Re: Better tools for adjusting to strong encapsulation

2017-03-21 Thread Simon Nash

These new messages are a big problem for an application that interacts with
the user via the console.  I understand that the messages may be useful to
application developers who need to "identify which libraries and frameworks
on your class path require illegal access in order to work".  For other
situations where the reason for the access is known to the application
developer and there is no way to avoid it, please consider giving the
application developer the option to suppress the messages or redirect them
to somewhere other than System.err.


On 21/03/2017 14:48, wrote:

By now we've heard quite a bit of feedback, both publicly and privately,
from developers who've migrated existing applications to JDK 9.  This can
be a non-trivial task, involving the iterative construction of a set of
command-line workarounds, since some popular libraries and frameworks use
the core reflection API to access internal APIs of the JDK.  On JDK 9
such components no longer work out-of-the-box because most internal APIs
are now strongly encapsulated in order to improve the integrity of the

In order to make it easier to adjust to the strong encapsulation of
internal APIs in JDK 9, in both the short term and over the long term,
we've introduced a temporary "big kill switch", described below.  This
switch will only be supported in JDK 9.  It's already available in the
current Jigsaw EA builds [1], and will shortly be merged into JDK 9.


Diagnosing the failures of libraries and frameworks that access internal
APIs of the JDK and then working around those failures is possible, but
tedious.  The initial symptom is usually an `IllegalAccessException` or
an `InaccessibleObjectException`.  The workaround is to use an
`--add-opens` command-line option whose arguments are based upon the
information shown in the exception message.  A large application that
uses several reflective components may suffer many such failures, so this
process may have to be repeated many times, resulting in a long list of
command-line options that will typically be recorded in a launch script
or an @-file.

These options are tedious to construct but, additionally, there's a
significant risk that once they're baked into a file they'll never be
removed, even long after the problems that they work around have been
resolved.  An application that needs some workarounds today might not
benefit as well as it could from strong encapsulation in the long term,
after all of the reflective components that it uses have been fixed to
replace their use of JDK-internal APIs with proper exported APIs.

To help the entire ecosystem migrate to the modular Java platform we want
to motivate such fixes as strongly as we possibly can, especially in the
near term.  We can do that by making it easier for you to get an existing
application to work while also ensuring that the run-time system reports
illegal reflective-access operations in a way that allows you to identify
which libraries and frameworks on your class path require illegal access
in order to work.  If a component's maintainers have already released a
new, fixed version that no longer requires illegal access then you can
consider upgrading to that version.  If, however, a component still needs
to be fixed then we encourage you to contact its maintainers and ask them
to stop using JDK-internal APIs [2].

With all this in mind we've introduced a "big kill switch", described
below, together with some new warning messages.  This switch will be
supported in JDK 9, in order to enable application migration and motivate
fixes to libraries and frameworks.  It will not be supported in JDK 10 or
later releases, in order to motivate fixes to libraries and frameworks
sooner rather than later.  If this switch were to be supported long-term
then that would tend to reduce the pressure on maintainers to fix their

New command-line option: `--permit-illegal-access`

If this option is present at run time then it will permit illegal access
operations by code in any unnamed module (i.e., code on the class path)
to members of types in any named module via the standard reflective APIs
(`java.lang.reflect` and `java.lang.invoke`), including in particular
those that would otherwise result in an `IllegalAccessException` or an

| This option will only be supported in JDK 9. |
| It will be removed in JDK 10.|

This option does not permit illegal access operations by code in named
modules to members of types in other named modules; for that you must
use the `--add-opens` or `--add-exports` options.  Those options can be
combined with `--permit-illegal-access`.

Warnings of illegal reflective-access operations

Re: Better tools for adjusting to strong encapsulation

2017-03-23 Thread Simon Nash

I think the distinction between the precise options and the big kill
switch is important and I welcome this change.  It will solve the
immediate problem for my application.

I still have reservations about the hard-wired use of System.err for
warning messages for the reasons given by Roel Spilker.  Michael
Rasmussen mentioned other cases of this in JDK 9 but I'm not sure what
these are.


On 23/03/2017 03:30, wrote:

Thanks to everyone for all the feedback on this topic.

It appears that issuing warning messages for illegal-access operations
enabled by the precise `--add-opens` and `--add-exports` options is a
bit too aggressive, at least for JDK 9.  Perhaps we can enable that in
JDK 10 after there's been more time for libraries, frameworks, and even
the JDK itself to adjust to the realities of strong encapsulation.

For now I suggest that we revert to the previous behavior of these two
options, so that they do not cause warning messages to be issued.  The
new `--permit-illegal-access` option will continue to generate warning
messages, as proposed.  If those messages are a problem in a particular
scenario then they can be eliminated by switching to an appropriate set
of `--add-opens` options, which can be constructed from the information
contained in those messages.


- Mark

Re: Better tools for adjusting to strong encapsulation

2017-03-24 Thread Simon Nash

On 23/03/2017 19:04, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 23/03/2017 18:44, Alan Snyder wrote:

If I understand JEP 264 correctly, it should be possible to direct 
platform generated error messages to locations other than the standard 
error stream (System.err).

Is that correct?

If so, would it not make sense for the default to be the (platform 
dependent) console log rather than System.err, which is used by 
applications for their own error messages?
System.Logger can be configured to send log messages to whatever logging 
library you are using. However, is is not appropriate here, ditto for 
several other areas where you don't want arbitrary code to execute.


Would it be possible for the JDK to include a small number of predefined
Logger instances that provide alternative destinations for these messages?
For example, there could be a logger for System.err, a logger for the
platform console (where applicable) and a logger that directs output to
a user-specified file.  This approach would provide some flexibility for
the developer without allowing arbitrary code to execute.


Re: Better tools for adjusting to strong encapsulation

2017-03-24 Thread Simon Nash

On 24/03/2017 13:02, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 24/03/2017 12:01, Peter Levart wrote:


Just a reminder that System.err field is "writable" and therefore 
System.setErr(PrintStream) can be used to redirect output to execute 
arbitrary code...

That's right, it needs to captured at startup or sent directly to stderr.


I think this means that at startup, an application could do
 PrintStream sysErr = System.err;
where myErr is an application subclass of PrintStream that filters out any
unwanted warnings produced by JDK code and sends all other output to sysErr.
Would this work?


Re: Review Request JDK-8175819: OS name and arch in JMOD files should match the values as in the bundle name

2017-04-03 Thread Simon Nash

On 03/04/2017 21:15, wrote:

2017/4/3 11:41:03 -0700,



This shows the old and new value of OS_NAME/OS_ARCH properties
in the `release` file:

JDK 8   JDK 9
-   -
OS_NAME Linux   linux
SunOS   solaris
Darwin  osx
Windows windows
OS_ARCH i386,x86x86

i586,amd64,x86_64   x64
sparcv9 sparcv9
arm arm32
aarch64 arm64

I suggest we use "amd64" instead of "x64" (or any other variants).
"x64" is confusingly close to "x86", and while it's used by some
companies (including Oracle), it's not used all that widely.  "amd64" is
better known, matches the long-standing value of the "os.arch" system
property (on Linux and Windows, anyway) and, as a side benefit, honors
the originators of the architecture.

- Mark

I am not sure why we would change to osx for Mac when the Mac developers
have recently dropped the Mac OS X terminology and changed it to macOS.


Re: Review Request JDK-8175819: OS name and arch in JMOD files should match the values as in the bundle name

2017-04-03 Thread Simon Nash

On 03/04/2017 22:07, Mandy Chung wrote:

On Apr 3, 2017, at 1:35 PM, Simon Nash  wrote:

On 03/04/2017 21:15, wrote:

I am not sure why we would change to osx for Mac when the Mac developers
have recently dropped the Mac OS X terminology and changed it to macOS.

Just to be clear, there is no plan to change the value of the
‘’ system property and its value is “Mac OS X”.  
Changing the value of the system property ‘’ would 
break existing applications.

In JDK 8, OS_NAME in the release file is “Darwin” which is
what this patch would change.


I understand that the property value cannot be changed for compatibility
reasons and therefore this name needs to stay as the "historic" Mac OS X.

My comment was regarding the change of value for OS_NAME.  Given that there is
no compatibility issue here, does it make sense for the new value to be 
that is no longer current in Apple terminology?


Re: Feedback on proposal for #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes

2016-07-09 Thread Simon Nash

Jason Greene wrote:

There is also a disparity here that the JDK itself doesn’t require you to 
export packages (e.g. I don’t need it for Java serialization). Now I realize 
that there is an effort underway to de-privilege modules, but I suspect that a 
portion of the JDK will continue to enjoy special power for precisely the same 
usability concerns that apply to frameworks / standards which extend the 

I think this a very important point.  If someone wanted to reimplement
Java serialization (, etc.) as an external library
(, etc.), the new restrictions on reflective
access in JDK 9 would prevent this.


Re: Feedback on proposal for #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes

2016-07-09 Thread Simon Nash

Alan Bateman wrote:

On 09/07/2016 08:46, Simon Nash wrote:

I think this a very important point.  If someone wanted to reimplement
Java serialization (, etc.) as an external 

(, etc.), the new restrictions on reflective
access in JDK 9 would prevent this.
If there are types in non-exported packages in the serial form then it 
could be an issue. Some serialization libraries are based on Unsafe and 
sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory, both "critical internal APIs" that 
continue to be available via the jdk.unsupported module. More on this in 
JEP 260 [1].



Is it really a good idea to encourage packages that currently use reflection
to access non-exported private fields (an official part of the Java API) to
change to using internal APIs?  This seems like a step backwards to me.


Re: Feedback on proposal for #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes

2016-07-09 Thread Simon Nash

Alan Bateman wrote:

On 09/07/2016 09:57, Simon Nash wrote:

Is it really a good idea to encourage packages that currently use 
to access non-exported private fields (an official part of the Java 
API) to

change to using internal APIs?  This seems like a step backwards to me.
I didn't suggest that. I was just pointing out that some of the 3rd 
party serialization libraries that we've come across are based on Unsafe 
and ReflectionFactory and the latter is specifically on critical 
internal API for that reason.


Yes, I understand.  My point was that these APIs might in some cases
become a substitute for reflective access to non-exported private fields
if the latter is prohibited,


Re: Feedback on proposal for #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes

2016-07-09 Thread Simon Nash

Paul Benedict wrote:

For those who are still supporters of preventing non-exported types from
being reflected, I think a compromise can still be found, but it's not in
this proposal. Here are two other alternatives I hope the EG will consider:

1) Introduce a new permission type to allow non-exported types to be
reflected. I don't find it acceptable the module gets to dictate what can't
be reflected. I believe this should be controlled and configured externally
-- certainly not the module itself.

2) Allow layers to control if non-exported types can be reflected. Perhaps
the JDK sets its own layers to "false", but Containers and what they deploy
can be separately configured, each. For example, maybe WebLogic won't allow
itself to have its non-exported types reflected, but if each EAR gets its
own layers, I could configure WebLogic to allow me to reflect everything
within the EAR.

PS: I don't see #1 and #2 to be mutually exclusive.


I would like to propose another possible compromise that might satisfy both
of the following requirements that have been expressed on this thread:

1) My module should completely encapsulate some internal classes and make
   them invisible to the outside world

2) My module or library needs reflective access to internal classes in
   other modules in order to function correctly

At present, a module can mark its packages as:
 exported at compile time and runtime
 exported only at runtime via reflection
 never exported (the default)

Instead, these options could change to:
 exported at compile time and runtime
 exported at runtime only via reflection (the default)
 never exported (hidden)

This would allow modules to mark certain packages as "hidden" if these
packages contain internal methods or fields that should be never be
accessible externally under any circumstances.  The default would be
to allow reflection by other modules or libraries that need such access.


jdk.unsupported module missing from compact profiles

2016-10-29 Thread Simon Nash

My application uses sun.misc.SignalHandler which is now in the jdk.unsupported
module.  This class is available when running with the full JRE but not when
running with the compact3 JRE.

The sun.misc.* classes are available in the compact1/2/3 profiles in JDK 8 and
I don't see any reason why the compact1/2/3 profiles should not contain these
classes in JDK 9.

To fix this, the Images.gmk file should be modified to change line 51 from:

COMPACT1_EXTRA_MODULES := jdk.localedata jdk.crypto.pkcs11


COMPACT1_EXTRA_MODULES := jdk.localedata jdk.crypto.pkcs11 


Re: jdk.unsupported module missing from compact profiles

2016-10-31 Thread Simon Nash

Alan Bateman wrote:

On 29/10/2016 23:09, Simon Nash wrote:

My application uses sun.misc.SignalHandler which is now in the 
module.  This class is available when running with the full JRE but 
not when

running with the compact3 JRE.

The sun.misc.* classes are available in the compact1/2/3 profiles in 
JDK 8 and
I don't see any reason why the compact1/2/3 profiles should not 
contain these

classes in JDK 9.
Not an issue if you are using jlink to create the runtime image yourself 
but fair point that the JDK build should probably include 
jdk.unsupported in the runtime images for the compact Profiles. I'll 
create a bug for this.


Thanks!  I have found the bug report and I am starting the process of
becoming a contributor so that I can submit a fix.


Accessing internal packages in JDK 9

2015-07-28 Thread Simon Nash

I am developing an application that is using some internal JDK packages
(sun.*) to work around some problems with "leaked" Swing objects that
reference my application classloader via their protection domain.  This
means that my application classloader cannot be garbage collected even if
I remove all references to it from within my application.  This is a
problem because my application uses native DLLs that sometimes need to be
replaced by new versions without restarting the application and these DLLs
cannot be unloaded and reloaded unless the application classloader that
loaded these DLLs has been garbage collected.

The workarounds I am using for this problem use a combination of internal
APIs together with reflection to locate the fields that are holding these
internal "leaked" objects and set these fields to null.

With JDK 9 and Project Jigsaw, I understand that it will no longer be
possible for my application to directly reference internal sun.* classes.
Will it still be possible to use ClassLoader.loadClass to load these sun.*
classes and use reflection to invoke their methods?

 Simon Nash

Re: [SPAM?] Re: Accessing internal packages in JDK 9

2015-07-28 Thread Simon Nash wrote:

2015/7/28 4:21 -0700, Simon Nash :


With JDK 9 and Project Jigsaw, I understand that it will no longer be
possible for my application to directly reference internal sun.* classes.
Will it still be possible to use ClassLoader.loadClass to load these sun.*
classes and use reflection to invoke their methods?

Yes, but you'll have to use a command-line flag to make the classes
accessible via the reflection API.

- Mark

Is this a single option that enables all internal access or does the option
need to be repeated for every internal package or class that the application
needs to access?

If the option is set, can the application use imports for the internal
packages or is it required to access them reflectively?

Would it be possible to allow the application to set this option
programmatically on initialization or set it internally in some other way
(e.g., in its jar manifest) so that the users of the application don't need
to specify it on the launch command?


Re: Accessing internal packages in JDK 9

2015-07-28 Thread Simon Nash wrote:

2015/7/28 8:12 -0700, Simon Nash : wrote:

2015/7/28 4:21 -0700, Simon Nash :


With JDK 9 and Project Jigsaw, I understand that it will no longer be
possible for my application to directly reference internal sun.* classes.
Will it still be possible to use ClassLoader.loadClass to load these sun.*
classes and use reflection to invoke their methods?

Yes, but you'll have to use a command-line flag to make the classes
accessible via the reflection API.

Is this a single option that enables all internal access or does the option
need to be repeated for every internal package or class that the application
needs to access?

If the option is set, can the application use imports for the internal
packages or is it required to access them reflectively?

Would it be possible to allow the application to set this option
programmatically on initialization or set it internally in some other way
(e.g., in its jar manifest) so that the users of the application don't need
to specify it on the launch command?

These are all good questions.  We're nearly done drafting a JEP which
will answer them, so rather than answer them here can I ask that you
read the JEP when it's published?

- Mark

Thanks!  I look forward to doing that. :)


Re: [SPAM?] Encapsulating internal APIs in JDK 9 (sun.misc.Unsafe, etc.)

2015-08-04 Thread Simon Nash

Thanks for this.  In the list of broad categories, one is missing:

x  Those which are required to enable application code to work around
   bugs in the JDK such as leaked objects.

When do you expect to be able to publish a detailed proposal for how the
"last resort" mechanism will work?

 Simon wrote:

As part of the overall modularization effort [1] we're going to
encapsulate most of the JDK's internal APIs within the modules that
define and use them so that, by default, they are not accessible to
code outside the JDK.

This change will improve the integrity of the platform, since many of
these internal APIs define privileged, security-sensitive operations.
In the long run it will also reduce the costs borne by the maintainers
of the JDK itself and by the maintainers of libraries and applications
that, knowingly or not, make use of these non-standard, unstable, and
unsupported internal APIs.

It's well-known that some popular libraries make use of a few of these
internal APIs, such as sun.misc.Unsafe, to invoke methods that would be
difficult, if not impossible, to implement outside of the JDK.  To ensure
the broad testing and adoption of the release we propose to treat these
critical APIs as follows:

  - If it has a supported replacement in JDK 8 then we will encapsulate
it in JDK 9;

  - If it does not have a supported replacement in JDK 8 then we will not
encapsulate it in JDK 9, so that it remains accessible to outside
code; and, further,

  - If it has a supported replacement in JDK 9 then we will deprecate it
in JDK 9 and encapsulate it, or possibly even remove it, in JDK 10.

The critical internal APIs proposed to remain accessible in JDK 9 are
listed in JEP 260 [2].  Suggested additions to the list, justified by
real-world use cases and estimates of developer and end-user impact,
are welcome.

- Mark


Re: Encapsulating internal APIs in JDK 9 (sun.misc.Unsafe, etc.)

2015-08-04 Thread Simon Nash wrote:

2015/8/4 11:34 -0700,

Thanks for this.  In the list of broad categories, one is missing:

x  Those which are required to enable application code to work around
bugs in the JDK such as leaked objects.

That could be an awfully broad category.  Do you have some specific
examples in mind?

It is a broad category and it is an important one that deserves mention.

I have come across a number of examples of leaked objects in Swing/AWT for
which I have implemented workarounds by using internal APIs and reflection
to locate the relevant fields and set them to null.  At some point, I hope
to create formal bug reports for these.

The main impact is not memory consumption but the holding of references
to my application classloader that prevents it from being garbage collected.
This prevents any native libraries that were loaded by this classloader
from being replaced with updated versions.

When do you expect to be able to publish a detailed proposal for how the
"last resort" mechanism will work?

That will be an implementation-specific command-line flag, to be
proposed in a forthcoming JEP.

- Mark

I look forward to seeing these details in the forthcoming JEP.


Re: [SPAM?] Re: Encapsulating internal APIs in JDK 9 (sun.misc.Unsafe, etc.)

2015-08-05 Thread Simon Nash wrote:

2015/8/4 12:07 -0700, Simon Nash : wrote:

2015/8/4 11:34 -0700,

Thanks for this.  In the list of broad categories, one is missing:

x  Those which are required to enable application code to work around
bugs in the JDK such as leaked objects.

That could be an awfully broad category.  Do you have some specific
examples in mind?

It is a broad category and it is an important one that deserves mention.

I have come across a number of examples of leaked objects in Swing/AWT for
which I have implemented workarounds by using internal APIs and reflection
to locate the relevant fields and set them to null.  At some point, I hope
to create formal bug reports for these.

The main impact is not memory consumption but the holding of references
to my application classloader that prevents it from being garbage collected.
This prevents any native libraries that were loaded by this classloader
from being replaced with updated versions.

I understand the problem you're solving, but the difficulty with this
as a category is that it arguably includes every internal class, even
those never intended to be even internal APIs, since pretty much any
internal class can declare a field that winds up retaining some object,
somewhere, unnecessarily.  If we were to take this on as a category in
the context of JEP 260 then we'd wind up encapsulating very little.

I wasn't suggesting that this is a reason for not doing encapsulation but
rather that this requirement exists and implies the ongoing need for a
"last resort" mechanism to bypass encapsulation.  This mechanism shouldn't
be regarded as a transitional requirement but as something that will still
be needed after new public APIs have been created to replace the private
APIs that are known to be required by application developers.

A better approach here would be to fix the actual bugs, so bug reports
would be most welcome (especially if they include suggested fixes).
In the meantime you'll be able to use the last-resort command-line
workaround to keep your existing code running.

- Mark

I agree, but it is unrealistic to think that all such bugs will be fixed
promptly and no new ones would ever appear.  For example, bug 6575402 has
been open since 2007 and bug 8029147 has been open since 2013.  Just one
leaked object causes the application classloader not to be garbage
collected and its native DLLs not to be unloaded.  This is why it will
always be necessary to have some escape mechanism by which application
developers can work around such issues.


Re: Feature complete?

2015-12-09 Thread Simon Nash

Alan Bateman wrote:

On 04/12/2015 13:50, Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:


Emphasis mine: "only"?

"Just add some command line switches" is not exactly a nice solution. 
personal experience, the vast majority of java users do not know how 
to add
configure command line switches to the various compile and build VMs 

started by their build tools of choice, for example. Also, not something
Alan mentioned here: Adding the command line switches is currently the
_ONLY_ solution, so tools that are aware of the issue can't even fix it,
other than by mangling modules (bad idea, I think we all agree on that I
assume), or advising the userbase not to actually USE any of the 

features and, preferably, to avoid switching to JDK9 altogether.
The context for this discussion, as least my understanding, is that we 
were talking existing code where you are trying to run it in the same 
way as you did in JDK 8. If that code is using JDK-internal APIs then 
the command-line option is the only workaround proposed to keep that 
code working.

I agree that setting the command-line is a challenge in many 
environments, esp. when it is buried in XML files or scripts. You may be 
right that it is beyond some developers too.  We've tried to make error 
and exceptions as clear as possible so that it's not too difficult to 
figure out what is going on.

Setting addExports via the command line is very problematical for my
application.  This application needs to run on 7 different platforms
with both graphical and console interfaces.  Each platform has different
packaging requirements and launch arrangements.  In at least one case,
(launching via the .jar file association on Windows), it isn't possible
to add command-line JVM options.  For each platform, the same installable
application package needs to run on Java 7, Java 8 and Java 9 with no
impact to the user when he/she upgrades to Java 9 from Java 7 or Java 8.

Adding the necessary -XaddExports options to the command line for Java 9
for all platforms while satisfying the above constraints is very
challenging and would be a large amount of work.  If some other way of
setting these options could be provided (for example, via the manifest
in the main JAR file or by an API call from the application), this would
greatly simplify the migration of my application to Java 9.


Emphasis mine: "starting out"?

This gets back to an earlier issue I raised on this mailing list: Okay,
starting out this isn't an issue, but by having no way to opt out of
export-based access control, it's a bit like switching from driving on 

left side of the road to the right: Unless the entire greater java
community switches in the same instant, we're all going to have a bad 
The current design and prototype provides support for migration to 
modules without waiting for the rest of the world to migrate. We're 
going to need more experience, help, feedback to make sure that this is 

The main challenge is of course is the tension between frameworks and 
strong encapsulation. Existing frameworks don't know about modules and 
so it will be important for willing maintainers of at least some 
important frameworks to work with us to get to the right solution. Maybe 
then we can start switching to the other side of the road, a gradual 
migrating, starting with the big trucks :-)
