[JOYnet] Ecuador

2002-02-06 Thread rafi kootumkal

Hi friends in Jesus
I am Fr Rafi, again from Ecuador. 
I know it is long time that I could write to you. I
really wanted to send mails to Joynet. But
unfortunately could not. Yet I was experiencing your
prayer-help during the mission trips. Now , as you
might have known from the media, it is really raining
cats and dogs here in South America. Many people died
and many are suffering. I request your prayers for my
poor people here in Ecuador.
I had to come back from the missions as  all the
rivers are over flowing and so travelling is almost
impossible now. Even the animals cannot walk.
Yesterday I took the risk of going to a village inside
the jungle. It was raining very heavily. My jeep
refused to move on the mud, and I was alone. I locked
the vehicle and walked a little. Then I saw a house
far away. 
I went there to see whether I could get any help.
Thanks to Jesus!! It was a catholic family and they
received me. I told them what happened and about my
destination. They had a donkey and with all the good
will, they offered it to me and their child told me
that he would accompany me. See the providence of
God!! Though it was still raining we started our
journey. And after a couple of hours we reached our
destination. I celebrated Holy Mass there and came
back on the same donkey. And some how managed to come
back home. I cancelled the mission trips and will be
here until the rain stops, enjoying this “special
Last week  a malayali sister sent us some “mulaku podi
(chilly powder) and Curry Masala.
So we are going to cook some “meen curry”(fish) in
Indian Style.
All are invited!!!

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-02-06 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (February 07).

dileep augustine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
donald john decruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
dileep augustine 
sijo sijo thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
dorothy shine dcruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Saritha Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Book List full

2002-02-06 Thread josephcc

Haloo Friends,

I am sending a rough outline of all the books you have suggested, please do add to the 
list and make the necessary corrections.  Thanks to all who have contributed.

1.St.Francis - God's Pauper-by Kazantzakis
2.A Father Who Keeps His Promises : God's Covenant Love in Scripture  by Scott Hahn
3.A grief observed [by] C. S. Lewis  
4.And You Are Christ's : The Charismas of Virginity and the Celibate Life  By Fr. 
Thomas Dubay
5.At wits end,   A marriage made in Heaven.. or too tired for an affair,Family: The 
ties that bindand Gag, The grass is always greener overthe septic tank,I 
lost everything in the post natal Depression,If lifeis a bowl of cherries what am 
I doing in the pits- by Erma Bombeck
6.Authenticity : A Biblical Theology of Discernment  By Fr. Thomas Dubay
7.In defense of purity; an analysis of the Catholic ideals of purity and virginity by 
Von Hildebrand, Dietrich
8.Sittliche Grundhaltungen. English  Title Fundamental moral attitudes. Translated 
from theGerman by Alice M. Jourdain  by Von Hildebrand, Dietrich
9.Catechism of the Catholic Church
10.Unlimited power by Anthony Robbins
11.Autobigraphies of St. Augustine, St. Teresa of Avila & St.Therese of Lisieux
12.Awaken the Giant withinby Anthony Robbins
13.Be human be holy - Fr. CP varkey
14.The be Happy attitudes by Robert H. Schuller
15.Tough minded faith for tender hearted people,  by Robert H. Schuller
16.Be Human, Be Holy By Fr. C. P. Varkey
17.Believe in the God who believes in you, by Robert H. Schuller
18.Beware of the Naked man who offers you his shirt by Harvey Macay
19.Beyond love-dominic lapier
20.Blessing or Curse You Can  Choose by Derek Prince
21.Bondage Breaker - Neil T Anderson
22.Born to win by. ( I forgot the authors name)
23.By Love Refined : Letters to a Young Bride by Alice Von Hildebrand
24.Call to Holiness - Reflections on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal by Paul Josef 
Cordes (Foreword by Raniero Cantalamessa)
25.Call to Holiness By Ralf Martin
26.Catholic and Christian by Alan Schreck (Malayalam translation available with Emmaus 
Publications, KST)
27.Chicken soup for the soul( there are a lot of good books in this sereus.check it 
out, it is worth.
28.Christ is passing by By Blessed (Fr.)Jose Maria Escriva  
29.Christian Healing: A practical and Comprehensive Guide by Mark A. Pearson (Foreword 
by Francis MacNutt)
30.City of joy- dominic lapier
31.Confessions by St. Augustine
32.Cross and the swith blade - nikky cruz
33.Crossing the Threshold of Hope -- by Pope John Paul
34.Divine Mercy in my Soul by Saint Faustina Kowalska
35.Does your Tongue Need healing? by Derek Prince
36.Ecclesia in Asia (pope's encyclical on church in Asia) and all other Encyclicals 
37.Eucharistic Devotion by Father Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR, and James Monti
38.Father Forgive Me for I Am Frustrated - Growing in Faith When You Don't Find It 
Easy Being Catholic by Mitch Pacwa SJ
39.Finding God's will for you  By St.(Bishop) Francis De Sales
40.Fire Within : St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and theGospel-On Prayer   
By Fr. Thomas Dubay
41.Furrow By Blessed (Fr.)Jose Maria Escriva 
42.God can do it Again  By Catherine Kuhlman.
43.Gods best Ideas By Fr. Fio Mascheranhas
44.Good Morning Holy Spirit By Benny Hinn.
45.Good News About Sex and Marriage : Answers to Your Honest QuestionsAbout Catholic 
Teaching  By Christopher West
46.Growing in faith - Stphen Clerk
47.Growing in Jesus by Marcelino Iragui OCD
48.Healing - Francis MacNutt
49.Healing Through the Mass by Robert De Grandis, SSJ, with Linda Schubert
50.Holy Spirit Power - Charles Spurgeon
51.I love the word impossible, Hi, I'm Ann,  I'm running to win, Seduced bysuccess- by 
Ann Kiemel
52.I'll dress you in mourning, City of Joy by Dominique Lappierre
53.Imitation of Christ--(known as 2nd Bible) 
54.In conversation with God - Fr. francis Fernandez etc
55.In the Presence of Our Lord - The History, Theology, and Psychology of 
56.Introduction to devout life by Francis De Sales(www.ccel.org)
57.Journal of a Soul by Bl. John  XXIII
58.Kooriruttile Nurunguvatto' written by Fr. Isaac Alapatt.
59.Leading Teens to Freedom in Christ - How to Win the Battle for our Young People by 
Neil T. Anderson and Rich Miller
60.Life in the Lordship of Christ - Raniero Cantelamessa
61.Life is worth living By Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
62.Life of Christ - Fulton J sheen
63.Listening at prayer by Benedict J. Groeschel, CFRChristianity with Power by Charles 
H. Kraft ( Foreword by Clark H. Pinnock)
64.Listening at PrayerBy Fr. Benedict Groeschel
65.Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi by Ugolino, Brother
66.Love and Responsibility By Pope John Paul II
67.Lukewarmness: Devil in disguise By Francis Carvajal
68.Mans Search for meaning by Victor Frankl
69.Marriage : The Mystery of Faithful Love by Dietrich Von Hildebrand
70.Meet Jesus - Fr. marcelino Iragui
71.Men are From Mars Women are from Venus
72.My grace is sufficent for you. - shalom publication


2002-02-06 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Hi All,
This is the Homily for the Holy Mass on Feb. 2, 2002, by Fr. Van A.
Hager, I.M.C. at the Consolata Chapel in Somerset, New Jersey, USA. I am
sending this to the JOY net, since it has some information all the
Joynet people could use.
Yours in Jesus Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.


Today we have two quite dramatic descriptions of encounters with evil:
in the first reading we hear about David and his rebellious son,
Absalom. In the Gospel, we see Jesus curing the demoniac.
I'm not sure how much experience each one of us has had with contact
with EVIL SPIRITS. Most of us go about our normal daily lives seemingly
not directly affected by the evil around us, yet it's hard to deny the
existence of evil in the world.
President Bush is constantly referring to "The Evil Ones" or "Those who
intend us evil" or "Do evil to us". And so, now we have this mania about
security in the airports and all government bldgs, especially, the post
office bldgs.
I don't know about my brother priests, but I don't remember any special
preparation in dealing with evil spirits during my seminary formation.
There was no special emphasis on exorcism or the Sacrament of the
anointing of the sick. Actually, it seemed quite obvious to me that some
of my professors did not really believe in evil as such let alone the
possibility of praying against it with any practical effect. The science
of psychology and psychiatry was becoming very popular at that time -
and still is - and the effects of evil were explained away most of the
time by deviant behaviour  patterns or bad upbringing.
I remember a couple of cases in my most recent missionary experience in
Colombia, So. America,  where people had died supposedly of a Spirit of
Death. I knew one lady that died personally and had even accepted the
invitation to travel 10 hrs by horse to celebrate the First Communion of
her two children in a remote part of the jungle in Southern Colombia,
just outside of the demilitarized zone that we have been hearing so much
about lately.
Her family initially brought her to the parish priest in one of the
larger urban centers, but he apparently did not know how to pray against
evil spirits - so the sisters told me - so the poor lady was taken to a
local non-Catholic healer and died the following week under his "care".
Unfortunately, there IS much evil in the world today, but there are very
few priests who are   prepared to deal with it.
What is most unfortunate is that as a result of this ignorance among
religious and clergy, parents   are not receiving proper education to
pass on to their children - when is the last time you heard a   sermon
on the existence of evil or the Devil, in church?
Young people are wont to try new and different things out of curiosity -
like the wee-gee board, "Dungeons and Dragons" and other apparently
innocuous games. The danger is that when parents allow their children to
indulge in these truly dangerous persuits, they are letting them be open
to all sorts of evil that enters into a person when our defenses our
down: that's what these seemingly harmless games foster: they help us to
lower our defenses against evil.
I'm sure we have all heard - at least a little bit - about NEW AGE
phenomena: among which is the belief in the power of crystals, pyramids
and horoscopes. Most of us laugh at the suggestion that there could be
anything evil in reading my daily horoscope, but this is one way - by
indulging in these seemingly harmless pastimes, that we begin - little
by little - to drop our defenses and become more vulnerable to the
attacks of Satan in our lives.
Let us give thanks to God in this Holy Eucharist for sending us Jesus
His Son to free us from all types of evil and pray that we may be
properly informed as to the existence of evil in our world today -
especially, as to how it affects the young people in our families.

Fr. Van A. Hager, I.M.C.

ps: I thank Father for letting me publish his homily.

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[JOYnet] praise the lord!

2002-02-06 Thread roshan mathew verghese

Dear firends,

I had earlier mailed regarding a prayer for me to get my accreditation for
IRCA Lead Auditor course. Today, the course coordinator called up to inform me
that i had got the accreditation. Only 10 of the 40 persons who had attended
the course had got the accreditation.

praise the lord.

Yours in Christ for ever,

Roshan Mathew VergheseGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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[JOYnet] Test msg - pls. ignore

2002-02-06 Thread sebastian thomas

sebastian thomas
God sends trials not to impair us but to improve us.

True wisdom begins and ends with God

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[JOYnet] Christian Rock?

2002-02-06 Thread Thomas George

This is my first mail to the Joynet community.Despite being a member for the
last 5 months or so, I was a silent "spectator" all the while, enjoying the
lively debates and discussions.

Now, I need a clarification on Christian Rock music. We hear a lot of
devotional/gospel music of various groups/artists like Hosanna Integrity,
Celebrant singers, etc which sound and are spiritually uplifting. However, I
have my doubts on "Christian Rock" groups. Eg, some of their numbers do sound
very "heavy metal/rock like".

Coz, considering the satanic origins of rock/ rock'n'roll music, isn't the
term "Christian Rock" itself an oxymoron?

Will somebody help out?

Thomas K.George
Cochin, India.

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[JOYnet] It is not the medicine that cured him.......

2002-02-06 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Following is a testimony of a mother and her 12 year old son.  They are 
testifying how Lord Jesus touched them during the 2nd day of the retreat 
lead by Fr. Thomas Mathew at the Sacred Heart Church, Bahrain:

Please read.

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas

I am Marykutty Mathew, mother of Rhonnie Mathew, 14 years old, who was 
suffering from high fever and backache for the past 12 days, had no effect 
on the medicines he took till we brought him for the retreat on 29th January 
2002 at Sacred Heart Church at 6.30 pm which was led by Rev. Fr. Thomas 
Mathw, from U.S.A.   Rhonnie was lying down my shoulder because he couldn’t 
hold his head, nor open his eyes.  Everytime he said he wanted to lie down, 
go home, wants to vomit, etc..  To our great surprise, some somehow I could 
attend the Retreat till the adoration took place at 9 pm.  When the 
adoration started, he stood up and praised the Lord with everyone.  During 
the adoration, as I was fully attending to the “Eucharistic host" and 
praising and worshipping, I saw a “Fire” burning around the "Eucharistic 
host" – for a moment I couldn’t believe my eyes and again I looked to 
confirm and again I could only see the ‘fire’ around the ‘bread’!

With my tears falling down I kept on praising and worshipping the ‘Living 
God Jesus Christ’.  After a second my son asked me “Mummy did you see a 
‘fire’ buring around the ‘Eucharistic host’?  Therefore, I could confirm to 
him I have asked him whether he saw anything.  He said “Mummy I saw a ‘fire’ 
burning around the ‘Eucharistic host’.  I broke off with tears of happiness 
and joy and both of us kept on thanking and praising the Lord.  From that 
time on, my son was freed of all his sufferings he had for the past 12 days. 
  It is not the medicine that cured him but the WORD and the faith on the 
LIVING GOD that cured him.


Mary Mathew Punnoos (Muttathethu)


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[JOYnet] When we pray for others

2002-02-06 Thread Shobith Thomas

Dear all

I had one of the best blessings of God.Yesterday after 
my duty I went to Ron's house.
He was very desparate to speak to someone about his 
bitter experiences in class.Praise the Lord So we talked
for about an hour and a half and he told me that he would
bunk class the next day.

I told him about the mail from Lijo Paul about the Donkey 
and so on.Also I told him  a personal message to keep 
silent and then say a small prayer " My Dear Jesus I offer this humiliation to your 
glory and please help me to get adjusted".
I told him the best way was to go for a confession and 
then a mass.Praise the Lord So we went for confession and then had 
supper with Fr.George and Fr.Johnson. Praise the Lord on high.

On the way back he told me that it was one of his greatest wish
to dine with priests and priase the lord for that.Praise the Lord.
Today morning he received Christ in the Blessed Eucharistic and praise the lord.I 
prayed for him praise the Lord.

I was a bit worried about my stay in my company and I did not even pray for that.But 
when i prayed for others he just helped me.My uncle had mailed about a job. He called 
and told Dad and mum that he would ask his friend to hire me after my mum and Dad 
comes back and I stay with them for one month.Praise the Lord.Since the present 
project is a very critical one I had to work here for its success.Praise the Lord.Now 
I may join after I finish it.Priase the Lord on high

with love in the name of Jesus mary and joseph


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[JOYnet] Testimony - for Pro-Life Ministry

2002-02-06 Thread Sojan K. J.

Dear Friends,

The following message is a testimony received from one
of my friend. Hope it will good for our pro-life
ministry and also Maybe the Lord will use it to save
an unborn child! 

I had attended a 'Pro-Life training Programme' 
conducted by Br. Trevor Lewis (Leader of the Jeevan 
Jal Charismatic Group, Mumbai) and his team in 
March-April, 2000. It was here that we were presented 
with the facts of the evils of Contraception and 
Abortion - that our life does not begin the day we 
are born but from the moment we are conceived in our 
mother's womb. But the devil, in all his shrewdness, 
uses different people, especially doctors, to destroy 
life by telling people they have authority to do away 
with the unborn child for whatever reason. There 
are doctors and people in authority who convince 
simple women that the unborn child is not! hing but a 
mass of flesh that's growing in their belly. It is 
only after you witness an abortion with your own eyes,

that you realise that this 'thing' within you was not 
just a mass of flesh but a fully formed baby that has 
been extracted piece by piece from it's mother's womb 
and laid out on a tray. It is a pity that this baby 
which was God's beautiful gift to us was rejected as 
When this reality had sunk in, there were some among 
us who were filled with shock and disbelief; and there

were others who shed tears of guilt because they had 
indulged or supported some action in the past, by 
which a human life was destroyed. 

The Team members led us into prayers of Repentance 
followed by a pledge to support life in any form, at 
any stage. 

A year went by and although I had the desire, I 
couldn't be act! ively involved in any 'Pro-life' 
ministry. Then, in July, 2002, my wife's brother, 
Fabian and his wife Judy came down to Mumbai from 
Doha, Qatar on their annual holiday with their 2 
children, Wayne, aged 8 years and Giselle, aged 7 
years. Judy was now expecting her third child. She 
was 4 months pregnant. She went for a medical 
check-up to one of the best Gynaecologist in Mumbai 
and since her sonography report didn't seem too good, 
the doctors advised her to do a more advanced/precise 
test called "AMNIOSYNTHESIS". the reports of this 
test showed the baby had some abnormalities. The 
doctors again gave their 'expert' advice to Fabian and

Judy - the easiest way of solving the problem was to 
terminate the pregnancy. 
I was very disturbed when I heard this. My wife 
Meena also tried coaxing Judy not to pay heed to their

advice but the doctors had convinced her in such a 
manner that she was determined to abort the baby. It 
was on a Saturday morning I took Fabian & Judy to Bro.

Trevor Lewis for counselling. He spoke to them so 
well, told them about all the work he was doing to 
save babies and how so many women whose medical 
reports during pregnancy showed abnormalities, later 
delivered perfectly normal babies. After the 
counselling, Bro. Trevor led us into a prayer of 
repentance, where the parents asked forgiveness from 
God and from the baby, for all the evil and harmful 
thoughts that they were harbouring all along. He 
then concluded by telling them to accept God's 
forgiveness and be at peace just believing that God 
had set everything right for them. 
After that, Judy said she was consoled a bit, yet the 
final decision would be taken after hearing what 
another big doctor had to say. She met the Doctor 
that evening who confirmed the earlier diagnosis and 
told her that the abortion was not only for her 
benefit but for the benefit of the whole family. He 
psyched her by making her imagine the problems caused 
by having to raise an invalid child. The abortion was 
fixed for Monday morning. 

That night, as I prayed I surrendered Judy and the 
baby to the Lord. Now, it was His job to come to 
their rescue. Next morning, I called up Yvonne, my 
friend from the "Word Ministry" class and asked her to

pray for this cause during the Intercessory meeting. 
Yvonne was so excited, she told me she had a great 
testimony to give to Judy. Nineteen years ago, when 
she was expecting her first baby, she had received 
similar reports. Yet her mind was fixed on bringing 
this baby into the world and finally she not only gave

birth to a perfectly formed baby but this was an 
extra-ordinary child who excelled in every field - 
academics, public speaking etc. and he is now studying

to be an Engineer!!! 

That evening, Meena, Yvonne and I went over to Judy's 
place. We prayed a lot along with her, comforted her. 
Yvonne gave her testimony and showed her all the 
reports which proved wrong. Judy cried her heart out 
even as we offered to support her in every possible 
way. We left her place very late that night. She
seemed to have received that inner peace. Next
morning, the day she was supposed to go for the
abortion, she called up to say that she never wanted
to see that doctor again and that she was going back
to Doha immediately. 

[JOYnet] How the Lord Blesses

2002-02-06 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs

Many a times as we go through our life we come across many temptations that
lead us to bad desires , bad habits. Sometimes we fall into these tempations
unknowingly. What is worst is that many live out our temptation as though it
is a part of life. Below is a True illustration giving an example of how God
works unimaginably. After all it does *pay* to be Good.

ROSEDALE, Minnesota - Kathleen Healy was minding her own business as she tried
on jeans at Marshall Field's. When she
entered the dressing room, she found a money clip full of cash. Though she
could see a $50 and $100 bill, she didn't count it all because "it wasn't my
money," she said. She then gave the wad to the clerk and refused any reward.
The sales clerk "screamed and said 'Oh, a customer's been looking all over for
this.'" The frantic customer burst into tears of relief when they returned the
cash to her, but Healy still refused a reward. The sales clerk insisted she
take a box of Marshall Field's signature chocolates, Frango Mints. When Healy
opened the box, a note was enclosed indicating she had won $10,000. As part of
their "Win a Mint" game. "I've
never won anything before. I've never won a toaster," the ecstatic winner
said. Now she can BUY as many toasters as she wants.
(Source : B-News 28.11.2001)

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[JOYnet] Testimony - for Pro-Life Ministry

2002-02-06 Thread Sojan K. J.

Dear Friends,

The following message is a testimony received from one
of my friend. Hope it will good for our pro-life
ministry and also Maybe the Lord will use it to save
an unborn child! 

I had attended a 'Pro-Life training Programme' 
conducted by Br. Trevor Lewis (Leader of the Jeevan 
Jal Charismatic Group, Mumbai) and his team in 
March-April, 2000. It was here that we were presented 
with the facts of the evils of Contraception and 
Abortion - that our life does not begin the day we 
are born but from the moment we are conceived in our 
mother's womb. But the devil, in all his shrewdness, 
uses different people, especially doctors, to destroy 
life by telling people they have authority to do away 
with the unborn child for whatever reason. There 
are doctors and people in authority who convince 
simple women that the unborn child is not! hing but a 
mass of flesh that's growing in their belly. It is 
only after you witness an abortion with your own eyes,

that you realise that this 'thing' within you was not 
just a mass of flesh but a fully formed baby that has 
been extracted piece by piece from it's mother's womb 
and laid out on a tray. It is a pity that this baby 
which was God's beautiful gift to us was rejected as 
When this reality had sunk in, there were some among 
us who were filled with shock and disbelief; and there

were others who shed tears of guilt because they had 
indulged or supported some action in the past, by 
which a human life was destroyed. 

The Team members led us into prayers of Repentance 
followed by a pledge to support life in any form, at 
any stage. 

A year went by and although I had the desire, I 
couldn't be act! ively involved in any 'Pro-life' 
ministry. Then, in July, 2002, my wife's brother, 
Fabian and his wife Judy came down to Mumbai from 
Doha, Qatar on their annual holiday with their 2 
children, Wayne, aged 8 years and Giselle, aged 7 
years. Judy was now expecting her third child. She 
was 4 months pregnant. She went for a medical 
check-up to one of the best Gynaecologist in Mumbai 
and since her sonography report didn't seem too good, 
the doctors advised her to do a more advanced/precise 
test called "AMNIOSYNTHESIS". the reports of this 
test showed the baby had some abnormalities. The 
doctors again gave their 'expert' advice to Fabian and

Judy - the easiest way of solving the problem was to 
terminate the pregnancy. 
I was very disturbed when I heard this. My wife 
Meena also tried coaxing Judy not to pay heed to their

advice but the doctors had convinced her in such a 
manner that she was determined to abort the baby. It 
was on a Saturday morning I took Fabian & Judy to Bro.

Trevor Lewis for counselling. He spoke to them so 
well, told them about all the work he was doing to 
save babies and how so many women whose medical 
reports during pregnancy showed abnormalities, later 
delivered perfectly normal babies. After the 
counselling, Bro. Trevor led us into a prayer of 
repentance, where the parents asked forgiveness from 
God and from the baby, for all the evil and harmful 
thoughts that they were harbouring all along. He 
then concluded by telling them to accept God's 
forgiveness and be at peace just believing that God 
had set everything right for them. 
After that, Judy said she was consoled a bit, yet the 
final decision would be taken after hearing what 
another big doctor had to say. She met the Doctor 
that evening who confirmed the earlier diagnosis and 
told her that the abortion was not only for her 
benefit but for the benefit of the whole family. He 
psyched her by making her imagine the problems caused 
by having to raise an invalid child. The abortion was 
fixed for Monday morning. 

That night, as I prayed I surrendered Judy and the 
baby to the Lord. Now, it was His job to come to 
their rescue. Next morning, I called up Yvonne, my 
friend from the "Word Ministry" class and asked her to

pray for this cause during the Intercessory meeting. 
Yvonne was so excited, she told me she had a great 
testimony to give to Judy. Nineteen years ago, when 
she was expecting her first baby, she had received 
similar reports. Yet her mind was fixed on bringing 
this baby into the world and finally she not only gave

birth to a perfectly formed baby but this was an 
extra-ordinary child who excelled in every field - 
academics, public speaking etc. and he is now studying

to be an Engineer!!! 

That evening, Meena, Yvonne and I went over to Judy's 
place. We prayed a lot along with her, comforted her. 
Yvonne gave her testimony and showed her all the 
reports which proved wrong. Judy cried her heart out 
even as we offered to support her in every possible 
way. We left her place very late that night. She
seemed to have received that inner peace. Next
morning, the day she was supposed to go for the
abortion, she called up to say that she never wanted
to see that doctor again and that she was going back
to Doha immediately. 

Re: [JOYnet] God of small things....

2002-02-06 Thread John Wilfred

Dear Joyfulnetters,
Thanx for the warm welcome back.
I thank the Lord for making my sharings inspiring for all.
I thank the Lord for making me an instrument for HIS GLORY.
I thank YOU for your love, care and encouragement.
Yes, I surely look forward to write sharings inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT and
also get inspiration from all my Joynetters.
Thankyou once again.
God Bless,
Annie John, Kochi, India.

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[JOYnet] Re: Book Help

2002-02-06 Thread Mathew Joseph

Hi all,

I think if somebody can compile the list of
spiritual books, then it will be helpful.

Also, categorising it into (1) beginners (2) growth
(3) theological (4) Bible study etc..etc(for example)
 will also be helpful.  If possible, a brief description
about what you can expect from  a particular book
 also can be given.

Is it possible to have this book list on our web site?
(as a suggested list of books for reading)

Is any of these books available on the internet??

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 7:48 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Book Help

> Wowie.. C.C.J. Sir u really got us contributing so many Book Titles
> here. But I am sorry I lost track of all the Book Titles shared out here.
> deleted some by mistake L )
> In case anyone has summarised all the Titles of the Books can u please
> them all to me.

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