Re: [josm-dev] How do I add a new projection, EPSG:2924?

2011-02-08 Thread Petr Nejedlý

Frederik Ramm wrote:




at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(



for the name of my projection (which is derived from that very 
instance!) fails. I'm afraid that my Java skills stop there - somehow 
the default class loader does not know about classes added by plugins, 
and would need to be made aware of them.

There are two approaches possible for this problem.
The simpler one would be to change ProjectionPreference to not call 
Class.forName(), but instead getProjections(), and iterate the 
registered _instances_ until getClass().getName() matches.

The more complex, but generally preferable (as it would solve many 
similar problems once for good) would be to code a delegating class 
loader that would try to fulfill the load request by trying each 
plugin's loader in sequence. This overall loader would be then set as 
the context class loader of every thread. Similar to
but many many revisions ago (before the packageCoverage optimization was 
implemented) and simplified...


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Fwd: start of gwtosm the google webtoolkit port of josm

2010-05-26 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 Isn't josm-ng dead-ish at this point?
Yes, it is.
  I thought it was just a one-man
 project whose ideas are mostly in the main josm by now, maybe I'm
Some of them are in, some not. Maybe more will get into josm, but I'm 
personally not working on porting those remaining nice ideas...


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Painting

2010-03-09 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Jiri Klement wrote:
 One of the reason why painting appears slow is the fact that it's done
 in EDT thread. I think there should be special thread for painting.
Disagreed (with both sentences).
 EDT will only send request to repaint and copy offscreen buffer to
 screen when it's ready. Painting thread will wait for repaint
 requests. When request arrives it will start painting immediately. If
 another request arrives during painting, it will wait. If there are
 multiple repaint request after painting is finished, only the last one
 will be processed.
This is exactly what RepaintManager in Java does for you.
User events (mouse gestures, ...) and posted tasks are processed
and the repaint requests they caused are buffered and a repaint request
is posted at the end of the event queue. Once the queue drains, the repaint
happens, only once.

If you think of coleascing paints across more user gestures (like 
continuous dragging),
you'll face two problems:
1) the trade-off between UI responsivity and the amount of coalesced 
events. Too short delay
  before painting and you paint on every event anyway. Too long delay 
and the UI will feel slow
  most of the time.
2) Loss of feedback in the cases where the painting already takes 
considerable amount of time.

Separate thread won't help you neither on multicores, as you'll keep the 
problem serialized. Everything
else but painting is fast enough, so you'll have AWT thread idle happily 
waiting for next event while the
painting thread will fully load one core. Well, there will be the 
benefit of having the rest of the UI responsive,
but we're not here to solve multisecond painting of zoom-to-fit of large 
datasets this time, are we?

As for the initial comment regarding full repaint just to do rubber-band:
There's no problem with full repaint as long as you do it fast enough. 
And this is doable. Proved.

Moreover, I fear the increased code complexity necessary for partial, 
maybe filtered, repaints
may slow down the general painting so the net result will be worse.

For the record, I've tried current JOSM and must say that the rendering 
speed improved a lot.
What might help, IMO, is to disable painting plain points over given 
zoom level.
JOSM already paints large datasets when zoomed in and slight 
simplification, when zoomed out
can only improve the situation. (You don't need to see individual nodes 
when looking at half the
Germany, do you?)


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Painting

2010-03-09 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Sebastian Klein wrote:
 I was wondering: Is it save to paint to the Graphics of some component 
 from a random thread at a random time?
No, it is not safe, but that's not what you'd be doing.
The painting will proceed into a BufferedImage, which will then be painted
in the event thread using the component's Graphics.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Translations don't fit screen?

2009-10-15 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Frederik Ramm napsal(a):
 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 Your system is fine. There just simply isn't enough space to fit that
 string. I've had to alter numerous strings in Icelandic to less
 optimal translations so that they can fit into a space designed for
 e.g. three letter English words.
 But things like the button having been cut off - doesn't Java do these 
 things right if used correctly?

Yes, if used correctly.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Selection handling

2009-10-11 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Karl Guggisberg napsal(a):
 Hi Dave,
 I saw that your patch regarding selection handling was commited:
 When you introduce a new selection cache in the future, could you make
 sure it's *ordered*, i.e. it reflects the order in which primitives are
 selected (could be a list, an ordered set, instead of a plain collection)?

FYI: josm-ng used LinkedHashSet for keeping (per-layer) selection and 
used the order just to cover the cases you mentioned.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Selection Performance

2009-10-08 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Dave Hansen napsal(a):
 On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 00:10 -0700, Dave Hansen wrote:
 It takes almost a second for me to do a mouse click and have a single
 object be selected.  I think it's worse for large data sets, but it
 seems to exist most of the time despite the size of the data set.
 Personally, I think a whole second to wait for a mouse click is pretty

 Most of the time appears to be spent notifying things about the
 selection change.  I just counted 110 of these, and we fire once for the
 clearSelection() and again for the new selection.  They all seem to add
 up to almost a second of latency.  I actually went and printed out a
 bunch of timestamps to confirm this.

 Any thoughts on how to make this better?  I've been using my QuadBuckets
 code to make the click coordinate searches faster, but I'm clueless as
 to what to do with these notifiers.
 Digging in a bit more... Virtually none of these actions care about the
 contents of selections.  The vast majority just do:
 protected void updateEnabledState() {
 setEnabled(getCurrentDataSet() != null  ! 
 The problem is that getSelected() iterates over the entire data set
 looked for selected OsmPrimitives.  We do this ~112 times for each mouse
 click.  That's a bit, um, suboptimal.
 I tried a really quick and dirty solution which is to just keep a copy
 of the selected primitives around.  That makes a *huge* difference.

First and foremost, selection status is not a property of the data.
Changing the data set just because the user have selected something is 
plain wrong. Having a per-dataset selection is quite disturbing too - 
there should be only one, system-wide.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Selection Performance

2009-10-08 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Dave Hansen napsal(a):
  On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 10:18 +0200, Petr Nejedlý wrote:
  First and foremost, selection status is not a property of the data.
  Changing the data set just because the user have selected something is
  plain wrong. Having a per-dataset selection is quite disturbing too -
  there should be only one, system-wide.
  OK, so you're saying that because selecting things is not a property of
  the data that it shouldn't be a part of the data set?  Uh, ok.  Aren't
  ways and nodes part of the data set?  Check out
  OsmPrimitive.setSelected().  Sure seems to *ME* like selections are part
  of the data set.
Selections are currently part of the OSMPrimitive API, sure.
What I'm saying is that it doesn't belong there.
In the worst case, it may be the property of the DataSet, but...

Karl Guggisberg napsal(a):
 Do you have a better suggestion on where to stick the selection cache
 or whatever we want to call it than in the DataSet?
 I think the selection cache (a collection of the currently selected
 primitives) should be maintained for each data layer (either by the layer or
 by some global selection cache which keeps a selection state per layer). If
 the dataset wasn't attached to a data layer why would you want to
 select/unselect objects? What I never liked is that there is a boolean field
 'selected' on OsmPrimitive - this looks weired.

... exactly! Layer is the view of the DataSet. No view, no selection.
Several views of the same dataset - maybe several different selections.
Asking a primitive whether is it selected or not is a strange concept 
anyway. Why should it know? In which context?
Imagine a tactical overview (a small view of the complete in-memory 
data rendered in the screen corner) or any other auxiliary view of the 
same dataset. You'd like to use the same rendering code, yet you don't 
want it to render the selected primitives the same way, for example.

So I would go even further and deprecate/remove the selection notion 
from the primitive altogether. It is used in few places only anyway 
(beyond painting) and would be well served by a selection set on
the Layer anyway.


PS: In case you are afraid of the memory footprint of the selection set,
you can borrow the Storage class from josm-ng. It will cost around 7B
per selected entry (that is pretty small unless you select everything)
depending on the target load factor and allow you to remove a boolean 
from OsmPrimitive (costing anything between 0 and 4 bytes per 
OsmPrimitive in memory, depending on several factors). Many more places 
in JOSM would benefit from Storage anyway (String cache in OsmReader,
Long-OsmPrimitive maps in the OsmReader and the MergeVisitor, ...)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] .jar file size is too big

2009-07-17 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Dirk Stöcker napsal(a):
 On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Only 24% of JOSM users use english
 software version - The majority uses localized JOSM (50% use german).
 Everybody loses if languages are packaged with the bundle - the German
 user downloads about 3 MB of compressed translation classes when only
 250 KB are relevant to him. Same for the English, Danish, Japanese,
 Spanish, Czech, French, and all the others.

 I'm not saying don't translate. I just say don't force *every* JOSM user
 to download *every* language which is what we currently do.
 Well, until someone presents an overly clever system to handle the 
 language issue this is a yes/no question. Sorry. And I don't know other 
 software where this is solved better.

Webstart with jarindex and jars split per language?

 Making the josm-server more complex to build up an automatic send me 
 translation data for my josm is also not good. I already moved too much 
 logic into the server which will bring trouble when someone else will take 
 over maintainership in future and has to care for that stuff.

No server side logic necessary. Only build-time to split the jar 
according to locales and generate the right JNLP descriptor.
The syntax is like:
 resources locale=xx_XX
 jar href=josm-lang-xx_XX.jar download=lazy/
 resources locale=yy
 jar href=josm-lang-yy.jar download=lazy/


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] [PATCH] timestamp parsedTimestamp in OsmPrimitive

2009-03-09 Thread Petr Nejedlý
Jiri Klement napsal(a):

 Attached patch replaces timestamp and parsedTimestamp in OsmPrimitive
 with DateContainer class accessible only using setter and getter. The
 patch is not much usefull on itself but hopefully its the first step
 to make OsmPrimitive encalupsed (without public variables) so things
 like spatial index or better caching will be possible in future.
I have read both the patch and the thread and I would suggest something 
different, once you're
touching this and removing public access to the field(s).
First, adding another holder class is both unnecessary and a memory 
waste. You can add reasonable
access methods directly to OsmPrimitive (while providing e.g. 
DateComparator for comparing OsmPrimitive
dates, if necessary) and resort to keeping only a private integer 
timestamp (in seconds, not long millis)
inside the OsmPrimitive.
This means that you'll need to parse all the timestamps during xml 
parsing, but if done properly,
you won't notice the slowdown. Feel free to use the parsing code from 
which I do use quite quickly for datasets much larger that JOSM can even 
(I have spent quite some time benchmarking and optimizing the parsing 
code, you can be sure
I know why there was lazy parsing and everything in the riginal code).

As long as you hide the field and provide only the Date/String(/int) 
API, you can reintroduce the String
field anytime though (but you won't need to).

Regarding your: // TODO Is it enough to compare string representation? 
Dates can be in different format but are they in real life?
No, it isn't. The timestamps seem to be stored in the OSM database in 
the textual form or at least keep the original
timezone information (which is useless anyway) and you'll encounter many 
different formats (timezones) coming from the OSM
server all the time (in the same download). Just download a random area, 
store to a file and look there.

Once you're all integerized, you can remove all the String based code 
paths to simplify the code.


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