[JOYnet] Gifts! The best of them all!

2002-03-12 Thread Jobi Varghese

Hi friends,

Gifts! The word itself resonates the message of love. It's all the 
more exciting when we receive a gift from someone we love.

One time or another, everyone of us has received gifts, and gifted 
something to our loved ones. We deem as priceless those gifts that 
are lovely and beloved and those that we receive from our closest 

Our Father gave the world a wonderful gift 2000 years ago. That, 
by far, is the Greatest Gift ever made. That's our Lord Jesus 
Christ. Jesus has, over the course of time, given us many a 
blessing. Of late, He has blessed me with a wonderful gift, the 
best I could ever hope for.

Is it the best gift I could ever receive? Well, what better gift 
can I ever have than my Susha?
Jobi Varghese, Bangalore, India

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[JOYnet] Prayers for JOY 2002 requested

2002-03-12 Thread milanjthomas

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[JOYnet] Prayers 4 JOY 2002 requested

2002-03-12 Thread milanjthomas

Please pray urgently for the JOY 2002 the conference for Plus One students from all 
over Kerala,a number of hurdles have come up
please pray

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Re: [JOYnet] reply to Shija's doubt#2- Why pray to Mother Mary

2002-03-12 Thread Alfred Samji

Why we pray through Mary when we can do it directly through Jesus?

When giving Mother Mary to 'the disciple he loved' the Lord said to him, 
'Behold thy mother!' (John 19:25 to 27).

He does not say behold 'my mother'(Lord's mother), but says 'your mother (as 
John's own mother).' Jesus asks the disciple he loved i.e to John the son of 
Zebedee to take Mary the Lord's mother (Lk 1: 43) as the disciple's own 
mother, even though we see in the Bible that John already has a mother if 
his own.

This instance in Jn 19:25 to 27 is symbolic of the Lord giving His mother 
own mother to those of his disciples whom he loves. He gives her to them 
(us) as our own mother. When the Lord gifts us with His mother asking us 
to take her as our own mother do we ignore Him or do we take her unto our 
own home like the disciple John did.

So in John 19: 25 - 27 Jesus gives Mary as the mother to all those whom He 
loves. She is the second Eve. Mother Mary does have a place in every 
disciples lives and homes. It is something given to us by the Lord Himself 
to follow.

Now as to praying to God through our mother. When praying to our mother it a 
child speaking to his mother. We share. And she does answer. She has 
appeared in many places with the only intention that she loves her children 
and does not want them to perish.

Can a child keep away from talking to his own mother. Praying directly to 
God has it's results. But, we also know that the prayer of a sinner is not 
fully acceptable to God. So, sinners as we are when we pray directly we have 
no assurance that our prayers will be answered. But we have St. James 
telling us that 'The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth 
much.(James 5:12). And those of us who have enjoyed the fruits of such 
prayers know from experience that Mother Mary and the saints will not 
discard our prayers.

Hoping that this has been of use to some, by the grace of God.

Regards in Christ Jesus,

Samji / Dubai

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2002-03-12 Thread greg dsilva

  greg dsilva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Nandita,
From my end I will definately say that it is not
whether the Church should change with the changing
times,but The Church is changing with the changing
There are so many things which can be observed as
compared to the past.
1)As a child I remember the priest offering mass by
facing the main alter.Today he faces the people.
2)The Holy Eucharist was celebrated in latin
only.Today the church has changed its attitude towards
this and so we find that if you go to gujarat the mass
is celebrated in Gujarati.In Goa it is in Konkani and
so on.
3)In the past on Good Friday people mostly would
dressup in black.Today the church is emphasizing that
it is not a day to be sad but instead to be happy
because it is due to good friday that the doors of
Heaven were opened and Easter Sunday followed.
4)Alowing Lay people to distribute Holy Communion. 
Earlier only consecrated hands were supposed to touch
the Tebernacle.
5)Fulfilling the obligation i.e. Sunday Mass. Today
the church allows you to go for Mass on Saturdays to
fulfill your Sunday obligation.
6)Today even if you attend a funeral mass on Sunday,or
a mass celebrated for christening,you need not go for
a special or routine mass held as per church timings
on that Sunday.
7)In Goa most of the churches have the Passion of
Christ celebrated during Lent with the statue of
Christ posing in different forms thus giving us a
deeper meaning and understanding of the sufferings
undergone by christ for our sake.But today the new
churches built in Goa and are doing away with this
system,all because the church has decided to change
with the present times.
8)Having death anniversary masses and blessing of the
graves is now restricted to the first year only.So
much so that the church discourages to offer masses
for the dead with the title like third death
anniversary or say fifth death anniversary and so
on,but instead the church says this mass is offered
for the soul of so and so.
9)Distributing Holy communion on the palm rather than
the tongue is a vital change.
10)Priests are given the facility to move around like
civilians with pants,shirts and t-shirts.(The choice
being totally of the priest)as compared to the past
when we always found them with cassocks.
11)Nuns are also given the facilty to change to sarees
and skirt-blouses.
12)Earlier if a nun had to leave her congregation she
had to wait after intimation of her desire,till it was
confirmed by the Pope.Today she can just intimate and
leave.No need to wait.
So Nandita,I think I have expressed quite a bit and to
cut short I would like to say BYE,but before that I
would like to tell you that a Cynod has taken place in
Goa last month almost after 50 years.One of the
aspects of the Cynod was to discuss the various
changes required by the Church for the benefit of
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[JOYnet] FW: Sharing a moment, in His name!

2002-03-12 Thread VIVEK GEORGE

  Sharing a moment, in His name!
 Subject: Lord's Prayer
 During the next 60 seconds, stop whatever you are doing, and
 opportunity. (Literally it is only 1 minute).  All you have to
 You simply say The Lords Prayer for the person that sent you
 message -
 Our Father, who are in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy
 Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
 this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we
 those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation
 us from all evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and
  Glory, forever. Amen.
 Stop and think and appreciate God's power in your life,
 what you know is pleasing to him. 
 Jesus said, If you are ashamed of me,
 ashamed of you before My Father.  
 Yes, I love my God.  He is my
 Life and My Savior.  He Keeps me going day and night.  Without
 am no one.  But with Him, I can do everything. Christ is my
 May God bless you in an abundance for the blessings you are to

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-03-12 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (March 13).

Biju Francis olaengil [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Anyone in North Amerca?

2002-03-12 Thread Saji Sebastian

Dear JYs,

If anyone in North America who are not in JYA please
sent a reply to me.
There Jesus Youth Activities in North America
especially in USA. Currently we have lot of regular
activities taking place in North Eastern USA and in
Chicago Area.
Jesus Youth of America (JYA) has mailing list similar
to JOYList for those JYs in north America.
If you know anyone who would like to Join JYA email me
or send mails to 


Also pray for JYA.

With Lots of love and prayers
Saji, NJ, USA

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[JOYnet] CGFNS Exams

2002-03-12 Thread Shobith Thomas

Dear All

Many are writing CGFNS exams today.Let us pray an Our Father,Hail Mary and a Glory Be 
to God for them.

Please pray for Pradeep's sister Pushpa Chechi and his sister-in-law who are taking 
the exams today.

With love in Christ


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[JOYnet] our God is really an AWESOME GOD

2002-03-12 Thread Shobith Thomas

Dear All

This is a mighty miracle

I had asked all of you to pray for the sister of Ms.Shelly who had some facial 
difigurations due to which her marriage was in jeopardy. She had done plastic surgery 
but the result was the same. Now yesterday at about 00:00 AM I had a call from Merina 
chechi saying that our prayers
have been answered and she got a beautiful husband who is from a well to do family.He 
is an advocate.

I have some req:

Aji Chettan had asked all of us to pray that he may get a job.

Leena chechi had asked to pray for her son Kevin with terrible 
asthamatic wheezing.

A Nun at the covent had asked to pray for her sister Mary who has marriage troubles.

Rani chechi had asked to pray for her mother who requires much inner healing and had 
gone for a retreat.

With love and prayers in Jesus Mary and Joseph


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[JOYnet] Philippians 1:29

2002-03-12 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

   For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to
believe on him, but also to suffer for him...
-- Philippians 1:29

   Suffer!  How is suffering a privilege?  IT'S NOT unless it is
for Jesus.  Remember how the early apostles were joyful because
they were counted worthy to suffer for the name? (cf. Acts 5:41) 
You see, he suffered for us so we could be saved.  When we face
suffering for the cause of Christ and his Kingdom, we help inspire
others to live faithfully in adversity and show to all the
genuineness of our faith.  So few have anything worthy of their
living, dying, or suffering.  We have reason for all three:  our
lives will be caught up in Jesus' victory!  (cf. Rom. 8:32-39; 1
Cor. 15)

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2002-03-12 Thread JASON:)

  - Original Message -
  From: Welchy Fatima Fernandes
  To: JASON:)
  Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 5:58 PM

  Intimacy with Christ for me is being MY VERY  SELF with HIM (without any
sort  of mask)

  I don't have to pretend with HIM
  ..i dont have to hide my true feelings
  I can  be what ever i want to !!!.. i can cry when i am down  ,i can laugh
when i am up ,I can smile when i am feeling  good  i can frown when i am not
feeling too good!!!

  COS HE  loves me as I am

  In fact I do a lot of talking with my Jesus ..that's what are prayers to me

  I tell him abt a Virus in my comp ..he takes care of my data .When i am
struggling with something .I just ask Him  HE  works there too.
  In fact, HE  is so concerned of  a careless person like me, that whenever I
keep losing my things ...i just have to call on HIM   to find me the same .

  Isnt our Good Lord so very casual ??? I really feel like a little Babe in
HIS strong arms ..

  Here is a verse that usually peps  me up

  Matthew 18:3
  And he said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little
children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

  YOurs in Jesus



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[JOYnet] request for prayers

2002-03-12 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear friends on the JOYnet,

This is a simple request you to pray for me as I am presently going through 
a tough time. Pl.. say an our father', an 'hail mary' and a 'glory be'.

In case any of you are gifted and get any messages for me please do mail it 
to me.

Thanking you.


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