Re: [JOYnet] The origins of the Various Churches

2002-04-23 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Joynetters,

We will Tackle the queries raised one at a time

First it is not we christians who setup peter as the
leader of the  apostles and the church..It was Jesus
himself..who said.."you are  peter, and on this rock i
will build my church.." also when he said  three times
to him.." Feed my sheep.."

Also the Lord has given a mandate to the apostles and
thru them to the teach and preach the good
news to all nations.."

In the acts of the apostles we read of the event where
the apostles  appointed helpers by the laying of
hands..they also appointed  episcopoi(overseers)and
presbyteroi(elders) by laying of hands to carry 
forward their mission and to take care of the needs of
the people..

This is what we call "Apostolic succession" Our
present catholic and  the orthodox churches can trace
back their origins back to the  apostles. Thus it is
also a surity for us that the teachings of faith  is
the same as those of the apostles..
The Pope is the Bishop of Rome and by himself does not
and cannot  Change or Modify any tenets of our
faith..What he does is clarify the  position of the
church. And as per the authority given by christ to 
teach the nations,he in consultation with all the
other bishops after a  lot of prayer and deliberation
puts forth clear answers to any queries  or doubts
that may have been raised.. 
Also the core christian truths which are expressed in
the Apostles  creed are something which he or anyother
can never change..
Also throughout history there have been  few such
cases where the pope  has made a statement of
What we have instead is the carrying forward or the
Handing down  process where the christian beliefs were
handed down from one  generation to the
other...initially in Oral form and then in written 
So whoever told you that the popes have set forth all
these practices  in the church has told u a half
truth... which is worse than a lie..
Yes we will not hide the fact that there have been a
few bad popes in  the 2000 years of church
history..but there have been many more who  have been
exemplary models of faith..who have killed ,tortured,
maimed  for being christian leaders.But as human
tendency goes..we will not see  the white paper
instead we will concentrate on the few black spots on 
it.Mind u i am not accusing anyone..i am just saying
that those who  have mis informed u have convineinetly
picked and chosen information to  highlight their
position that the church is pagan..

Next point..
The catholic Church is always accused of being
unscriptural..Like it is  mentioned.."what we practice
in the Catholic Church does not agree with 
Tell me where is it written in the Bible that the
Bible is the only  rule of faith and that whatever we
do should be written in it..
No where..
2 tim3:16 which the fundamentalists normally quote
only speaks abt the  Inspiration of scripture..which
even the catholic church holds and  proclaims..But it
never speaks of the bible being the only way to 
discern gods will..
Paul in that passage is by the Way talking abt
scripture available at  his time..which is the Old
testament. let us remember that the gospels,  and the
other books of New Testamnet were written after Paul
wrote the  letter to timothy.
In his letter to the Romans ch1:18-20 we read that god
has revealed  himself to all primarily thru nature..we
see the same message echoed in  Psalm8 " O lord my God
, when i in Awesome wonder"
The second revelation of God is thru people and
events..People like  abraham ,jacob, moses, david..who
never had a bible.But were people of  faithEvents
like salvation of Israel from Egypt etc. All these
show  the power of God..These events are what is
recorded in the bible..
Also the most complete of all revelations is Jesus The
WORD of GOD.his  words and his deeds are recorded in
the bible..So the Bible is a record 
of people, events, lives which reveal gods love and
power to us..
It is not an all-purpose book meant to be interpreted
the same way in  all the times..
It is Gods Words in the words of man.
Also when the protestants and fundamentalists read the
bible, they  understand it in a method called free
interpretation where they believe  that whatever
meaning is apparent to the reader is the meaning of
that  scripture..This causes a great confusion
especially since the thinking  patterns and
educational background of each one differs..We see the
 effect of this in the number of denominational
churches which keep  getting formed and split

When we study the bible today as most of the scholars
do..we use the  histiro-critical method..Unlike the
free interpretation method we keep  in mind the fact
that the specific books of the bible were written 
around 2000 years ago in hebrew, aramaic and greek.we
use the  information we gather from archoelogical
findings especially those at  Qumran near the dead sea
which throw so much light on scripture.

Let us remember that the Catholic Church compiled t


2002-04-23 Thread Josun Jose

 Dear Friends in Jesus,

A couple of weeks back, we were just sitting at home after dinner and having
some light time together with as a family. I cracked a few jokes that I picked
up from the Net Johny cracked a few of the latest 'sardarji & malayalee'
Jokes that he added to his stock. My sisters too evoked sporadic laughter here
and there with their lope sided jokes!. My dad had bought a nice Joke book
(Laughing Gas!). And was reading jokes from it. We were having marvelous fun
together. Then, all of a sudden Daddin started laughing very loud, we thought
he had read some very funny joke. Akku, grabbed the joke book to see what it
was, but there was nothing there Daddin narrated a small story that
happened in his and mummy's life in years past.
Once upon a time in the year 1992 AD we visited Kerala after a very long time.
We were only 5 kids then, Augustine had not yet arrived, he was only in the
plan of God... We had gone to a place called Trichur to spent a week with one
of our old time family friends there..

At our friends place, we had a gala time, we used to go to the paddy fields,
to the fish pond, we used to catch fishes with our bathing towels etc.we had
nice fun there as kids.

Those days my moms hair was long & black. She had very few grey hairs, she
looked very young and really beautiful, though she never put any kind of make
ups. (by the way  these days she's even more beautiful, with her greying
hair!!) Daddin on the other hand looked a bit oldish..

 One day when we kidos were away fooling around..a visitor came to that uncles
house. The aunty of the house was not keeping too well and so she was taking
rest, mummy was managing the kitchen. Mummy brought tea and snacks, had a bit
of chit-chat and left the room.. My dad had forgotten to introduce mummy to
the guest (typical of him)... The guest happened to be a marriage broker

 He was very polite, and started telling my dad.. " u know, u've got a very
beautiful daughter, very homely and very decent. I think I can get a good
match for her!.." he went on talking about the various options, "there's this
guy in USA whos got a good job, very financially sound... There is another guy
in Switzerland, who is an engineer, and from a very respectable family, yet
another one in Baharain.etc etc.." like a clever salesman he started
unraveling his eloquent presentations that would make any listeners say "Wow!"
with eyes wide open!.

My dad in contrast didn't bat an eyelid, just let him go on with his verbal
diahorrea.  .After some time he finished. My dad said very casually." Yes,
I've no problem as such,...  if u get a good match..mmm.. then well and good,
but on one condition.. Five Children and me will follow behind!!"

 The guest immediately understood his goof-up and started apologizing
profusely to my dad..daddin was saying, " you should have seen the innocence
on his face, he would have gladly sold his house, property and anything else
just to get out of the mess he created."  Daddin called mummy and narrated the
story, by the time, uncle and aunty also came.all of them had a great laugh!!

 Daddin, has a dramatic way of narrating, . u can imagine how much we laughed
and caught our stomachs that were reeling with pain!!

 Daddin and mummy are truly a made-for-each-other-couple! It is God who kept
mummy exclusively for daddin and vice versa. It is God who brought 6 of us
'baffoons' into the world, via the moments of supreme love my parents shared.
May God be glorified forever more!

 And by the way, before I forget, always remember, appearances are deceptive.
Don't get fooled by externals alone! ok!

 Make it a great day,

 Josun Jose/New Delhi/India

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[JOYnet] From Gujarat

2002-04-23 Thread Sibi Joseph

My Dear Friends,

Praise God!

I thought of updating you with the current situation in Gujarat. The situation is 
pretty bad. Since last Sunday afternoon, more than 30 people have been killed in 
Ahmedabad city itself. It is the official number and no one knows what is the exact 
number. The atmosphere in Ahmedabad city is really tense and curfew is prevailing in 
many areas. In the last two days, rioters burnt 100s of houses and vehicles. People 
are really scared to go out of their houses. It is almost two months since the trouble 
has started and still there is no sign of peace coming back to the city. 

Friends, please help Gujarat with your valuable prayers. Many of our activities are 
stopped because of this. An elderÂ’s retreat has already been cancelled due to the 
trouble. We have been preparing for a Discipleship Training by end of May and if the 
situation continues like this, the parents will not send their children for this. 
Please pray very specially that the evil one does not disturb our activities. 

Requesting once again your valuable prayer support,

I can do all things in Him who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13)
Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India

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[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-04-23 Thread Sojan Thomas

hi again everybody,
hope u'r all keeping well!
this is just a prayer request for me-i'm starting my
3rd sem MCA exams on 
27th and i'd be very grateful for ur prayers.
Sojan Thomas 
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

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[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-04-23 Thread Sojan Thomas

hi again everybody,
hope u'r all keeping well!
this is just a prayer request for me-i'm starting my
3rd sem MCA exams on 
27th and i'd be very grateful for ur prayers.
Sojan Thomas 
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

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[JOYnet] Decision dilemma - thanks for u r prayers

2002-04-23 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear friends on the joynet,

First of all let me thank you for all your prayers and support.

I believe you'll will remember that i had asked for prayer support for a
decesion I had to take with regard to joining in a college in Kerala.

I had been offered a job in BCM college KTM where a new Social Work Department
is to be started in the next academic year. After the interview i was informed
that i was first on the list and they asked me to confirm my joining.

There was a hicup in taking the decesion bcoz of the pay and job security
things like that. Presently i am working in a college with UGC pay scale
and it is a permanent job. I am doing pretty well here at Stara as Acting
Principal of my college. My wife is also having a job here as a Psychiatric
Social Worker in a Mentally Defecient Children's Home. It was a tough decesion
to be taken to leave all these secure things and go to Kerala. Further it is
our firm belief that it was Our Lord who had brought us to Satara. Now the
confussion was at all levels

#Does our lord want us to go back to Kerala
#It is the first self financing course for MSW in Kerala - will it run
#What about the job security
#What about the pay
#How are we going to meet the family expences
#What if the department at BCM closes down
#What about my wife's job and the income we are getting from that
#Will she get a job in Kerala.
#What  about my sons schooling

Well the list was going on and on and so was the evil one trying to get hold
of us by creating dilemma and fear in making a decision. On the 16 on Apirl i
was with my parents at Kavalam, my home town in Allapuzha dist of Kerarla. The
whole night i could not sleep properly and the Evil one was showing me all the
good things i have at Satara and making me compare with all the difficulties
at Kottayam. In the morning i was so tensed and worried ACTUALLY SCARED  that
i was not even able to talk to my parents. It was my grand mothers death
anniversary and we went for mass. During the mass i gave up all to Our
Lord,with tears and asked Him to help me take a decision . THE ONE HE WANTED

The fear was still there even after the mass and I was finding it very
difficult to understand... Even the LORD was not helping. Well He had better
plans. He intervened through my Dad. On reaching home and seeing my body
language my dad said " r u scared about taking the decision - do not worry
Joseph go ahead we are all with you." After which we spent nearly an hour
talking about the finer points.

Our Lord wanted me to go through all that and He wanted me to say YES FIRST.

I know it is not going to be easy when we return but then our whole family is
thrilled and my wife and me are very joyed that we could take a decesion for
Our Lord. I am not sure what He has in store for me but ITS ALL GOING TO BE
FOR OUR GOOD. I am shifting my family in the first week of May and I will
joining only by Aug/Sept. when the classes begin.

In this trobled times all you (some of you even sent comforting messages on
the mail) have prayed for my family and me i wish to thank each of you for
that. Keep us in your prayers that we may always walk in the way of our Lord.

Wih prayers

Yours in Christ

Joseph/Satara - moving to Kottyam

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-04-23 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (April 24).

manju v k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
babu k s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] exams!!!!

2002-04-23 Thread Shija Daniel

hi again everybody,
hope u'r all keeping well!
this is just a prayer request for me-i'm starting my 6th sem exams on apr 
25th and i'd be very grateful for ur prayers.
my family is also suffering some financial setbacks-but i have full faith 

keeping u all in my prayers,
ps. i'd also like to congratulate Priya chechi on the occasion of her 
wedding-may you  have a blessed married life!

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[JOYnet] Urgent prayer

2002-04-23 Thread Jennifer

Dear Friends,

Pls pray for me, I have missed a very important thing.  Pls pray 3 hail Mary's
and a pray to St. Anthony that I may be able to find it.


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[JOYnet] The crucial part of a stethoscope

2002-04-23 Thread Ms Resmy Babu

 The stethoscope is used by every doctor
to analyse the sounds made in the living body. 
 At the end of a course in medicine, the
Professor asked the medical students, "What is the
most important part of a stethoscope?" The students
gave a variety of answers-the diaphragm, tube,
ear-pieces, etc. Then he gave the correct answer- 
"The crucial part of a stethoscope is the space in
between the two ear-pieces- that is, the brain of the
 The sharpness of the doctor's brain
determines the accuracy of the analysis and the
reliability of the diagnosis.
 We may use different tools for our
sanctification-the churches, retreat centres,
pilgrimages, conventions etc. But the most important
component in transformation is- OURSELF.

MESSAGE FOR MEDITATION-I- by Resmy Susan Babu, Final
year M.B.B.S, Medical College, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

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[JOYnet] Hello!!

2002-04-23 Thread rubina john

Dear friends in Jesus,

   I'm Rubina John, a recently joined member of this wonderful family.My friend 
Sheril has already introduced me to JOYnet.Thank you Sheril for  the warm welcome.

I was an active member of Jesus Youth during 95-97 and I'm really happy that God has 
always given me opportunities to share and grow in spiritual life.Please pray for me 
that I will be a good instrument of God. 

With love & prayers,

Rubina John

Grahamstown, South Africa.
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

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