Re: [josm-dev] JOSM layer symbology

2011-02-26 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Fri, 25 Feb 2011, PJ Houser wrote:

We're using JOSM to edit OSM data but have multiple layers. We have a layer
with the target data (up-to-date public domain gov't data), a layer showing
erroneous OSM segments (created by a spatial query in ArcMap), the full
current OSM layer, and an aerial layer. We would like to change the colors
of each layer so it is easier to see which layer is which on the rendering,
but right now, we only know how to change inactive vs active layer colors.
We'd like to change some basic symbology - like line thickness on each of
the layers (but different thicknesses for each layer) and layer color
(different for each layer).

For GPX this would be easy. Right click in layer list and select these 
properties. For different OSM layers you have no solution ATM. But if you 
only want the geometry data, you can convert the data layers to GPX and 
then use GPX possibilities.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Mandatory login for JOSM wiki

2011-02-26 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Sat, 26 Feb 2011, Frederik Ramm wrote:

  with so many JOSM configuration details (list of imagery sources, list of 
map styles, and presets) now in the JOSM trac/wiki instead of in (either 
JOSM's or OSM's) SVN, I suggest that we disallow anonymous editing. There's 
now too much potential to wreak havoc and we wouldn't even know who did it.

No, we don't want that really. Anonymous editing is a major part of the 
JOSM concept till now and most important contributions are anonymous or 
not logged in and I spent really a lot of time into improving the Trac 
spamfilter to be a usable tool to find potential issues.

Beside this Sebastian and I monitor every change afterwards and check if 
they are dangerous or spammy.

Yes, there will be a time inbetween, when dangerous stuff can be included, 
But this is a problem with OpenSource in general. Users who Activate 
everything as soon as they see it will have problems, but any normal user 
only activating extensions when really needing or wanting them will not 
have any troubles.

The biggest and in my eyes only important issue is the possibility to have 
malicious plugins and we can't anyway do anything against this without 
preventing plugins.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Netbeans // older josm code?

2011-02-26 Thread Marko Mäkelä

On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 12:45:04AM -0300, Werner Horsch wrote:

I'm updating an old coded plugin and in order to understand some stuff 
I need to look to some old file, probably from 2008 How do I 
find it?

You can use svn log -v for this. If you know the directory where file 
was at that time, you can limit the search by giving an argument, such 

svn log -v | less

In the log output, using your favourite pager (less in the above 
example) you can search for the file name or the approximate date. Then 
you can do something like this:

svn cat -r12345

svn update -r12345 plugins/x/ (if it exists in your working copy)
svn checkout -r12345 plugins/x/

(Note that the JOSM core is at,
but plugins are in the OpenStreetMap Subversion repository.)

I suggest that you visit or

Best regards,


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] New Tested

2011-02-26 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Sat, 26 Feb 2011, Dirk Stöcker wrote:

 2. what parts of JOSM will not work as long as the server is down?

Every automatism (update-list, plugins-list, style-list, help and start 
page), and Yahoo download. For all of these users would need to do the manual 
way - download and install :-) The same as when using JOSM offline.

To make it clearer:

JOSM accesses following server values:
  * collected list of plugins and their meta information
  * collected list of plugin icons to make plugin table nicer
  * collected list of external styles to be used for installation
  * collected list of external presets to be used for installation

- StartupPage and Help as well as their translations for display
- Yahoo-WMS-Access-script

None of these are criticial infrastructure and all pass through certain 
layers of security checks, so malcontent must be carefully crafted. The 
easiest is to write a dangerous plugin (due to bugs in older versions you 
can produce exceptions (e.g. NPE) with crafted styles/presets as well).

Attacking through the web-services itself is much more complicated, as you 
need to trick Trac as well as the JOSM server checks and JOSM itself. Yes, 
it is possible, but even if I spend my whole days checking and fixing 
holes I can't prevent it.

Since the time we accessed the web-pages directly to extract 
information, there have been many improvements and the newest changes 
again reduce the influence of external hosted contents. It is much easier 
to have plugins in OSM-SVN than to develop them external, so nearly all of 
them are in OSM-SVN, where we can have a look at. Now we created a system, 
which makes adding styles/presets in the wiki much easier than handling 
them externally, so the number of externally managed content will decrease 
over time and it is easier to have a look at that stuff.

-- (PGP key available)___
josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] single session authenticatoin

2011-02-26 Thread Sebastian Klein

Mikel Maron wrote:
Wondering about --D. I assume java is passing that into josm as an environment 
Could the same be done with a blank login and password? If so, how would that 

No, doesn't work at the moment. But it is actually a nice idea to allow 
overriding arbitrary preference entries on the command line. I may look 
into that after next release.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] New Tested

2011-02-26 Thread Sebastian Klein

Frederik Ramm wrote:


Dirk Stöcker wrote:
Please note also, that this week a new server infrastructure has been 
established. JOSM mappaint styles, mapcss styles and JOSM presets can 
now be made in the JOSM Trac wiki pages.

Assuming there was some catastrophic server failure, and further 
assuming that you are not personally available to fix things -

1. will anyone else in the world be able to re-create the trac setup 
that you have created? Are any of the core JOSM developers involved? I 
know that I'm not and to me it looks like quite a maze! How long would 
it take someone to create the required infrastructure? Is there 
documentation? (Don't say yes, in trac ;) Are there backups that 
include all the config files etc.?

I don't think it is that bad. :)
As Dirk said, the magic is contained in 2 single files: The cronjob and 
the trac plugin.

2. what parts of JOSM will not work as long as the server is down?

JOSM runs just fine without the server. Dirk 
listed most of the server dependent services, let me add that it can't 
update the list of available wms/tms urls and the bug report system 
won't be able to redirect to trac, obviously.

All files loaded from a remote server are cached locally for 7 days. 
(But it keeps the old copy if update fails.)

There are 3 exceptions to this rule:
 * plugin update is always on demand
 * list of users that agreed to the CT is cached only 2 hours
 * wiki help content (including message of the day) isn't cached at all

So basically no functionality accesses the server, unless it is 
absolutely necessary. (Yes, we could distribute the wiki help, but this 
also means you get outdated information and the size of josm-*.jar 
increases.) In addition, everything can be done manually (plugin 
installation, adding presets, styles and imagery urls).


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Mandatory login for JOSM wiki

2011-02-26 Thread Sebastian Klein

Dirk Stöcker wrote:
The biggest and in my eyes only important issue is the possibility to 
have malicious plugins and we can't anyway do anything against this 
without preventing plugins.

Yes we can:
 (1) Make clear whether a plugin is from openstreetmap svn or an 
external binary (e.g. move external plugins to a 2nd tab in the 
preferences or remove them from the public list altogether).
 (2) Introduce nightly builds for plugins and allow to ping the server 
for an intermediate build.

I think measure (1) can be done in a weaker form right now (short note 
in the plugin description), but we should keep our environment as open 
as possible. Measure (2) isn't necessary for security reasons in my 
opinion, but would improve the plugin work flow in general.

In fact, only 2 out of all 65 plugins are external at the moment. 
However, many svn plugins have been external in the past and got 
integrated later. I guess the main reason is, that josm changes too 
often and as plugin author it is hard to keep up with that. (Core 
developers care for plugins that are in svn.)

It seems to me, there are two main reasons for authors to add external 
plugins: On the one hand some people are too shy to ask for a svn 
account and like to build in their own familiar environment. On the 
other hand there are developers that would be capable of adding their 
sources to svn, but prefer not to do so for some reason (e.g. git 
fetishists or control freaks).

I guess we can live without the second kind but there is no reason to be 
unkind to beginners.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Mandatory login for JOSM wiki

2011-02-26 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Sat, 26 Feb 2011, Sebastian Klein wrote:

Dirk Stöcker wrote:

 The biggest and in my eyes only important issue is the possibility to have
 malicious plugins and we can't anyway do anything against this without
 preventing plugins.

Yes we can:
(1) Make clear whether a plugin is from openstreetmap svn or an external 
binary (e.g. move external plugins to a 2nd tab in the preferences or remove 
them from the public list altogether).
(2) Introduce nightly builds for plugins and allow to ping the server for an 
intermediate build.

I think measure (1) can be done in a weaker form right now (short note in the 
plugin description), but we should keep our environment as open as possible. 
Measure (2) isn't necessary for security reasons in my opinion, but would 
improve the plugin work flow in general.

Well, you assume that OSM-SVN is much better than external plugins. I 
doubt that. If I'm willing I think I'm able to craft code in a way, so 
that brief review will not find the malicious parts. So even the storage of 
code in OSM-SVN will not really be safe. This is the major reason, why my 
rules for JOSM-SVN are more strict (I need to trust the contributor).

I think the major reason, why we have nearly no external plugins:
- automatic translation
- automatic version management for older versions
- automatic updates in case of JOSM changes

Most plugins started external and after the first issues with version 
changes we convinced authors to use SVN in future :-) So instead of 
forbidding (which I never like) I try to provide additional features as 
encouragement and it seems this works good.

I don't think it necessary to get stricter rules at all. In case we have 
trouble, we may change our policy, but as long as everything is fine we 
should be as open as possible.

For example our bug tracker does not need registration, which is very 
seldom nowadays. This means we have to care a lot more about SPAM and also 
it means we get a lot of reports, which don't help us a lot, as questions 
aren't answered, but it means also that we get a large number of very 
helpful reports.

So the same for plugins. Our open policy caused a lot of plugins 
introducing new features and attracted new developers. I don't want to 
change this without a real reason.

-- (PGP key available)___
josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] New Tested

2011-02-26 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Sat, 26 Feb 2011, Sebastian Klein wrote:

JOSM runs just fine without the server. Dirk listed 
most of the server dependent services, let me add that it can't update the 
list of available wms/tms urls

Ooops, forgot that one. Probably because I never had trouble with it yet.

 * wiki help content (including message of the day) isn't cached at all

Hah, here you are wrong. The MOTD is cached, but it uses a different cache 
than the other files :-)

BTW: For JOSM we have nearly no attacks which aren't automatic SPAM. Maybe 
one or twice a month real persons try to get some strange stuff into the 
wiki/tickets. I care for the spam filtering on the main Trac website as 
well and there the situation is much different (human based attacks every 
day). Both sites are approximately equal when looking a the real usage.

Best I still like the ones uploading a picture to a wiki page stating You 
have been hacked. Really the work of a hacker, isn't it :-)

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Unable to checkout all JOSM plugins (fails on smed)

2011-02-26 Thread Josh Doe
I'm trying to checkout the all JOSM plugins, but it keeps failing in
the smed directory:

Error: In directory 'C:\devel\josm\plugins\smed\plugs\oseam\src\images'
Error: Can't open file
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.

Someone mentioned this on the Help OSM site [1], but no satisfactory
answer was given. Any ideas why? I of course can get around this
(unless I want to use smed, which I don't), but it's annoying and
seems like something's corrupt.



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