFileManager UnsupportedOperationException

2015-10-08 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst

I'm running with jigsaw build 1.9.0-ea-jigsaw-nightly-h3477-20150929-b83.
I'm trying to do a JSR199 compilation using 
ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(), but the compile fails immediately 
with the exception below. I don't have access to the sources of this 
JDK. Does somebody know what I'm doing wrong?

Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

Keimpe Bronkhorst

The -release option is not compatible with JavaFileManagers

2015-10-13 Thread Keimpe Bronkhorst
I have a custom JavaFileManager used for JSR199 compilations, but when I 
use the -release option I see:

Error: -release option specified, but the provided JavaFileManager is 
not a StandardJavaFileManager..

This basically forces everybody to implement StandardJavaFileManagers, 
even if they don't want that. Isn't there a way to make this work with 

Keimpe Bronkhorst