[JOYnet] I would love to share this with u ...

2001-12-10 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Joynetters,

Couldnt keep this to myself...
It will be very helpful for all of us

Love and Prayers



No life is useless and no day is vain,
For God has a purpose for sunshine and rain.
All are discouraged, and everyone cries
But we’re never alone beneath cloudy skies.
All hearts can break…they’re fragile as glass,
But God will mend them, and this too shall pass.
Sometimes we succeed, and sometimes we fail,
So follow your dream whatever the trail,
For no one’s a loser who gives it his best,
And you can stand tall above all the rest,
Those who are faithful are noble at heart,
And no life is useless when God has a part.
Be swift to give praises and slow to complain….
God has a purpose for sunshine and rain.
Clay Harrison
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[JOYnet] World DAY of FASTING FOR PEACE on 14th Dec

2001-12-10 Thread Welchy Fatima Fernandes

Fighting Against Terrorism -- with Prayer and Fasting
Vatican Office Publishes Document to Prepare for Jan.

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 7, 2001 (Zenit.org).- The Vatican
has published guidelines on the fast and prayer for
peace, stating that "it is hard to see how terrorism
will be tackled at its roots without a conversion of

With this spirit, the Office for Liturgical
Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff published a
document Thursday entitled "Liturgical -- Pastoral
Guidelines on the Fast and Prayer for Peace in
Preparation for the Assisi Meeting of January 24,

The text also offers specific suggestions for the Dec.
14 day of fast, called by John Paul II, in conjunction
with the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. 

"After the grievous terrorist attacks in the United
States of America on September 11, the Holy Father
has, on a number of occasions, deplored such violence
and expressed his concern for the consequences of the
military action taking place in Afghanistan," the
document explains in the introduction. 

"The Church prays and invites everyone to ensure that
love will prevail over hatred, peace over war, truth
over falsehood, and forgiveness over revenge," the
text of the "guidelines" adds, which is addressed to
all dioceses. 

The Holy Father wishes the fast to become a cry of
hearts to the Lord, because without his help "it will
not be possible to find a solution to the tragic
situation now facing the world." 

The Vatican document explains that the day of fasting
involves all the faithful freely: "children, who
willingly make sacrifices to help other poor children;
young people, who are especially sensitive to the
cause of justice and peace; all adults, excluding the
sick but including the elderly." 

"Local tradition will suggest the best form of fasting
to adopt: eating only one meal, or taking only 'bread
and water,' or waiting until sundown before eating,"
the document states. 

In addition, it "will be the responsibility of the
Bishop to determine a simple and effective way of
placing whatever is saved through fasting at the
disposal of the poor, especially those who at present
are suffering the consequences of terrorism and war." 

The novelty proposed by John Paul II is that the fast
should be coupled with a pilgrimage. Dec. 14 will be
the start of a spiritual and physical journey of
believers toward an interior change. 

Bishops will establish places for prayer from Dec. 14
until the vigil of Jan. 23, eve of the Assisi event. 

Thus, this pilgrimage of preparation will extend over
Christmas and Jan. 1, the World Day of Peace, which
this year has the following motto established by the
Pope: "No Peace Without Justice, No Justice Without

Holy See´s Guidelines for Fast and Prayer for Peace
Issued by Office for Liturgical Celebrations of the
Supreme Pontiff 

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 7, 2001 (ZENIT.org).- Here are
liturgical and pastoral guidelines for the fast and
prayer for peace, in preparation for the Jan. 24 event
in Assisi, Italy. The Office for Liturgical
Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff issued the

* * * 


After the grievous terrorist attacks in the United
States of America on 11 September, the Holy Father has
on a number of occasions deplored such violence and
expressed his concern for the consequences of the
military action taking place in Afghanistan. The
Church prays and invites everyone to ensure that love
will prevail over hatred, peace over war, truth over
falsehood, and forgiveness over revenge. 

More than two months after the attacks of 11
September, the situation remains serious, tension is
very high, and people everywhere are still greatly
distressed. For this reason, at the Angelus Prayer of
18 November 2001 His Holiness asked that "for
Catholics 14 December be a day of fasting, during
which they should pray fervently that God will grant
the world a stable peace, based upon justice".1 He
added that it was his intention "to invite
representatives of the religions of the world to come
to Assisi on 24 January 2002 in order to pray for an
end to hostilities and the advancement of true

Responding to this pastoral initiative by the Holy
Father, this Note seeks to offer some thoughts on
Christian fasting (14 December 2001), as well as on
aspects of the Prayer Vigil of 23 January and the
Pilgrimage of Prayer of 24 January 2002). Some
practical suggestions are also given as to how these
days might best be benefited from. 


1.1 The Essence of Christian Fasting 

Fasting has an important place in all the great
religions. The Old Testament lists fasting among the
corner-stones of the spirituality of Israel: "Prayer
is good when accompanied by fasting, almsgiving and
justice" (Tob 12:8).3 Fast


2001-12-10 Thread Welchy Fatima Fernandes

Fighting Against Terrorism -- with Prayer and Fasting
Vatican Office Publishes Document to Prepare for Jan.

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 7, 2001 (Zenit.org).- The Vatican
has published guidelines on the fast and prayer for
peace, stating that "it is hard to see how terrorism
will be tackled at its roots without a conversion of

With this spirit, the Office for Liturgical
Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff published a
document Thursday entitled "Liturgical -- Pastoral
Guidelines on the Fast and Prayer for Peace in
Preparation for the Assisi Meeting of January 24,

The text also offers specific suggestions for the Dec.
14 day of fast, called by John Paul II, in conjunction
with the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. 

"After the grievous terrorist attacks in the United
States of America on September 11, the Holy Father
has, on a number of occasions, deplored such violence
and expressed his concern for the consequences of the
military action taking place in Afghanistan," the
document explains in the introduction. 

"The Church prays and invites everyone to ensure that
love will prevail over hatred, peace over war, truth
over falsehood, and forgiveness over revenge," the
text of the "guidelines" adds, which is addressed to
all dioceses. 

The Holy Father wishes the fast to become a cry of
hearts to the Lord, because without his help "it will
not be possible to find a solution to the tragic
situation now facing the world." 

The Vatican document explains that the day of fasting
involves all the faithful freely: "children, who
willingly make sacrifices to help other poor children;
young people, who are especially sensitive to the
cause of justice and peace; all adults, excluding the
sick but including the elderly." 

"Local tradition will suggest the best form of fasting
to adopt: eating only one meal, or taking only 'bread
and water,' or waiting until sundown before eating,"
the document states. 

In addition, it "will be the responsibility of the
Bishop to determine a simple and effective way of
placing whatever is saved through fasting at the
disposal of the poor, especially those who at present
are suffering the consequences of terrorism and war." 

The novelty proposed by John Paul II is that the fast
should be coupled with a pilgrimage. Dec. 14 will be
the start of a spiritual and physical journey of
believers toward an interior change. 

Bishops will establish places for prayer from Dec. 14
until the vigil of Jan. 23, eve of the Assisi event. 

Thus, this pilgrimage of preparation will extend over
Christmas and Jan. 1, the World Day of Peace, which
this year has the following motto established by the
Pope: "No Peace Without Justice, No Justice Without

Holy See´s Guidelines for Fast and Prayer for Peace
Issued by Office for Liturgical Celebrations of the
Supreme Pontiff 

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 7, 2001 (ZENIT.org).- Here are
liturgical and pastoral guidelines for the fast and
prayer for peace, in preparation for the Jan. 24 event
in Assisi, Italy. The Office for Liturgical
Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff issued the

* * * 


After the grievous terrorist attacks in the United
States of America on 11 September, the Holy Father has
on a number of occasions deplored such violence and
expressed his concern for the consequences of the
military action taking place in Afghanistan. The
Church prays and invites everyone to ensure that love
will prevail over hatred, peace over war, truth over
falsehood, and forgiveness over revenge. 

More than two months after the attacks of 11
September, the situation remains serious, tension is
very high, and people everywhere are still greatly
distressed. For this reason, at the Angelus Prayer of
18 November 2001 His Holiness asked that "for
Catholics 14 December be a day of fasting, during
which they should pray fervently that God will grant
the world a stable peace, based upon justice".1 He
added that it was his intention "to invite
representatives of the religions of the world to come
to Assisi on 24 January 2002 in order to pray for an
end to hostilities and the advancement of true

Responding to this pastoral initiative by the Holy
Father, this Note seeks to offer some thoughts on
Christian fasting (14 December 2001), as well as on
aspects of the Prayer Vigil of 23 January and the
Pilgrimage of Prayer of 24 January 2002). Some
practical suggestions are also given as to how these
days might best be benefited from. 


1.1 The Essence of Christian Fasting 

Fasting has an important place in all the great
religions. The Old Testament lists fasting among the
corner-stones of the spirituality of Israel: "Prayer
is good when accompanied by fasting, almsgiving and
justice" (Tob 12:8).3 Fast

[JOYnet] create God

2001-12-10 Thread justin jacob

My dear friend,
I dont know much of theology.  But if someone created God he would be the 
God.the very meaning of God is that He is most powerful of all. Bye

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[JOYnet] Please pray

2001-12-10 Thread Smiju Joseph

God is with you all.

Please pray for me. I am going thru a worst situation
in my life.

with lots of lov & prayers
smiju joseph, abu dhabi
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2001-12-10 Thread Priya Cyriac

Dear Friends,

A young lady named Sally, relates an experience she had in a seminary class, given by 
her teacher, Dr. Smith. She says Dr. Smith was known for his elaborate object lessons. 

One particular day, Sally walked into the seminary and knew they were in for a fun 
day. On the wall was a big target and on a nearby table were many darts. Dr. Smith 
told the students to draw a picture of someone that they disliked or someone who had 
made them angry, and he would allow them to throw darts at the person's picture. 

Sally's girlfriend drew a picture of a girl who had stolen her boyfriend. Another 
friend drew a picture of his little brother. Sally drew a picture of a former friend, 
putting a great deal of detail into her drawing, even drawing pimples on the face. 
Sally was pleased a the overall effect she had achieved. 

The class lined up and began throwing darts, with much laughter and hilarity. Some of 
the students threw their darts with such force that their targets were ripping apart. 
Sally looked forward to her turn, and was filled with disappointment when Dr. Smith, 
because of time limits, asked the students to return to their seats. 

As Sally sat thinking about how angry she was because she didn't have a chance to 
throw any darts at her target, Dr. Smith began removing the target from the wall. 

Underneath the target was a picture of Jesus... 

A complete hush fell over the room as each student viewed the mangled picture of 
Jesus; holes and jagged marks covered His face and His eyes were pierced. 

Dr. Smith said these words, "In as much as you have done it unto the least of these my 
brethren, you have done it unto Me." No other words were necessary; the tear-filled 
eyes of each student focused only on the picture of Christ. 

"And the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you 
did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' 
Matthew 25:40 


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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-12-10 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (December 11).

Deekshit Daniel Sebastian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Simi Susan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Prayer Groups in kerala!!

2001-12-10 Thread Berly Earnest

Dear friends,
To begin prayer groups in every parish,campus,schools,among children,in
professional colleges,hospitals..anywhere there is a possibility for
youth to come together in Kerala;to equip the existing prayer groups to be a
place of fellowship where discipleship formation takes place-we may make use
of Life in the Spirit Seminars(LSS).
PRAYER GROUP VOLUNTEERS TRAINING  is an Orientation programme towards the
above.Effective ways to use the LSS Team Manual and Participation Manual
will be introduced.The following are the dates:
1.All Kerala Programme from December 14-16 at Emmaus.
2.Regional Programme from January 18-20 in Ernakulam.
3.Regional Programme from January 25-27 in Kannur.
4.Regional Programme from January 25-27 in Thrissur.
5.Regional Programme from February 1-3 in Kottayam.
6.Regional Programme from February 1-3 in Idukki.
7.Regional Programme(date not yet fixed) in Trivandrum.
Participants expected:Members of Zonal Service Teams,former members of Zonal
Service Teams,leaders actively involved in different sub-zones and
Love & prayers,
Jomon Varghese.

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[JOYnet] The Perfect Match ????

2001-12-10 Thread JASON

Greetings to the Youth in Christ

Its been ages since I mailed out here. I wish to thank all those who mailed
me for my birthday which was recent. So thank you again for that. All the
wishes were really heart warming.

I am just blessed to hear the news that one of my Aunty (one of the younger
ones :) has finally found a match for herself and will be getting married
next year. Praise God for that. Finally her family prayers did get answered.
Just Yesterday one of my relatives commented that after such a long search
my aunty has finally found a suitor and he seems to be "The Perfect Match".
And that got me thinking. What exactly is a Perfect Match. Is there anything
called as a "Perfect Match". I mean I know that many of you are married out
here. We heard how God chose Eve for Adam. We know how Joseph was chosen for
Mary, why some of us even know how Swapna was chosen for Abey. We tend to
associate the Perfect Match when everything works out between a couple. But
when things go a bit awry then what. So well what exactly is a perfect

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Trousseau Or Dowry

2001-12-10 Thread Welchy Fatima Fernandes

Well I don’t know how far the discussion reg dowry has
reached as I still have many unread mails due to heavy
work schedule .But  I still  wanna add  a few pts of
to this Topic  ..thank u Priya  joy ,,,she has been
asking  me to write at Jy esp. abt this very topic.
She says  wants to hear from  the Goan Gal of Jy .
So my dear Jys Here I Open my big mouth :
We Goenkars (goans )  have something called DENE
(Konkani  word).English Word trousseau—Getup of  the
The Real & meaning being(at least for me  ) : Dowry
Goan gals at a very young age are taught to collect
things for Dene .Every  small thing is collected for
the Dene  
 There is something else that accompanies Dene called
"BOL".A sweet given to the husbands folks as that they
can distribute the same to whole village  after
marriage (hey guys I am talking abt village ok) In
Mumbai  no one has the  time for this.Accompanying
Bols (which r  Jaggerey & coconut & flour  sweets) are
given  bananas Hey what’s the big deal one may
say???Only sweets na ??? 
BOL & bananas make a great Deal  when they  are
demanded  in thousands Imagine thousands of  Bananas &
Bols .What a pity !This is no cheesy affair 
 But Dene is a compulsory part of the tradition of the
wedding .So it remains standard every where .Its
usually taken a day before the marriage that the gals
take it to her to be in laws place.Her things are then
 displayed ..,,,relatives & friends are invited to
have a look at the things .The things that are
displayed are from  Gold…to beauty aids ..clothes 
..furniture sanitary ware etc.There are various
comments passed out there . .Some old aunty will then
pass a comment.." This chocker seems to be
light"…."Ohh just 6 bangles".Then the money on the
Table kept is closely observed by many ."KAI VORNO NA"
(..she taken nothing ) is heard most of the time .
Some young gals will come to check out for the latest 
things ..Pattern of the dress.. What make up kit???
…The number of Pillow covers the bride is taking
..what pattern for the crochet ???The things are then
taken to her husbands place .Its the same displayable
procedure  there too….In fact here is where the real
scrutiny takes place …If there is match in the demands
the brides people  are taken inside a room & given a
“Mouth Full:”
What a pity!I have seen this happening in my
family too .In fact there are instances where I have
seen my uncles crying for the same .Anyway this is as 
far demands are  not met. But In case of the things
are up to the satisfactory level…the Brides folks can
expect some respect from the Groom side.
When I look back & think on all this .. I often ask
find me asking my ownself.Does this type of behavior
beseem us  Christians -the followers  of Christ . I
ask my people around y this show .They tell me its not
a dowry system …its Just Trousseau   all this is
for the Gal na .
 For me ..there is no difference betn a Trousseau 
(dene) & dowry…. If this so called Trousseau  or dowry
(what soever it may be) can cause pain & grudges &
fights at the weddings ,,  ,does this at  all  comes
from GOD  Hey I personally  feel that this comes
from none other then DEVIL ,,,yaar……
The mails, I read earlier talked a lot abt things
happening in Kerela.Whether  its  Kearla or Goa it’s 
..is the same  Parents pain &  tears everywhere.

 Well I am not against any tradition Or culture ..They
are good as long as there is  there is  peace &  joy..
(the gifts of the Holy Spirit) around . 
As for me.. I  think it a high time to break these
Sickening Rules  .MY personal things are mine ..no one
has the right to comment abt what I am taking  to my
new House .I have taken the first step  against 
practice  ..pls keep me in your prayers ..i need them
..cos its not so easy as I think  to break a Tradition
(Jesus also had a hard time breaking evil  traditions
 What all I have written is a just a general & my
personal view ..I know of Guys & gals who have Had The
courage To say NO to this system.. Praise God for the
But All boils down to one Fact .
IT’S THE MAN & the WOMAN in marriage  .They are the
one who can MAKE  or MAR  the sanctity of marriage .
In Jesus 
(Hey I am open to corrections ..)
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[JOYnet] Trousseau Or Dowry !!!!!

2001-12-10 Thread Welchy Fatima Fernandes

Well I don’t know how far the discussion reg dowry has
reached as I still have many unread mails due to heavy
work schedule .But  I still  wanna add  a few pts of
to this Topic  ..thank u Priya  joy ,,,she has been
asking  me to write at Jy esp. abt this very topic.
She says  wants to hear from  the Goan Gal of Jy .
So my dear Jys Here I Open my big mouth :
We Goenkars (goans )  have something called DENE
(Konkani  word).English Word trousseau—Getup of  the
The Real & meaning being(at least for me  ) : Dowry
Goan gals at a very young age are taught to collect
things for Dene .Every  small thing is collected for
the Dene  
 There is something else that accompanies Dene called
"BOL".A sweet given to the husbands folks as that they
can distribute the same to whole village  after
marriage (hey guys I am talking abt village ok) In
Mumbai  no one has the  time for this.Accompanying
Bols (which r  Jaggerey & coconut & flour  sweets) are
given  bananas Hey what’s the big deal one may
say???Only sweets na ??? 
BOL & bananas make a great Deal  when they  are
demanded  in thousands Imagine thousands of  Bananas &
Bols .What a pity !This is no cheesy affair 
 But Dene is a compulsory part of the tradition of the
wedding .So it remains standard every where .Its
usually taken a day before the marriage that the gals
take it to her to be in laws place.Her things are then
 displayed ..,,,relatives & friends are invited to
have a look at the things .The things that are
displayed are from  Gold…to beauty aids ..clothes 
..furniture sanitary ware etc.There are various
comments passed out there . .Some old aunty will then
pass a comment.." This chocker seems to be
light"…."Ohh just 6 bangles".Then the money on the
Table kept is closely observed by many ."KAI VORNO NA"
(..she taken nothing ) is heard most of the time .
Some young gals will come to check out for the latest 
things ..Pattern of the dress.. What make up kit???
…The number of Pillow covers the bride is taking
..what pattern for the crochet ???The things are then
taken to her husbands place .Its the same displayable
procedure  there too….In fact here is where the real
scrutiny takes place …If there is match in the demands
the brides people  are taken inside a room & given a
“Mouth Full:”
What a pity!I have seen this happening in my
family too .In fact there are instances where I have
seen my uncles crying for the same .Anyway this is as 
far demands are  not met. But In case of the things
are up to the satisfactory level…the Brides folks can
expect some respect from the Groom side.
When I look back & think on all this .. I often ask
find me asking my ownself.Does this type of behavior
beseem us  Christians -the followers  of Christ . I
ask my people around y this show .They tell me its not
a dowry system …its Just Trousseau   all this is
for the Gal na .
 For me ..there is no difference betn a Trousseau 
(dene) & dowry…. If this so called Trousseau  or dowry
(what soever it may be) can cause pain & grudges &
fights at the weddings ,,  ,does this at  all  comes
from GOD  Hey I personally  feel that this comes
from none other then DEVIL ,,,yaar……
The mails, I read earlier talked a lot abt things
happening in Kerela.Whether  its  Kearla or Goa it’s 
..is the same  Parents pain &  tears everywhere.

 Well I am not against any tradition Or culture ..They
are good as long as there is  there is  peace &  joy..
(the gifts of the Holy Spirit) around . 
As for me.. I  think it a high time to break these
Sickening Rules  .MY personal things are mine ..no one
has the right to comment abt what I am taking  to my
new House .I have taken the first step  against 
practice  ..pls keep me in your prayers ..i need them
..cos its not so easy as I think  to break a Tradition
(Jesus also had a hard time breaking evil  traditions
 What all I have written is a just a general & my
personal view ..I know of Guys & gals who have Had The
courage To say NO to this system.. Praise God for the
But All boils down to one Fact .
IT’S THE MAN & the WOMAN in marriage  .They are the
one who can MAKE  or MAR  the sanctity of marriage .
In Jesus 
(Hey I am open to corrections ..)
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[JOYnet] I need your Prayers today..

2001-12-10 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Joynetters,

I am scheduled to meet my H R Person today for a
session of H.R. Mapping...
I dont have a clue what H.R. Mapping is all about...
Just Pray with me and for me...

Love and Prayers

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[JOYnet] Shalom Tidings

2001-12-10 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear friends on the JOYnet,

You'll do know about shalom Prayer group. they have a website 

Please do send some fincial help to them if you'll can.

also you'll can download Shalom Tidings and many more from the website.

God bless you'll

Joseph/satara/ India.

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[JOYnet] for JY of Pune

2001-12-10 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear friends in Pune,

I had sent a mail for you on the JOYnet few days back. I will be in Pune 
fron 20th Dec to 17th Jan for a training prog. I will be free in the 
evenings. I am looking forward to attend prayer meetings and also meet 
you'll. Do get in touch with me at earliest. My Phone No. is 02162 81595 
(Res.)  84057 (College)

Joseph/ Satara/India

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