Hi friends in Jesus
I am Fr Rafi, again from Ecuador. 
I know it is long time that I could write to you. I
really wanted to send mails to Joynet. But
unfortunately could not. Yet I was experiencing your
prayer-help during the mission trips. Now , as you
might have known from the media, it is really raining
cats and dogs here in South America. Many people died
and many are suffering. I request your prayers for my
poor people here in Ecuador.
I had to come back from the missions as  all the
rivers are over flowing and so travelling is almost
impossible now. Even the animals cannot walk.
Yesterday I took the risk of going to a village inside
the jungle. It was raining very heavily. My jeep
refused to move on the mud, and I was alone. I locked
the vehicle and walked a little. Then I saw a house
far away. 
I went there to see whether I could get any help.
Thanks to Jesus!! It was a catholic family and they
received me. I told them what happened and about my
destination. They had a donkey and with all the good
will, they offered it to me and their child told me
that he would accompany me. See the providence of
God!! Though it was still raining we started our
journey. And after a couple of hours we reached our
destination. I celebrated Holy Mass there and came
back on the same donkey. And some how managed to come
back home. I cancelled the mission trips and will be
here until the rain stops, enjoying this “special
Last week  a malayali sister sent us some “mulaku podi
(chilly powder) and Curry Masala.
So we are going to cook some “meen curry”(fish) in
Indian Style.
All are invited!!!


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