[JOYnet] The Great Physician

2001-09-03 Thread JASON

On February 15, 1921, there was a doctor who performed an appendectomy. The
doctor performing the surgery was Dr. Evan Kane who over his 37-year medical
career had performed nearly 4,000 appendectomies, so this surgery was not at
all unusual except for two things.

First of all, this was the first time that local anesthesia had ever been used
in major surgery. Dr. Kane believed that local anesthesia was safer than
putting a patient completely to sleep. Most of his colleagues agreed with him
in principle, but they wanted to see first if it would actually work.

So Dr. Kane searched for a volunteer, a patient who would be willing to
undergo surgery while under local anesthesia. It wasn't easy to find one. Most
people are squeamish at the thought of being awake during their own surgery.
Others are fearful that the anesthesia might wear off too soon.

Finally, though, Dr. Kane found a volunteer, and on Tuesday morning, February
15th, the operation began. The patient was prepped and wheeled into the
operating room. A local anesthetic was applied. And as Dr. Kane had done
thousands of times before, he cut open the tissues and removed the appendix.
The patient had only minor discomfort and recovered quickly, dismissed two
days later.

Dr. Kane had proven his theory. Thanks to the willingness of a brave
volunteer, Dr. Kane demonstrated that local anesthesia was an alternative,
even a preferred alternative.

But I said there were two facts that made this surgery unusual. I've told you
the first: the use of local anesthesia. The second unusual thing was the
patient -- the patient was Dr. Kane. You see, in order to prove his point, Dr.
Kane operated on himself. The doctor became a patient in order to convince the
patients to trust the doctor.

As unbelievable as that may seem, it is insignificant compared with what Jesus
Christ did for us. The Great Physician voluntarily became one of us. He placed
himself in our shoes. He left the glories of heaven to live on this earth as
one of us -- to suffer our pains and feel our fears. Why? So that when you
hurt, you will know that you have someone who understands -- your Great
Physician -- and you will have confidence to go to him for healing.

Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself
likewise shared in the sameFor in that He Himself has suffered, being
tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted. (Hebrews 2:14a,18)

(As Fwd : Alan Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Those that least deserve your love
Are the ones that need it the most.

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[JOYnet] Jehovah's Witnesses

2001-09-03 Thread Joseph C.C.

Hai Joynetters,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   There was a discussion about 
Jehovah's Witnesses, and I read the replies also. It is great to know that many know 
the truth.  I thought that I should put in some of the teachings of the Catholic 
Church regarding some of the points raised in the male.

1) Bible is more reliable than tradition Matt. 15:3; Col. 2:8 :As most of us know 
that our separated brethren believe in Sola Scripture, in other words only the Bible. 
But they forge the face that Sola Scripture is Anti Scripture.  In the Bible we see 
that we must follow traditions  2 Thes 2:15 and 2 Thes 3:6. 

2) Christ is God's Son and is inferior to Him Matt. 3:17 :  But in the Bible we see in 
many places where Jesus identifies Himself with the Father and calls the great I am Jn 
8:58.   So He is not inferior to the father.

3) Christ was first of God's creations Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14: If we look into the 
Catechism of the Catholic Church article 465 tells that Christ is Begotten and not 

4) Images should not be used in worship Ex. 20:4, 5; Lev.:  When the Scripture says 
images it does not only mean making things, because we see in Numbers 21:4  God 
asking his people to make the Bronze snake. Again in the case of the building of the 
temple we see God asking his people to make images.  What God tells us id not to 
worship the images in which case they become idols.  

These are very simple explanations taken from the Church, we can go deep into Theology 
and keep on discussing the same. Lets remember one thing that Jesus died for our sins. 
 The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are one.

At this juncture I suggest that we can start a discussion about the Holy Trinity.  I 
believe this is important because the Trinity is said to be the central Mystery of our 

Love and Prayers,

Jn 1:12 To all who received him and believed in his name, he gave them the Power to 
become Gods Children.

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[JOYnet] Change of email address

2001-09-03 Thread Joseph Sebastian Kariampally

Dear JOYnetters,
I have been infromed by some of my friends that the mails they send to bounce
back. due to this reason i am changing my mail id to


nevertheless my present email id will remain. In case you have a problem with
one you may kindly use the other. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Thanking you

Yours in Christ,


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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-09-03 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (September 04).

Saju Mathew Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Help

2001-09-03 Thread Jennifer

Dear Friends in Christ,

I require a small help from your end.  Since Novena to Our Lady is =
started in our Parish from last week.   To make the Liturgy more =
interesting, the Parish Priest has suggested to enact the Theme of the =
Mass during the Homily.  The Theme of the Mass is Without Faith you =
cannot give Justice.  I would request if anyone here at Joynet can help =
me with any story or song which can be enacted within 5 minutes.

Love  Prayers
Jennifer Fernandes

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of Jennifer 

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