[JOYnet] Fw:

2002-07-01 Thread Mercy Joseph


Reflections on the Gujarat massacre

By Harsh Mander

Numbed with disgust and horror, I return from Gujarat ten days 
after the terror and massacre that convulsed the state. My heart 
is sickened, my soul wearied, my shoulders aching with the burdens 
of guilt and shame. As you walk through the camps of riot 
survivors in Ahmadabad, in which an estimated 53,000 women, men,
and children are huddled in 29 temporary settlements, displays of 
overt grief are unusual. People clutch small bundles of relief 
materials, all that they now own in the world, with dry and glassy 
eyes. Some talk in low voices, others busy themselves with the 
tasks of everyday living in these most basic of shelters, 
for food and milk for children, tending the wounds of the injured. 
But once you sit anywhere in these camps, people begin to speak 
and their words are like masses of pus released by slitting large 
festering wounds. The horrors that they speak of are so macabre, 
that my pen falters in the writing. The pitiless brutality 
women and small children by organised bands of armed young men is 
more savage than anything witnessed in the riots that have shamed 
this nation from time to time during the past century.

I force myself to write a small fraction of all that I heard and 
saw, because it is important that we all know. Or maybe also 
because I need to share my own burdens.

What can you say about a woman eight months pregnant who begged to 
be spared. Her assailants instead slit open her stomach, pulled 
out her foetus and slaughtered it before her eyes. What can you 
say about a family of nineteen being killed by flooding their 
house with water and then electrocuting them with high-tension 

What can you say? A small boy of six in Juhapara camp described 
how his mother and six brothers and sisters were battered to death 
before his eyes. He survived only because he fell unconscious, and 
was taken for dead. A family escaping from Naroda-Patiya, one of 
the worst-hit settlements in Ahmedabad, spoke of losing a young
woman and her three month old son, because a police constable 
directed her to `safety' and she found herself instead surrounded 
by a mob which doused her with kerosene and set her and her baby 
on fire. I have never known a riot which has used the sexual 
subjugation of women so widely as an instrument of violence in 
recent mass barbarity in Gujarat. There are reports every where of 
gang-rape, of young girls and women, often in the presence of 
members of their families, followed by their murder by burning 
alive, or by bludgeoning with a hammer and in one case with a
screw driver.

Women in the Aman Chowk shelter told appalling stories about how 
armed men disrobed themselves in front of a group of terrified 
women to cower them down further. In Ahmedabad, most people I met 
- social workers, journalists, survivors - agree that what 
witnessed was not a riot, but a terrorist attack followed by a 
systematic, planned massacre, a pogrom. Everyone spoke of the 
pillage and plunder, being organised like a military operation 
against an external armed enemy. An initial truck would arrive
broadcasting inflammatory slogans, soon followed by more trucks 
which disgorged young men, mostly in khaki shorts and saffron 
sashes. They were armed with sophisticated explosive materials, 
country weapons, daggers and trishuls. They also carried water 
bottles, to sustain them in their exertions. The leaders were 
communicating on mobile telephones from the riot venues, receiving 
instructions from and reporting back to a co-ordinating centre. 
Some were seen with documents and computer sheets listing Muslim 
families and their properties. They had detailed precise 
about buildings and businesses held by members of the minority 
community, such as who were partners say in a restaurant business, 
or which Muslim homes had Hindu spouses were married who should be 
spared in the violence. This was not a spontaneous upsurge of 
anger. It was a carefully planned pogrom.

The trucks carried quantities of gas cylinders. Rich Muslim homes 
and business establishments were first systematically looted, 
stripped down of all their valuables, then cooking gas was 
released from cylinders into the buildings for several minutes. A 
trained member of the group then lit the flame which efficiently
engulfed the building. In some cases, acetylene gas which is used 
for welding steel, was employed to explode large concrete 
buildings. Mosques and dargahs were razed, and were replaced by 
statues of Hanuman and saffron flags. Some dargahs in Ahmedabad 
city crossings have overnight been demolished and their sites
covered with road building material, and bulldozed so efficiently 
that these spots are indistinguishable from the rest of the road. 
Traffic now plies over these former dargahs, as though they never 


[JOYnet] Technology Truant!

2002-07-01 Thread Biji Thomas

We have all learned to live with voice mail as a necessary part of modern
life. But have you wondered, what if God decided to install voice mail?

Imagine praying and hearing this: Hi! Thank you for calling GOD.

Please select one of the following options:

Press 1 for Requests

Press 2 for Thanksgiving

Press 3 for Complaints

Press 4 for All Other Inquiries.

Else wait for our Customer Support Executive.

What if God used the familiar excuse... I'm sorry, all of our angels are busy
helping other sinners right now. However,your prayer is important to us and
will be answered in the order it as received, so please stay on the line

Can you imagine getting these kinds of responses as you call God in Prayer:

If you would like to speak to:

Ganeshji, Press 1.

For Lord Jesus Christ , Press 2.

For Lord Quen Ying , Sorry She is on Annual Leave!

For a directory of other God's  Angels, Press 3.

If you would like to hear Narad sing a Bhajan while you are holding, please
press 4.

To find out if a loved one has been assigned To Heaven, Press 5, enter his or
her PIN number, then press the 0 key.

If you get a negative response, try area code 420 for(Hell).

Our computers show that you have already prayed once today. Please hang up and
try again tomorrow. This office is closed for the weekend to observe a
religious holiday. Please pray again Monday after 9:30 AM. If you need
emergency assistance when this office is closed, contact your local Priest at
your neighbourhood Temple.


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[JOYnet] when my eyes filled

2002-07-01 Thread lijopaul00

Hi dear,
As I have mentioned in my previous mail regarding my appointment as permanent lecturer 
in an engg college in Palai, I went for an orientation program conducted by them for 
me.I met the same professor who told me I am worthless during the interview. But 
yesterday he was a completely different person, he told me just reverse of what he 
told me in interview, as I was among the cream layer of students who came for 
interview. My eyes were filled with tears of thanks to our lord as I heard those 
words, coz I was not eligible to receive all those things. Yes our lord is loving god 
who works in miraculous way for all those who believe in him
You can log on to my college site  at  www.sanjoetech.com
Lijo Paul 
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[JOYnet] masters of world

2002-07-01 Thread lijopaul00

It’s high time for me to write more about master builders2002. Lord has worked in an 
unusual manner in the program. Last 14 days were really beautiful, as lord has raised 
21 stars through this program. Ginto was the general co coordinator of the program and 
I was appointed as program co coordinator. I don’t know how our god has worked through 
me during last week. All sessions went well in to the hearts of participants; there 
was a great paradigm shift in the life of many participants and leaders. Presence of 
Sister Treesa Syriac as our animator (Franciscan convent) is specially to be 
mentioned, as she gave life to us during program with prayers and presence. Our team 
was a mobile team with many coming and going during the program; many participants of 
last year mb2001 also came during the program (Justin, Prabhul, Jaise, Suma, Umesh) 
Then their new email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Once again thank you a lot for your prayer support
Lijo Paul
Muvattupuzha, Kerala
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[JOYnet] a philosophy lesson.........

2002-07-01 Thread Mariza

 Dear friends - I love this little story

 A water bearer in India
 had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which he
 carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the
 pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the
 end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived
 only half full.
 For a full two years this went on daily, with the
 bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house.
 Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for
 which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was shamed of its own
 imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of
 had been made to do.
 After 2 yrs of what it perceived to be a bitter
 failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. I am ashamed
 of myself, and I want to apologize to you. I have been able to deliver
 only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out
 the way back to your house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of
 this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts, the pot said.
 The bearer said to the pot, Did you notice that there were flowers
 only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?  That's
 because I have always known about your flaw, and I planted flower seeds
 on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you've
 watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful
 to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would
 not be this beauty to grace the house.   Moral: Each of us has our own
 unique flaws.
 We're all cracked pots, but it's the cracks and flaws we
 each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.
 You've just got to take each person for what they are, and look for
 the good in them. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out
 of shape.
 Remember to appreciate all the different people in your life
 Thank you all my crackpot friends!  May your days be merry and bright
 and May you have a wonderful night. .

Mariza Vaz

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[JOYnet] Spider-man

2002-07-01 Thread Jennifer D'souza

Dear Joynetters,

Hope you all are doing great...in the love of God!

I want to share with you something that I shared with one of my Joynet 
friends...and she thought it would be great if I could share it with all the 
Joynetters...so here I go...it's quite big...so you will have to bear with 

I went for the movie spider man with some of my friendsn there was one 
particular line in that movie that struck me n that was With Great Power 
comes Greater responsibility

At first I wondered...wot is in this line that's making me repeat it over n 
over...n as I was thinking about it...this is the inspiration that I 

To have The Great Power is to know the truth...i.e to believe in our Lord 
Jesus Christ...which is a power that only our Father in heaven can give us 
(John 6:44 - No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him)
This truth that is revealed to us is that, JESUS alone is the way the truth 
and the life (John 14:6 - I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one 
comes to the Father, but by me).

And that's when I felt that how blessed and privledged are we that God chose 
us to reveal this truth...By knowing the truth we are set free (John 8:32 - 
and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.) and so we 
know longer remain slaves of sin but become co-heirs with Christ (Galatians 
4:7 - So through God you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then 
an heir)

And when we are given so much...much more will we be demanded from us...Luke 
12:48 -...Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required; and 
of him to whom men commit much they will demand the more.

And hence our responsibility increases manifold! We become responsible to 
reach out to the ones who do not know The Truth, to the ones who are 
lost...to lead them to the right path...and this was the mission that Jesus 
entrusted to us...which is explicitly stated in Mark 16:15 - And he said to 
them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.

First we were ignorant but now we have become wise and responsible through 
the knowledge that Christ reveals to us...

Then I came to the realization...that how much more responsible have we to 
be for our actions then...as there are some who are looking upto us as an 
example...it could be that we may proclaim Christ through our 
lips...accepting HIM as our Lord and saviour, but our actions may tell a 
different story altogether...Romans 2:21 - says...you then who teach others, 
will you not teach yourself? While you preach against stealing, do you 

And that's when Jesus rightly says in Matthew 7:16 - You will know them by 
their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? 
Matthew 7:19 - Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and 
thrown into the fire.

How much more are we responsible for the fruits that we bear!

That's all for now...

Take care,


Luv n prayers,
Jennifer D'souza,

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] Thanks from Renjit mathew

2002-07-01 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Hi All,
This is what Renjit wants to convey to all of you who prayed for him.
Kurian Uncle
mathew renjit wrote:

 Hi JY

 First of all, let me give thanks to all who prayed for me and who send
 prayer support messages, each of them gave me lots of strength. As per God's
 plan ,they pulled me out of the project today, is my last day at this
 office. I am returning back to NJ as soon as possible. I am happy that bad
 days are over. I was wondering how I'll face this situation, this might
 reflect in my career. A thought came to my mind, which I would like to share
 with all. You might have seen a donkey which was tied at Jerusalem streets.
 It didn't know that Jesus was about to call him and it was on him Jesus did
 the princely entry to the city of Jerusalem. Aren't we like that
 donkey?!!..I am for sure

 About the prayers... many of us might wonder,why should a person ask for
 prayer. I did this proudly becuase, many things happened in my life with
 prayers. Dont be shy to put your prayer requests. When you fail, that is
 were God will take over. I experienced that in these days. I belive He is
 having a plan for me. In my helplesness He works. Also keep me in your
 prayers that I will get a assignment as soon as possible.

 Thank you

 Renjit Mathew

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] See the greatness of GOD!!!!

2002-07-01 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Dear All,
See what Renjit wants to to tell you now!
Kurian Uncle

mathew renjit wrote:

 Hi All

 Hope you might have read my previous mail ,which I send 1 Hr back. See now
 how GOD started working, He proved once again that He will not let anyone
 down who believes in HIM . I just can't belive what is happening. My manager
 came to me and told that he is giving me a chance to prove. He extended my
 contract 1 more week. I cannot explain how happy Iam now. I called my family
 in India and told that I am out of job 1 hour back. I am going to inform
 them this happy news

 Praise to the Lord

  Thanks to you all

 Renjit Mathew

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-07-01 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (July 02).

Sheen Xavier James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
florine cynthia martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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Re: [JOYnet] Re: [JYA] Thanks from Renjit mathew

2002-07-01 Thread seena george

Dear Joynetters,

Please pray for me. I have been bitten by a bug, and i have developed an
allergy, with rashes all over me,along with severe itching. Please pray
that it may subside, and that I may learn the Lord's will in my life.

In Christ


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[JOYnet] The Price !!

2002-07-01 Thread Paul M Mathew

Greetings !!

There once was a man named George Thomas, a pastor
in a small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning,
he came to the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird
cage, and set it by the pulpit.

Several eyebrows were raised and, as if in response,
Pastor Thomas began to speak. I was walking through town
yesterday when I saw a young boy coming toward me swinging this 
bird cage. On the bottom of the cage were three little wild birds, 
shivering with cold and fright. I stopped the lad and asked,  
What you got there son?

Just some old birds, came the reply.
What are you gonna do with them? I asked.

Take 'em home and have fun with 'em, he answered.
I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their feathers to make 'em 
fight. I'm gonna have a real good time.

But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later.
What will you do then?

Oh, I got some cats, said the little boy.
They like birds. I'll take 'em to them.

The pastor was silent for a moment.
How much do you want for those birds, son?

Huh? Why, you don't want them birds, mister.
They're just plain old field birds. They don't sing and they ain't 
even pretty!

How much? the pastor asked again.

The boy sized up the pastor as if he were crazy and said, $10.
The pastor reached in his pocket and took out a ten-dollar bill. 
He placed it in the boy's hand.
In a flash, the boy was gone.

The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end of 
the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot. Setting the 
cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars 
persuaded the birds out, setting them free.

Well, that explained the empty birdcage on the pulpit, and then 
the pastor began to tell this story.

One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation.
Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating 
and boasting. Yes, sir, I just caught the world full of people 
down there. Set me a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist. 
Got 'em all!

What are you going to do with them? Jesus asked.

Satan replied, Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how 
to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, 
how to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to 
invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have 

And what will you do when you get done with them? Jesus asked.

Oh, I'll kill 'em, Satan glared proudly.

How much do you want for them? Jesus asked.

Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good.
Why, you'll take them and they'll just hate you.
They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you!!
You don't want those people!!

How much? He asked again.

Satan looked at Jesus and sneered,
All your tears, and all your blood.

Jesus said, DONE! Then He paid the price.

The pastor picked up the cage, he opened the door,
and he walked from the pulpit.

Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to trash
God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Isn't it funny how we believe what the newspapers say,
but question what the Bible says. Isn't it funny how
everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not
have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible
says. Isn't it funny how someone can say, I believe
in God, but still follow Satan who, by the way, also
'believes' in God? Isn't it funny how you can send a
thousand jokes through e-mail and they spread like
wildfire, but when you start sending messages
regarding the Lord and people think twice about

Isn't it funny how the lewd, crude, and vulgar pass
freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion
of Jesus is suppressed in the school and workplace?

Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message,
you will not send it to many on your address list because you're 
not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for 
sending it to them.

Isn't it funny how I can be more worried about what other people 
think of me than what God thinks of me.

Jesus Loves You !
Paul Mathew.

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[JOYnet] Happy Birthday to you

2002-07-01 Thread Thomas Mathew

Sheen Xavier James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
florine cynthia martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Sheen and Florine,Greetings. I wish you both happy birthday to you.
I did send you both  personal messages but somehow that bounced
back. Hence I  am sending  the gretings through the net. .God Bless you
on your birthday. you are in my prayers today and the days ahead. Enjoy
your day. Celebrate it.Happy BirthdayFr Thomas Mathew

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[JOYnet] Happy Birthday to you

2002-07-01 Thread Thomas Mathew

Sheen Xavier James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
florine cynthia martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Sheen and Florine,Greetings. I wish you both happy birthday to you.
I did send you both  personal messages but somehow that bounced
back. Hence I  am sending  the gretings through the net. .God Bless you
on your birthday. you are in my prayers today and the days ahead. Enjoy
your day. Celebrate it.Happy BirthdayFr Thomas Mathew

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[JOYnet] Happy Birthday to you

2002-07-01 Thread Thomas Mathew

Sheen Xavier James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
florine cynthia martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Sheen and Florine,Greetings. I wish you both happy birthday to you.
I did send you both  personal messages but somehow that bounced
back. Hence I  am sending  the gretings through the net. .God Bless you
on your birthday. you are in my prayers today and the days ahead. Enjoy
your day. Celebrate it.Happy BirthdayFr Thomas Mathew

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